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You start bringing school lunch home

You say the pledge of alligance when you see a flag *bad spelling

You start dressing in dress code everwhere

You start helping random people do things

You eat the school breakfast for dinner

You wake up, and see yourself at school

You go to sleep at home, wake up, and find yourself doing homework

Feel free to add :) (thanks Y-san)

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You raise your hand when your talking to your parents.

You ask your parents for a pass to go out. ( I did that.... they wont shut up about it XD)

You carry around pencils/pens when you do not need to.

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You raise your hand when your talking to your parents.

guilty! all the time actually... :mellow::P

- you call your parents by teachers names...

- you stand whenever someone enters the room

- its a saturday and you put your lunch in a lunch box even though you are not leaving the house :huh:

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When you and your friends think its a great idea to walk 5 miles (ive walked further, but still) to our school.

When you've biked to school, on several occasions, because you didn't know the day of the week. (I've also done it because I couldn't be bothered to go to school, and stopped by to pick up homework.)

Alternatively: I know I don't spend enough time in school when...

I'm home on a day like this to catch up on school work.

I have school lunch off campus, and no one realizes because they still don't know who I am (new kid..).

you missed 17 days of school last year. (Still nothing compared to Angela last year and Kent this year, they showed up like every other day. *Maybe*)

you've gone home early on multiple occasions.

you still don't know your locker combination or which floor your teachers are on.

Orrr : I know I don't go to a great school when...

..I hardly show up and have all A's. But that's kind of the reason for not going, isn't it? Teacher harder things ffs.

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you keep laughing at home when you remember the lame jokes that your teachers make because u actually think they are funny...

someone in my class did that.........all i could do was laugh at her behaviour......then run b4 she could catch me........

Edited by EDM
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-your friends have left because you were busy doing EXTRA homework, and you didn't realize they had even come over.

-your parents ask you NOT to go to school.

-you show up to class wearing sweats and your teacher/professor asks where they can get some.

-your attendence records are at least 101%.

alternatively, you know you spend too LITTLE time at school when...

-your parents call and ask for you, and the school says they've never heard of you.

-the school calls and tells you not to bother coming because you missed the first half of the year.

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-when you post the riddles told by your teachers an fellow students on brainden in the middle of class (I did that today in 7th period)

-when you use one of the riddles posted earlier to start a conversation, also in the middle of class (did that today too)


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You start bringing school lunch home


You raise your hand when your talking to your parents.

You ask your parents for a pass to go out. ( I did that.... they wont shut up about it XD)

You carry around pencils/pens when you do not need to.


ook around to make shure no one is wathing when you start to text

put your name on all the papers you get


When you don't go on brainden at school, or even mention it there. :P

def. guilty...

guilty! all the time actually... :mellow::P

- you call your parents by teachers names...

Im not the only one! :D and...guilty

When you have a daydream at school of being home in your underwear B))

...not in my underwear, but other than that? GUILTY

you keep laughing at home when you remember the lame jokes that your teachers make because u actually think they are funny...


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-your parents ask you NOT to go to school.

no, but my parents threatened to take my book case away...

i go so scared - no joke, that happened.

When you ask your parents permission to go to the toilet

all the time...guilty

when you come home on average about 5 or 6 in the evening (when it gets out at three)

i dont know where "school" ends and "home" begins, but sometimes guilty

-when you post the riddles told by your teachers an fellow students on brainden in the middle of class (I did that today in 7th period)

-when you use one of the riddles posted earlier to start a conversation, also in the middle of class (did that today too)


no, but ive used plasmid's riddle in an english story before!

ahhh, 7th grade...it was the tv/antenna one...

...and guilty

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When you have made a 40 page exam review paper for youself (optional), and you not even through with the second subject.

when you set spanish exercises as your alarm

when you do hw and study not during study hall/designated time. (and my study hall is most likely longer than yours if you have one, so its not a little thing)

when you feel disappointed when you got an 84 in geometry...

when you acually live at school

when one of your best friends in a monitor on your dorm floor (shes really nice, ok?!)

when you get up at 6:45 to do extra work (ive set my alarm earlier to accomedate fore it...)

when you share links and topics from brainden at school and with your parents (like the bagdad helicopter thing...we had talked about christian vs. muslim relationships that day...

when you cut lunch short to do hw or study

when you enjoy your required after school activity

when you go to extra help, even though you dont need it

when you use photo booth to take pictures of your textbook pages

when you go to a really good school (top 20! :P )

when you are first one in the academic center for study hall (there early)

^^...yes, all true...

why do i feel like such a geek/nerd right now??? :duh:

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no, but my parents threatened to take my book case away...

i go so scared - no joke, that happened.

That happened to me, only I DID lose it... our basement storage room still has books from when I was in third grade.

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That happened to me, only I DID lose it... our basement storage room still has books from when I was in third grade.


...when you find yourself daydreaming on vacation about school (i have no idea why either)

...when your mom kicks you off the computer and you grab about 6 books from the bookcase for some "light reading"

...when you listen to some brainiac on a tv show, and thing "already knew that"

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When you know every single game website that gets through the internet security-thing.

(DO NOT type its name. It can sense your fingers preparing to type its name and it will block your sites for your impertinence..)

When you have complex conspiracy theories about your schools internet security-thing.

(Don’t even type what it does. It may take that as a sign of insolence..)

When you find yourself starting to believe your own conspiracy theories...

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When you know every single game website that gets through the internet security-thing.

(DO NOT type its name. It can sense your fingers preparing to type its name and it will block your sites for your impertinence..)

When you have complex conspiracy theories about your schools internet security-thing.

(Don’t even type what it does. It may take that as a sign of insolence..)

When you find yourself starting to believe your own conspiracy theories...

Sooooo true for me.

Over spring break a ton of game sites that were previously open were blocked; by last period today I'd already found a new one.


When you have a 5.0 GPA (sadly not quite true for me)

When you have your all your teachers' syllabi in your boookmarks, or in your notebook if it's not online

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When you know every single game website that gets through the internet security-thing.

(DO NOT type its name. It can sense your fingers preparing to type its name and it will block your sites for your impertinence..)

When you have complex conspiracy theories about your schools internet security-thing.

(Don’t even type what it does. It may take that as a sign of insolence..)

When you find yourself starting to believe your own conspiracy theories...

Sooooo true for me.


When you have a 5.0 GPA (sadly not quite true for me)

When you have your all your teachers' syllabi in your boookmarks, or in your notebook if they're not online

When you have your watch synchronized perfectly with school time so that you can count down to the bell accurately (I'm pretty well known for this ^_^ )

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