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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. I don't see that in the rules... Edit: Saw Bb's post...IDNE...that shows Bb's not on your team either...
  2. Example: The other team gains Hercules. They now have vote plurality over the other team, and they continually lynch Hercules to get the other independents. Your team can't do anything about it. The more independents they gain, the more voting power they gain as well. Getting rid of SG takes down their voting power.
  3. Well, if you're telling the truth that proves that you're not on IDNE's team ;P IDNE: See my edit.
  4. The flaw is if both are not are your team...then the other team gains an independent, and remember that Impervious wanted to be lynched...so you're helping the other team, at minimal gain for your team. I am fairly certain that SG is on the opposite team...and he doesn't want to be lynched...ideally, you want to hurt the other team just enough through the lynch without allow them to gain an independent, then your team can follow through with Night attacks. Edit: Expounding: once the other team gains an independent with lots of summons to spare, they can continually lynch the independent without harm to their team and gain other independents. So you really don't want to risk the other team getting an independent by risking 2 sacrifices today.
  5. Actually...I confess, I saw your pre-edit on your initial vote post...I think you were making the right decision voting for SG...;P
  6. Lol...yeah, so you're not Demeter...but you still try so hard not to be lynched...why? The rest of the Indies have plenty of Summons to spare. So, now I'm dying of curiosity...:Schrodinger's cat:...well, I guess we'll see...;P
  7. Oh...votre fille parle-t-elle français ? ;P
  8. Me thinks thou doth protest too much... ;P I would guess he has few summonings and they are too useful to lose...:whistling:
  9. Since he's not voting for himself... Roster: 1) Brandonb 2) dawh 3) grey cells 4) IDNE- voting for IDNE 5) Impervious 6) Kat 7) Prof. Templeton 8) SomeGuy 9) star tiger 10) Y-San - voting for SomeGuy
  10. Okay, thanks for clarifying. So that means Odysseus did catch Hermes after all, I guess...;P Hmm...so that makes me wonder why Nestor's summon was mentioned...
  11. Well, since Clio was successful...(or so it seemed)...and Kat was..."busy"...the list of who Bb and Kat could be is significantly narrowed... And it looked like Zeus was sending Poseidon the Hermesgram...;P
  12. Lol...I think I know who Heracles is... I must have missed it...what Era was it last Night? No summons from Odysseus? Or was it just not mentioned?
  13. Sorry...haven't checked on BD for awhile... I have to say, I like the idea of giving 'minions' to each player character through letting the summons be targeted directly...it prevents friendly fire ;P.
  14. Lol...yeah...there always seems to be one of those, too... Many lovely words, Yoruichi-sama! Merci ;P. I'll work on a sequel sometime this week...of course the difficulty is going to be kicked up .
  15. Oh, I see...I was reading "When Bernard meets Allen he has covered half of distance he will travel to Chuck's house, and he has gone equal the distance from his house to Edward's." as the distance he would if he was going straight to Chuck's house (along BC). I guess I read "will" as "would"...since he was heading towards Allen's house, not Chuck's...oh well, word problems were almost my worst sub-subject of math...
  16. I guess that Nun has a habit...;P
  17. Yeah...there always seems to be one of those... Just goes to show the dangers of inputting hefty data sets manually...'human error'...XP Good job! Just two more to go...
  18. Aw...no one's solved my favorite yet (14 down ;P)
  19. Thanks, andromeda . Some of you may realize 15 across actually has a double meaning...:whistling: ;P Oh...and I was sent this in an e-mail today...wanted to share but didn't think it warranted a new thread: Title: Happy Non-trivial Geometric Mean Day! "That's right, it's 09/03/27, which would be... non-trivial geometric mean day! Upcoming non-trivial geometric mean days include (don't hold your breath) 2010 April 25, 2010 May 20, and 2012 June 24. You should celebrate by, uh... taking a geometry course, I suppose. Something like that."
  20. Number clues and word clues are separated in case you want to challenge yourself by looking at only one ;P.
  21. Good call...and don't neglect the effect of gravity...the weight of the twine on top will further compress the lower twine, causing it to be under higher stress...unless we assume the ball of twine is rolling at a constant rate...but then we could have to take into account the centripetal force... Edit: Oh, yes, and don't forget material properties are temperature dependent...we need to know what the temperature was...and whether it was sunny or not (b/c the sunlight would head the ball of twin from the top and create a temperature gradient through the material)
  22. Actually...what I was trying to imply is that the only way to satisfy the 'twine uniformity' of the OP is to assume it's one solid mass of twine, i.e. assume the way it's deformed during stretching allows perfect packing, so that it's no longer circular in cross section...
  23. But the OP said to assume the ball was a perfect sphere and twine uniform...if you're stretching the twine along one side more than the other it's no longer uniform... Edit: Spelling
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