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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. I hope you actually got that one, Plas...=P
  2. Molly Mae

    Klueless Mafia II

    Does the Nearsight get the role of a player spied even if the Seer or Rat don't because of unsolved role puzzles? Same question for Farsight?
  3. Molly Mae

    Klueless Mafia II

    D'oh! No, you can't. It's almost day. We'll see how it goes, but I don't think you'll fall for a Molly lynch, anyway.
  4. Molly Mae

    Klueless Mafia II

    Would I go that far? Probably. But maybe I just want you to think that. I tell you what, mo, we'll start a committee and you'll be primary officer. I'll be your secretary and keep the minutes. We'll meet one hour before each phase ends and discuss what's happened. Nox can be our treasurer. He'll steal all the monies!
  5. I enjoy it, too. But I'm a glutton for punishment. =P
  6. Molly Mae

    Klueless Mafia II

    Oh, man. I racked my brain for hours trying to remember where I'd heard that. I laughed a bit when I finally remembered. I think if anyone dies tonight, it's going to be me. The reasons are fairly obvious: 1) I stated that I solved my puzzle. Either I'm lying (*shrug*) or I did. If I did, any baddie who also solved his would know that I'm not bad--so they have a sure kill on an opponent. Except that there's no certainty that I'm telling the truth. But if I was bad and solved my puzzle, I would risk a kill on anyone tonight--and I'm more prone to killing certain people (see: Glitch 2 as a reference). I'd be trying to reduce the overall number of players, not the quality of players. If you know what I mean.
  7. Molly Mae

    Xxxx Rollo

    It is a real word...it's just...not a very fun word. Lets try to prove letters now... STRAYERS - ?
  8. Molly Mae

    Aw, this is happening to me with Superprismatic, CaptainEd, PG, et al in the Math/Logic section.
  9. Molly Mae

    Xxxx Rollo

    TENESMUS - ? I suggest not checking to see if it's a real word....
  10. This one might be a bit harder: (Having the Ability) + (Five Hundred Fifty in Antiquity) + (The Second and Fifth) _ (Not Heavy) = (A Man Using the Aforementioned Five Hundred Fifty) + (An Idiosyncrasy) (A Mocking Laugh) + (Reading or Pennsylvania abrv, e.g.) + (MexicAND) _ (A Jar) + (A River in Essex or Catalonia) = tBWL (Great) + (Flipper) + (A Bitter Beer) = (A Magician's Exit) EDIT: Re-adding unsolved ones.
  11. Molly Mae

    I'll be on the lookout. EDIT: I've been voting in Solved Polls.
  12. Molly Mae

    Check the edit.
  13. Molly Mae

    Klueless Mafia II

    Unfortunately, I think the extension skews the game a bit, especially if it gains a NK. If players have already confirmed before the extension and then solve their puzzle after the extension, do they still get their ability for N1? I think the logical answer to that question is yes, since anyone who confirms after the extension would likely get their ability (and you can't/shouldn't penalise those who were active).
  14. I love those puzzles.
  15. Molly Mae

    Klueless Mafia II

    Star of David. Kristaulnein Other stuff. I got ya, Woody Allen.
  16. Molly Mae

    Klueless Mafia II

    Okay, Curr3nt...be ready for anything. Keep your wits about you.
  17. Molly Mae

    Xxxx Rollo

    absentee should have told me that --se------ isn't right...duh. =/ DILEMMAS - ?
  18. (A Mocking Laugh) + (Reading or Pennsylvania abrv, e.g.) + (MexicAND) _ (A Jar) + (A River in Essex or Catalonia) = tBWL Underscore indicates a space. Donno if I should include those. These are seeming more like crossword clues now. I will refrain from that, unless people like them.
  19. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    Rob Gronkowski is the greatest tight end in the league. That's what she said.
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