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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Then you are making a mistake with your vote. ST, you are making a serious mistake now...
  2. *Shhh*...we don't want AphroGuyte putting it all together...;P Wow...hehe...I was completely right about my Day 1 deductions...damn...now I really do feel like Adrian Monk ;P And I'm really happy you decided to listen to me on Day 1 and they didn't get 2 offerings... Now to figure GC out...I think he's Heracles...for some reason he likes Impervious...grrr...
  3. Oh, and to IDNE: Don't forget to ask HaBBes for his vote! ;P
  4. Oh, I see...you keep the same two forums for all games...I didn't realize that...will do from now on
  5. Lol...your timing is impeccable...;P
  6. *Breathes in the fresh air of BTSC* Glad I'm here! (Thanks rookie ;P) Anyways...I think it's pretty clear who all our enemies are...although I have no idea what GC is doing...I think he's just confused...I'm considering trying to talk sense into him, but he's so inactive (probably b/c he's busy, I remember him saying something about that in the VNAM sign-up) I doubt he'd actually read my post... I'll go back and read what's been going on in a minute, but I wanted to post my thoughts... Hehe...it appears I was right all along . Actually, when you said something like "It seems there are only two players worth voting for" on Day 1 (before you edited it out), I figured you were on my team...since I thought pretty much the same thing when I read the Night 1 post ;P. Yeah, and I figured Bb was Hades...at first I thought he was Demeter, but then I looked at Hades' role description and it all made sense...plus it'd be just like him to use Siren on GC . But let's keep pretending he's Demeter for now, shall we? That way they don't realize he's on our team...and I can keep pretending to be Hades...;P I've had SG pegged for Aphrodite ever since the Night 1 Post, after eliminating who couldn't be Aphrodite, I figured he was the most likely out of the remaining players to have performed the actions Aphrodite did...that's why I put his name in pink when I voted for him ;P. And, since Aphrodite used Eros on Night 1 I knew she would have to use Dionysus on Night 2 (or no summon), so I nullified Dionysus, but he wasn't summoned...so that makes me think he sacrificed Dionysus...of course if we recruited Demeter we'd know...well, I hope they've lost Dionysus or else they'll have 3 killers and we'll only have 1...I'm thinking we'll need Hercules first, but we could switch to Demeter later (sacrificing Hercules's labors). Impervious is obviously Zeus, and dawh makes 3...I figured him for Poseidon when he refused to change his vote away from Impervious to SG on Day 1...and he's making his allegiance pretty clear . Good job on Apollo...I was actually thinking about that myself...lol...I actually had my vote ready, waiting for the Night Post...and I totally beat Poseidawh ;P. I figure ST is Diomedes. Or she could be Hercules. I think Prof. T is Demeter, since he seemed fairly certain Bb wasn't Demeter, or he could be Hercules...I think Kat is Mmesynome, or she could be Demeter...GC seems like a likely Hercules, although his inactivity makes him hard to read . Anyways, we might be able to use GC's confusion to our advantage to keep making poor AphroGuyte think he's on your team...I kind of feel bad...so much friendly-fire on their team, lol...but hopefully we'll manage to get the vote...unfortunately I might be pretty busy tomorrow, but I'll do what I can...it seems to have worked for the last couple days, anyways .
  7. Yoruichi-san

    Well, I'm not sure how 'fundamental' of a proof you want...I mean, all forms of math build off some fundamental assumptions (like the shortest distance b/w two points is a straight line), and then works up step by step...so without knowing exactly what step your at I don't know what kind of proof you'll accept... But x^b/x^c=x^(b-c) seems pretty intuitive to me...if you have b # of x's in the numerator and c # of x's in the denominator, then the c # of x's in the denominator cancel out c # of x's in the numerator, leaving you with the difference, i.e. (b-c) # of x's in the numerator... If you've accepted that dividing by a number is the same as multiplying by the inverse of that number...an easy 'proof' would be just to say: 1/x^c=x^(-c) x^b/x^c=(x^b)(x^-c)=x^(b-c)
  8. Great post, Itachi ;P Roster: 1) Brandonb 2) dawh 3) grey cells 4) IDNE 5) Impervious 6) Kat 7) Prof. Templeton 8) SomeGuy 9) star tiger 10) Y-San - voting for IDNE
  9. Of course...I'm sure everyone else respects the sacristy of the spoiler ...but that didn't necessary prevent them from looking at the source code...
  10. Well, I'm glad to see you appreciate my efforts to get you what you wanted (sacrificed) in your absence.
  11. Edit: Bb...you know how I like numbers ;P...and if we had BTSC we wouldn't be talking about the puzzle on thread
  12. *Sigh* I just like to dance to the beat of my own drummer ;P
  13. Only two guesses for the leaders I guess... Oh, IDNE, about that puzzle: Try these numbers... 2.3, 7.1, 14.3, 17.2, 23.3, 23, 3.1, 15.3, 3.1, 5.4, 39.3, 39.4, 38, 60, 61.5, 52.3, 57.1, 55.3, 177, 74, 45, 55.2, 54.2, 53.3, 57, 58, 75, 79.3, 55, 67.3, 69.1, 77.2, 25, 43.1, 40.1, 42.1, 48, 49.3, 3.2, 2.2, 6.1, 35.1, 35.2, 41.3, 36.3, 21. 173, 77.1, 116.2, 117.2, 115.1, 116.1,171, 48, 45, 50, 60, 44.1, 16.1, 16.1, 16.3, 31.1, 65.1, 64.3, 15.3, 15.2, 28.2, 41.3 In a hurry, so there may be some errors in my calculations...let me know if you get my drift...;P Edit: To Prof. T...I wanted IDNE to recruit Hades first...chew on that ;P
  14. No, I meant after the # of sacrifices after toDay...;P
  15. Hades, if Impervious is sacrificed, it will take at least two days for you to be recruited. If IDNE is, it'll take one. Oh...and now that I'm rested, in response to the one-liner in the Night Post: Well, Aphrogite, that was quick...
  16. Lol...now I'm dying of curiosity about the mysterious connection b/w you and Bb...:cat: 1) Excel. 2) XP...(although when I typed that my mind read it as an emoticon...XP)
  17. Lol...well, Prof. T, GC...at least one of you is seriously making a mistake ;P
  18. Well, Hades will get recruited faster if IDNE is sacrificed... Can't resist...so I guess Poseidan was aMused? ;P
  19. Meh...too tired from my 9 hour drive... Roster: 1) Brandonb - voting for Impervious 2) dawh 3) grey cells 4) IDNE 5) Impervious - voting for Impervious 6) Kat 7) Prof. Templeton - voting for Impervious 8) SomeGuy 9) star tiger 10) Y-San - voting for IDNE
  20. But Hades can only use a summon once, right? Oh, and most of it's fine, but you need to switch around the last number....actually, choose a word that starts with the fifth letter of the original word instead...that makes it more self-consistent and aesthetically pleasing ;P
  21. Yeah...I want to see them fight the Espada too...and maybe Yoruichi might *finally* see some action ;P. I want to see her use her zanpaktou on Barragan Luisenbarn...someone told me that she should go after Stark, but I disagree...I think it would be cooler to have her vs. Barragan . Anyways, back on topic...question to Itachi: If Heracles or Hades uses a labor/summon, does it count as permanently gone? I.e. basically everytime they use one, they're giving away part of their lifeline?
  22. Lol...I think it's still not clear whose enemy is whose...it might not be wise not to be too hasty...;P Like Hitsugaya attacking Yamamoto, that would just be a waste (ice vs. fire...lmao)...if it were up to me, I would to like to see Hitsugaya fight Soi Fong...that would be an interesting matchup
  23. Sorry Itachi...I know how you feel...:/... Hear that, boys? Don't try to take advantage of the kindness of the host . I'm guessing things will still work out as planned for IDNE and SG though...as long as IDNE follows up on making those offerings to Hades...hopefully he'll have an uneventful Night XP Haha, just realized that I'm number 10 on the Roster...I feel like Adrian Monk .
  24. You...are...awesome! ...But it won't let me open it...I don't have the 'helper' or w/e...Oh, can you e-mail templates? If you could email me at cc@mafiosphere.com, it would be fantastic
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