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Heroes: Season 1


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  Brandonb said:
Well, I think I just made alot of progress.

My Current list of suspicious characters (no order) are:





and to a lesser note, PM

I can say one thing though. These all have over a 50% chance of being baddies, I'd say the first four range from about 60-75%

Why? because I am suspicious of you? and 60-75%? how did you come to this if I may ask?

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Candice - Any night but not two in a row, she may alter the reality of any person and if a night role, their target is randomly redirected. That person will be notified that their target was redirected.

This applies to saving roles too, right?

EDIT: Just to sort of co-ordinate the activities: Nathan you can protect me, Claire you should protect Itachi and I will also protect Itachi. Double protection for Itachi, just in case Candice uses her ability tonight.

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wow I thought I was going to be able to stay on but I just got really sleepy I'll be on early morning because if I counted right then night should end 10:30am my time, I hope that's not wrong...


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  grey cells said:
Candice - Any night but not two in a row, she may alter the reality of any person and if a night role, their target is randomly redirected. That person will be notified that their target was redirected.

This applies to saving roles too, right?

EDIT: Just to sort of co-ordinate the activities: Nathan you can protect me, Claire you should protect Itachi and I will also protect Itachi. Double protection for Itachi, just in case Candice uses her ability tonight.

I think Itachi already asked his brother for help, so you may want to make an appeal to Claire. If Hiro doesn't still get you of course. :D

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  Prof. Templeton said:
I think Itachi already asked his brother for help, so you may want to make an appeal to Claire. If Hiro doesn't still get you of course. :D

So I see I was wrong about you itachi :blush: .. apologies mate, I actually owe you greatly . And I also see that I'm down as baddie/suspicious to alot of you at the minute... fair enough i guess after the days events. But I can assure you all I'm no baddie, and that I'm certainly an imporatant innocent, especially in tonights affairs.

And I'm glad Slick got to replace, Cl and isn't ruing Eter's/Itachi's, decision, he always gets killed first :( .

  Prof. Templeton said:
I think Itachi already asked his brother for help, so you may want to make an appeal to Claire. If Hiro doesn't still get you of course. :D

I wouldn't be surprised if Claire has heard the call by now (as GC did appeal to her :P), and I'd say she would take up the direction.

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  grey cells said:
Candice - Any night but not two in a row, she may alter the reality of any person and if a night role, their target is randomly redirected. That person will be notified that their target was redirected.

This applies to saving roles too, right?

EDIT: Just to sort of co-ordinate the activities: Nathan you can protect me, Claire you should protect Itachi and I will also protect Itachi. Double protection for Itachi, just in case Candice uses her ability tonight.

Good thinking with the double-protection of Peter, GC. What exactly does "alter the reality" mean? Does that mean that even Hiro could be re-directed from resussitating GC?

Edit: I only have a few more minutes before I'm gone for the day...so if anyone could answer my question I'd appreciate it!

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  puzzlegirl said:
Good thinking with the double-protection of Peter, GC. What exactly does "alter the reality" mean? Does that mean that even Hiro could be re-directed from resussitating GC?

Edit: I only have a few more minutes before I'm gone for the day...so if anyone could answer my question I'd appreciate it!

I wouldn't think so. Hiro attacks in the future, so wouldn't that technically be out of Candice's "range"? Do correct me if I'm wrong of course.

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  grey cells said:
Candice - Any night but not two in a row, she may alter the reality of any person and if a night role, their target is randomly redirected. That person will be notified that their target was redirected.

This applies to saving roles too, right?

Yes, it applies to saving roles. Though in the case of Hiro, Candice can only redirect the initial attack, not the possible cancellation of the attack the next night.

Oh, and Candice's redirects aren't written into the story, I forgot about that. Only the person she targets is notified of it.

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  Frost said:
Oh yeah, and I have all of the PMs in already, so do you guys mind me posting the night post once I finish it? This does mean that the day will be even longer than usual...

I don't mind...

Well I went back through and reread the entire 30 pages...

Bb you are no longer #1 on my suspicious list because Ysan seems to trust you a whole lot and I trust her and I have a feeling I know who you are based on your posts...(must have just skimmed them instead of actually reading them)

Slick, Impervious, and CP are higher on my list...

Slick was eager to please Impervious by sweet talking him...maybe Company has special way of saying things to eachother through the thread i.e. "Will you convince me if I am righteous?" (post#181)

CP has been showing that she's active but hasn't really contributed much...

(there's more to this but I want to sort it out)

Okay so I'm off to my 10 hr class :( but I'll try to get in during my breaks....

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Night 2

A Very Quiet Night

Hiro sat at his desk, tapping against it with his knuckles. Ando looked up over the cubicle. “That’s really starting to get annoying Hiro.” “Oh, sorry, I’ve just been thinking a lot lately.” Ando sat back down at his desk and started typing.

“Ando?” Ando’s head popped back over the wall separating their desks. “Yeah?” “Do you think I made the right decision killing GC like that?” “Well, remember you can always go and stop it.”

Hiro jumped up out of his chair. “You’re right!” he exclaimed. “I must stop it!” Hiro closed his eyes, and in a flash, he was gone.


Sinistral was tired. It had been a long day full of discussion, and he was worn out. He opened the door to his house and took off his jacket. The door was closing behind him as he headed up the stairs to his room. He turned on the light and collapsed onto his bed, exhausted. Just then, a foot wedged in the door, before it had time to fully close. Someone opened the door, and stepped into the house.


Hiro opened his eyes to total darkness. He couldn’t tell exactly where he was, though he was pretty sure that he had teleported into GC’s house. Hiro felt around for a light switch on the wall, but instead his hand came to rest on the doorknob in front of him. He turned it slowly and peered through the crack. Suddenly, a light came on in the hallway outside the door. Hiro could see GC come out of his bedroom, headed for the stairs leading down to the first floor. After GC had walked past, Hiro crept out into the hall and glanced back. Apparently he had teleported himself into the upstairs closet! Hiro turned back and stepped quietly down the stairs of GC’s house, hoping that they wouldn’t creak.



HRG pocketed the smoking gun as he left the house. “It’s done,” he said, closing his cell phone. Blood stained the upstairs window in the house behind him. HRG walked off into the night, happy about the first successful kill.


The light flickered in the corridor as Hiro lightly hopped off the stairs. He looked around, trying to ascertain his location. He heard the fridge opening to his left. “I have to hurry,” thought Hiro. He snuck past the kitchen door into the living room and hid behind the couch. The clock above him blinked 12:00, just as it had last time he had been in this room. Hiro turned his attention back to the kitchen. He could hear GC taking down a juice glass from the cupboard.

Suddenly, a man was standing right in front of him. Hiro glanced up to see what he had been waiting for: Hiro. Hiro stood up, directly behind Hiro. “Hiro,” Hiro said. Hiro turned around.

“What the…? What are you doing here?” gasped Hiro. “I’m here to stop you. This is actually the present for me. After much thought about it, I decided that killing GC was not the best of ideas, so I teleported here.”

“But won’t this mess up the space/time continuum?” past Hiro questioned. “Well, I’d rather not think about the logistics of that,” replied present Hiro. “Anyway, just don’t kill him, alright? Go back to your time and relax a bit.”

“Fine, well, it was good seeing you,” said Hiro. “Same to you Hiro,” Hiro replied. Past Hiro disappeared, back to his own time, while the present Hiro teleported home, and GC enjoyed a nice glass of orange juice.


Let's get this day started!

Host: Mohinder Suresh

1) Brandonb

2) Kathleen

3) Sweetness Kat

4) Puzzlegirl

5) Prince Marth

6) Sinistral – DEAD[?]

7) Slick2

8) Crazypainter

9) Itachi - Injected[Peter]

10) Prof. Templeton

11) Impervious

12) Akaslickster – DEAD[sylar]

13) Yoruichi-san

14) Grey Cells

15) Joe's Student

Oh, and I'm sorry, but this day will run a little long because I have school, but voting still ends in exactly 24 hours.

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OK, I guess I'll kick off the festivities with my obvious vote for Itachi ^_^

Host: Mohinder Suresh

1) Brandonb - voting for Joe's Student

2) Kathleen

3) Sweetness Kat

4) Puzzlegirl

5) Prince Marth

6) Sinistral – DEAD[?]

7) Slick2

8) Crazypainter

9) Itachi - Injected[Peter]

10) Prof. Templeton

11) Impervious

12) Akaslickster – DEAD[sylar]

13) Yoruichi-san

14) Grey Cells

15) Joe's Student

Aww, you know I was just kidding :P

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  Yoruichi-san said:
Edit: Okay...I see who JS is claiming to be...anyone want to counter? ;)

Seriously good point.

Right now is a great time for Claire to come forward since she cannot be killed without one of the company being killed ;)

Edit: Plus Sylar is dead :lol:

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  Brandonb said:
Seriously good point.

Right now is a great time for Claire to come forward since she cannot be killed without one of the company being killed ;)

True, HRG has to die first b4 they can get to claire. And the reason I am not posting much is that I really dont have much to say

but if I remain silent I will be repremanded. Last few games I have been killed so fast and was a big talker. I was a good gal and a bad gal.

But talking got me killed. I will do more good if I am alive. But now I am really suspicious of Sweetness Kat. But kat, dont let the players get

to you as they gang up on ya. It is a game and in your case trail by fire...this is the best way to learn.

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I think I know who JS is. But I'm highly suspicious of a certain Prince.

Host: Mohinder Suresh

1) Brandonb - voting for Joe's Student

2) Kathleen

3) Sweetness Kat

4) Puzzlegirl

5) Prince Marth

6) Sinistral – DEAD[?]

7) Slick2

8) Crazypainter

9) Itachi - Injected[Peter] - voting for Prince Marth

10) Prof. Templeton

11) Impervious

12) Akaslickster – DEAD[sylar]

13) Yoruichi-san

14) Grey Cells

15) Joe's Student

Here's my hint before if anyone was curious. You need to speak a little 1337

Great Night Heroes! I do love Sylar, but not in this game :PI probably would have nailed down Slick as Sylar. Power like that would just go to his head. no pun in 10 did. OK GC, defend yourself!
yeah, I know how obscure that was. But it was early and I didn't want to give away too much. I figured I'd need it and I was right... even though it didn't help. Oh well. And no offense Slick, Peter isn't a killer anyway, he only kills killers, so if you were a good guy, I wouldn't have hurt you (Nikki and Y-San aside). I just had a feeling you were up to no good B))

As for PM, he's on a lot and it seems he's not sure what to say, probably because he can't say much ;)

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Host: Mohinder Suresh

1) Brandonb - voting for Joe's Student

2) Kathleen

3) Sweetness Kat

4) Puzzlegirl

5) Prince Marth

6) Sinistral – DEAD[?]

7) Slick2

8) Crazypainter voting for Impervious

9) Itachi - Injected[Peter] - voting for Prince Marth

10) Prof. Templeton

11) Impervious

12) Akaslickster – DEAD[sylar]

13) Yoruichi-san

14) Grey Cells

15) Joe's Student

i am voting for Impervious because he seems to be raising all my red flags for baddie..

Huh, Im a newbie thats why I act like that....He's not saying enough to clear him in my book.

But the day is young and there are other people I want to hear from.

btw: out for a while- dinner party for family. BBL

edit: color

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  crazypainter said:
True, HRG has to die first b4 they can get to claire. And the reason I am not posting much is that I really dont have much to say

but if I remain silent I will be repremanded. Last few games I have been killed so fast and was a big talker. I was a good gal and a bad gal.

But talking got me killed. I will do more good if I am alive. But now I am really suspicious of Sweetness Kat. But kat, dont let the players get

to you as they gang up on ya. It is a game and in your case trail by fire...this is the best way to learn.

I really am not all that suspicious of you, I just wanted to see a response :)

I won't let people get to me, that was my mistake in my first game

Let me just say that I am also Needed in this game to do good... ;)

I can see how Impervious is acting just as I did in my frist game and thats what mkaes me so suspicious of him, since I was a baddie in that game :blush:

Well I have about 30 minutes left of my lunch break so I'll be here for a little whlie to see what I can make of everyone's posts... :)

Edit: Just so you know I did not mention Impervious just because you voted for him, you posted that while I was typing :P

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