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grey cells

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Everything posted by grey cells

  1. grey cells

    Yes , I think statman's and dsingn's answer is very , very possible . What's your answer Nayana?
  2. grey cells

    Thanks , Finance It . I frankly did not know that . Thanks for the link.
  3. grey cells

    But certainly the material(paper pulp) for making currency must be obtained from some kind of wood.
  4. grey cells

    I personally think there was a sort of time barrier between them and they were alternating between two parallel universes. I think H.G.Wells would agree with me.
  5. Thanks for the encouragement , LIS . Looking forward towards the bright future.
  6. grey cells

    Hey ! All lawyers are not cruel . Maybe most but not all . Give the lawyers a break , guys.
  7. [The one unquestionable fact happened suddenly because something desired to act intelligently. He...(It)...fainted, despairing. "Why in the bathroom did an umbrella startle me?" Naturally, there must have been somebody hiding behind my toilet. That explains more odors discombobulated my
  8. I am Not giving up. I will not use a spoiler this time , maybe a spoiler is difficult to open . Decimal : 2 Binary: 2 Bits : 10 4 bits : 0010 8 bits : 00000010 OK now use this in the sequence(For numbers having more than 4 bits naturally , i.e. , after 15 (or) 1111). Hey ! I have created a record of sorts in the den. I have posted more than half of the replies in my topic . Sounds great , isn't it?
  9. grey cells

    Good one . I missed this one by fractions , not miles.
  10. Great , Storm has got it . And I agree that he was not one of greatest person in terms of fame (or) the magnitude of his achievement . But after the manuscripts of Micheal Servetus alias Miguel Serveto , a physician of the 15th century , with a multitude of other interests , on pulmonary circulation were destroyed , William Harvey was the one who succeeded in rediscoverering them and putting mankind on the right path. And moreover , the allusion to his greatness was my personal viewpoint . It was not included in the riddle . And Congrats to Itachi-san for unraveling the hidden meaning of the puzzle initially . And LIS , hats-off to your reasoning . And by the way I am against the concept of time travel , I support the theory of Multiverse.
  11. grey cells

    Oh no! And I thought I had got it . What a disappointing end to a joyous celebration.
  12. grey cells

    Sorry , I am from a different part of the globe. So as I am finished with the legal angle , I will come to the logical angle.
  13. I do not want to post the answer myself . So please do post some answer. I am an optimist . So I am sure someone will post an answer.
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