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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Um...I'm sure I will as soon as I finish my drawing and look at the one you captioned...I can't look at it until after I post, so I have no idea what you're taking about...
  2. Hmm...if we really want SG dead (pending the randomness of Chaos of course...counting on your luck Bb ;P) Odysseus Guesses: 1) Nullify-Poseidon will summon Apollo he can't summon Apollo two days in a row...you mean Athena? 2) Do Not Nullify- Diomedes will target Hermes 3) Do Not Nullify- Diomedes will summon Briares Summon: Oceanus-> Diomedes Era Vote: n/a Nestor Action: Boost Diomedes Nestor Summon: Priam Agamemnon...(Priam was used yesterday) Guesses: 1)Zeus will guess/nullify Diomedes will attack SG 2)Aphrodite will target Y-san (if we really want SG dead) Era Vote: n/a Hades Action: Target dawh Hades Summon: Helen-> Poseidon Era Vote: n/a Since Prof. T is still hidden among the Indies, and so is Bb, we really don't want them randomly attacking each other or nullifying each other and possibly messing around with our plans. Bb...what are your thoughts? You did a pretty good job last game at this apparently ;P.
  3. No problem ;P From the rules: A BTSC team can only have 2 Independent Characters maximum at one time. That's why my plan works so well. We keep both Heracles and Demeter safe as an unsided when they're weak and have them on our team when they're strong. That way, at the end, both are alive and win. This plan is good for all of us.
  4. Err...sorry, Kat, ST, GC, Bb, and Prof. T...IDNE has been a little gung-ho...we really DON'T want you to randomly attack people, we DO want to win together with both of you, even if at the very end of the game one of you isn't actually a member of the BTSC, but wins as an Independent instead. I have a very logical idea, which I'll post, as soon as I finish discussing it with IDNE. Please don't act rashly. Thank you. Edit: Oh, yeah, just to be certain, ST, I need to ask you: Ni shi nan hai shi nui?
  5. Lol...uh...what happened to posting here first? XP But seriously, in case we don't take out AphroGuyte tonight, we don't want to alienate Kat and ST...and seriously, I think we can both of their support by alternating recruitment. My plan was to recruit Hercules first, letting Demeter build up summons and strength, and then let Hercules return to being an Indie and recruit Demeter. I spelled out my logic behind this, and I think that approach is best for Kat and ST...;P I seriously think telling them to attack each other is a bad idea...
  6. Well, since it appears that GC is Mmesynome after all...I was thinking about posting this to gain the support of Kat and ST (and it's true): To Demeter: We have been discussing it, and we want to recruit you, but at present we believe the lack of kills (and hence summonings for you) leaves you a vulnerable target for the opposing team if you join a side. For your safety, we would like to strengthen you first before putting you in that position. To Heracles: We would like to recruit you too, in the opposite order. You are robust and hard to kill at the beginning but as you use your labors, you become a more vulnerable target. So we would like you to join our team early and then for your safety, return to being an independent and hence not a target for our enemies.
  7. ? I said nothing about attacking anyone (except myself)...???
  8. Nice! I have an idea...but it involves skills with a picture editor, which I'm going to have to teach myself in a hurry (b/c this really demands it ;P)...so I hope you don't mind waiting until this evening...thanks! (Lol...actually I thought I was signing up to do a caption, but this might be better...hehe ;P)
  9. Lol...well, it looks like GC might be Mmesynome after all...or he's just being a big jerk XP...but anyways...I was leaning towards Hercules first and then Demeter...Demeter only has 3 summons right now and she'll be vulnerable if she joins a team...Hercules has a nice # of kills ;P. Let's see what Bb has to say... Lol...and I never actually said anything about being Hades...it was what Prof T. read out of my statements...just like he first read that I was Mmesynome...but the Hades ruse was more implied I guess...;P I seriously don't want to lose a summon though...but w/e...and don't forget Itachi doesn't have working internet at the moment...
  10. Lol...true, but hey, I believe in giving ppl the benefit of a doubt... I don't know what we have done to make an enemy out of you, but that's certainly not we have wanted...if you want to attack me, that's your choice, but if things go as we plan, it will end up being friendly-fire in the end...;P.
  11. Yeah, that's why we really want AphroGuyte disposed of as soon as possible...so that us 4 and whichever indie we decide to try to recruit next will constitute a majority. What do you think of my ideas in the post above yours (in response to Bb)? I really think it would be a clever move to have Diomedes target Hermes directly and send a Hades summon after SG...;P Oh, and Itachi is having internet problems apparently... Edit: Just thought about it...if Demeter is sacrificed, does she immediately get the summon she sacrificed back? Lol.
  12. Haha...it's alright...I was going insane anyways XP...but it just made it feel all that much more of an accomplishment when we suceeded ...seriously...we totally swung the initial Zimpy landslide one-vote-at-a-time ;P. Anyways...actions for tonight? Looks like Prof. T is going to summon Briares... So...I realized that if they did manage to successfully get a message b/w them using Hermes, it means Hermes is vulnerable...they probably will see Diomedes coming after AphroGuyte and Zeus may try to cancel it, but if we send Diomedes after Hermes directly, they'll never see it coming . Maybe we should send one of your summons (boosted) after AphroGuyte himself, since they might guess Hades will attack him, but they won't be able to guess which summon...we could use our remaining guesses to protect ourselves from Poseidawh...I'm not sure whether I want to protect me or Agamemnon...hmm...
  13. Okay, cool...SomeGuy was talking about dying on the thread and I thought he had only lost 1 summons, but then there was the lion thing, which seemed like it failed...but I guess it didn't...hehe...good to know! ;P But...damn...now I really wish I had nullified him last Night... Lol...well, it's a really good thing we succeeded in getting Bb...maybe his ridiculously good luck will 'nullify' my ridiculously bad luck for this Chaotic Night .
  14. Another question to Itachi (on top of Bb's questions): If Heracles targets someone with a labor is it always mentioned? Or does the nullify only get mentioned if the person tries to do something and the kill only mentioned if it is rolled the successful 50% kill? Oh, and now that I think about it (and how ST was laughing about ppl thinking I was Mmesynome)...I think it might be more likely HeraGCles, MmeSTynome, Katemeter...
  15. Damn...based on the messaging b/w Impervious and Someguy it looks like I may have been too late...those 11 minutes...sorry......or maybe it's just some random code...can one of you (who are probably both better at cracking codes than I am) decipher it?
  16. From Bb: Hey all, I don't know how long it may take to get true access to the forum, but here's my update in the meantime (you may want to post this directly into the forum for future reference) 1) Obviously you already know that I have used the Siren 2) I have already used Argus. PT is Diomedes (this should help immensely for recruiting him). I suggest that tonight Ysan boosts me to attack... someone? I wonder, if I am boosted to give myself the increased ability to kill, will that also increase my liklihood to die? The description only says 'kill action' but it would be nice to have itachi clarify. I also think I should use one of my protection summons on one of you (IDNE I guess since he stands a double-threat now). I wonder if a save and/or a block-guess would prevent the negative effects of this night's special events? - could you clarify this itachi? IDNE should send a message to PT, so that we may communicate in the thread using a code created through this site. It's nice because it requires a keyword (preferably something complicated) and a specified shift (though that could be used trial-and-error) for the cypher to work, which we can pass to PT and others will not be able to crack. OK, off to bed, g'night! Lol...so STeracles, Katemeter, GCesynome then? ;P Yeah, I was wondering about the boost on Hades as well... Edit: Hahaha...just realized that poor PT is going to look at the cipher and be like "Oh no...another Y-san code " Oh, yeah, and for Bb when he gets here: Welcome to the Heroes BTSC...it took quite a bit of effort to get you here...it had better have been worth it ;P.
  17. IDNE...you've passed 1000 posts...hehe...bet you didn't even realize it...;P
  18. Oh, you're here! I thought you were going to be gone...lol... Anyways, shouldn't we get the message out to Diomedes as soon as possible...to make it less likely Zeus will cancel it, and so that we can figure out the rest of our actions based on what Diomedes responds with?
  19. IDNEysseus: Guess 1: ? Guess 2: ? Guess 3: ? Summon: Oceanus to message Diomedes [spoiler='Letter to Diomedes ']Hey Diomedes, this is IDNE, aka Odysseus. I hope that you have realized this by now. I already know that Brandonb is Hades and I am trying to get him in our group. Ysanestor and I already have BTSC. Through good communication and obedience we can obtain BTSC in two nights. Tonight: Summon: Cottus the "Furious" Target: SomeGuy (Aphrodite) You will be boosted tonight This is for the first night. We will also be sending you messages in the main forum using a Vigenere cipher. The Cipher that Ysan and I have been using uses the key word "Ocean", however, your key word will be "Eclipse". Most of these messages will appear in the spoiler boxes labled "For Ysan only" or "For IDNE only". READ THEM ALL AND DO NOT REPLY USING THIS CIPHER. Instead, you will reply with a different cipher. Compose your message with the 2nd letter of the 3rd word, the 3rd letter of the 6th word, the 2nd letter of the 9th word, the 3rd letter of the 12th word, etc. End the sentence you are using this cipher in with ".,." Example: They can still summon him every other day as the rules attest to.,. (secret message: test) Use this cipher ONLY if there is a problem with our directions. We will give you directions for the second night using the "Eclipse" Vigenere cipher. To let me know your identity and verify that you understand each part of this message, post the word "smileY" (using those caps) in the main thread. For example, you can say something like "I wish there was an Olympic God smileY". (If you are unable to summon Cottus for whatever reason, and you will be summoning another instead, write "Smiley" for Briares and "smiLey" for Gyges.) I hope this reaches you in good time, my friend. Remember, this must be completed ASAP. Hope to see you soon. YsaNestor: Nullify/Boost: ? Summon Agamemnon: Guess 1: Zeus will use Hermes to send a message to Aphrodite. Guess 2: ? Inputted (non-question mark) actions are final .
  20. Lol...yeah, I've been thinking that from the beginning...;P...why I was so bossy going after SG the first day...XP Edit: OMG, Day is over! Wow...that was like one of the hardest battles I feel like I ever fought...but we did it! *feels sense of pride at a job well done* Addendum to Note to Self: NEVER EVER EVER become a lobbyist...XP
  21. Ah...sorry...I'm really disappointed that they resorted to character assassination, but w/e...it's part of the game XP...anyways, I think the best and easiest cipher would be like the second letter of every third word and the third letter of every sixth word, second letter of the ninth, third of the twelfth, etc... I think Kat is claiming Demeter...which makes GC Mmesynome (which makes sense why he's been consistently supporting Impervious)...making me think maybe Prof. T is Diomedes and ST is Heracles? Or ST is Diomedes and Prof. T is Heracles...I dunno...we'll see though. I intend to be true to my word though and spy Kat...if Bb agrees of course...
  22. Lol...nice bluff...but the only way you'd know for sure is if you'd guessed 2 of Kat's actions...and she knows whether you're likely to have done that instead of trying to use your actions to gain btsc with your teammates or nullify your enemies...;P
  23. I have not said one thing that was false. All your team has said is to accuse me of being wrong and assassinate my playing style, even though I defended yours. And if you want proof that I know what I'm talking about...remember Day 1? I told IDNE that SG and you were not on his team. That was proven TRUE. I told IDNE that he did not want both Impervious and SG to be able to make offerings. That was true as well. I kept saying I didn't think IDNE and SG were on the same team. I was right. I have been telling the truth, and basing my arguments on logic and reason (well, except to tease Bb ;P), although I confess there is information that I am not giving out, and I have a reason for that, but everything I have said in regards to the Independents and intentions and plans of the Heroes has been true.
  24. Kat...if you're claiming the role I think you're claiming (and we all know you're not Hercules ;P), then you are important, and you'll become more important as the game goes on, and the Heroes will definitely want you on their side, especially since it helps them with their lack of active powers . Of course, Argus will be able to tell who you are...and the other team won't have that.
  25. Hmm...well...since you've never had btsc with me...I wonder who you heard it from... But honestly, dawh should know better...I'm actually kind of hurt that he would say that...our partnership as Yakuza in Mafia VI was one of my favorite mafia experiences...
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