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Mythological Mafia


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  Brandonb said:
Now you're starting to sound like a QA yourself Y-s. By trying to get the Inuit to waste a perfectly good kill on a confirmed innocent (as far as I am concerned). If someone else was the Spy they would have come out with it by now. Thereby gaining a saving role's coverage for the night. But no one else has come forward, so I find it hard to believe that Unreality it not telling the truth on this one.

Fine, fine, have him spy on me tomorrow, I don't care...but I do believe that the reason the ppl who didn't vote gave for voting (not wanting to make a bad decision based on their inability to be online at the crucial time) is a good one, and I don't think that makes them suspicious as QA's...I think the Inuit's power is better used confirming UR's innocence so the other innocents (especially the Ninja) can coordinate with him better.

Oh, and if 2D wants to check me: I am an innocent.

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yay we got a mafioso

o and who can convince me on who to lie detect, for now im leaving it up to the other innocents

no it would be a waste to check unrealtiy, i belive him but there others i am curious about, like you Y-san

o and since you offered to be checked by me it makes me think you are the MoD, who should be checked by the spy or if lucky, known by the inspector

Edited by TwoaDay
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  Yoruichi-san said:
Yeah...I'm really not sure about UR, I'd like to believe him, but I'd like to point out that a person attacking a baddie in one faction and trying to get him/her lynched does not exclude that person from being a baddie from a different faction (case and point: Mafia IV, me deducing BB was the MoS ;P), so I'd really like the Inuit to prove that UR is not a QA...that way I could be comfortable working with him...plus if it is proven that he is the Spy, I'm sure the Ninja would be a lot more comfortable following his suggestions ;)

Edit: And I don't really agree with I-san on the people not voting being QAs..."not wanting to vote for your own" seems like a weak reason...the people who didn't vote all explained their not wanting to vote because they couldn't be on during the last hours so they didn't want to be part of making a bad lynch decision...I think this is a perfectly good reason, and the best thing they could have done under those circumstances.

Just so you know, the only reason that i didnt vote was because by the time i got on Frost alrready said no posting.

Now i know this might sound selffish, but hear me out...

i would lke the assistance of a doctor today, not as much because of me but so i dont get shot and talisin doesnt get to play much. so if the doctor or healer cant decide... im a canadit

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and your also a possible baddie trying to prove your false innocence

mabey im being to skeptical, welcome to mafia V BTW

edit: didnt see that last post but i dont want to erase what i wrote, you seem more innocent with trying to be lie detected to prove your innocence but its possible that you are the MoD and Y-San is innocent but that seems less likely, you also could both be innocent

also it might be worthwile to note that ALL the baddies except the GR acted the first night so i dont know if Taliesin(now mekal) was on then but if he wasnt it seens that the only baddie Mekal could be is the GR, and since he seems so confident with his innocence,for now i think im going to believe he is an innocent

Edited by TwoaDay
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  TwoaDay said:
and your also a possible baddie trying to prove your false innocence

mabey im being to skeptical, welcome to mafia V BTW

edit: didnt see that last post but i dont want to erase what i wrote, you seem more innocent with trying to be lie detected to prove your innocence but its possible that you are the MoD and Y-San is innocent but that seems less likely, you also could both be innocent

also it might be worthwile to note that ALL the baddies except the GR acted the first night so i dont know if Taliesin(now mekal) was on then but if he wasnt it seens that the only baddie Mekal could be is the GR, and since he seems so confident with his innocence,for now i think im going to believe he is an innocent

my advice is to not waste your lie-detection on anyone tonight. There's still too much up in the air. As for the QA's, I of course am not certain about them, but I wrote the Inuit line as a trap. I'm surprised and maybe disappointed it was y-san that fell into it :o unreality is 99.9% the Spy because the real Spy never came out as Bb said. Sure, just because people didn't vote it doesn't mean much, but it does mean a little as far as I'm concerned. Bb and rene were 2 shady characters in my book. Both were easily votable on the first day.

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  TwoaDay said:
my only problem is if i save it tonight, i cant use it the fourth night, but by then i might be dead or it might be useless, so im not sure

yeah i was thinking about that. It's up to you. I guess if you feel like you should use it tonight so that you can use it the Fourth night too, my vote would be to lie detect Bb since he's the shadiest character in my book who has made lie detecting statements. Though y-san is now up there too... hmmm.

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i suspect y-san of being MoD more than Bb, i already have a pm written out and ready to send to frost, if i can id like to see what unreality,(and possibly Bb himself) have to say about it,

o and it might be a good idea for the doctor/healer to wait till it gets later in the night, we might have more info by then.

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I'm gone for 13 hours and WHOA...anyways....mafia on first lynch, definitely cool...almost never happens. Sorry for having a vote for you BB, like I said, I was off at 18:00 and missed your whole defense w/ Unreal and everything. When I was on you were gettin' a Saab LOL. I hope it's a new one 'cause I never like the older model hatchbacks.

I'm think that Unreal is the spy and TwoaDay is the bomb. However, BB, I'm really not sure about you. Last game you had me going about your innocence and turned out otherwise. I'm beginning to think that you're a loner character, which are mostly good guys so in my opion you're safe from my vote, only a small chance you are the GR.

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  puzzlegirl said:
Hoorah! That's a victory in itself! :D

Don't worry, we're saving you for the second lynching! :P jk :lol:

There's a lot of accusations being thrown around now about who is whom. One thing that I would say to Twoaday is that of all the characters, you are the one that scares baddies the most because of how dangerous you are to them. I'm not sure if I agree with Itachi that you should wait. If you wait, then you will be able to make a better informed decision on the third night, but then again, the mafia may decide that it's best to get rid of you now rather than risk going against you one on one later. Though you'll probably be safe for one more day in any case...just a feeling I have, not sure why. I don't know if you've already contacted Frost or not, but at the end of the day, you have to trust your own judgment as to whether or not you should lie-detect tonight.

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  itachi-san said:
My hunch is that the people who didn't vote (y-san aside) are very probably QAs.

Hey, that's not a fair statement. I was leaning toward Unreality until 2aDay came forth. I had to sign-off for the night several hours before the final vote and not a whole lot of evidence had been presented for Rene at that point...and Unreality was adament that we shouldn't vote for Brandon. I removed my vote for no other reason than I might get falsly accused voting for someone I didn't have all the evidence about.

Anyhow, whatever. I welcome a spy. However, if I were the Spy I'd be more interested to find out what the connection between Unreality and Brandon is.

Great job with the Mafiosa everyone!! :D

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I agree with you TwoaDay, it's really not such a bad idea to use the lie detection tonight since you will more than likely be around on the 4th night. So feel free to confirm that I am an innocent (since I am still topping out so many of the suspicion lists right now). I don't want the same thing as last game to occur, with me barely squeaking through the first day and then an unstoppable and unfounded mob lynching the next day (even though I was a baddie, there was nothing to go on against me until well after I had a majority vote, when Y-s called me out). :P

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  unreality said:
I know that Bb and Y-san have said that they are Innocent for the lie-detector, and I remember I-san saying he was but didn't like the lie-detector idea. So all three have said this, I was just compiling their statements into one sentence

Isn't there a problem with the bomb lie-detecting your statement, though? If YOU belive it to be true, then you are not lying and the statement will return as true. That doesn't clear the suspects, right? Or am I missing some element of the lie-detector? If this WILL work, then go for it!

Edited by Cherry Lane
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  unreality said:
I know that Bb and Y-san have said that they are Innocent for the lie-detector, and I remember I-san saying he was but didn't like the lie-detector idea. So all three have said this, I was just compiling their statements into one sentence

I've said I'm innocent at least 3 times... (i've noticed that a lot of what I say gets forgotten by both you and Bb btw) but I'm not sure this will work. Your character doesn't 'know' any of this so how can it be true/false? I don't see how this fits the rules of the game. If you're just trying to trick 1 of us into condemning this then w/e I'm literally just talking about the rules.

also, since GC wasn't inspector, which I don't think was the best idea to say explicitly to baddies... he could have been the Spy. It's unlikely but I'm moving you from 99.9% Spy to 99.5% o0o0o0o0oo

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