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Posts posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. To clarify, by "give votes" do you mean that, say, I could give 2 votes to [GenericName] and he then has 6 votes to use and I have 2?

    No, it means you can votes you obtained through the voting rounds. I.e. if it is voting round 6 and you currently have 30 votes and [GenericName] has 20 you may give 2 votes to him and you will have 28 and he will have 22.

    also, am I allowed to not use all 4 votes?

    Edit: Would I then be able to use the unused ones next voting round?

    You may choose not to use all 4 votes. You will lose unused votes.

  2. Two of my favorite things ;P

    The zombie apoc has started! But thanks to the new Zombie Preparedness Plan put forth by the Pentagon, humans have a 50% chance of leaving an encounter with a zombie unscathed. Assume we are at the beginning of the outbreak, and assume the number of encounters b/w zombies and humans is proportional to the product of their proportions.

    Some studies done have shown that an average person encounters ~13 other people a day. Assuming this holds, how long until half the population is munching on brains?

  3. Round 3

    This round will consist of 7 voting rounds, which will last 24 hours each.

    Each voting round, each player is allowed 4 votes. Players must PM me how they wish to distribute their votes, they may distribute their votes among the other players however they wish, but they may not vote for themselves.

    If a player fails to PM me their votes within the voting round, they lose their votes, as well as any votes for them made by other players that round.

    At the end of the game round, the player(s) with the fewest votes will incur a debt of 100mil BD$. The player(s) with the most votes will divide the total amount debted equally as their winnings.

    Also, in this round, each player will be loaned 100mil BD$, which they will have to return at the end of the round. If they cannot return the full amount, they will incur a debt. During the round, they may give any of this to any other player, These transactions will be done publicly, via the following roster:

    Liar Game BD Round 3

    Please list any transactions inside the spoilers, as well as changing the amount in the heading. For example, if Jay gives Framm $10

    -10 to Framm

    +10 from Jay

    Also, players may give votes they have accrued to other players via PM to me. The voting rankings will be updated following each vote.

    Voting round 1 of game round 3 begins now! Will end at 9pm CST tomorrow 2/23.

  4. Speaking of comical interludes...somewhat back on topic...(Warning: Proceed with a sense of humor)

    Sometime a long long time ago in a place not that far away...
    Caveman Grog: Mmm...meat...gooood...gooood we make rocks pointy to kill animals
    Caveman Bob: And gooood we make hot orange-y stuff to make meat brown...brown meat gooood...mmmm...
    Caveman Grog: Yes, hot orange-y stuff make Grog warm, but white wet stuff fall from sky that make Grog shiver :(
    Caveman Bob: But animal not shiver...maybe soft brown stuff they have on skin make animal warm?
    Caveman Grog: Hmm...if we take animal skin and soft brown stuff from kill, maybe we warm too...
    Caveman Bob: And we use fire to make animal skin not wet so not get stinky.
    Caveman Grog: Have oppo-sa-ble thumbs to make stones sharp and hold stones to cut off animal skin :).
    Caveman Bob: Yes, oppo-sa-be thumbs gooood...hehe...
    ...and thousands of years later, their descendants adopted the names Abercombie, and Fitch
  5. Eh, close enough...off from the calc solution by about a minute...

    ...of the amount (in mass) of dye at any time is q(t)=5000e^(-t/300), which gives ~7.136 hrs til the pool's 'safe'

    Of course, when B-kun woke up the next morning with a sore threat and had lost his voice, he realized that his opponent, being a chemical engineer and a calculus lover, had been two steps ahead of him all along ;P

  6. So clever and head-ache inducing feinting aside, I think that her best strat is to go in S-shaped movements that slowly drift backwards while the ogre is kept going in a 'pendulum' type motion on the opposite side of the lake.

    Basically she needs to turn around before the ogre is committed to one direction each time...so her range of motion would have to decrease as she gets farther away from the Ogre, so it'd look something like a dampened harmonic...

    I shoveled somewhere between 150-200 cubic feet of snow today so I don't really feel like doing the math right now tho...hooray for the snow-pocalypse...I think I prefer zombies >.<

  7. (A comical aside to the B-kun/Y-san series...a snippet from the past...)

    Having won their third consecutive state swim meet, Ecidius University was celebrating by throwing a pool party for the athletes, coaches, and their friends at their brand spanking new new pool (donated by one of their many alums who had more money than they knew what to do with courtesy of the .com era).

    Ecidius's star athlete, as well as the indisputable top of his class in academics, B-kun, arrived early in order to get in his daily 100 laps (after having run his daily 10 miles, doing his daily 200 push-ups, and practicing his martial arts and kendo for his daily 2 hours...each).

    As he approached, he noticed something strange...the pool water was...purple. He dipped his finger into it, and the hue left a stain on his skin.

    He scowled as the lopsidedly smiling face popped into his mind. That woman...

    After running some tests with the aid of a few (of many) of his admirers in the chemistry department, he determined that there was 5 kg of dye in the 60,000 gallons of water in the pool. He knew that the pool's filtering system could pump out water, remove the dye, and return the water to the pool at a rate of 200 gallons/min.

    The doting chemistry majors had also informed him that the effects of the dye became imperceptible when the concentration came below 0.02 grams/gallon.

    The pool party started in 4 hours, but he was slated to deliver a speech before anyone could jump in. How long would his speech need to last for to ensure no guests ended up with purple-tinted skin?

  8. Right, it is a game...and when it comes to games there's the whole trying to outguess your opponent part... :wacko:

    Since the maiden's motion is not constrained to smooth curves and is not constrained to a constant velocity?, it's pretty hard for the ogre to guess her landing point and/or time. She could row to, like, just out of grabbing distance of one edge, and then 'feint' accelerating movement towards the opposite edge, wait til the Ogre gets to her apparent landing point, then make a mad dash towards her original point, etc.

    If the Ogre fell for the feint, and thinks she's going to land on the opposite edge, it's in his best interest to move in that direction as quickly as he needs to catch up with her apparent acceleration, but if he thinks she might go in a different direction or stop accelerating, it's in his best interest to move at a slower rate, and if he thinks she's going to make a mad dash back to the closest point on the circle, it's in his best interest to stay where he is. :unsure:

  9. Why is that the multi-million dollar question? I do not think they are mutually exclusive. In fact, I would say they are very much inter-related in cultures. Dressing in an expensive fitted suit, for example, increases your perceived status as well as your physical attractiveness. People who are most concerned with their status in societies also tend to be those most concerned with their self-image...

    Also I don't think the ones most concerned with their self image are necessarily the most likely to conform. I think a lot of the most concerned try to get 'nouveau' or 'cutting edge' fashions, try to be the trend-setter rather than the conformist.

  10. I don't wear make-up...that should answer your question ;P.

    Being conscious of our self-image seems like it makes perfect evolutionary sense...being aesthetically pleasing to the opposite sex increases chances of mating. Those who spend extra time, effort, and/or resources on being more attractive are giving themselves an advantage, i.e. for those who are naturally equally attractive, the ones who are more attentive to their looks are more likely to be evolutionarily successful.

    From a evolutionary psychology/sociology point of view, insecurity is an interesting beast. Insecurity makes you try harder, i.e. if you're insecure in your job, you will give it 110%, while, on the other hand, if you know you're irreplaceable, you're more likely to take long lunch hours ;). An insecure female is more likely to double/triple check her appearance at every opportunity and also more receptive to the attentions of the opposite sex, i.e. more likely to 'jump in bed' with a man who pays them compliments ;).

    I discussed other reasons for female insecurity previously. Male insecurity I suspect has to do with power, as well as how hard they try to attract mates, mate, etc. Making someone insecure is a good way to control them, and males do exhibit the whole 'alpha male' dynamic.

    I don't really like the term, but I'm going to use it: 'memetically' speaking, insecurity does make sense. It reminds me of the tortoise and the hare...the hare, feeling 'secure' in his superior speed slacks off and ultimately loses, while the 'insecure' tortoise keeps on plowing through for the win :).

  11. Um...Sisteine Chapel was Renaissance, not Victorian art ;P. Yes your argument only took account art, whereas my statement was meant to mean "art taken in conjunction with other artifacts (such as descriptions on tablets, etc)"...that's why I put the "art" in parenthesis, along with "tablets,etc", rather than just saying "based off art" :P. I agree with you that art is obviously not always an exact depiction of reality, but I trust the ability of archeologists to be able to tell the difference b/w, like, that a drawing of a man with a jackal's head with corresponding hieroglyphics that say "Anubis, god of [whatever he was god of...I forget]" does not mean ppl at the time had jackal's heads, just as they can tell a statue of the Madonna with child is not representative of the normal society, but drawings of a pharaoh and his servants who are bare chested, with the corresponding corroborating written evidence suggests that the men of that period went about bare-chested.

    It is common agreement among archeologists/anthropologists (again I emphasize they base their conclusions off corroborating written evidence, not just the art) that bare breasts were not considered immodest in ancient Egypt. I never stated that clothing served only for protective purposes (stop putting words into my mouth :P), I agreed with flame that it had status purposes as well, I was just adding the protective qualities no one else had brought up yet. What I disagree with is that there exists innate human "embarrassment" at nakedness in itself.

    Even if modern day sports only allowed men viewers (or victorian era sports), there would still be social awkwardness if the athletes turned up naked. As a contemporary living at this time, I can attest to this ;P.

    If you choose not to accept the conclusions of archeologists/anthropologists etc, that is your choice. But for those who do, my assertion holds: the historical record suggests that there was not an innate human 'social awkwardness' at nakedness, but rather one developed over time in societies over the course of human existence. I haven't done enough research, but I suspect that it corresponded to the rise of mono-theistic religions ;).

  12. 1. Molly Mae

    2. Brainiac100 +101
    3. Framm +67
    4. Phil 0
    4. Auramyna 0

    6. Marksmanjay -50
    7. Rob_Gandy -89
    8. DudleyDude -100
    9. Panther -105
    10. Flamebirde -145

    In round 3 there will be a way to guarantee the exchange of the money held during the round after the round.

  13. Framm 179

    Phil 178.5
    Molly Mae 2.5

    Molly Mae is the winner, wins 650mil BD$! Framm, Phil, and Jay accrue a debt of 50mil BD$ each.

    1. Molly Mae +721

    2. Brainiac100 +1
    3. Framm -33
    4. Phil -50
    4. Marksmanjay -50
    6. Rob_Gandy -89
    7. Panther -105
    8. DudleyDude -100
    8. Auramyna -100
    10. Flamebirde -145

    Congrats to the winner! Valiant effort on many parts. If any money is to gifted, please PM me at your earliest convenience.

    Sign-ups for round 3 open!

    Liar Game BD Round 3






  14. I made no such claims about art influencing 'social awkwardness', my claim was that based on artifacts (including but not limited to art...there was corroboration from tablets, descriptions, etc), archaeologists anthropologists and the like could make some pretty good analysis of what was considered socially acceptable clothing in the ancient world. I.e. in Egypt, bare breasts were not considered immodest for women, and in Greek, there was even a mandate that male athletes participate naked. I think it was the olympics but I don't remember exactly. The exact reason for the mandate is not so clear, but a popular theory is that there was a woman who dressed in male athletes garb who won once and so to avoid the "embarrassment" of having a female win. Having a female win was considered more embarrassing than being naked...what does that tell you?

    Um...did you see my previous post about women's clothing? I would say society, which has been dominated by men make women insecure/weak...to keep them docile and home-makers. This makes senses from an evolutionary perspective, as if the female you mate with is having children and taking care of them (so they survive), your genes are more likely to be passed on.

    Edit: Oh yeah, there's also the whole hygienic benefits of clothing, i.e. protection from diseases transmitted by bodily fluids...clothing is protective in many ways.

  15. Lol...you're right...I got some stuff mixed up in my mind...too much on my mental plate...(which is why it's useful to know which word is 'no'! ;))...and the usefulness of the information is limited by the fact that Random's answers are not that informative...ahh head hurts...anyways, you get the point ;P.

  16. Yeah deciphering is not necessary, but it makes it mentally easier for me, at least, lol, to keep track of, and somehow I feel more accomplished for getting an extra piece of information ;P.

    Check out the puzzle I linked...the setup there (where True and Lie can also answer any yes-no question...they are omniscient apparently about Random's answers) disallows you to know which word stands for which, since there were only two possible answers. In these puzzles 8 possible arrangements of True/Lie/Random, so 2^3=8 will resolve which arrangement with no information to spare. This puzzle there are three potential answers: a word, a word that is different than the previous word, and lack of an answer, so there is more possible information gained.

    Nice puzzle tho, it was fun, thanks ^_^.

  17. Yes, it is indeed an elegant solution, but unfortunately out of those 100 ppl the first 99 are germaphobes and refuse to touch the box that someone else has touched without sterilizing it first :P

    Just kidding...I guess we'll have to wait to hear from wolfgang whether moving the boxes are allowed :).

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