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Posts posted by andromeda

  1. Aww, I'm sorry Mr Moody :P Maybe Impervious just hasn't send PM's yet. I got my role over MSN last night when I asked when the PM's were coming out :D:lol:

    I didn't even received my role yet and you are already accusing me... that's why I'm a bit moody! :lol:

  2. “We’ve been here for two weeks! If nothing happened in two weeks why do you think that something might happen tonight?” Itachi was unwilling to spend one more day in a supposedly hunted house.

    “I can’t explain it, but I have a gut feeling that there’s something in this house” said Andromeda pleading for couple of more hours.

    “You can’t publish your “gut feeling”, can you Mulder?” Itachi was pushing Andromeda’s buttons knowing that he has the upper hand.

    “All right Scully, you win... ” Andromeda has given up knowing that she can’t surpass Itachi’s stubbornness.

    Itachi-san and Andromeda were ghost-hunter enthusiasts, well... Andromeda was hoping to finally prove their existence while Itachi was gladly debunking the “evidence”. They were investigating an early Victorian mansion in England. The old man that lived there passed away a while ago but the staff that remained in the house for basic maintenance was experiencing strange noises at night.

    They were packing up their high-tech gadgets, when Itachi took a paper and a pen and started doodling something.

    “What are you writing?” Andromeda was curious, “I thought you wanted to leave this place as soon as possible and now you’re writing a poem?” she smiled, but her smile soon turned into a frown because he wasn’t responding.

    “Hey! Stop ignoring me!” Andromeda yelled.

    “What?” Itachi dropped the paper and the pen he was holding just a moment ago (they both ended up behind him) and continued packing like nothing happened.

    “Sometimes you can be such an ...” she refrained from finishing the sentence and asked him again “What were you writing?”

    “Did you skip your pills this morning, I’m packing, what are you yelling at me for?” it seamed he was still in a bad mood.

    Andromeda got up took the paper he was writing on and put it few inches from Itachi’s face “This paper!”










    “Well apparently someone likes to travel, but that’s not my handwriting, besides I think I would have remembered writing this.”

    “You have some ink on your index finger from holding the pen” Andromeda noticed with a grin, and then seriously asked "You are winding me up, aren't you?"

    Suddenly the globe that was peacefully resting on the desk almost made a full spin and then plummeted, continuing to rock back and forth, causing our two adventurous ghost hunters to freeze in their posts.

    “Maybe a short circuit...” Itachi was stretching, but Andromeda immediately put a cork in his mouth “There’s no cord coming out of the globe. Hey maybe we have woken up a hamster that was hibernating inside the globe for months and he made it move” Andromeda couldn’t withhold her sarcasm and burst into echoing laughter.

    Itachi stood up and surprisingly asked “Do you think that it’s trying to tell us something?”

    Andromeda was shocked by this sudden transformation “OK... I know that you said that you are willing to believe if presented with solid evidence, but this is weird.”

    “Look...” Itachi sighed, “I’m not saying that there’s some abstract entity communicating with us, but...”

    “Of course not” Andromeda rolled her eyes.

    “But...” Itachi continued, “Who ever left this note and spin the globe needs our help, right? So let’s help by figuring out what this list means”

    “Wow... we have to remember this moment, we both agreed on the same thing” Andromeda was teasing, but Itachi’s mind was already consumed by the list.

    As he was spinning the globe and looking at the list an idea sparked in his brilliant mind.

    “Could you hand me that pen please?” Itachi reached for the pen Andromeda was holding and started writing something on the paper.

    Andromeda was looking over his shoulder “I would’ve never thought of that!” she exclaimed with excitement.

    “It’s your turn” Itachi smiled ear to ear.

    “OK...” she agreed, “But if there’s nothing in there, you’re the one cleaning up the mess”

    What did the list say?


  3. Nope... it doesn't make sense... :lol:

    I was thinking

    Step 1) You

    Step 2) Alteration - you to alternate to THOU and then add something in front

    Step 3) Sir You


  4. Thank you n0neknows :D

    I PM-ed Izzy! :)

    1. Andromeda

    DANGER: Cavity in progress - jelly beans and lollipops are visiting the chocolate land!

    2. Kat


    3. Reaymond

    I think the Easter bunny has gone a little crazy with his chocolate

    (Host's comment - reaymond thought that jelly beans were eggs)

    4. Lemonymelon


    5. Skywalker

    Sugar rush took its toll on Easter Rabbit's sanity. No chocolates next Easter!

    6. Peace*out


    7. Star tiger

    Evil Easter bunny planning to kidnap cube eggs!

    8. Crazypainter


    (Host's comment - the colored one definitely looks more diabolical!)

    9. Jrod_Writer13

    Coming soon to a theatre near you.....

    Hare-Zilla: Lurking the land of ice, and finding their inner yoke.

    10. Rainthinker


    11. Prince Marth

    A night at the drive-in movies.

    (Host's comment - oh finally, the rabbit is gone...)

    12. Neptune


    13. Woon

    Scary Movie for the Olden First Date.

    14. Lost in space


    15. Brandonb

    Jungle Disco Fever

    16. Y-san


    17. Grayven

    Next item up for bid: The original storyboard for the infamous, Rockyesque "training montage" scene from "Saturday Night Fever" which was never filmed due to Travolta's breif vegan phase.

    18. puzzlegirl


    19. neaners87

    "next up for sale, hollywood squares--disco edition!"

    20. n0neknows


    Only Izzy to go!

    1. andromeda

    2. Kat

    3. Reaymanator

    4. Lemonymelon

    5. Skywalker

    6. Peace

    7. ST

    8. Crazypainter

    9. Jrod

    10. RainThinker

    11. Prince Marth

    12. Neptune

    13. woon

    14. LIS

    15. Brandonb

    16. Y-san

    17. Grayven

    18. Puzzlegirl

    19. neaners87

    20. n0neknows

    21. Izzy


    I won't be starting EPYC V (I'm taking a brake), if someone is up for it than go for it ;)

  5. A variation of this riddle was posted long time ago by the admin!

    Welcome to the Den and perform a search before you post a new riddle. Click on the Search on the top right of the page and click on More Search Options and enter the key words, in this case try with 'light +switch' and you'll see that this riddle has been posted many times before and locked :)

  6. Well, it's my second FIRST mafia game, but I TOO still think there is not much to do other than random voting for now...

    1. DMS

    2. Prince Marth

    3. Silverheart

    4. SomeGuy

    5. Star Tiger

    6. Peace

    7. Izzy

    8. Skywalker - voting for Silverheart

    9. Kat

    10. Limeliam

    11. Twin_Bro

    12.A. Person

    13. Riranor


    15. andromeda - Limeliam actually it's for mister anonymous (I don't like the feeling of being watched and not knowing by whom) <ahttp://brainden.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_unsure.png' alt=':unsure:'> - Prince Marth (suspicious)

    16. Twin Pop

    17. Panther

    18. Impervious

  7. or laddies - :lol:

    If you have BTSC (PMs) yes you will know the other baddies, some goodies may know each other but generally goodies only know there own role and abilities - your smart enought o figure once it starts

    Best to read the original rules and the Mafia for nooobs

    Yeah... I read Unreality's guide :wacko: but there are so many minor differences between mafia games...

  8. OK the roles are sorted out, buuuuuuuuuut I have to wait for kat to e-mail me my list of abilities as they are on my work computer -_-

    So role confirmations will go out the evening of the 4th or the morning of the 5th. I promise :)

    Lemme get this straight... we will be given our roles and abilities, but we won't know what are the abilities of other players, or... you'll start a new game thread, or... :huh:

    Have a nice time in Vegas and um... no "ladies"! :P

  9. He's alive. R2D2 saved him last night, or something.

    I've just read the roles... and R2D2 has 50% chance of being successful. So... Impervious was lucky, or someone protected him, or he was impervious?? :huh:

    Reaymond, what do you mean by 50% chance? Do you roll a dice or what?? :D

    I was looking for what RID means in the Unreality's rules for newbies but I didn't find it. I just had a quick glance.

    So RID? :)

  10. R2D2 had chosen Impervious as his target for that night too, and due to R2’s natural environment being around planes and other mechanical objects, the machine instantly corrupted the X-Wing’s systems, causing it to crash next time it tried to fly, killing its pilot – Impervious. Princess Leia was also confused , by this cloud of smoke, and whilst she was blind, Impervious – who had been wearing his mask to fix some welding of the opposite side of the plane – crept straight past her with nobody noticing. Impervious returned to the safety of his bedroom, leaving Grand Moff Tarkin and Princess Leia bewildered.

    “Wow, I guess I really am the obvious Night 1 target...”

    I don't get it?? Is Impervious alive or dead?? :huh:

  11. Click the black ball with the face really fast until a blue light blows up the bomb :)

    Not that bomb... :lol: the one where you only have one second to decide what to do! 80. something question...

    First a big bomb appears in the middle of the screen and then after it blows up there's an arrow pointing right and in the arrow it says 'escape'!

    Thanks anyway... if I can be of any assistance to anyone please ask! :D

  12. Yippee! Lynch, lynch, lynch, lynch...

    I'm excited because this is my first mafia! :D

    Oh... I've changed my sleeping habit so... I go to bed around 20:00 PM Central European (+1 GTM) and I wake up at 2:00 AM.

    I'm about 6 hours from NY and 9 from LA I think... wait let me check... yep! :)

    So if I'm inactive I'm probably sleeping or doing something less important than this is :P

  13. OK here are mine:

    1. Get a job!! :)

    2. Get a lock for the fridge (with one key hidden by my parents) <_<

    3. Get a crowbar (just in case my parents don't lend me the key) :D

    4. Start exercising! My muscles will start atrophying :unsure:

    5. Continue studying Persian and learn Spanish and German!!! This resolution is an absolute MUST DO!! B))

    6. Umm... spend less time on BD :rolleyes:

    7. Write more "easy riddles" :P

    8. Oh... oh... oh... find a boyfriend!! :wub: well... at least someone to put up with me... (mission impossible) :wacko:

    9. And... um... er... read more!!! :lol:

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