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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. OOC: Nah, I just like calling Loki the janitor. =P
  2. *She gives Loki a dark look* Then you had better go find us a fourth, Jan. *She perks up again* And he'd better be cute!
  3. Omigosh, guys, you have to try this. It looks so much cooler than Time Crisis. *She turns to look at Loki* Hey, Jan, can you go find us a fourth?
  4. OOC: We can wait, if everyone wants to. A little character dev by interaction never hurt. =P *Surprised* The museum! That reminds me. Do you still have that rock that I gave you? I completely forgot about it... Hmmm...what does this do? *Molly grabs one of the game's headgear and puts it on.*
  5. *She looks at Shad with a scowl* He's the janitor, of course. Look at that hat. And he's going to join us in a game of World Quest after he finds us a fourth person, isn't that right, Mister Janitor? *She smiles at him childishly*
  6. Molly Mae

    What browser and version are you using?
  7. *Molly slowly turned at Shad's call, her own voice distant* But it's so pretty! And Time Crisis 3 was so terrible. And they don't have TC2! Just look at it -- *she glances back up at the word 'Quest' and her eyes glaze over.* --it's so pretty... *She slips inside and approaches one of the terminals.* Coming or not?
  8. *Cautiously looking around, Molly finds herself drawn toward World Quest.* (Even better than the Stars of Myzoria) *As she nears, she no longer looks around. She can't take her eyes of the word Quest, trying to guess when it will again alight. She reaches out a hand and grips the handle of one of the doors and begins to pull.*
  9. *Molly takes her tokens with a smile and begins wandering around the arcade. She tries a few games until she comes to Wold Quest--and stops in her tracks, observing the game.* OOC: I lost the game.
  10. Molly Mae

    =P I still haven't grown up. But I'm also not from Texas. And I don't wear boots. But I guess those last two points are redundant. And repetitive.
  11. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    Aw, no. And I forgot to tell Hirk. =( I'll see him tonight.
  12. Molly Mae

    Is the deceleration instantaneous? If not, why would the fly be slowing down before it hits the train? This is the core of the question. I believe the speed to be 0 a tiny fraction of a second after impact (which implies that the momentum of the fly affects the momentum of the train--which it does...but only so slightly).
  13. Molly Mae

    I think you've actually stumbled into a real paradox here.
  14. Molly Mae

    Agreed. Imagine instead that the dad traveled back to the Roman Empire and died back there without changing the world in any way. Consider the attached image which I just generated from an astoundingly powerful computer that observes space-time anomalies. The blue line represents the timeline of a man who does not time travel. His life appears linear from this perspective. The red line represents the life of the father. Although it doesn't appear linear, it actually is. Time is a jumbled mess of a thing. I tried to make the image as clear as possible. If the man traveled to the year 325 (arbitrary), everything he has done so far is in his past, even if it is in the future of the rest of earth. He didn't begin existing in the year 325. Even the direction of the time travel doesn't matter. If he went into the future 5000 years, he would still have existed linearly (is that a word) relative to his own observation. I love Doctor Who, but I hate Matt Smith. A good example of this linearity is observing the timelines of the eleventh doctor and River Song. I wouldn't use the media to build any theories, but this is a great example of how linearity works.
  15. Molly Mae

    Found it. Thanks, man.
  16. Molly Mae

    Check the hex. =P
  17. Molly Mae

    Klueless Mafia II

    The biggest word there is "if". If I were Muscles or Rat being untruthful, I could have flown for a bit without being seen. Of course I may have come under fire D1 if I didn't die. =/ But eh.
  18. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    T_l's got this one. =P
  19. Molly Mae

    Klueless Mafia II

    I still don't know that it's a reason to kill me. The only reason I announced it was because my role wasn't nearly as strong as some of the others. Perhaps not giving you a target at all could have been better, but *shrug*. I probably would have had a similar approach if I had been bad, solved puzzle or not. With so many goodie actions not showing in the post, claiming a puzzle solve N1 with not baddie kill could have been a good cover. Of course, any baddie could withhold the kill to try to miss his friends. *Shrug* There's rarely a definite answer in mafia.
  20. *Molly approaches the help desk and withdraws a fiver, an excited smile on her face. She places the money on the desk and slides it across the desk.* I'll have the usual--a shot of Jack and 20 tokens, hold the Jack. *She tries to keep a straight face, but a smile slowly breaks through.*
  21. Molly Mae

    You aren't "guessing" the number per the OP. You start at A (or 2?) and count up. And you only go through 1/4 of the deck, not the whole thing. Is each draw independent of all previous draws, though? <- (Note that this is a serious question, not a challenge question).
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