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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Looks good...how about Siren on dawh? And then use the first nullify on Apollo...or maybe I should nullify Apollo...unless you guys want to try to use Apollo to our advantage and post our votes right after the Day Post...hehe...;P Hold on...need to decipher PT's last message... Okay, Prof. T says he's attacking SG, so maybe Hades should attack dawh or Athena instead...
  2. Lol...luck just hates me XP... But actually I was referring to the misunderstanding about the answer to my question...
  3. Sorry...my modem doesn't see to like the warm weather Who are we getting Prof. T to target?
  4. Crap...sorry...if I had known I would have started the IDNE vote earlier and gotten ST onboard...and I would boosted Diomedes to attack Eros directly last Night... Anyways...um...yeah...this is...awkward...
  5. Roster: 1) Brandonb 2) dawh - voting for Impervious 3) grey cells - voting for Impervious 4) IDNE- voting for SomeGuy 5) Impervious - voting for Impervious 6) Kat 7) Prof. Templeton 8) SomeGuy - voting for Impervious 9) star tiger 10) Y-San - voting for IDNE Sorry...I want more ppl on our team for now ;P.
  6. Itachi, can you clarify? I thought this meant the Nemeon Lion succeeded... Well, the fact the Indies haven't jumped on the Impervious action looks promising. If Aphroguyte still has a summons left I'm not sure whether we want to lynch him...we may just want to go with you since we know there's no Athena...and plus the Indies want to be recruited by us...if we get Heracles we can protect Bb every Night and he can attack...
  7. Wait...how does he have any Summons left? He lost one during the lynch and he lost one to the Nemeon Lion...??? Crap...uh...IDNE...beware the Eyes of March <.<
  8. Wow...darn, should have boosted Diomedes after all...T_T... I'm kind of at the point where I want to lynch Aphroguyte...let them have Mmesynome...XP But wow...that was...interesting...poor Kat though...lol...but I like how luck effectively nullified everyone's actions Question to Itachi: Since dawh was put to sleep, if he attempted to summon Ares, can he summon Ares tomorrow?
  9. Sorry, I'm tired...and listening to Bb...who apparently wanted to kill me...so...XP Edit: Welcome back, btw ;P
  10. Happy B-day! We've missed in the world of Mafia ;P

  11. Odysseus Guesses: 1) Nullify- Zeus will use Hermes to send a message to Aphrodite 2) Do Not Nullify- Diomedes will target SomeGuy 3) Do Not Nullify- Diomedes will summon Briares Summon: Oceanus-> Diomedes Era Vote: n/a Nestor Action: Boost Achilles Nestor Summon: Agamemnon Guesses: 1)Aphrodite will target Y-san 2)Poseidon will target Agamemnon Era Vote: n/a Hades Action: Target Ares Hades Summon: Achilles-> Hermes Era Vote: n/a *Sigh*...
  12. Wait! PT is online! Do we want to try making a last minute move to get him to attack Ares/Hermes instead? Edit: Damn, nvm, he's gone .
  13. Follow-ups: 1) Can a person with no more Summons make an offering? (I guess they're offering their own life?) 2) If Demeter is Sacrificed, does she get the Sacrifice back? (creating an infinite Demeter loop...lol...)
  14. Aphroguyte can't protect...Eros is gone...she can only nullify... Diomedes is attacking someguy.... Odysseus Guesses: 1) Nullify- Zeus will use Hermes to send a message to Aphrodite 2) Do Not Nullify- Diomedes will target SomeGuy 3) Do Not Nullify- Diomedes will summon Briares Summon: Oceanus-> Diomedes Era Vote: n/a Nestor Action: Boost Achilles Nestor Summon: Agamemnon Guesses: 1)Aphrodite will target Y-san 2)Poseidon will target Y-san (are we sure? I'm torn b/c of the chance they're target Agamemnon directly...and I might get some help from the Indies, but Agie definitely won't...I dunno...I don't know if we're underestimating our opponent... ) Era Vote: n/a Hades Action: Target Ares Hades Summon: Achilles-> Hermes Era Vote: n/a Yeah, I think Zeus will guess/nullify the attack on Aphroguyte...grrr...I really want him dead! I am really getting tired of the lobbying... . Yeah...the randomness of Chaos is kind of stressing me...*rubs Bb for luck ;P*
  15. I'm confused...wouldn't attacking Hermes (the summon and method of recruitment) be unexpected? Are you saying we should focus our efforts on Hermes instead of AphroGuyte? I would usually agree with you on the unexpected thing...but the thing is...b/c of Nestor, we have more nullifies than they do...and plus we have you while they have no Independents yet, so barring some bad luck *cough* (Itachi: I officially leave the game for the minutes it take you to flip the coin or whatever ;P), or Mmesynome messing around with us, they can't stop us from finishing off Aphroguyte. The main reason I wanted to get rid of her as soon as possible was for the vote advantage...I'm really getting tired of the lobbying...XP... Both of Aphroguyte's summons are dead btw...he lost one during the lynch first Day (I think it was Dionysus based on the lack of action Night 2. And then Hercules sent the Nemeon Lion after him...
  16. I made no promises. I laid out what I saw as the best strategy for the Independents and us to reach an efficient united victory. I leave it in the minds of the capable Independents to expect that no matter what anyone says, in the end, strategy will prevail, and that, of course, I'm going to follow through b/c it is the best strategy. ;P And I'm sure Demeter realizes that the lovely stalling tactics of your precious Athena and Apollo only serve to starve her of gaining lifeforce. And we have the capability to nullify that. Both Heracles and Demeter are effectively saving roles that can't save themselves, and everyone here is experienced enough to realize that the saving roles on a team are the first targeted by the other team. That's why their safety is such a big issue. My proposal guarantees their safety by keeping them safe when they're vulnerable and putting their enticing summon abilities to good use BTSCing with the main group when trying to kill them would be a waste due to how strong they are. ;P
  17. Thanks...I'm a quick learner . And Iaccidently saw the video on YouTube, like, "Photoshop for Idiots" or something, the one about layers and transformations...:whistling:...
  18. Odysseus Guesses: 1) Nullify- Mnemosyne will target Y-san IDNE 2) Do Not Nullify- Diomedes will target SomeGuy 3) Do Not Nullify- Diomedes will summon Briares Summon: Oceanus-> Diomedes Era Vote: n/a Nestor Action: Boost Diomedes Nestor Summon: Agamemnon Guesses: 1)Zeus will guess/nullify Diomedes will attack SG 2)Aphrodite will target Y-san Era Vote: n/a Hades Action: Target Hermes Hades Summon: Helen-> Poseidon Era Vote: n/a Mmesynome only makes a person forget their era vote, unless it's Zeus or Odysseus...although...this kind of creates a nice little paradox if she chooses you and 1...lol...XP Otherwise it looks good . But where is Bb? He's been active in VNAM...gah...this is making me paranoid...:shifty:
  19. Lol...you're the one asking them to be your stooge. I have laid out very logically how what I suggests is mutually beneficial to all the Independents and guarantees their victory along with us, as well as lets them each choose to use their own abilities in the best way. You make empty promises that fail to take into account that the number 1 qualification for winning in this game for an Independent is survival. Demeter: Our priority is to achieve an united victory with as many living Independents as possible. I know you're intelligent enough to realize that what will happen if you join BTSC immediately like dawh is trying to entice you with, is that they will use up all the Summons you have gained so far, and then discard you and/or let you die. Since you don't have many Summons as of yet, that will be way before the game is over, and you will be left alone to die and lose. It also means you won't get all the awesome Summons that are 'freed up' ;P afterwards and the chance to use them *insert devil smiley*. I know you're capable of looking past dawh's empty promise and seeing the actual situation, and that what I suggest is the most beneficial to you yourself, which was what I was thinking of. In truth, IDNE said he wanted to recruit you immediately, but I thought about it and realized that that would be a bad idea, as I don't want to use you for a few Nights and then abandon you for the rest of the game, which is what would actually be the rational strategy for the situation. I want us to win together along with Heracles (who we will leave with sufficient labors to ensure his survival and victory), and, hopefully, Mmesynome. I know you don't like empty promises. That's why I present logic and not promises. You may or may not trust my word (or dawh's word), but can trust yourself to see that the plan is sound and beneficial to everyone (besides our enemy, of course ;P)
  20. To clarify for Demeter: I meant it would be dangerous for you to officially join our side immediately. We strongly desire to recruit you into our BTSC after it is safe for you , and it becomes a matter of safely for Heracles to return to being an Independent (and hence not a target for the other team). Basically, if you're currently recruited onto a side, then to win, other team has to either kill you or wait on their hands for 3 Days for the recruitment to wear off. If you have a small # of summons it would be more efficient to kill you then to wait, and given the track record of the enemy... We want both of you to survive until the end and win along with us.
  21. Ohhhh...okay...sorry...have had other things on my very tired mind. Yeah, that was great . Anyways, here's my picture...not quite everything I envisioned...but my first attempt with image-editing software...
  22. Err...messed it up...this is what I meant... Odysseus Guesses: 1) Nullify-Poseidon will summon Apollo he can't summon Apollo two days in a row...you mean Athena? 2) Do Not Nullify- Diomedes will target SomeGuy 3) Do Not Nullify- Diomedes will summon Briares Summon: Oceanus-> Diomedes Era Vote: n/a Nestor Action: Boost Diomedes Nestor Summon: Priam Agamemnon...(Priam was used yesterday) Guesses: 1)Zeus will guess/nullify Diomedes will attack SG 2)Aphrodite will target Y-san (if we really want SG dead) Era Vote: n/a Hades Action: Target Hermes Hades Summon: Helen-> Poseidon Era Vote: n/a Since all the rest of my Day 1 deductions have been correct, I'm going with STeracles...hopefully she'll protect us from a trigger-happy GC XP
  23. Okay, so I think I have a plan that will both ensure the safety (i.e. survival) of the Independents and allow them to use their abilities to the fullest advantage... To Demeter: We want to recruit you, but at present we believe the lack of kills (and hence summonings for you) leaves you a vulnerable target for the opposing team if you join our side. The other team has already demonstrated their penchant for attacking anyone who shows dissent with them. For your safety, we would like to strengthen you first before putting you in that position. And then we together we will be able to take out our enemies in a blaze of glory with their own summons...muhahaha...;P To Heracles: We would like to recruit you too, in the opposite order. You are robust and hard to kill at the beginning but as you use your labors, you become a more vulnerable target. So we would like you to join our team early (as soon as possible) and then for your safety, return to being an Independent and hence not a target for our enemies after you've dealt some mighty blows to the enemy. To Mmesynome: Although you have received on plea from the Olympians, you are not sided with them yet. We have no intention of allowing them to recruit you. We would like you to side with us against them. If you desire action, you know exactly who they are and therefore how you can best use your abilities to counter them. I know you have the intelligence to plan accordingly. Demeter, Heracles, if you can accept this, please lend us your friendship for the Night . And perhaps it wouldn't be a bad thing for the Olympians to learn the benefits of some honest labor...;P
  24. Actually...how about we go: Odysseus Guesses: 1) Nullify-Poseidon will summon Apollo he can't summon Apollo two days in a row...you mean Athena? 2) Do Not Nullify- Diomedes will target Hermes 3) Do Not Nullify- Diomedes will summon Briares Summon: Oceanus-> Diomedes Era Vote: n/a Nestor Action: Boost Diomedes Nestor Summon: Priam Agamemnon...(Priam was used yesterday) Guesses: 1)Zeus will guess/nullify Diomedes will attack SG 2)Aphrodite will target Y-san (if we really want SG dead) Era Vote: n/a Hades Action: Target Hermes Hades Summon: Helen-> Poseidon Era Vote: n/a That way if Hermes wasn't summoned, Bb doesn't run any chance of death, and if he was, we take them by surprise ;P
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