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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. WORLD - 0 er... Sry. Welcome to the Den. Stick around and you're bound to get stuck.
  2. BUSH - ? If 2, B is proved since FISH = 0.
  3. I've heard it called that before, but nothing yet.
  4. Molly Mae

    Newbie Mafia

    If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me (or Maurice or GMaster479 or just about anyone else around in the Mafia community).
  5. I guess the is what first came to mind when I read it. =P That might help, Gup.
  6. Backup GM 1) Regular RPers 1) 2) Panther 3) 4) 5) Molly Mae 6) Shad 7) Flamebirde 8)
  7. FULL - ? If 1, ?U?? is proved by FISH = 0 = HELL. If 0, ??M? is proved by DUMB = 1 = DUMP (disproving P/B as last) and DUMP = 1 = PUMP (disproving D/P as first) and FULL disproving U as second while DUMP, PUMP, and DUMB all score 1. EDIT: Miscoloured the U and M.
  8. PUMP - ? If 0, D is first as the only letter change from DUMP = 1 results in a score change. If 2, P is first for the same reason and I still haven't found out which letter is correct in ?UM?
  9. Molly Mae

    Sixy Rollo

    QU??? CHEERY - 0 WORKED - 0 BEWARE - 0 BUTTER - 1 ROLLER - 0 QUICHE - 2 BULKED - 1 BUTTES - 1 QUEERS - 2 Score Change: Thalia +5, Momo +5
  10. Molly Mae

    Sometimes we run two (if one's coming to a close), but typically there's only one game at a time, yeah. With two games in queue that have ~20 players, there really isn't room to run a second game alongside it.
  11. Molly Mae

    Sixy Rollo

    ?U??? CHEERY - 0 WORKED - 0 BEWARE - 0 BUTTER - 1 ROLLER - 0 QUICHE - 2 BULKED - 1 BUTTES - 1 Score Change: Thalia +5
  12. DUMP - ? If 0 ???B is proven because of a score change with only one letter change from DUMB. If 2, ???P is proven because of a score change with only one letter change from DUMB.
  13. How much can that 1/25 net you?
  14. Molly Mae

    Sixy Rollo

    ?U??? CHEERY - 0 WORKED - 0 BEWARE - 0 BUTTER - 1 ROLLER - 0 QUICHE - 2 BULKED - 1 Score Change: Thalia +5
  15. Right, but if you asked me how many hours it takes me to drive to Chicago, I'd say 1.5. I can't make it in an hour (actually......) and two hours could get me halfway across Lake Michigan (not really). It would still be 1.5, regardless of whether the .5 isn't a full hour.
  16. Molly Mae

    Sixy Rollo

    ????? CHEERY - 0 WORKED - 0 BEWARE - 0 BUTTER - 1 ROLLER - 0 QUICHE - 2 Score Change: none
  17. An additional note that I forgot to mention: Wizards may also invade and move as Lords do. Wizards win with the Lord they are attached to. A Wizard and Lord may invade a territory together and have an invasion bonus of 20%. If two Lords successfully invade the same occupied territory on the same turn, the Lord with fewer lands gains the territory. If they have the same number of lands, it becomes neutral territory.
  18. Molly Mae

    Sixy Rollo

    ????? CHEERY - 0 WORKED - 0 BEWARE - 0 BUTTER - 1 ROLLER - 0 Score Change: none
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