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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Yoruichi-san

    One Up Me

    Turn about is when someone from a different country gets a turn to pick the phrase, and having had to deal with common US phrases for most of the thread, she picks one that is not ;P <-my signature smiley..
  2. Oops, sorry...somehow I managed to completely miss that post... Yes, anyone can join, no previous mafia experience necessary. It's not a complicated set-up, just...different ;P. Although experience might be an interesting factor for me to observe . Yes, the Instigator themselves is mafia. Two more to go . Hmm..I wonder if dawh is still around...I remember him expressing interest in this when I ran the idea past...but that was several years ago...
  3. Okay, fine. Hint-dropping time...
  4. Hmm...were my not getting answered just a fluke...or... And Justice can talk in purple too...very interesting...
  5. Okay, two quick questions for clarification: "Fewer than four culprits" means strictly fewer (i.e. 3 or less)? "The detective is not a suspect", but what about the security expert/narrator? (sorry if this seems like a silly question, but I'm an Agatha Christie fan ) Edit: At Molly Mae: Aw...that's unfortunate...or do you have the whole storyline figured out already? ;P
  6. Awesome . I love mystery stories...and detectives ;P. Too sleepy now to make rash decisions, will read more carefully and come up with a strategy tomorrow...if MM doesn't beat me to it...
  7. Well done! The singing one may be more of a pop-culture thing here in the US...and it's not 'trail', others are spot on . Again well done, the second to last was designed to be tricky. It may take more than one logical step. Also for the "Partition"... Nope, more wordplay, less practicality please .
  8. Nice job! And sorry, I realized I missed one in my sleepy construction... It should be: Modern age Flash, Partition, Anti-axis, Hope that helps . I apologize for the inconvenience. hope it's okay i skipped dessert and went straight to the drinks . Nice start. 3/4. And why not, it's clear you're no light weight . I bet Bonanova knows the next one .
  9. Edit: Now I may just have to go unleash my scientifically fueled flames on wikipedia. I'm sure they'll be grateful XP. Adding a few clarifications. Science is a rigorous mistress.
  10. I was going to let the whole thing go with just a facetious comment or two (cuz you know everything on wikipedia is 100% accurate @_@)...but now you've really poked the chemical engineering dragon Edit: Now I may just have to go unleash my scientifically fueled flames on wikipedia. I'm sure they'll be grateful XP.
  11. I should be sleeping, but I am a demon cat of my word...so... Building on the dessert is a decadent triple chocolate mouse (i.e. N=3 and the first word of group 3 has exactly 3 letters different than the last word of group 2). Afterwards, we mix a round of cocktails to round out the night (i.e. N=1 again but with anagramming, and the first word is 1 different than the last of group 3, with anagramming). Enjoy. Group 3: What must be done to the ignorant, This is not the puzzle you are looking for, Semi-solid, 570-590 nm, A bird, Modern age Flash, Anti-Axis, Deflected your epee, Outcast, Less tasty but often confused with this course, Definitely not a happy camper. Group 4: In the details, Do this when you come to a roundabout, Don't you hate when they do this to your flight? Striation, R, Home of evil, Good for singing, A bird is flying between two of these at 30km/hr, Hopefully you'll give this a good ______ , Or else you're being one of these , And finally, b/c I [less than three] calculus ;P.
  12. My love isn't of mathematical accuracy in silly applied things such as the random ways countries decide to define units, it's of the elegance of theory and form. Math is the language of science, and the truly universal language ;P. Yep, good job everyone. Dessert will be served later this evening. Meanwhile, if you're still hungry, you could go wet your appetite on one of the unsolved riddles in my sig .
  13. Good job on the appetizer. All right except one...you'll see when you start in on the main course . Meanwhile, I'm working on dessert...
  14. Yes. Yes, and there's the logical aspect, since exactly 1 in 3 of the role is mafia. But I don't want to go into that too much at the moment, as it starts delving into possible strategies ;P.
  15. A word game with a logical aspect: each line represents a different word and each word has exactly N letters different than the word above and below it. For this first installment, N=1 for the first group and N=2 for the second group. The first word of the second group has exactly 2 letters different than the last word of the first group. Adding/subtracting a letter counts as 1 letter different, and there is no anagramming (yes, I like verbizing words ;P), although there may be in future editions. Group 1: Digital measure, < bark, Full of it when he's bitter, Unit of distance, Craft or sweep? > matter, Keep the pages together, 007, Homeward _____, = a pint. Group 2: diddiddiddiddid(___)diddiddiddiddid No current when the circuit is this, Cannot occupy the same orbital if the same, Cowboy foot accessory, Almost perfect bowl, To such sweet sorrow, Less than three, Only do it to itself, Middle (if you care about values), Middle (if you care about number).
  16. Nice. I love creating intra-faction tension . I made a game based on Camelot once, where every role had a secret win condition in addition to the regular mafia/innocent faction win condition that was worth more on, like, a points system I had developed, and was somewhat detrimental to their faction win condition. But then Mordrid of the shifty eyes had to go ruin my fun by organizing the mafia into one big happy family that gave up on their secret wincons and they won easily since the innocents were mostly still stabbing each other in the back. Oh...the irony...;P It was definitely interesting though. And this should be too. But first we need more guinea pigs *cough* I mean players...
  17. Okay, I realize that it's hard to track all the steps with just a video. For the life of me ;P I can't find a program that will annotate the steps from stepmania (although I've found multiple threads requesting one...guess the developers haven't really been listening), so the best I can do is to take screenshots of the editing screen and paste them in a somewhat orderly fashion into a document. It was too big to upload directly so I put it in google docs. The numbers on the left of the bars should help you keep track of where you are. Hope that helps with part 1. Part 2 should be pretty easy, especially for detective fans . And detective fans will definitely want to get to part 3...;P
  18. On track with the play, but no one's gotten the complete correct reasoning yet. There's a consideration that makes the fractions somewhat uglier . As for the WIFOM, it is a 30 minute show (well, 23 plus commercials), and if you don't make a play, you have 0 chance of getting the car. That said, okay, this problem may not be as simple as I originally thought. However, for the sake of there being a solution to 2) and 3) (which will also force you to calculate the consideration mentioned above), let's say that Monty doesn't know exactly which door the car is in either, i.e. he is told which door to open for the first and he picks a door he wants to open for the second over his bluetooth and the producers tell him to do it or to choose another door.
  19. I was considering that factor, and it'd be interesting to see its effect on the game, but for this 'trial', no, spies will not reveal faction information, but lynches will. PI: Y-san Roster: 1. Hirkala 2. Framm 18 3. MikeD 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Aaryan 11. 12. 13. MiKi Backups: 1. 2.
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