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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. Here's a link to some really cool 3d sidewalk art
  2. Of course not. The point that a few of us are making is that a good deed is a good deed with recognition or without. Being thanked is fine, but you shouldn't go looking for thanks - just my opinion.
  3. I really don't think you can get much closer, especially if you combine this with the previous guess I said was a close one.
  4. It took me a little while to figure out what I was seeing here so I figured it was worth a post.
  5. I don't know about this one. I love sleeping with a fan on and/or the windows open.
  6. This is a little further off than the previous guess that I said was close. You're on the right track though.
  7. itachi-san

    I knew it was Earth or moon after 4 lines. Knew it was Earth after the 1st line of the 3rd paragraph.
  8. itachi-san

    Maybe now you get my story At least half of it.
  9. itachi-san

    Don't forget the killer at makeout point. Also my amazing ESP: I'm foreseeing this being moved to Others...
  10. itachi-san

    Matter cannot be destroyed so it makes no difference. You aren't the same as when you were first a zygote (or born if you prefer to look at it that way). Point being, that there is no way to go back the way you came.
  11. itachi-san

    You have to drive to liquor stores too, so it makes no difference. Though I have seen places with a drive through liquor component, which may be pushing things. I'm guessing that someone already thought of delivery liquor and that it must be against the law in some way, because restaurants would let you buy beer delivery with their food if they could I bet. But it's only soda and water they are allowed to deliver. If they could have delivered beer and didn't see the point then they have already missed a ton of sales from me.
  12. This is the closest answer yet.
  13. itachi-san

    Those words rhyme. He gave away the number of letters in a previous post. These are just really hard to think up, especially when they have hyphens and spaces.
  14. I added some more lines. I'm not sure if they help or hinder. I'm usually comfortable to be in Though I only have one way You can take me when competing But don't cross me when you play All houses have some of me You may be uncomfortable when I'm out My effect can be quite deadly And of me, no one is without My way is neither right or wrong Just try to stay in line I'm part of a place for a called-shot And of a story about wine
  15. hello. These aren't what I was looking for. 'Water' is a better answer than I gave credit though, but I'm still looking for something else.
  16. Hmm. I like the 'shoes' answer, but that's basically why I made the riddle longer, so go with the longer version (looks like everyone is doing so already so I'm just typing to myself I guess ). 'Water' doesn't really fit. Here's a tiny hint: not really a hint, but I'll spoiler it anyway.
  17. I'm not sure how 'shoes' fit, but feel free to offer an explanation. I'll add some lines because I feel this is probably too open-ended, though now it's probably too easy I'm usually comfortable to be in Though I only have one way You can take me when competing But don't cross me when you play All houses have some of me You may be uncomfortable when I'm out My effect can be quite deadly And of me, no one is without Edit: typo
  18. itachi-san

    I've never noticed a post or thread getting deleted that I didn't feel was perfectly within reason to delete. Like you said, the Religious debate goes on and on; the admin/moderators haven't cut into it. Also, take the Earth Theory debate. The two of us went off on a 2-3 page debate that had nothing to do with Earth Theory, now it's finally back on track, but it's not like those posts were deleted because they were tangential to the original topic. I get your point, but from my experience, what you're saying seems unnecessary.
  19. itachi-san

    I'm a bit confused. Do you mean the body or the person is nothing before and after life? I would have thought that you believe that the body is nothing: that it's just a vessel. But that you believe in the soul that inhabits the vessel. I believe that the body was essentially nothing and will return to that state as well after decomposition (a vessel). But as you know, I believe that life will still exist, as will whatever experiences we have added to its collective. Since the body is essentially nothing, I too want to be cremated. Edit: I took out the word eternal before soul, because I noted that you believe the soul dies and has to be resurrected.
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