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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. sorry, i forgot about this one you're on the right track as in the right field of thought (which was my hint anyway ), but you may want to broaden your scope *hint hint*
  2. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    Of course I'd join this game is sweet. Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb 2) Scott 3) akaslickster 4) pw0nzd 5) GC 6) pieman 7) dnae 8) Frost 9) itachi One thing though: it seems to me that the inspector finds out who the entire Mafia is too soon. Maybe you could PM the inspector a Mafia identity every other day, or perhaps keep one random mafioso's identity from them for a long time? Just a couple thoughts
  3. Zetsu stood watch as his three youthful companions slept in a triangle formation on the ground hidden in a dense thicket. Zetsu was all but invisible, standing against a large tree trunk. Only the moon sparkling in his eyes could be noticed, so he shut them and listened more intently to DEITY speaking to him. The words made more sense every time he heard them and he had become almost used to the constant upload of information he was receiving. The terms were still empty words, but the meaning was crystal clear as were all of their roles. Hinata could create anything that her imagination could conjure to fight and trap the Heralds. Neji could paralyze and delay them with sound and he, Zetsu, was the executioner. He twirled the mysterious pendant he wore around his neck as he pondered his definitive purpose. He had always thought of himself as a complete pacifist, so why had he slipped so easily into this role? Then it hit him! He was meant to protect the Epsilonians which is why he felt such an affinity for them, but only them. And anyone who disturbed the Epsilonians would pay the largest price: deletion, as Zetsu had come to know it before the sun rose.
  4. itachi-san


    I second that. IMLRG seems like he's on a bit of a witchhunt to take out threatening players here. That smells a little fishy to me. Perhaps he was the one who sent Brandonb to sleep with the fishes... Edit: nice akatsuki reference though
  5. Knocked to the ground face first, Beta spun around wildly to confront the attacker he had somehow not noticed. Upon doing so, his eyes widened like a cartoon at the sight of that which he knew was impossible. A gigantic dragon stood before him! As Beta seemed to be determining the appropriate course of actions he should take, the dragon coiled its neck back and then snapped it forward a few meters from Beta unleashing an utterly horrifying bellow that was both deep enough to shake the land and high enough to deafen the ears. The thunderous boom stopped Delta in his tracks. Delta turned from Drone and raced back to the shore. The dragon drew one arm back as if to hit Beta once more for the last time. Before Delta could reach the herald diplomat the dragon stomped down on his chest, crushing Beta's entire torso. The dragon let out another roar, this time toward the sky. Delta approached fast. His movement showed no sign of the shock Beta had displayed. Scanning his environment, Delta saw a young girl sitting atop a small hill in the distance. She held a small brush and a thin sheet and was wildly painting. It looked as if the dragon's shape, size, and attributes were never in a solid state, as if he was constantly being improved. A moment before Delta reached his prey, the dragon sprouted six more arms to make eight total and the knobs of gigantic wings began to form... too late. Delta dashed through the gauntlet of attacks the dragon made, extended his right index finger, leaped up into the dragon's face and seemed to press through the dragon's forehead with his finger. The dragon began convulsing as Delta gracefully landed on his feet beside it. Then the dragon melted back into a puddle of the ink from which it was created. Beta's torso completely regenerated and he rose to his feet. He now stood about 50 paces from Delta. Beta yelled to no one in particular: "As if something so barbaric could delete me! Hah! I am the son of the great Omega!" They began to walk toward each other when they heard a strange melody. Neither of them could move. It was some sort of paralysis! They were facing each other so all they could see were themselves and the periphery around them, so Neji walked in between the two of them, having had emerged from his hiding place to begin his song. They both saw him enter their vision from the corner of their eyes until he stood in the middle of them both. Neither herald showed any emotion toward the blind boy who incapacitated them with the strange contraption he was fingering that was hung around his neck and shoulder. Then Zetsu slowly made his way toward the scene from his concealment. He stepped behind Beta and thrust his fist into the back of Beta's skull and Beta's eyes turned solid black. Delta showed the first hint of any emotion by releasing a high-pitched sound similar to that of crackling lightning. The sound conveyed displeasure but it was unlike anything they had ever heard uttered from someone. Zetsu removed his hand from Beta's skull, it was dripping wet with some kind of blue ooze, and Beta fell limp to the ground. Soon after, his aura faded entirely and then his body quickly dissolved away into nothing. Zetsu then turned his attention to Delta who met his gaze levelly. Zetsu flexed his blue-fist and prepared to strike. Then Delta surprised them again by forcefully lifting his shaking arms to his chest despite the continued playing from Neji. Delta clasped his hands together, said something inaudible to everyone else making his aura get even brighter for a moment and then sank into the ground feet first, then knees, waist, arms, and neck. He paused with his eyes just above the surface for the briefest of moments as Drone and Hinata entered the scene. It looked like once Delta had an image of all four of them at once, he disappeared completely. Drone looked at the ground Delta had escaped into with a very sour expression. Zetsu fell backward to sit in the sand with a sigh. He looked intently at his blue-stained hand. Drone sat next to him. "How did you know... how did any of you know how to fight and even kill them? And what were those techniques you were using? What are you?" All three had the same thing to say: "We don't know how we know, we just know. We know we were meant to meet and to come here. We know we were meant to confront the heralds. We must destroy them and protect those like you." Neji leaned forward in thought, "Yes, but we will need to become stronger if we are to compete with them. The level of the one who escaped my music was significantly higher than the one Master Zetsu killed. And if there are others even more powerful than that one? Well, saying that we have a lot of preparation to do will suffice."
  6. It is a random guess but please tell me if I'm close? I still don't get the part about naughty voices. maybe someone had too many? java script:add_smilie(%22^_^%22,%22smid_3%22) I think that's enough guesses involving cookie and cake mixes. Anyone want to guess brownie mix? It is a good guess, but how do you satisfy the second line with that answer? And saying that "either make/eat cookies or don't" is the 50/50 chance is too unspecific. Anything feasible can be done or not done. Line 2 is very specific when solved.
  7. A group of 5 space-explorers are checking out an ancient device found on Mars located 4 hours from their home station. 2 of them (Kiba and Shino) then exit the station and journey 4 hours to the mysterious relic. They both touch it at once and Mars explodes instantly with no possible survival for any life on the entire planet. Kiba and Shino however, are sent exactly 4 hours into the past and teleported to the immobile confines of a cell in viewing distance of the ancient device. Their bodies are completely subdued, and there is a window in front of them so they can see only the device and a tight perimeter around it. Just under 4 hours after they arrived in the cell they saw their past-selves (Kiba-4 and Shino-4) walk up to the device, touch it, disappear and then the explosion kills both Kiba and Shino. But, Kiba-4 and Shino-4 were sent back in time 4 hours and were teleported into the inescapable cell and the process repeats infinitely with Kiba-8 and Shino-8 triggering it again, and so on... So, are they dead? do they have eternal life? what spins can you put on this scenario to make it easier to answer?
  8. itachi-san

    It's easy to see that they are the same color if you look at them peripherally while looking at the left-most edge of the grid. It works instantly for me at least, idk if it's the same for everyone.
  9. Actually none of the guesses have been close some are just barely in the ballpark though. *no spoiler needed for this hint* but someone made a guess in a previous post that is slightly maybe close and I posted a response to it also puzzlegirl, I may be a "master of the obscure" (though Radiohead is a pretty popular group) ...either way, everyone has heard of this one, there is no doubt, though let me also say that some cultural customs may alter the order of the lines... is that another hint? killing 2 stones with 1 bird like Chuck
  10. that's it!, but I'm assuming putting the answer to the puzzle was too tough - maybe my fault - you decide:
  11. oh, wait.. but that has nothing to do with the title.. dang!! back to the drawing board then eh? nothing to do with the title ...or any other words in the riddle for that matter This is far and away the closest answer (looks like you got the hint in the title )
  12. interestingly enough, the character Captain America is surprisingly close to 93 if you count the years he was frozen after he fought in WWII when he was around 30. also of interest, i've never read one word of any of his comics, yet somehow i know this... why?
  13. You're correct in that the title is a hint, but that's not it
  14. itachi-san

    everyone please stop saying 12 + 3 + 1 = 17.... thanks Edit: woon got it in post #4 anyway. funny thing, i got the right answer without taking the extra thought as to why it was right. good explanation cdhanjal, gave me one of those oh yeah... moments
  15. negative. now you must unlearn what you have learned
  16. nice try but no hopefully someone will figure out the answer and post it. other than that, the only way to see the answer is for me to post it and that won't be happening anytime soon. probably no hints on this one either, despite the way it looks it's actually pretty specific <_< keep trying
  17. unique is my whole, though my parts are shared my first is the same as the first of a human if one from Nippon declared my last is the same as the last of the host where the living cannot enter but the visitors are not ghosts my whole may be short, and so may my size like a vampire, found in the shadows hidden from untrained eyes
  18. this one is tough so here's a hint:
  19. Well, this is a good answer, but the question is what am I not what am I doing, so the answer must be a thing not an act. It's a little too loose in parts too, nice try though.
  20. yeah, basically. it's actually: Goodjob stevebell and LIS combo effort!
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