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grey cells

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Everything posted by grey cells

  1. grey cells

    ( i.) Will the Lyrans get married at least once in their life time or some of them may die without getting a chance to marry someone? ( ii.) Does the marriage proposal procedure favor to men or women, and in which regard? (iii.) Is the matching stable? Let me demonstrate by example what I mean: David -- Leila and Daniel -- Lea are two couples. If David prefers Lea to his current partner Leila, and Lea prefers David to her current partner Daniel, then we say that the matching is unstable. It would have been better to match David -- Lea and Daniel -- Leila ... at least one happy family.
  2. Hey! Itachi-san , there is a thing called GUT INSTINCT. And the sequence was too much of a co-incidence for my answer not to be right. 331 430 531 630 731 830 931 It was my first guess. Then after realising the implications of the pattern , I modified my answer. hey ! You really are suspicious.
  3. grey cells

    I trust Neida's assessment , So the statement is false.
  4. grey cells

    Verify my answer Writersblock and bononova.
  5. grey cells

    Sorry , if you misunderstood my comment . And I did not see anything negative in your comment. It was all the way +(ve). And agreed , I will stick with this puzzle until it is solved.
  6. grey cells

    Sorry , Bononova. Did not go through your spoiler. I did not want to get a hint and hence did not know it was the same. But the series really works . I tried it out manually(ok.. using calculator ) but still it took quite a while. And coming to the second part , it would not be proportional if you compare you brain with mine. Because yours has loads of wisdom in it , while mine has just grains of it.
  7. It is otherwise called
  8. Yes . You got it . And could you please specify the missing criteria? I am always ready for improvement.
  9. grey cells

    Are you sure the second question is correct?
  10. read the second line.
  11. Hey! Atleast attempt an answer , guys . This thread is 3 days old.
  12. Sorry again . If nobody finds an answer , I will post a hint later.
  13. grey cells

    Hey , that story had a really tragic ending. The state is indeed very cruel. good puzzle though.
  14. Hey, good try. But not the one I expected. I posted the topic 3 times . So atleast one will be kept open. Waiting for RookieiJa or martini.
  15. Sorry . Was impatient . So clicked on the POST NEW TOPIC repeatedly. WOw! My thread will be locked for the first time . This shows how optimistic I am?
  16. Riddle time!!! Am I a body of water , or land, None so far have been able to find. Try discovering the origin of my threat , If you do not want to see the face of death. I am a place on the planet Earth, Referred to by a name of death. Many a time have people passed by me, Only to meet their final destiny. What am I????
  17. grey cells

    Yeah ! Right . But my solution is also very much possible . Because the kidnapper need not come near the rendezvous point .
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