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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. Nope. Good guesses though
  2. itachi-san

    Edit: ...luke with his quick typing <_<
  3. It's been a while since I stumped BrainDen for this long. Anyone want to give this one another shot?
  4. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, _, _ What are the next 2 numbers in the sequence?
  5. itachi-san

    Someone eating a beer soaked paper towel? Now that's something I've never seen
  6. As I've stated throughout this thread, I don't believe or care for plenty of the film. But at the same time, I think not giving something like this the time of day is the wrong approach here. Ignoring things like this does not help. What helps is talking about them and sorting through the truth and lies. By doing this, for instance, I will now be able to better explain to my friends (who showed me this movie a couple days ago) what they should take away from this and to not fall so easily for these sensationalist mock-u-mentaries. And in the film's barely existent defense, it does raise a small handful of legitimately interesting ideas, at least to me. i.e. the constellations, astrology and Pisces stuff, etc... -could definitely use some valid sources though... 2 thumbs down
  7. Cool, thanks. This link was exactly what I was looking for. The crappy part is that the filmmaker had enough factual and reasonable material to make a pretty decent movie, but instead of looking for more facts they chose to heavily embellish with lies. I feel like they should have only talked about Jesus because the sections on other religions are so completely untrue and skewed that they take away from the interesting parts like the constellations, Pisces references, and Winter Solstice concept. I also prefer the end of the Age to the end of the World obviously. I also think it makes more sense though. Thanks for taking the time.
  8. itachi-san

    Haha, yes, way too addictive. I work off my laptop and lately I've had to push my procrastination to new limits...
  9. Your task is twofold. You must first complete two 4-letter words, side by side, reading left to right. Secondly, the 3 letters of both words within the brackets must form a 6-letter word when read from right to left. Example: T[A _ _ _ _ A]T Answer: T[ARO GNA]T 6-letter word: ANGORA 1. V[E _ _ _ _ C]K 2. R[E _ _ _ _ D]E 3. T[R _ _ _ _ F]E
  10. Well, no one has gotten it so far. Great guesses though. Looks like I'll have to give Duh Puck some credit for an answer, even though I never heard that saying before
  11. A, A, A, A, _, A, A, A, A, A, A, U
  12. People from all over the world post on this forum. Most likely we're not in the same time zones...
  13. itachi-san

    if your sick and step in poo
  14. Well, the thing is that this is all from the same 1 minute section as the Horus errors I found. I think that section is totally awful and never should have been included in the film. However, it's only about a minute or two and the whole film is about 25 minutes. I gathered that the main points of the film were the astrology, astronomy, Biblical references, Ages, and a new religious leader (Sun God) every Age. Jesus would be this Age, Pisces. And that what a lot of people have interpreted to be Armageddon is actually just the end of this Age. Is there anything wrong in any of those sections?
  15. You got it! and thanks!
  16. If you do get around to watching it, the film actually states that it is a date appointed to be Jesus' birthday. Since the film also tries to prove he never existed, I assume that they would say every characteristic, story and deed of Jesus has been 'appointed'
  17. When you have a moment, if you, or anyone for that matter, could site a few errors you have found in the film I would appreciate it. I started by looking up the myth of Horus and Ra and found some inconsistencies that lead me to believe that a lot of that part is bogus, but that part only constitutes about .5% of the film. Are there some really substantial errors you can site?
  18. I recently watched the film Zeitgeist, the first part of which discusses the mythology progression from Ra (Horus) 3,000 B.C. to Jesus and how most religions have essentially the same Sun God and Jesus is no exception. This short film on religion can be seen here in 3 parts. I've been doing some research lately and haven't found everything mentioned in the film (maybe it's not all accurate), but it still offers a very intriguing idea. Basically, the point is that Jesus is really the latest in a long line of Sun Gods who all share similar traits: Born of a virgin on December 25th (right after the Winter Solstice), dead for 3 days and resurrected (like the Sun during the Solstice), many many similar nicknames (Lamb of God and Alpha and Omega for instance), the ages certain life events took place, the disciples, the miracles, the Ages, etc... Also mentioned is that most of the mythology surrounding each God is based almost entirely on the constellations, the Astrological calender and the seasons. An interesting example would be the 3 Kings equated to Orion's Belt following the brightest Star (Sirius) to point directly at the rising sun after the Winter Solstice. Also, the Jesus fish representing the Age of Pisces that Jesus has become the Sun God for. The film mentions some things I don't believe also, like Jesus having never existed. I believe Jesus did exist and his tale just got blown out of proportion. Anyway, really provocative video, post your responses and let's see what's accurate and what's not Maybe we should just worship th Sun on Sunday...
  19. yep. good job. combo-kudos to everyone for the team effort
  20. Since this one is rather tough and you are on the right track here's a hint.
  21. Don't you? I actually posted this really late last night. I just woke up and am already surfing... I should go surfing for real it seems <_<
  22. You're the closest so far, but that is only the first step
  23. Correct on both accounts.
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