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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. You're a part-time lover and a full-time friend...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Molly Mae

      Molly Mae

      I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else....

    3. Auramyna


      Here is the church and here is the steeple

      We sure are cute for two ugly people


    4. Molly Mae

      Molly Mae

      We both have shiny happy fits of rage

      I want more fans, you want more stage

  2. Updated Queue with Witch Hunt Mafia. The thread is over on MM, but I'll repost it here when its turn nears (after Klueless 2, DN, et al). The only difference between the one there and here is that I split Order and Chaos into two separate roles, gave them a provision for BTSC, and an inability to kill each other. EDIT: Also changed baddie wincon to simply be in majority.
  3. Molly Mae

    Molly Rae's a new one. I think I'll keep it, thanks. =P I like the sound of it. There is a way to make is solved by using a poll, but it's not used as much in this forum as it is in New Word Riddles
  4. Molly Mae

    Sixy Rollo

    *Shifty-eyes* Now it's double proved. =P
  5. I actually agree with this, but based more on Tom's WinCon. All Tom had to do was out the baddies and himself and keep Tole protected. The biggest thing working against him was that his wincon was secret. If Tom winning ended the game (and goodies lose), I think it would have been a good balance. Tom has to keep the baddies alive long enough for the game to reach D4 while keeping Jerry alive. Of course, some well placed saves made that easier to do.
  6. Molly Mae

    If he was telling the truth, then only one other person ate cupcakes. How can students 2, 3, 4, and 5 have eaten cupcakes if only one ate cupcakes? Further, if any of 2, 3, 4, and 5 didn't eat cupcakes, we have two conflicting "truths".
  7. I'm not British. Canadian to the bone. (This is a joke) But I was raised on British vocabulary.
  8. Molly Mae

    I assumed that it is. While the kid isn't saying "Only one of us ate them", he also isn't saying "At least one of us ate them." If you don't make that assumption, there's no definite answer.* *EDIT: In fact, there's no answer that works.
  9. Yes, it will. =/ From CaptainEd: (2) Let's put a ring, bracelet, or wristwatch on your arm. Put it on the arm that's nearer to the window at your left [Ed note: or some landmark that is visible in the room]. Now, your ring is closer to the window, and the mirror-ring is closer to the window. So it doesn't switch left and right. (If it did, your mirror-ring would be farther from the real window) Maybe it is also switching the window's position, as well. =P I don't think I would tell her this, but I've seen kids use the L method with the index finger and thumb to determine which hand is their left. Standing in front of a mirror, you would have to hold up your right hand in order for your mirror image self to see the L (which would normally indicate your left hand). Bad stuff there. Bizzarro world is likely the best answer. Perhaps using sticks or some solid straight object to show that the reflection an object follows a straight line. Perhaps showing her how light reflects off of a mirror will help, especially if you can represent the path of reflection of an object. I hope that makes sense. If not, I'll make a video this weekend.
  10. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    Mo was up 3 to 2, but I had to downrep him. Because that's down right backwards. =/
  11. Holiday for us is a vacation. =P
  12. Nah. A little bit of logic would have given me a sound defense as your role (with no counterclaim) since Tole admitted to redirecting baddie spy to you and spy result came back as Qua. I was already caught up with the game (with the exception of the baddie BTSC) when I jumped in, so no real rush. =/
  13. Molly Mae

    Xxxx Rollo

    RIGHTS - ? If 1, R is first as LIGHTS = 0 If 0, nothing was proved.*
  14. Molly Mae

    Sixy Rollo

    ???E?? is proved. BREEZY - 1 KLUTZY - 0 BREATH - 0
  15. I totally had a bulletproof defense ready, too.... It may or may not have involved Chewbacca and Ewoks...
  16. Ah, I got you. Any three of the four other men can do it, but any two should not be able to do it. =/
  17. Yeah, I figured since I made a mistake (ACHE =/= ACNE), I'd pass on the word.. =P
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