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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. itachi-san

    I think something must be missing here... Edit:
  2. itachi-san

    Well, neither title is anime, so you should be good. I'd be surprised to find someone who didn't like Shadow of the Colossus! As for Okami, it's not based on a manga or anime, it's based on really amazing ancient Japanese folklore, myths, creatures and Gods. It took me a few hours to start caring about it because it's very surreal and puts the gamer in a very unique world that takes a while to feel comfortable (though the graphics are breath-taking from the get-go). After about 5 hours I was addicted. Okami is a must (like Colossus) for ps2 players. It's very original, innovative and rewording in many ways (lots of puzzles too =) Lets see now... multi-player games... first, like Brandonb: Goldeneye of course, CS again, all Smash Bros, all Soul Caliburs, all Mario Karts, Wii games again, Toe Jam and Earl (a must-have for Genesis players), Bubble Bobble, Super Bomberman, the Madden games, FIFA games, NHL games, TMNT arcade game, Simpsons arcade game, all Twisted Metals, and of course... Guitar Hero... Edit: the company that made Colossus, began with a ps2 release game called ICO. The graphics are obviously not as impressive as Colossus, but they are still awe-inspiring. If you liked Colossus, definitely check out ICO. (lots of puzzles too)
  3. Haha, that' some guess! Good job
  4. Well, you're right on both accounts. It's not optimal, but it certainly is praise-worthy, so Good Job! But there is a higher score out there somewhere... Whoever gets the highest score becomes the scrabble club team captain!
  5. itachi-san

    LOL! I think that the message in the bottle never made it on there either
  6. The first rule of scrabble club: you do not talk about scrabble club! -j/k talk all you want The actual rules are: 1. You get 26 lettered tiles, 1 for every letter of the alphabet, and 2 blank tiles (which may be any letter). 2. A player forms any number of words from his 28 available tiles only. 3. Each tile can be used only once. 4.Words cannot share any tile. POINT SYSTEM a.) Credits: A player starts with 1000 points for playing. b.) Deductions: Points are deducted from the player's credit as follows: - 150 pts. for any unused Z,Q,X,J,V, or K - 100 pts, for any other unused consonant or vowel - 75 pts. for any word with three letters or less. - 50 pts. for any word in excess of five WORDS (not letters) - 5,4,3,2,1 pts for using a blank tile as A,E,I,O,U respectively. What is the best score you can get?
  7. Lars W. Rosco, Jr. was interviewing for a job at Riddles 'R' Us. One final test and he would then be hired as one of the company's top executives with a huge salary and all the perks. Exactly what office, he was not told by the executive search committee. "Our Chairman feels strongly about your name", they told him. After a few minutes, the gorgeous assistant of the Chairman entered the room and gave him a piece of paper marked 44444. He almost fell from his chair when he read it because he couldn't make sense of the note! The paper read: A.EXECUTIVE OFFICES 1. PRESIDENT: Mountains of Work. Rush Work. More Work or Bust. 2. CFO: Number Crunches. Value Operations. 3. CORPSEC: monthly meetings every 30 days. 4. VP-PLANNING: Environment and Competition Analysis 5. VP-MARKETING: Market Expansion in all Directions. B. NAMES OF EXECUTIVES (not in any order) 1. Scott A. Newbie, Jr. 2. Maximilian Davide A. Sanscollates 3. Norbert S. E. Wobblesworth 4. Wendel S. Ogden-Terwilliger Questions: 1) Who currently holds which position? 2) Why is Lars being considered for the vacant office aside from his qualifications?
  8. Yep, you got it! #11 still to get though
  9. itachi-san

    Chuck Norris Jokes

    At least some of these are new to the forum: Chuck Norris wrote half of these facts, he likes his fans to be informed Chuck Norris knows what Willis is talking about Chuck Norris didn't wet his bed as a child. The bed wet itself out of fear. Chuck Norris doesn't step away from the vehicle. The vehicle steps away from Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris likes to knit sweaters, if by 'knit' you mean kick and by 'sweaters' you mean babies A blind man bumped into Chuck Norris. The simple act of touching him cured the man's eyesight, unfortunately he lost it again due to an instant roundhouse kick to the head Someone once challenged Chuck Norris to arm wrestle... that person is now known as Captain Hook. The Boogeyman checks his closet for Chuck Norris every night. Chuck Norris only once took a dump...that dump is known as Mt. Everest The Bible used to be called Chuck Norris and Friends. According to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, Chuck Norris can roundhouse kick you in the face...YESTERDAY!! There is no Life or Death, only Chuck Norris roundhouse kicking you in the face. Chuck Norris' beard is barbed wire soaked in ox blood and held together by the souls of those he has conquered. Once on the filming of Walker, Texas Ranger, when Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked a stunt man, his foot went so fast that it traveled back in time and kicked Amelia Earnhart in the head on her last voyage. Chuck Norris doesn't wear a watch, he decides what time it is. There are no bombs, chuck norris just jumps out of a hellicopter and punches the ground. When Chuck Norris pees, he clogs the toilet. There was only one man ever to outsmart Chuck Norris, Steven Hawking, he got what he deserved. Although it is not common knowledge, there are three sides of the force, the light side, the dark side, and the CHUCK NORRIS SIDE (always right and always in CAPS). As a teen, Chuck Norris impregnated every nun in a convent in the back hills of Omaha, nine months later the nuns gave birth to the 1972 Miami Dolphins, the only undefeated and untied team in professional history. Chuck Norris was once put on the wrapper for a toilet paper company, the company field tested it and it didn't work because Chuck Norris doesn't take crap from nobody.
  10. itachi-san

    The replies are definitely funnier than the joke.
  11. Eight and five, last name and given, I am one six six six even; The first in cow, the last in oxen Three in damsel, three in vixen.
  12. 1,000 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 100 1 What comes next?
  13. This is a great answer, but I have another in mind. Can you get both?
  14. I thought they were all solved but it looks like #2 and #11 are being a bit elusive
  15. Thanks No one has gotten this one yet btw
  16. When I say 'toxins' I mean to include products of indigestion. There are indeed many sources and forms of toxins that we can acquire both internally and externally. Why shouldn't toxins be labeled as the primary cause of aging then? If they aren't it, what is? Also, with the apoptosis example, what causes that process to speed up and become harmful? Is it perhaps toxin-related?
  17. Have sex, but keep a population limit... tough but fair
  18. It's not correct anyway, but yeah, please use spoilers danielle123 and others
  19. Find each 1 word answer. Each 1 word answer has multiple meanings (it satisfies all gaps in the sentence [number of blanks = number of letters in answer]) 1) The adhesive tape was _ _ _ _ _ around the _ _ _ _ _. 2) Farms are used to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 3) The dump was so full that it had to _ _ _ _ _ _ more _ _ _ _ _ _. 4) We must _ _ _ _ _ _ the _ _ _ _ _ _ furniture. 5) He could _ _ _ _ if he would get the _ _ _ _ out. 6) The man decided to _ _ _ _ _ _ his companion in the _ _ _ _ _ _. 7) "No time like the _ _ _ _ _ _ _", he thought as he began to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 8) A _ _ _ _ was painted on the head of the _ _ _ _ drum. 9) When shot at, the _ _ _ _ |_ _ _ _ into the bushes. 10) Judiciously, I _ _ _ _ _ _ to the _ _ _ _ _ _. 11) The insurance was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 12) They were too _ _ _ _ _ to the door to _ _ _ _ _ it. 13) The buck _ _ _ _ funny things when _ _ _ _ are present. 14) The _ _ _ _ was too strong to _ _ _ _ the sail. 15) After a _ _ _ _ _ _ of injections my jaw got _ _ _ _ _ _. 16) Upon seeing the _ _ _ _ in my painting I let a _ _ _ _ drop. 17) I had to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to a series of tests. 18) How can I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this to my most _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ friend? 19) The accountant at the music store _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 20) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ others into ordering lots of wings for them. Edit: neighboring answers couldn't be separated by spaces so I had to use | to separate them
  20. itachi-san

    MGS CS SMB LOZ GOW RE FF WII ---if you're looking for amazing and obscure ps2 games: Okami and Shadow of the Colossus are both perfect 10s
  21. back and forth back and forth back and forth i go but I'll keep still quite a long time if you truly wish it so the sewer's need is what I need so I can properly flow back and forth back and forth back and forth I go
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