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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Lol...well, as Prof. T pointed out...you know that SG isn't Diomedes...so if you think you're on the same team, I guess I know who that makes you...;P Hades would have been the better choice to make an offering to...especially since no one wants to target him at Night...I hope Itachi doesn't allow the change in offering
  2. Lol...IDNE, you're way too innocent
  3. Lol...I'm pretty sure the Day ended before Prof. T's vote change... I like the nickname too...it's very aesthetically pleasing...;P
  4. If you mean SG, I'd be willing to bet he isn't ;P. But you're right...wasting time is bad...go with Hades for the offering today... Lol...I love the way the angles of the Y are drifting in the ocean of curves......I guess it's fine, but I wouldn't want to mess with a Shinigami... ...which kind of reminds me of that manga chapter of Bleach...you know, the one that comes after the whole Hueco Mundo excursion...*resists urge to go off-topic* XP Edit: spelling
  5. Correcting roster... Roster: 1) Brandonb - voting for Prof. Templeton 2) dawh - voting for Impervious 3) grey cells - voting for Impervious 4) IDNE- Voting for IDNE 5) Impervious - voting for Impervious 6) Kat 7) Prof. Templeton - voting for Prof. Templeton 8) SomeGuy - voting for IDNE 9) star tiger - voting for IDNE 10) Y-San - voting for IDNE Hercules, stop picking on Kat! (it's kind of a waste of your labors anyways, lol) Everyone, stop picking on Bb, it's such a waste... IDNE...don't get too cocky just yet...remember, going for Hades+1 is the best strat for your team right now, if you get my adrift ;P.
  6. ST, I think it would be in your best interest to have IDNE sacrificed . Aw...poor Bb...everyone should just leave him alone! Day or Night . IDNE: You should probably make the offering to Hades...going for Hades+1 (other independent) on the list is probably the ideal strat ;P Prof. W...I'm pretty sure we won't hear a offering from Bb...
  7. Why not? ;P 1. andromeda 2. Zerep 3. IDNE 4. Chidoric 5. FIF 6. Cyberspace 7. GMaster479 8. scsw 9. Grayven 10. Y-san
  8. Lol...I'm tempted to vote for Bb just to force the tie...(and someone put his name in that awful shade of ORange XP), but I dunno... But since IDNE caved in and gave me what I wanted on Day 1, I guess I'll return the favor ;P Roster: 1) Brandonb 2) dawh - voting for Impervious 3) grey cells 4) IDNE- Voting for IDNE 5) Impervious - voting for Impervious 6) Kat 7) Prof. Templeton 8) SomeGuy - voting for IDNE 9) star tiger - voting for Bb 10) Y-San - voting for IDNE
  9. B/c Indies have more summons to use/sacrifice...plus it gives one team added vote weight... The funny thing is...I don't think they are on the same team...XP
  10. Lol...poor Kat... It appears that Impervious was saved by Odysseus...he correctly guessed Poseidon would attack Odysseus?
  11. Unless you're Demeter...:whistling:
  12. Yoruichi-san

    Lol...well...I'm drawn to a guy who tells me that he wants to marry me while covered head to toe in blood (b/c he's just been ripping the entrails out of some bad guys XP), on top of a moving train...and believes he doesn't need immortality b/c he "won't die no matter what"... Am I creeping you out yet? ;P Rail Tracer, je t'aime!
  13. Yoruichi-san

    Best pick-up line ever...
  14. Aww...sorry Bb, it looks like SG didn't want you...
  15. Well...you missed Bb's vote change... Roster: 1) Brandonb - voting for SomeGuy 2) dawh - voting for Impervious 3) grey cells 4) IDNE- voting for SomeGuy 5) Impervious - voting for SomeGuy 6) Kat - voting for SomeGuy 7) Prof. Templeton - voting for SomeGuy 8) SomeGuy - voting for Impervious 9) star tiger - voting for SomeGuy 10) Y-San - voting for SomeGuy
  16. Then you didn't read my post...as I was saying nothing about recruiting and everything about survival...as Bb was "so HEAVILY implying"...he doesn't want to die XP.
  17. No...she gets the Summon you are forced to sacrifice...it doesn't matter who you make the offering to...it's very clear in the rules
  18. Actually...she shouldn't be...as it means she'll survive if attacked...hence the Expectation value is weighted by survival ;P
  19. Oh...but I'm not wrong about Demeter wanting your Summons? ;P IDNE: "It seems there are only two people..."...sound familiar?
  20. It will be easier if the other team has reduced vote weight...i.e. by killing off one of its members before they can recruit an Indie (which adds vote weight) ;P Edit: Grammar
  21. I think Demeter would find your Summons more useful...;P To IDNE: so dawh and SG are definitely not on your team. (dawh's been here...)
  22. Sorry...that wasn't what I meant...I was laughing at how Bb changed his vote so cleverly at the 'last minute'...then the Day was extended...XP
  23. Once you've used Hercules to sacrifice all his labors you're not going to need him anymore...:whistling:
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