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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. I'm still waiting on input from 3 people. One person gave me a stat, but not who they were attacking. EDIT: 3 people.
  2. ?OPS DUNG - 0 SHUT - 0 NICE - 0 PAIN - 0 CORK - 1 PORK - 1 CORE - 1 CODE - 1 CARE - 0 GOOD - 1 ROAR - 1 BOPS - 3 TOPS - 3 Score Change: MikeD +5, Brain +10 I get what you're saying...
  3. Some early announcements about LoC3: There are several minor adjustments to the sequel of this game which include 1. A larger inventory in the shop 2. More trophies (possibly...it's hard to keep track of the triggering events) 3. More skill points Some major changes include 1. The introduction of INT as a stat, which will govern Magic Attacks and Magic Defenses 2. The introduction of non-combat spells 2. The introduction of abilities Maybe more, but probably not. I wanna add a little at a time.
  4. 1. Panther (23/40) 2. Cube (25/25) 3. gvg (25/25) 4. MikeD (20/20) 5. Brainiac (13/20) 6. curr3nt (24/25) 7. Shadow (20/20) This is the corrected roster. I just noticed an error I made.
  5. Day 3 Shadow vs Flamebirde Shadow attacks and Flame parries (12/20) and counters, but Shadow parries (20/20) and counters, but Flame parries (12/20). Brainiac vs Flamebirde Brainiac attacks and strikes, dealing 3 points of damage (9/20). Flame responds, but misses far to the left (19/20). Brainiac presses the attack with a very lethal blow that gets mostly absorbed, but still deals 3 points of damage (6/20). gvg vs Flamebirde gvg attacks, but Flame blocks easily (6/20). Flame attacks, but gvg blocks easily (25/25). gvg attacks again and does 1 point of damage (5/20). curr3nt vs Brainiac Curr3nt approaches low and fast, bringing hellfire and fury down in a 4-point damage explosion (15/20) (I'm really running out of stuff here). Brainiac counters with the ol' one-two: the first is easily blocked, but is only a diversion for the real blow which lands for 4 points of damage (21/25). Curr3nt's final attack is blocked (15/20). MikeD vs gvg MikeD swings, but gvg blocks (25/25). gvg counters, but misses (20/20). MikeD attacks again, but is blocked (25/25). Flamebirde vs Brainiac Flamebirde attacks: 6 damage! (9/20) Brainiac attacks: 5 damage! Flamebirde is dead. TheCube vs Curr3nt Cube attacks: blocked! (21/25) curr3nt's counter: 3 damage (20/25). Cube's attack: 2 damage (19/25). Panther vs Brainiac Panther attacks: blocked! (9/20) Brainiac's counters: 5 damage! Miss! 5 damage! Critical hit for 11 damage! (15/40) Panther's last attack: miss! (9/20) 1. Panther (23/40) 2. Cube (25/25) 3. gvg (25/25) 4. MikeD (20/20) 5. Brainiac (13/15) 6. curr3nt (24/25) 7. Shadow (20/20) Sorry that took so long. I don't have time to really update PMs today. Send me your stuff. I'll update them tomorrow. You have 4 more coins than the previous day, unless you killed someone.
  6. ?O?? DUNG - 0 SHUT - 0 NICE - 0 PAIN - 0 CORK - 1 PORK - 1 CORE - 1 CODE - 1 CARE - 0 GOOD - 1 ROAR - 1 BOPS - 3 Score Change: MikeD +5 Aw, man.
  7. ?O?? DUNG - 0 SHUT - 0 NICE - 0 PAIN - 0 CORK - 1 PORK - 1 CORE - 1 CODE - 1 CARE - 0 GOOD - 1 ROAR - 1 Score Change: MikeD +5
  8. ?O?? DUNG - 0 SHUT - 0 NICE - 0 PAIN - 0 CORK - 1 PORK - 1 CORE - 1 CODE - 1 CARE - 0 Score Change: MikeD +5 Sorry, Brain, but he beat you to the logick.
  9. Molly Mae

    a nice rng?

    I agree and I feel the same about multiplication.
  10. Molly Mae

    a nice rng?

    No mod. I like it.
  11. ???? DUNG - 0 SHUT - 0 NICE - 0 PAIN - 0 CORK - 1 PORK - 1 CORE - 1 Score Change: none
  12. ???? DUNG - 0 SHUT - 0 NICE - 0 PAIN - 0 CORK - 1 PORK - 1 Score Change: none
  13. ???? DUNG - 0 SHUT - 0 NICE - 0 PAIN - 0 CORK - 1 Score Change: none
  14. Still waiting on one more.
  15. Molly Mae


    The weather here is atrocious: floods and hosepipe bans - in the same place!! (seriously). It's all down to.... The Fire That Invaded Windermere's Giant Hosepipe Or Something...
  16. ???? DUNG - 0 SHUT - 0 NICE - 0 Score Change: none Thanks again, Fabby. =P
  17. Molly Mae


    Oh, yeah. Sorry. I forgot I was deciding. Go ahead, Fabby.
  18. Day 2 Hirk vs Flamebirde Day two begins with a mild duel, wherein Hirk swings twice--the first a casual blow that does 2 damage, enough to knock Flame off balance so that a more powerful blow may be delivered--one that does 3 points of damage (10/15). Flame recovers quickly and throws an attack of his own, landing a blow that 3 damage (5/10). gvg vs Cube gvg attacks twice! The first is a strong blow that should have knocked Cube down, but he shrugs it off. The second blow comes in hard and does knock him down, dealing 2 points of damage (17/25). Cube's counter strikes low, dealing 3 points of damage (22/25). Shadow vs Flamebirde Shadow attacks Flame, bringing her weapon down quickly, doing 3 points of damage (7/15). Flame's counter is swift, but is deflected wide (19/20) by Shadow's own counter which lands true, dealing 3 points of damage (4/15). Brainiac vs Hirk Brainiac faces off against Hirk, she draws and attacks, striking Hirk for 3 points of damage (2/10). Hirk counters quickly, striking once, twice: 3 damage, 6 damage (6/15). Brainiac tries to regain the upper hand with a swing that strikes Hirk for 4 damage (0/10). Hirk is defeated. Flamebirde vs Cube Flame swings low and high, trying to force Cube to the ground. The first swing is deflected, but the second finds its mark and does 2 damage (20/25). Cube follows with a quick blow that's easily deflected. MikeD vs Hirk Hirk is already dead. curr3nt vs Cube Curr3nt swings at Cube, giving him no time to react--Cube is struck for 1 point of damage (19/25). Cube counters, but curr3nt knocks the blow to the side (25/25) and swings at Cube's exposed side, dealing 1 point of damage (18/25). Panther vs Flamebirde Panther attacks Flamebirde, but starts off sour and unable to hit his mark (4/15). Flame does a double-counter and Panther is unable to block either, taking 4 damage and 4 more damage (24/35). Panther counters the counter, but is again unable to land a blow. Cube vs Hirkala Hirk is already dead. 1. Panther (31/35) 2. Cube (23/25) 3. gvg (25/25) 4. MikeD (20/20) 5. Brainiac (9/15) 6. curr3nt (25/25) 7. Flamebirde (7/15) 8. Shadow (20/20) Send in your stat and who you're attacking. Lemme know if you wanna buy something, too. I'll be updating our PM threads shortly. Edit: 1 more trophy was earned today.
  19. I got it all..just trying to finish the post. I had to stop halfway. Work...
  20. The roof also might hold some clue. It might be impossible to climb up to the window of the idol room, but I doubt it would be impossible to lower yourself down using rope long enough to reach the flag pole.
  21. Yeah...I guess. I'm still waiting on some attack choices from a few people.
  22. 1. You can't loot trophies. =P 2. I was out sick yesterday. Stress-related illnesses.
  23. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    What happens in Fight Club?
  24. (A note on trophies: Most have active or passive effects that a person must choose to use. You can use it within the restrictions of the trophy's description--if there isn't a restriction as to how often you can use it, you can use it once per day. You can only use any trophy once per day and you can only use one trophy per day. If there are any general questions about how trophies work, please let me know in this thread or in the PM. If there are any questions regarding specific trophies [likely ones that you've won], ask me in the PM. )
  25. Day 1 Hirkala vs TheCube Hirkala moves quickly, striking four times: TheCube blocks the first, spins and blocks the second. Cube expects a high attack, but gets hit low, taking 3 points of damage, but manages to block the last blow (17/20). Cube counters with a menacing blow, dealing 4 damage (6/10). Shadow vs TheCube Shadow raises her weapon, bows to Cube, and gives him the one-two-three: Cube blocks the first, but the second cuts him lightly for 1 point of damage knocking him off-balance and allowing Shadow's last blow to strike home, dealing 3 points of damage. (13/20). Cube swings from the ground and Shadow is unable to defend herself--the blow strikes true and knocks Shadow to the ground dealing 6 damage (14/20). FlameBirde vs TheCube FlameBirde joins in on the action, swinging at Cube twice in succession, but both are easily blocked (13/20). Cube laughs and strikes, dealing 2 points of damage (8/10). Brainiac vs Panther Brainiac decides to spread the beatings out and sets her eyes on Panther. She attacks three times, but Panther is too quick and nimbly dodges all three (35/35). Brainiac's last frustrated swing leaves her back exposed, allowing Panther to quickly jab for a point of damage (9/10). gvg vs curr3nt gvg and curr3nt begin a dance--a beautiful harmonious dance of great skill. gvg strikes first, but curr3nt slides a shoulder back, allowing the blade to pass centimeters from his chest (25/25). Curr3nt flows like water into a swing, landing a blow that deals 1 point of damage (19/20). gvg accepts the blow and turns with it, minimising the damage and swinging a blow at curr3nt that is casually defended. (25/25). The two bow and exit. MikeD vs Shadow MikeD and Shadow face off--MikeD strikes first, hitting Shadow for 3 damage (11/20). Shadow counters, but swings wide (15/15). MikeD takes another opportunity and swings, doing 1 damage (10/20). Panther vs TheCube Panther faces Cube and takes a swing, but misses entirely. (13/20). Cube's counter looks deadly, but Panther moves at the last second (35/35). Panther attacks a second time and lands a blow for 1 point of damage (12/20). curr3nt vs TheCube curr3nt swings and lands a blow on the Cube for 1 damage (11/20). The Cube rotates and swings, but curr3nt jumps high, dodging the attack (25/25), and comes down with another attack of his own doing 1 point of damage (10/20). TheCube vs Panther Cubie finally gets to have his revenge, he thinks, and he strikes out against Panther--the blow lands true, dealing 5 points of damage (30/35). Panther tries to recover and fend Cube off, but is too disoriented to land a blow. (10/20). Cube takes advantage of Panther's dizziness and strikes another blow for 5 damage (25/35). Remember that regen 1/5 of your max HP. 1. Panther (32/35) 2. TheCube (14/20) 3. gvg (20/20) 4. MikeD (15/15) 5. Brainiac100 (10/10) 6. curr3nt (25/25) 7. Hirkala (8/10) 8. Flambirde (10/10 9. ShadowAngel7 (14/20) From everyone, I need: Where you will place your stat; What, if anything, you are going to purchase/use (optional); Who you are going to attack. I'll update our PMs shortly. Edit: There were also 2 trophies awarded today. I will include those in my PMs to the appropriate player(s).
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