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I Know I Spend Too Much Time On BrainDen When...


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When you feel scared of being banned for being friends with someone who has been banned

I know I spend too much time on BrainDen when I know we are all friends here on BrainDen so Rianor's sentence makes no sense ;)

Only the association with your friends in the forbidden activity will have you banned! :)

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^ When that makes you giggle 'cos you remember the last time Peace got banned.

When you cant relate to someone but you know how everyone is like and can easily imagine why they are laughing and laugh with them

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Okay, so today we were watching a Martin Luther King Junior video during History. My teacher has placed me in a seat in the front of the room (for what I'm sure she thought were good reasons..), so nearly the entire class has a pretty good view of me while they're looking at the overhead projector. I, someone with very selective hearing, blanked out during the video and started day dreaming. Then I heard the word "lynched" and grinned, cheek to cheek (thinking of Mafia), only later realizing that the entire sentence was "Many blacks had been lynched for a lot less than protesting." Needless to say, everyone saw me do this. It didn't help that later, when, I was day dreaming again, not even looking at the screen, I grinned again. It was showing some KKK stuff.

*Is not racist*

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When you laugh at the previous post even though it's kind of mean.

When you read through about 100+ posts of this thread to catch up from December 15th. Yeah, that's a lot.

When everyone pretty much knows who I am even though I haven't been on here for about a month. (ty guys :))

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When you don't play any Mafia and you still know who got lynched last night.

When you desperately want to try Mafia, merely to be in on some of the more obscure references.

When you are afraid to even look at a Mafia thread, because you've seen what it has done to others.

When you have to tile your bathroom floor, you consider posting a tricky tile cut as a geometry riddle. (But your wife has to make you "call your contractor friend and get back to work!") <_<

You have a pad of paper on your desk at work dedicated to riddle notes, and you replace it almost weekly.

You have a 2 inch pile of paperwork from last week that needs to be caught up, and instead you're reading and posting in this thread!

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Okay, so today we were watching a Martin Luther King Junior video during History. My teacher has placed me in a seat in the front of the room (for what I'm sure she thought were good reasons..), so nearly the entire class has a pretty good view of me while they're looking at the overhead projector. I, someone with very selective hearing, blanked out during the video and started day dreaming. Then I heard the word "lynched" and grinned, cheek to cheek (thinking of Mafia), only later realizing that the entire sentence was "Many blacks had been lynched for a lot less than protesting." Needless to say, everyone saw me do this. It didn't help that later, when, I was day dreaming again, not even looking at the screen, I grinned again. It was showing some KKK stuff.

*Is not racist*

When you laugh at this because you could see yourself doing the same thing.

*again not racist*

When you're working on one mafia while hosting another even when you said not 48hours before you wouldn't host for a while....

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When I read all the new puzzles in the NP section and decide to visit the LP section and end up reading 8 pages of posts, post something silly and get warned by the watchful eye that posting that wasn't necessary... sorry :blush: and then I end up defending myself via PM as I would in a mafia game... <_<

Stay away from mafia Grayven! It takes over your life, and your dreams will never be the same again! :o

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When you're six-year-old draws a family portrait which includes, Mom, Dad, Bother, Self and mom's laptop. Sad but true.

Aw :wub: That's so cute! We have two laptops in our house, and they're always taken...guess who always uses the green one? *Watches Liam walk by, his eyes glued to a lime green laptop*


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When on a campout with a bunch of friends, you are playing Apples to Apples (if you've ever played it) and the Adjective was "Exccentric". Using the Biggest inside joke in the history of Brainden, you play the noun card "The Mafia". This causes you to begin to laugh histerically and fall out of your chair, earning stares from everyone around you. :lol::lol::lol:

Edit: Capitilization

Edited by RainThinker
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I know I spend too much time on BrainDen when I don't feel like spending anymore time here, when I'm just fed up and tired and exhausted... when all the fun has just been sucked out and stumped to near death coma.

When I know that everything I wrote in the quoted post is gibberish :blush:

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When on a campout with a bunch of friends, you are playing Apples to Apples (if you've ever played it) and the Adjective was "Exccentric". Using the Biggest inside joke in the history of Brainden, you play the noun card "The Mafia". This causes you to begin to laugh histerically and fall out of your chair, earning stares from everyone around you. :lol::lol::lol:

Edit: Capitilization

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: WOW that made me laugh for a while...XD That game can be so amusing...


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When on a campout with a bunch of friends, you are playing Apples to Apples (if you've ever played it) and the Adjective was "Exccentric". Using the Biggest inside joke in the history of Brainden, you play the noun card "The Mafia". This causes you to begin to laugh histerically and fall out of your chair, earning stares from everyone around you. :lol::lol::lol:

Edit: Capitilization

I LOVE THAT GAME!!! They have a mafia card???

When you think of your stat on gmail, and it turns out to be, i never thought i would be in a band with a Kat, a lime, The greek neptune (is it poisidon?) and many more.

(yeah, and i should have known that someone would ask me if i was ok...)

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