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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. itachi-san

    Better just to throw one across. I don't get why it doesn't work. She would only be holding one ball at a time. The 2 lb. leeway (112 - 110) should account for the extra momentum of 1 ball falling at a time.
  2. itachi-san

    Well Lizzie, you got my brain stuck thinking this way, so how about you try some on for size ...any1 can answer of course 1) T 400 B 2) T L O T R: T 2 T 3) 101 D 4) 3 K 5) A F 1 6) 1-E J 7) T W 1 8) 48 H 9) T W 9 Y 10) O 11 11) 4 W A A F 12) 8-L F 13) S W E 4: A N H
  3. itachi-san

    Sweet I got both abilities
  4. itachi-san

    Well, if she can't remember the title, chances are she can't remember the contents, so she might as well read it again or check into a nursing home due to Alzheimer's.
  5. itachi-san

    Oh I know. Infinite answers.
  6. itachi-san

    Can you read the forum rules and then post?
  7. itachi-san

    Yes, I have better things to do than give than you advice. Take it or leave it. Either way, this thread is going to get locked or deleted.
  8. itachi-san

    Same comments as the other topic, but at least you have now mastered the spoiler function Edit: by the way, you can do what I'm doing now, editing a post so you don't have to create a new topic or post if you typed something incorrectly. It's nice to include the reason for your edit as well. (usually just at the bottom of the post)
  9. itachi-san

    1) This has been posted already on this forum, use the search tool before posting 2) You shouldn't include a spoiler right away, let people go it without help of any kind for a while 3) You used the spoiler incorrectly by putting the answer in the title and the title in the answer 4) At the top of your screen you should see !Important: READ BEFORE POSTING - read it and you will see the light my friend
  10. itachi-san

    I feel like you set this criteria and then try to set different criteria. Given the above, the machine would show you your future (i.e. you making a sandwich for lunch). So if you want to change that: let's say you would decide to go to McDonald's. So then if you look into the machine again you would see yourself going to McDonald's because that would be the future. It seems to me that the machine would show the future from a given present time, not a future without time, because the whole point is that the future can be changed. If you want to argue that the future cannot be changed and that everything is pre-determined, you are breaking the rules that you initially set.
  11. Actually, this is right on topic. The OP mentions a lot of things and there is no rule that everything that is mentioned in the OP has to be mentioned in every subsequent post. Here is an excerpt from the OP that directly speaks to what we are discussing:
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