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Posts posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Sliding smoothly down a dragon's spine,

    Straddling equally both sides of the line,

    Branches without a tree,

    To live in harmony,

    One must follow the path of the sine

    If you delight in the writing of Zola,

    Or are mesmerized by the curves of Lola,

    Throw a ball,

    Let it fall,

    And appreciate the resulting parabola.


    Yes on 4, close on 2, but you're living in the wrong period, man...(second line ;))

  2. Without further ado:

    Pushing to the limit you'll cry foul,

    Receiving either nothing or -holy cow!

    But if up and down jive,

    With joy you'll derive,

    It's time to use ______.

    Sliding smoothly down a dragon's spine,

    Straddling equally both sides of the line,

    Branches without a tree,

    To live in harmony,

    One must follow the path of the ______.

    The suspect's complex of soul,

    Even if his story has a hole,

    Look for a clue,

    Follow the residue,

    And you'll come upon his ______.

    If you delight in the writing of Zola,

    Or are mesmerized by the curves of Lola,

    Throw a ball,

    Let it fall,

    And appreciate the resulting ______.

    Life's wheels on wheels turn upon,

    Like a French roulette to gamble on,

    When you're a part,

    Stay true to your heart,

    Remember the shape of a ______.

    Enjoy ;).

  3. I don't see why it should...personally I abide by what I term a 'neo-nieztchian' philosophy: that the point of life is to be the best you can be, to try to attain your own unique potential. I don't really see how that is insulting or denigrating to anyone, regardless of their religious beliefs. I mean, I think there a lot of common themes across belief systems, even if the details are hotly debated.

  4. Yes! Here is the summary:

    There were a pair of twins from Bali,
    To whom hanging together was folly,
    One always felt left out,
    But neither would pout,
    Instead they blamed it on Pauli. (courtesy of DudleyDude)

    Find him digging in the sand,
    Or in his valley high in demand,
    With stress he can cope,
    But give him some dope,
    And he'll let you measure his energy band. (courtesy of plainglazed, 'he' is referring to Silicon)

    Girl, you're so fine and lean,
    With a frame so bare it's obscene,
    Put you on tape,
    The critics will gape,
    And never forget your name is graphene. (courtesy of Thalia)

    Without anything he can go on,
    Bouncing here, there, ping, and pong,
    Pass him an invite,
    He'll eagerly excite,
    For such is the life of a photon. (courtesy of TimeSpaceLightForce)

    His neighbor may be highly cagey,
    But he's so calm it'll drive you crazy,
    You'll sound like a fool,
    But he's super cool,
    Cuz his symbol is He. (courtesy of Molly Mae)

    Nice tag-team effort! :thumbsup: I think I'm giving best answer to p-ji for being the first to crack the theme. B)

    Sequel should be up within a day.

  5. His neighbor may be highly cagey,

    But he's so calm it'll drive you crazy,

    You'll sound like a fool,

    But he's super cool,

    Cuz his symbol is CClF3.

    Still doesn't really fit the third line, but it's super cool.

    ​Edit1: Inhaling Freon will make you 'tarded.

    Edit: Actually...probably He. I'm gonna rewrite shortly.

    Yep, that last one is the one...and it's super freaking climbing up the walls cool...literally ;P.

    Down to the last limerick...since I've been in a generous mood...

    'Without anything' in the most literal sense...without water...air....atmosphere...

    *mutters something about wave-particle duality in the background*

  6. Start Round 1!

    Pairings are:

    Panther vs Framm

    Brainy vs Flame

    Phil vs Rob

    MollyMae vs DudleyDude

    Since I have not heard from Aura, she will have to sit this one out. But she (and anyone else) are still welcome in the next round ;).

    Clues will be out within the hour. Round 1 will end 10pm central time next Monday 2/11/13. Good luck!

  7. ...am thinking you're talking about silicon so maybe :

    Find him digging in the sand,

    Or in his valley high in demand,

    With stress he can cope,

    But give him some dope,

    And he'll let you measure his energy band ???


    Without anything he can go on,

    Bouncing here, there, ping, and pong,

    Pass him an invite,

    He'll eagerly excite,

    For such is the life of a muon ???

    Si amigo, for the first, nice catch ^_^.

    Close on the second, but there's something else that fits the clues better, I think.

    Not to be excluded...


    Oui, c'est ca. :thumbsup:

  8. I'm probably missing something clever here...

    There were a pair of twins from Bali,

    To whom hanging together was folly,

    One always felt left out,

    But neither would pout,

    Instead they blamed it on Molly..

    Find him digging in the sand,

    Or in his valley high in demand,

    With stress he can cope,

    But give him some dope,

    And he'll let you measure his hand.

    Girl, you're so fine and lean,

    With a frame so bare it's obscene,

    Put you on tape,

    The critics will gape,

    And never forget your name is Nadine.

    Without anything he can go on,

    Bouncing here, there, ping, and pong,

    Pass him an invite,

    He'll eagerly excite,

    For such is the life of a Kong.

    His neighbor may be highly cagey,

    But he's so calm it'll drive you crazy,

    You'll sound like a fool,

    But he's super cool,

    Cuz his symbol is African Daisy.

    0/5, sorry :/. Lol@ the first one tho ^_^.

    I think what you're missing is the theme ;).


    is me we're talking about... ;P
  9. Inspired by the game from NPR's What do you know?, except the theme here isn't news, it's...well, figuring that out is part of the fun ;P.

    There were a pair of twins from Bali,

    To whom hanging together was folly,

    One always felt left out,

    But neither would pout,

    Instead they blamed it on ______.

    Find him digging in the sand,

    Or in his valley high in demand,

    With stress he can cope,

    But give him some dope,

    And he'll let you measure his ______.

    Girl, you're so fine and lean,

    With a frame so bare it's obscene,

    Put you on tape,

    The critics will gape,

    And never forget your name is ______.

    Without anything he can go on,

    Bouncing here, there, ping, and pong,

    Pass him an invite,

    He'll eagerly excite,

    For such is the life of a ______.

    His neighbor may be highly cagey,

    But he's so calm it'll drive you crazy,

    You'll sound like a fool,

    But he's super cool,

    Cuz his symbol is ______.

  10. Alright, since I'm feeling generous b/c I'm super-excited about Liar Game...

    You may think that, grammatically, there should be commas in the last line. There shouldn't...not by what it's sneakily really supposed to hint at at least

  11. Lol...all will revealed...in time ;P.

    We'll wait a few more days for stragglers, meanwhile, to facilitate things, I'll start explaining the first round:

    Each player has been loaned *cough* 100 million BD$. At the end of the round, they will have to return this to the Liar Game officials. If the player has a surplus, they may keep it, if they cannot return the full 100 mil, they will have a debt.

    In the first round each player will be paired against another player (if we have an odd number I'll make a threesome ;P), and they will try to 'steal' each other's money. To do so, first each player must choose a thread to 'hide' their money in, and their opponent will attempt to find the thread. At the end of the first round, each player will PM me a guess as to where their opponent's money is hidden. They may either choose to guess the specific thread, in which case, if correct, will net them the entire 100 mil, or only to guess the subforum, which will only net them 10 mil.

    Also, each player will be give three (3) pieces of information regarding the hiding locations of other players who are not their opponents via PM. It will not be announced which player has information on which other players, and the players may do with this information as they will. Players are free to contact any other player (CC me please ;)), and I will neither confirm nor deny what anyone says, unless it has something to do with the actual rules of the game.

    Also, at the end of the round, players with a surplus may 'give' any amount of money (in whole $) to any other player(s).

    If you have questions, feel free to ask.

    To facilitate things, would each player please PM me the thread name, thread starter's name, date started, and subforum of the thread in which they wish to hide their money at their earliest convenience? You may choose any thread that has been started within the past year (i.e. after the BD 'blackout').

    Thank you, I look forward to observing this battle of wits.

    (Wtb Liar Game emoticon btw ;) )

  12. A physicist walks into a bar and sees a smoking hot chick smiling at him. Gathering up his courage, he starts towards her, only to be cut off by an old man.

    "Hey, stay away from my wife!" the old man growls.

    "Your wife???" the physicists blinks. "Are you really rich?"


    "Were you like a famous musician or athlete or actor or director or something?"


    "Then how in the world did you get a woman that hot?"

    The old man chuckles. "Boy, she's about 40 light years out of your league."

  13. Since suddenly I can't seem to get the quotes to work...

    In reply to Framm: Not sure how many rounds, until we catch up to the manga at least, maybe more ;)

    Yes, there will definitely be Bid Poker :D.

    P.S. Like my avatar? ;P

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