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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. When Zetsu noticed the bloody cloth wrapped around Neji's eyes he knew exactly what he was in for. Judging from the landscape his assumption was correct. Spirit wards, sacrifices to DIETY, and many holy artifacts were strewn about the area where the raft had been built. It looked to Zetsu as if the initial ceremony was complete, which meant that the group must just be entering the Spirit World: an out-of-body experience the Shaman led in order for the tribe to become one with the island and see at least some of DIETY that had before been hidden. Many of the island's plants, animals, stones, and water revealed their true forms to the villagers during this ritual. It would also be the perfect time for Zetsu to act. Sasori's group began to chant as they reached the pinnacle of their visit with the Spirit World. As they reached that euphoric state of oneness with DIETY they almost leaped out of their skins when a hornet's nest was thrown in the middle of their dancing circle. Amidst the confusion one-by-one the villagers clutched their necks and fell to the ground paralyzed by Zetsu's darts. He left only Sasori standing for one reason. He couldn't let harm come to the artifact that Sasori held in his right hand. Sasori's wild eyes burned as he stared into Zetsu's calm impassive gaze. Sasori let out a wild chant and lifted the skull he held up to Zetsu. It would seem Sasori was intent on completing the ritual. The skull belonged to the first Shaman of Epsilon 13, who was regarded by everyone as The Great Awakener for it was he who first opened the tribe's eyes to DIETY's existence which he showed them by means of some of the islands own growths no less. It was as if the island wanted them to see DIETY's splendor through a clearer lens. "I must resurrect the spirit of Sarutobi, Zetsu." Sasori yelled menacingly. He looked to be more into the spirit realm than in reality. "I need to consult him about your recent defection from the Teachings. How dare you try to leave DIETY's graces!" Zetsu coldly returned Sasori's look. "Sasori, I have always felt that there is more to DIETY than Epsilon 13 and now I have seen it! There is a distant island that can only be seen from..." "Blasphemy!" Sasori began to speak in a different voice and moved the skull in front of his face as if he were now speaking for the deceased. The experience was quite surreal for Zetsu for the skull now contained the sacrificed eyes of Neji and the tongue from Hinata, his poor young apprentices. "How dare you Zetsu!" The insane skull screamed at him. "You have angered DIETY beyond forgiveness in this life. As a former Shaman you should have know better. Now you must pay for your sins with your life energy itself!" Sasori began running around wildly screaming and then charged Zetsu with Sarutobi's skull still thrust in front of him. After a few steps though, Sasori tripped over the body of a paralyzed comrade and landed on a cluster of spears. He slowly slid down them and dropped the skull when he died. Zetsu picked up the skull, ripped the top part of his robe off and wrapped it with that. He then attended to Neji and brought both of the siblings out of the ravine and to a medical area in the village where he could properly heal their wounds. Days later, Zetsu thought deep one sleepless night. Neji will be blind from now on. And Hinata will be mute. If this was fate then how cruel it is. Though the three of us will now be able to voyage to the new island unscathed. The villagers were outraged at the forbidden ritual that Sasori performed. They were so grateful when I returned the desecrated skull of Sarutobi to the stone altar at the worshiping grounds. It will be properly blessed I'm sure. The new Shaman for Epsilon 13 will work out much better. Jiriaya's philosphy is much more similar to my own. Although he does not agree with our search he does not oppose it and actually would welcome the discovery that DIETY is bigger that Epsilon 13! Perhaps we are evolving intellectually. Whatever the case, I just know there is more to DIETY... and I'm going to find it
  2. Though smoky, I will never billow I could drop enough straw for a pillow And easily collect what had spilled Unless of course I was being carried By a young lad who struggled and tarried On account of his slight build
  3. In the film Minority Report there are creatures who can see the future, so let's just assume that they can do it flawlessly for this discussion. They work for the law enforcement in order to arrest people for crimes they are about to commit. For instance, if a man decided to kill his wife later in the night, he would be arrested now before he did it and get charged with the crime. But that's the trick. He didn't commit the crime, nor will he now that he has been arrested, but he is being charged for it. This doesn't seem fair, but if they left him alone he definitely would commit the crime. Can you make this concept sound fair then?
  4. Noticing a bright red spot on the wood, Zetsu kicked a large fallen branch up into his hand and trotted toward Hinata's former pursuer who was now hiding behind the large stump of a dead tree that had been shattered by lightning long ago. He regretfully left Hinata's side so he could save her brother. She had about five hours to live in the condition she was in now. Zetsu had little time if he was to save even one of the bright-eyed young apprentices he had so happily taken under his wing. He decided that swift action and injurious intent were necessary. He was never one to enjoy injuring another, but his racing mind could think of no alternatives to achieve a better outcome in this scenario. He was heavily outnumbered and more than likely, he would have to rescue not one, but two people, all the while dealing with Sasori. "One obstacle at a time." he silently thought to himself as he approached the man panting behind the stump. Zetsu backed up into the other side of the stump, raised the branch, and plucked the tiny red tree frog that he spotted before off of the wood making certain to use only a leaf to touch it, never his bare skin. He scraped at the frog's body with the small bamboo shoots he carried and made a set of darts and a set of arrowheads. He could hear the man breathing heavily on the other side of the stump. He knew exactly who he was, an easily coerced, yet surprisingly motivated young adult named Yamato. The village was large, but very close, which is why it hurt Zetsu so much to be cast away by it. Cast away by the man he was about to see. The man who was toying with his fate once more! But Sasori would have to wait. Poor Yamato was already regretting volunteering to help Sasori burn that cursed raft. As Yamato was panting in indecision he saw the leaves to his right blow up off the ground in a tiny cyclone, a quick shadow, then the sky as he lay on his back with no feeling in his body. Unable to move, unable to speak, the paralyzed Yamato could only pray for help. The paralysis was of course limited and would leave no lasting effect on him. Zetsu even reassured him that he would be fine by night fall and that he harbored no ill will toward him, and that he acted only out of necessity. Zetsu then crushed some liquid out of a plant he had been carrying inside his robe and caught the drops in his sleeve. As he covered Yamato's face with his sleeve Zetsu chanted a spiritual protective ward around Yamato to ensure his safety until he awoke that night. Zetsu stopped just out of range from the burning raft and ducked behind a coniferous tree. Peering from behind the tree just enough, he could see the raft was completely destroyed. A little more and he could see Sasori. Neji was near him, unconscious and covered in bruises and blood, lying on the ground. There were five others... no six... and so little time...
  5. itachi-san

    Chuck Norris Jokes

    Wrong, Chuck Norris gets whatever he wants When Chuck Norris is faced with the Liar and the Truth-teller, he just stares them down and they both tell the truth Chuck Norris invented airplanes because he was tired of being the only human that could fly Chuck Norris does not sleep with a gun under his pillows, he sleeps with a pillow under his guns Chuck Norris separated South and North Dakota, then Carolina split out of fear Chuck Norris is always on top when he has sex because he never screws up! When Chuck Norris walks anywhere, he stays in the same place. The Earth spins underneath him. A drunk driver hit Chuck Norris while he was jogging. The driver died on impact, Chuck Norris carried him to the morgue, and then carried the car to a dealer. Chuck Norris once got into a knife fight and stabbed the knife! Chuck Norris once made a woman orgasm by looking at her and saying "Boo Yah!" When Google wants to know something it asks Chuck Norris When Chuck Norris' car runs out of gas he keeps it running on fear and tells it when to stop Chuck Norris was once hit with an atomic bomb. When the explosion was over only Chuck and a cockroach remained. But something felt amiss, so Chuck stepped on the bug Chuck Norris came before the egg In the movie Jurassic Park do you remember the part where the T-Rex was chasing the Jeep? Well, it was really Chuck Norris chasing the T-Rex AND the Jeep Chuck Norris is the only Texas Ranger who doesn't make arrests, he just gets confirmed kills Chuck Norris can breath Carbon Dioxide Chuck Norris created himself to his image Chuck Norris has 42 chromosomes.................... all poisonous If you put on a movie with Chuck Norris in it, you aren't watching Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris is watching YOU! Chuck Norris has never won an award for acting. Because he isn't acting. When Chuck Norris plays Craps in Vegas, he always rolls a seven...with only one die. Why would anyone say "Chuck Norris is a Bad @ss!"? That is redundant. You might as well just say "Chuck Norris is Chuck Norris!" Chuck Norris is suing Myspace for taking the name of what he calls everything around you. If you bite Chuck Norris he doesn't get teeth marks, your teeth get Chuck Norris marks Sticks and stones may break your bones, but Chuck Norris can liquefy your kidneys
  6. Turn the word SHARK into the word TIGER by changing one letter at a time. Each word must be a valid English word. Oh and the catch... there are some evolutionary stops along the way that you must pass through, namely: VIPER and RAVEN. Basically, fill in the 3 gaps: SHARK --- VIPER --- RAVEN --- TIGER
  7. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 40, 46, 60, 61, 64, 80, 84, ? What is the next number in the series and why?
  8. Or that you just don't wash them
  9. itachi-san

    I like this idea. I suggest a new section called Poetry and Prose (something to that effect). This section can be sub-divided into User Submitted Poetry, User Submitted Prose or short-fiction only, Lit discussion and debate (about existing literature), and Role Playing Games (for threads like the DEITY system). The threads for users' creative writing can be very helpful with comments and constructive criticism so that our work can even improve from it. I'm still not seeing the point of caring about user's total post count, so I wouldn't worry about that part.
  10. No correct answers since my last post. 5,6,7,8, and 9 still remain to be solved. (half of 9 is solved in Brandonb's post above)
  11. Startled, Zetsu looked up from his work. His eyes darted back and forth around the hut in which he was preparing necessities for the voyage to the distant island. Something was amiss, but what? He burst through the Koala skin entrance and saw a plume of smoke rising from the grounds where his apprentices were constructing the raft. Zetsu raced to the source of the fire, both completely shedding all the anonymity he had worked so hard to keep and also causing all the villagers to drop whatever they were doing and begin gawking wide-eyed at the reclusive witch doctor with magical powers running through the village as if he were racing for the Lunar Virgin Sacrifice! By means of a thin veil of confusion, discomfort, shock and terror, Zetsu managed to slip through the heavily populated village and make his way down the steep slopes to the now ashen rafts. As he gracefully slid down the leafy muddy terrain dodging and using trees as hand grips and leverage bars, Zetsu was met at the base by the sound of someone sprinting through the forest basin. The runner was getting closer and was coming from the dense bush between him and the rafts. It was Hinata. She burst out from the foliage into Zetsu who caught her, spun her around his body and arrogantly caught a whizzing dart that was aimed for her neck between his thumb and middle finger. Her right arm was gashed and bleeding heavily: this being the seemingly worst of her many observable injuries. Then Zetsu realized the horror of her condition and the reason she was not screaming or speaking to him now. Her tongue was removed. She kept her mouth shut tight, but he knew it. Only one person on the island would dare perform such an audacious and merciless ceremony and that man is Sasori, the current Shaman of the village. Zetsu knew Sasori would strongly oppose his departure from the island, or anyone's for that matter. Sasori's influence over the island was sweeping and almost total, so Zetsu never anticipated a fair fight. The island was all there was as far as Sasori was concerned and he would hear nothing to the contrary. Sasori was the reason Zetsu kept the distant island's discovery a secret all this time. He was also the reason they needed to build the raft and leave without anyone catching wind of their plan before it was too late to stop it. With little choice, Zetsu quickly tended to Hinata's wounds enough to keep her alive for a few more hours until he could properly take care of her. All the while, Zetsu kept a constant guard against the disciple of Sasori who had blown the dart and was still taking cover in the nearby area. Zetsu whispered in Hinata's ear: "I'll return for you, but first I need to save your brother and put an end to this." He sprung up to a ready stance, removed several bamboo canisters from inside his robe's hidden pockets and muttered to himself: "Looks like I'll be adding another story to my legacy. As if I haven't given the villagers enough to talk about for one day... hmph!"
  12. 1,2,3,4,and 10 are correct thus far. That Brazilian dialect for #2 is most likely not in the dictionary, but I'll give it to ya The glass is now half-full/empty of unsolved puzzles. Keep on truckin'!
  13. Right on! PLEASE NOTE: #6 should read "Make the following equation correct by replacing each letter with a single digit from 0 to 9."
  14. 1) I am 200% of a penny, 25% of a nickel, 118.4% of a dime, 111.4% of a quarter, and 10% of a half dollar. What am I and how did you arrive at that conclusion? 2) What is the longest word to have ever graced the English language that consists only of vowels? 3) What's with the following group of words? mount, right, left, roll, mote, lick, lass, over, rate, aunt, rill, arch, oral, ever, pine, rice, tip, each, team, rash, sage, ouch, edge, ray, earn, any 4)Which of the following numbers is the odd one out and why? 16435934 51966 14600926 14613198 13286381 47838 11649182 48813 5)Two squares each 17cm by 17cm are drawn randomly inside a square measuring 1m by 1m. The edges of the two smaller squares are both parallel and perpendicular to the edges of the large square. What is the exact probability the two smaller squares overlap (or touch)? 6)Professor Uchiha, the self-proclaimed "Master of Mathology", has discovered a mathematical correlation with some of the figures of Roman mythology. Make the following equation correct by replacing each letter with a single digit from 1 to 9. Each letter can represent only one numeral, and each numeral can only be represented by one letter. There are no leading 0's! And there are two possible solutions. SATURN + VENUS + CERES = VULCAN 7)Find meaning in the following: Hand a hand a hand a hand and hand a hand a hand a hand. 8)If one is two, six is ten, and five is zero, what's seven? 9)What's the following mess mean? X Go^Go^Go^Go^Go^Go --> Criminal/Evidence/Lower forelegs. 10)A word containing vowels is called vocalic. A trans-vocalic word contains all the vowels: a, e, i, o, u, in order. Be a bit abstemious and without providing any facetious answers, I challenge you to find the shortest trans-vocalic word in the English language.
  15. itachi-san

    Chuck Norris Jokes

    Chuck Norris makes onions cry. Ghosts are actually caused by Chuck Norris killing people faster than Death can process them. Chuck Norris can build a snowman out of rain. Chuck Norris can drown a fish...in water Chuck Norris can play the violin with a piano When Chuck Norris enters a room, he doesn't turn the lights on, he absorbs the dark. Bullets dodge Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris can do a wheelie on a unicycle. There is no such thing as global warming. Chuck Norris was cold, so he turned the sun up. With the rising cost of gasoline, Chuck Norris is beginning to worry about his drinking habit. When you say “no one’s perfect”, Chuck Norris takes this as a personal insult. Wheaties are on the Chuck Norris Box Drugs gets high off of Chuck Norris In Spain, men flee for their lives in the "Running of the Bulls". Afterwards, the bulls flee for their lives in the "Running of Chuck Norris". If you are what you eat, Chuck Norris is dynamite. The police pullover for Chuck Norris to pass. Lighting never strikes in the same spot twice because it fears Chuck Norris will find it Chuck Norris can unscramble an egg Chuck Norris does not love Raymond! Jesus walked on water, Chuck Norris swam through a mountain Chuck Norris knows Victoria's Secret Alarm clocks are too scared to wake up Chuck Norris When the Hulk gets mad he turns into Chuck Norris!
  16. Sorry about the typos in the last 2 lines, go with what d3k3 corrected: Here are some hints:
  17. itachi-san

    Rebel Without a Crew by Robert Rodriguez is my favorite autobiography but Have a Nice Day by Mick Foley is up there some of my favorite novels off the top of my head: To Kill a Mockingbird 2001: A Space Odyssey Shogun Wheel of Time Lord of the Rings Good Omens Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
  18. itachi-san

    Chuck Norris Jokes

    Chuck Norris starts his day like every regular guy: by unshackling his ankle bracelets and descending 40 feet to the floor below. Fully naked, Chuck then flosses his teeth with steel wool. Then he eats a bowl of dynamite, takes a massive four-flush dump, and wipes his butt with intercepted letters to Santa Claus. He jumps into his clothes and kicks his way through walls until he reaches the kitchen. After breakfast, Chuck wills his mail from his mailbox to his hand and uses the Spear of Destiny as a letter opener. Chuck Norris not only stays up to date on current events but future ones as well so that he can ruin the ending to new Harry Potter books before they're even written. After reading five thousand fan letters while standing on hot coals he then showers in fire. Before work he does 1,000 pushups with his chin fist and eats a canister of nerve gas. Much of his afternoon is then taken up by filming Walker Texas Ranger and various roundhouse heavy films. He then hunts a random human for sport and has been known to kill jackals who try to steal some of his kill. Chuck's life after sunset remains a mystery, though there have been several leaks of information involving bears, helicopters, the Bermuda Triangle, cowboy hats, mythical demons, and every woman in the world. Though none have been confirmed, all these assumptions are believed to be true. The only thing actually known about his nights is that before he sleeps, Chuck Norris likes to sit in the dark and silently pray that his enemies get stronger.
  19. itachi-san

    about as much time as it takes to sandpaper an elephant into a stapler
  20. itachi-san

    confidant is a word.
  21. Question: how much control does each player have over other players? We need to be able to write about other characters if there is to be inter-island contact between players. It would be impossible and or silly to have a back and forth dialog using single posts, so for example, we would at least have to put words into other's mouths for debate and conversation. So how much leeway is there?
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