I solved my puzzle before N1 without help from any tool. It took me about an hour, but after I "saw" what I needed, I knew for sure what the answer was.
@Klue: It was a good game, even with my limited participation. =/ It was just a bad week for me. And dying early didn't really help much...
As much as I appreciate this, I was so confused when I saw that I solved a riddle without ever having read it. =P
I did that to t_l a few weeks ago, too. Good job, t_l, because I was pretty clueless on this one.
Aw, man. I thought we had a solid connection.
I don't think Coozle is necessary for the puzzles. I never went there for the last one (except to check for the rat.htm page, which didn't exist--but wasn't necessary anyway).
You can't stop the signal, but I know what you're talking about in a context outside the game. But I'm not sure how that relates. Although if there were a Baker role, I'd be all over it. =P
(Great) + (Flipper) + (A Bitter Beer) = (A Magician's Exit?)
Adam Baldwin = (A Bird) + (A Group of Patriots) _ (An Ear of Corn) + (An Above Average Grade)
(Great) + (Flipper) + (A Bitter Beer) = (A Magician's Exit?)
(First Man) _ (Hairless) + (meme:Awesome) = (A Bird) + (A Group of Patriots) _ (An Ear of Corn) + (An Above Average Grade)
That last one's an easy one. =P
EDIT: I might start incorporating other mathematical operations. I just have to learn clever.
Any baddie who solves his puzzle likely won't announce that he has. I went out on a limb because that's the kind of thing that I do.
@Current: I wager that you can lynch me during a night. I know better than to open a challenge. =/ Your challenge for day 1: find your counterpart without letting anyone know that you've found him, except maybe your counterpart.