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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. No, but you're on the right track. Think in more general terms for that one.
  2. Zetsu is sitting at the apex of the highest peak on Epsilon-13, only known to others of the island as the Mystic Mountain. Many mind venturers have climbed the dangerous crag to speak with the legendary Zetsu seeking his bountiful wisdom, and almost all of them were completely disregarded as if they did not exist. No one dared attack Zetsu for fear of his magical powers, most of which could be attributed to gossip and bedtime stories. Very rarely will Zetsu speak to anyone. But today, Zetsu was most impressed with the young brother and sister who had approached him one hour ago. He began by merely listening to them ramble on and on and then there was a long silence between the three. Then, both unexpected and welcome, the young Epsilonian girl, Hinata, asked if Zetsu believed there are other islands than their home of Epsilon-13. Zetsu partly opened his eyes to see the world for the first time in months. This had been a question that had plagued the wise one all his life, only he had been warned in a dream when he was a youth to never venture the seas in search of other islands until a young pair of siblings seeks him out and not only has thought of the same revolutionary idea but is also prepared to join him. Zetsu slowly walked over to them and clasped both of their shoulders and spoke softly between them. They both wore grins from ear to ear. When Zetsu returned to his spot of meditation the two each dropped to a knee and swore allegiance to Zetsu as their mental and spiritual master. For the first time in his life, Zetsu took on a couple apprentices.
  3. itachi-san

    "Animals were invented by plants to help move their seeds around." -Terence McKenna
  4. Think of bowling pins: 1, 3, 6, 10, etc... are all triangular numbers.
  5. you are very close on the last 2
  6. itachi-san

    oh yeah, like that move 21 Grams...
  7. I'm not sure how I ended up differently than =W=, but anyhow... All correct! Just those 2 pesky question marks to sort out
  8. You are a bit off, nice try though
  9. itachi-san

    Maybe it's not what you're looking for, but it fits the question...
  10. It means Saturday Edit: apologies to those who end week's on Sunday or some other day - just go with Saturday for this one
  11. Professor Uchiha is purchasing a ticket for the Super 10 Lotto. The lotto number has ten digits, using the numerals 0 through 9, each numeral used once. The clerk asked what number he wanted to pick. Professor Uchiha handed the clerk a piece of paper with nine statements, saying "If you can correctly figure out the number, I will give you half of whatever I win." What is the number? 1) The sum of the middle four digits is a cube number. 2) The sum of the first five digits is a prime number. 3) The sum of the last five digits is a triangular number. 4) The sum of the digits in the odd positions is an odd number. 5) The sum of the middle two digits is a square number. 6) The difference between the 1st and 10th digits is two. 7) The difference between the 2nd and 9th digits is three. 8) The difference between the 3rd and 8th digits is four. 9) The numeral 4 is somewhere in the first five positions.
  12. What's with all these nonsensical posts? The riddle is pretty clear. Also, why are people rating this when it hasn't even been solved? Rate something you can't solve and don't know the answer to - what's the point of that?
  13. All of the following riddles have 1 and only 1 answer because they all relate to the same theme. What are the answers to each riddle and what is the theme? 1) 14 still sit in test tubes Out of 26 in all All 12 were successful I was the first to crawl 2) A tombstone marks the spot For the showdown at this corral Unrelated, though link it to The space madness-ridden HAL 3) Though not a motto they had used The Merry Men would not refuse To shout this slogan at Robin Hood With implied respect to be understood 4) One who has lost their past Like Memento's leading part Could try to unveil history Or settle for a new start
  14. lol, I knew this one was a bit different in that the answer is a spoken word, not a written one, but I didn't think it would be that poorly received oh well. About the dog, LIS: About the rest of the riddle: Any constructive criticism on this one? I didn't think it was that bad...
  15. It sounds like the first part of the riddle for you is finding the question mark
  16. Back and forth worked for me until I saw how many people disagreed I suppose I should have made in In and Out. I thought that would have been too obvious though and that 'in and out' is quite similar to 'back and forth'. A drill screwing in a screw can be seen as going back and forth depending on whether it is screwing in or out so why can't the screw be seen in the same light? Oh well, I'm not looking to debate that anyway. It does not go round and round btw. If it did, then it would spin. -that's what happens when there's no thread
  17. Sure, I'll tell you all about how Billy Bob began his award-winning garden. My memory is a little foggy, but here goes: Billy Bob had suddenly and unexpectedly after years of selfless dedication to Trader Joe, decided to grow some vegetables for himself and subsequently planted his garden late in May. He planted five different vegetables: Tomatoes, Peppers, Radishes, Lettuce, and Broccoli. For each he planted a different number of rows from one to five. The hard work involved with each planting was accomplished on a separate day, from May 25th to May 30th (On Sunday May 26th he didn't work in the garden). Each vegetable was planted in a different part of the garden, the north end, the south side, the east side, the west side or the northwest corner. I can't remember specifically which was what and where and when, but I can remember bits and pieces. Maybe you can tell which vegetable was planted in each part of the garden, the day planted and the number of rows? Billy Bob turned the soil for the peppers three days after he dug hand-size rocks out of the radish patch. His bright rows of radishes went deeper than the broccoli but were not as deep as the tomatoes. He rolled his trusty wheelbarrow into the west end of the garden one day before he planted the broccoli. He believes the morning sun is bad for tomatoes and so kept those plants out of the eastern side of his garden. Billy Bob labored hard in the south side of the garden and was mighty proud of the three perfect rows there. On one week's last day, he planted the east side of the garden. He didn't put the peppers or the tomatoes in the northwest corner. He planted an even number of rows in the Northwest corner of his garden. Billy Bob planted three rows before he planted two rows, but planted them after he planted four rows. He figured the lettuce wouldn't last long so he planted fewer than three rows. He planted the south garden one day before he planted the lettuce. He planted more rows of peppers than he did broccoli (which was not planted in the west side of the garden and was not planted the 29th). I hope you can piece all this together because I sure would like to have a garden like that myself now that I think about it.
  18. I've got a good one you can try. Assuming you can log on to their computer(s), rearrange 1 or 2 icons on their desktop every few days. Then they will click on the area of the screen they are used to and have something different open instead. They will go through a wide variety of feelings (confusion and thinking they've gone insane are the funniest 2) Keep doing this long enough and with the utmost inconspicuousness and it gets really funny.
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