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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Uh oh, that woman is back...and as enigmatic as ever ;P Apparently my interest in things tends to be harmonic, and T(brainden) ~ 4 yrs. Oh well, let's hope there's a dampening term this time. Anyways, here's a new puzzle to start you braindenizens out. "Rebus", in case you are unfamiliar with the term, refers to a word picture that represents a word or phrase. I.e., [GIRL] would be "brown-eyed girl". In case you are unfamiliar with what "enigmatic" refers to, since you don't speak Y-sanese, well...too bad . There's a hint in the second paragraph, but you might need to speak math to get it. Hey, it wouldn't be enigmatic if it wasn't, well...enigmatic. For consistency, let's say numbering goes rows, then columns, i.e. #1 is upper left box, #2 is upper right box, etc. I had a specific word or phrase in mind when I made these, but there are probably more than one solution that works for some of them, so be creative. And most of are, have fun. That is a requirement. Enigmatic Rebus.doc
  2. Lol...sorry, been busy...and I'm no one's ishi... ;P Anyways, I like both your solution and Capt. Ed's...there's more than one method to find the W in that many moves actually...and you've come upon several good ones . To be honest, I think you guys have figured this out better than I have...:whistling:...What are your expectation values for the number of scans with those methods? And feel free to move on to 2)
  3. I am truly honored that Andromeda asked me to start this off. Will divulge the source of my inspiration after the game is over ;P.
  4. CaptainEd and Nobody have made good progress . In light of the observations, let me tack on an additional question: Can you find a strategy that minimizes the expected number of scans, given that all objects have equal probability of being W?
  5. :whistling: No reason BD can't benefit from my creative Madness as well ;P No. Sorry, forgot to specify that in the OP. And you're looking for the worst case scenario, not the best one (i.e. all 15 you scan are duds). There is no guarantee the 2 W are next to each other and you're going to scan the other 15. You want to come up with a strategy that allows you to minimize your # of scans no matter where the W's are.
  6. 1) You have 17 objects arranged single file in a circle. You know 2 of these objects have the property W. You have a detector which will run a scan on exactly 5 adjacent objects and tell you how many of the 5 have the property W (but not which ones, of course). What is the minimum number of scans that would guarantee you find out which 2 objects have the property W? 2) Again, you have 17 objects arranged single file in a circle. You know 2 have the property W, and you also know 3 have the property D. Your detector also has a setting for detecting D, but you can only run on one setting at a time (i.e. you can either scan the 5 target objects for W or D, but not both simultaneously). What is the minimum number of scans that would guarantee you find which 2 objects have the property W and which 3 objects have the property D?
  7. Haha, wow...that was excellent! The captions were brilliant and the drawings were...inspired ;P. You guys are an awesome group to work with .
  8. Well, those who know me know that something like that is definitely going to end up inspiring... Anyways...without further ado...*whew*...
  9. I'm sorry...I just woke up and...I've decided to withdraw from the game. You guys are amazing, maybe the best team I've had (as Y-san at least ;P), but right now all I want to do is sleep and when I do think about this game I can't think about strategy... I know Itachi has put a lot of effort into this despite the fact that he's busy, and I really appreciate that, and I've had fun, but, well, I don't know what's going on anymore...I thought I read the rules carefully like I always do, several times, but then it's not what I thought...so there's something seriously wrong with me... And honestly, I do feel like we had an advantage at one point, but that was something we earned as a team by playing carefully and intelligently, and by employing the 'seek-and-destroy' policy on Aphrodite, who is the only one our team is weak to b/c of the ineffectiveness of our nullifies on her summons due to the middle-man. Yes, I've made my share of mistakes, and I accept the consequences of those, such as losing one of my summons (I take full responsibility for messing that up), but overall I feel like most of our strategy and intelligent playing has been countered by luck and not understanding the rules...and right now I'm not really in a state to adapt quickly to all the changes and I don't want the stress, frankly. So thank you Itachi for letting me play, thanks to IDNE, Bb, and Prof. T for being great teammates and good luck...apparently you're going to need it :/
  10. Well, if we're going Titans, it will have to be the one I used last Night...Priam
  11. Crap...sorry for being...indisposed ...we should have voted for Prof. T since Kat did (the insta-Night summon is kind of useless)...sorry about the tension b/w Bb and IDNE...I definitely don't want to lose any of Hades summons but I see what IDNE was thinking...but I wouldn't agree...well, we lose Bb tomorrow anyways if we don't get the vote......and I dunno...I feel like I let you guys down...*sniff* *cough*...
  12. No problem...they just effectively get an extra 1.25 summons/lifepoints every two Days that we have to kill...:shrug:...
  13. Roster: 1) Brandonb 2) dawh 3) grey cells 4) IDNE 5) Impervious - voting for star_tiger 6) Kat 7) Prof. Templeton 8) SomeGuy 9) star tiger 10) Y-San - voting for IDNE
  14. Oh dude...we should totally say in our 'secret message' that we are sending one of Hades's summons, boosted, after one of them, and then they'll be like "hehe...we can nullify that..." and then we send a different summon after a different person...;P
  15. Okay...I think it's time to capitalize on what we do best: deception and manipulation ;P. I'm pretty sure my cover as Hades is blown, which was my fault for misreading gc and st...sorry . But...I was thinking we could take advantage of the secret codes by forging some messages...making the encryption easy enough for them to crack but just hard enough so that they think it's for real... Prof. T, since you managed to crack their code (great work, btw ), any suggestions? Or maybe we should just keep using our fake keyword in posts and hope they'll try it? Basically, we have to pretend like we haven't managed to recruit our third member into BTSC yet and are trying to get messages through to that person...
  16. True...but it's a guaranteed save that can't be countered once it's put into place and a 25% chance of being two guaranteed saves...it defeats what I see as the strategic purpose of this game, the guessing/nullifying of others actions on a particular Night, b/c it's always there...plus the fact that Aphrodite's saves/attacks go through a middle man, who can be any player, pretty much makes her actions already un-nullifiable until we get down to like, 4 players...which is why I was so set on killing off Aphrodite as soon as possible... And if we had known, we would definitely have taken out/nullified Hebes last Night instead of attacking dawh... Although...if I were on their team, I would have Aphrodite always use Eros on a random player to save Hebes who in turn would make shields for each of the teammates...since the Protect protects against nullification as well, there would be absolutely no way to nullify the 1.25 guaranteed saves...
  17. Well...since I'm kind of liking my experiments with image-editing software...(Iron Chef: Death Note Battle...muhahahaha ;P) 1. Grayven 2. andromeda 3. Izzy 4. allherdanger 5. scsw 6. plasmid 7.CyberSpace17 8. Y-san 9. Marth Add more numbers!
  18. ...Well, great job nullifying everything Bb ;P...darn Mmesynome...who I'm guessing is ST...I don't think she wanted to join them...if only she had voted...oh well...and darn Heracles...why doesn't he like me T_T Yeah...that seems...imba...lol...if we had known we would definitely have nullified the possibility of the shield...which is like better than a save...... Who do we want to vote for? IDNE again? That one Summon of PT's seems like a waste...I guess he's been effectively outed anyways... Oh yeah, sorry for worrying you...got some antibiotics (respiratory infection...I tend to get those when I move around from place to place), that's all...no ER or anything
  19. Well, it looks good to me...sorry Bb for relying on you so much...I don't know where IDNE is...it'd be funny if he had the internet problems too...(it's like an infection...XP)...but I'm leaving now...need to go to the hospital...so let's go ahead with it Edit: Nvm...saw Itachi's post ;P
  20. Yeah, that would be good to know...sorry...I'm sick along with my internet, so I'm not thinking the most clearly...
  21. Lol...Bb...where have you been??? Dawh is Poseidon...;P Odysseus Guesses: 1) Do Not Nullify- Diomedes will attack SG 2) Nullify Poseidon from attacking Ysan (or Priam? if they didn't think of it before last Night...the Hermes thing may have given them some ideas...) 3) Nullify Poseidon from attacking IDNE Summon: Prometheus -> Diomedes Era Vote: The Age of Heroes - Nearly the Present. No change to the Game Rules. Nestor Action: Boost Hades (or nullify dawh) Nestor Summon: Priam Guesses: 1) Nullify Poseidon summons Apollo 2) Nullify Mnemosyne Nullifying one of IDNE's guesses Era Vote: The Age of Heroes - Nearly the Present. No change to the Game Rules. Hades Action: Targets SG Hades Summon: Agenor to protect PT Era Vote: The Age of Heroes - Nearly the Present. No change to the Game Rules. Why are we attacking sg twice? He can only lose ONE summon/life per night... Should I nullify dawh instead...then use our guesses to protect from Artemis?
  22. Sorry, I meant Helen, not Siren...I'd rather protect us by nullifying dawh...it's more efficient...we'd just use the extra guesses to nullify him anyway... Odysseus Guesses: 1) Nullify- Poseidon summons Apollo 2) Do Not Nullify- Diomedes will attack SG (since we know he will do that, but we do not know his summons) 3) Nullify Zeus from Nullifying Diomes' summoning of Cottus <-subject to change depending on Itachi's answer Summon: Prometheus -> Diomedes Era Vote: The Age of Heroes - Nearly the Present. No change to the Game Rules. Nestor Action: Boost Hades Nestor Summon: Priam Guesses: 1) 2) Era Vote: The Age of Heroes - Nearly the Present. No change to the Game Rules. Hades Action: Targets SG (since SG has himself and a summons remaining, it would be best if both myself AND Diomedes attack him) Hades Summon: Agenor to protect PT (The siren is gone) (Helen to nullify dawh)<-my suggestion Era Vote: The Age of Heroes - Nearly the Present. No change to the Game Rules.
  23. grrr...my internet is being temperamental again...so here are my thoughts in case it decides to die again and doesn't come back before the Night is over... Odysseus Guesses: 1) Nullify- Poseidon summons Apollo 2) Do Not Nullify- Diomedes will summon Cottus (I dunno if he has told us his most recent action) 3) Nullify Zeus from Nullifying Diomes' summoning of Cottus Summon: Prometheus -> Diomedes Era Vote: The Age of Heroes - Nearly the Present. No change to the Game Rules. Nestor Action: Boost Hades Nestor Summon: Priam Guesses: 1) Aphrodite will target Y-san 2) Zeus will nullify Diomedes from attacking someguy Era Vote: The Age of Heroes - Nearly the Present. No change to the Game Rules. Hades Action: Targets dawh? Hades Summon: Siren on dawh Era Vote: The Age of Heroes - Nearly the Present. No change to the Game Rules. Question to Itachi: If Apollo is summoned, and we kill him toNight, can he still end the Day early? Same for Athena, if she dies during the previous Night, can she still stop the sacrifice? If they can't do stuff post-mortem, I think we should target one of them for the Hades kill instead, and use the extra nullify on Achilles...
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