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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Molly Mae

    Oops. Wrong thread.
  2. Molly Mae

    Yeah, I'm in the BTSC.
  3. Molly Mae

    Oh. No concerns. Just hoping for another fun puzzle.
  4. Molly Mae

    I have doubts about the Bears going to the Super Bowl...
  5. Molly Mae

    Xxxx Rollo

    WILLED - ? If 0, T is last as WILLET = 1 leaves only T. If 2, D is last as score increase while last changes to D would mean that the D must be correct-o.
  6. Molly Mae

    Hey, Mew. This game is on-hold/cancelled, but has been replaced in the queue by Feel free to sign up for that game. It likely won't begin until after TMM 9 is over.
  7. ZOMG!!! - ? Just kidding. POST - ?
  8. No, sry. =/ I'm always gaining new perspective on OOA. It never ends. Since a spy doesn't change actions, it can go at the end (but isn't really needed in the OOA). I would give spy results for the below OOA if the spy were killed (since the kill is non-blocking): Block > Trap > Save > Kill > Spy I would not give spy results for the below OOA if the spy were killed: Block > Trap > Save > Kill >> Spy So the final OOA is Block > Trap > Save > Kill >> Spy
  9. No. I don't typically classify a save because it doesn't change an action (just the outcome of an action). But yeah...I guess you're right. Because a self-save is successful, I guess it would put it higher than kill. But if A blocks B, B saves A, and C kills A, A dies because the save was blocked. Block > Trap > Save > Kill
  10. Oh, crap! Just kidding. =P Secret ability isn't posted. =P All successful actions show in the NP. Spies will be shown, but no target will be shown. For OOA, all I really need to say is that kills aren't blocking, a RID kill is a kill, and a trap is a block. =P So Block > Kill I'm pretty sure that covers every scenario. If A blocks B, B saves A, and C kills A: A dies because the save is blocked. If A blocks B and B kills A: A doesn't die. The kill is blocked. (Baddie NK is unblockable). If A traps B, B blocks A, and C kills B: GDI... Block > Trap > Kill If A traps B, B blocks A, and C kills B: B dies because Block wins the loop.
  11. After. I figure CoR will go before Desktop. This will go after Desktop. Not revealed, but it will show that the player was saved by "residual magical properties of Guidry the Dog". Can never target the same player twice? Yeah....
  12. Since it's in the queue, I guess I'll post this here so people know what's coming. Sign-ups will come after Desktop and/or Klue's II is/are coming to a close. If you have any questions, feel free to put them out there. Witch Hunt Mafia In a land of myth and a time of chaos, three sisters are being hunted by the King's Guard, led by the bold Prince Tievos. After several days hard ride, the Prince's party comes to the forest where the witches are rumoured to dwell. What awaits them, however, is a puzzle so mysterious--cursed by a magic of unidentity which hides the true names of all things. Every day, the souls of the creatures in the forest replace the body and are summoned to a clearing. The clever prince, knowing of the power and wickedness of the witches, has devised a means of identifying his allies (allowing for BTSC). Forest dwellers--WINCON: Eliminate the King's Guard. Elchra -- Eldest of the three sisters. She is physically blind, but can see the natural auras of anyone she looks at (faction spy). If she touches a person, she also learns their identity (role spy), but the person is informed that they have been touched. If a touched player is Order or Chaos, Elchra will die immediately. If she touches Guidry, the dog will bite her finger off and she will be unable to use the touch ability again. Courta -- The middle child who was always overlooked. Her vote counts as x0. She has an uncanny ability to summon creatures, however, and may summon one or two to vote in her stead, if she wishes. (Self vote manip, x0, x1, or x2) Nina -- The youngest of the sisters who has a knack for everything. Bright-eyed and brilliant, she can duplicate the (active) night or day action of any player. She chooses a subset of three roles before the start of a cycle and the chosen one is random. The host will PM Nina which action she will have for that cycle. Grszl -- A werewolf who inhabits the forest. Several years ago, the witches gave him the ability of common speech and he has been grateful and friendly ever since. He may save one target per night. Once during the game, he may RID save from lynch any of the three sisters. Vledaucht -- A vampire who lives peacefully with the witches, who created a daytime environment in which he could live, although it is still unpleasant. As a vampire, he cannot die at night. During the day, however, every vote for Vledaucht counts as +1 (after vote manipulation). (Passive) Chamber -- A fairy who keeps a secret layer within the forest's lake. She may lure one person to her lair every night (trap). Additionally, she may choose to stay in her lair during the day. Her vote will count as x0, but she will learn the role of the trapped player. Drasil -- The spirit of the oldest trees that keeps the forest's magic in balance. If he is lynched, his role is revealed but he does not die. If he dies or is lynched, the magic of the forest will then be broken and the King's Guard will be able to use their secret weapon. Emmerling -- The river that runs through the forest. If she knows a true name, she can animate an object to remove the person from the forest (RID Kill). The King's Guard--Has BTSC and Night Kill--WINCON: Be in majority. Prince Tievos -- Heir to the throne of Amynia, the prince is a clever, silver-tongued lad. He has the ability to persuade the vote of one player each day (vote redirect [including multipliers, but not the +1 for Vledaucht unless the vote is redirected to Vledaucht.]) Guidry -- The Prince's magical hunting dog. He can sniff out any target based on role. Guidry targets a role and is given the name of the player. Because of the extraordinary magic, however, anyone spied by Guidry cannot be lynched or killed the following day and night. Orivior -- The Mage Royale of Amynia. He has a Bag of Secrets, but cannot seem to open it in the forest. SECRET ABILITY activated by the death of Drasil. He wears a ring that disguises his intentions. If he is faction spied by Elchra, he appears as a Forest Dweller. If she touches him, however, he appears as Orivior. WINCON: Outlive/Remove all humans* from the forest. If one ever targets the other, they gain BTSC. They cannot kill each other. Order -- Two beings made of wind that help each other by opposing the other. Every odd night, Order gets a RID kill. Chaos -- Two beings made of wind that help each other by opposing the other. Every even night, Chaos gets a regular kill. *Humans are the three witches, the Prince, and the Mage Royale. If the Indy wins, the game is over. In the event that the Forest Dwellers and Order and Chaos meet their appropriate WINCONs at the same time, the Forest Dwellers also lose, even if Order and Chaos are killed that same night/day. Heh...I almost posted the secret ability.
  13. Repost. Everything in bold is new or updated. I'm considering making all Player/Role combinations known. Thoughts on that?
  14. SEEK - ? If 0, 2nd letter is O, as BOOK - 1 proved by BEES = ALOE = SEEK = 0 If 1, last letter is K as SEES = 0 eliminates SEE?
  15. BEES - ? If 1, B is first as ?EES is eliminated from SEES = 0
  16. Molly Mae

    Desktop Mafia

    Sorry. I meant the sign-up list below. Current Participants Player 1- MiKi Player 2- Molly Mae Player 3- Player 4- Player 5- Player 6- Player 7- Player 8- Player 9- Player 10- Player 11- Player 12- Player 13- Player 14- Player 15-
  17. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    This topic reminds me of a banana....very long and very crooked.
  18. He keeps his invasion buff. Additional note: Vassal Lords and Wizards also get 1 invasion per turn. Base % will be 50 and be modified by terrain. Like-terrain territories will be 50-50. I think that puts them at a disadvantage, though, based on how Amber, ST3, et al played out. The team with the natural advantage gets hit hard early. While there are no other formal alliances in the game, any teams may work together to eliminate a common threat. There are going to be ~25 territories, although the map isn't finalised. Movius ability change: Movius gets +10% to defense on all territories as long as he controls the capital? In the original concept, there were to be 4-5 cities that gave bonuses to whomever controlled them. Should I go back to that and give Movius a bigger beginning advantage? Good call. Calliah can either force a wizard to stay employed OR choose a new wizard if the old one leaves. Problem with latter patch: If no wizards remain. I'll decide on the first (forcing the wizard to stay employed) unless there's protest. I see the problem. Hmm. Patch: Trohomt can choose one territory controlled by his Lord and protect it from 1 invasion. If many players invade, the ability only applies to the first invasion. Spinnysprout chooses a player and phase to block: so he can choose to block Plasmid's action or Kluemaster's invasion. Invasion has its own phase (separate from action). Any ability (even passive) might be blockable (donno how to block the Massian-Anniata alliance...). Bonuses for controlling the capital or Trohomt's ability could be cancelled that round. Likewise, a player's movement or invasion might be blocked. The redirect is going away. I'm going to get him a new ability. I came to him first and didn't consider him again after rule changes. =/ But Lords' locations will be listed by character name. Wizards will only be listed as a Wizard (not player or character). The lord/wizard would be moved to an available adjacent territory of the Lord's choosing (timing might be bad, though). I doubt I would adapt this directly as an actual board game, but it could be done with fewer people (3-5, maybe?). If adapted, the host would be eliminated and player+character (RID? =P) distribution would be public knowledge. The real-time gameplay (all players submit actions at the same time) might be given up to order of play. It's possible, but I doubt I'd actually do it. Although it might be a project for next year's panel at Daisho, since Hirk and I aren't doing "Building Your Board Game" this year...
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