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Posts posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. This might be a silly question, but what are the win cons? I have looked, honest...

    Last faction standing. :)

    Lol, sorry...I guess there are a few general things I've taken for granted:

    Day and Nights are approx. 24 hours each.

    Dead players should not post on the game thread or BTSC threads (there will be a separate ghost thread).

    Player with the most votes gets lynched unless otherwise specified.

    There is probably other stuff, but if you ever have any questions, please ask. As I like to say: there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers...lots and lots of stupid answers ;P.

    Edit: Oh yeah, roles are out, so Night 1 has officially started. Get those actions in and good luck to all!

  2. The sun (of this solar system) was tucking in behind earth’s horizon, casting a white-gold halo around the blue and green tiled curvature.

    Watching the mesmerizing scene from a monolithic satellite above the planet’s surface were two somber forms, whose long shadows stretched deep into the room behind them.

    After a few minutes, the green-skinned figure turned to his companion. “Do you really think they are ready for this?”

    The black-clad woman was silent for a moment, her soulful blue eyes pensive. Then she slowly answered, “No, I don’t think they’re ready...but I know they have to be.”

    Young Justice


    “Teehee!” squealed the goggled gremlin as he slid down the ramp in the department store, whose jewelry section he had just ‘self-checked out’ of. He paused in front of a large mirror and taunted his pursuer, “See ya, wouldn’t want to be ya!”

    “Not so fast, Mirror Master,” the red clad archer called. He drew up his bow and launched an adeptly aimed arrow.

    As the red fletched arrow flew through the air towards the mirror, suddenly another arrow with dark green fletching overcame it and struck the mirror, shattering it into a multitude of shards.

    “Too slow, Speedy,” a blonde braided girl quipped at him. “What’s wrong, are you getting old?”

    “Artemis.” The male archer turned. Mirror Master attempted to use the distraction to make his getaway, but without a glance in his direction, the ex-sidekick formerly known as Speedy shot another arrow at him, which exploded into a net in mid-air. “I told you, it’s Red Arrow now.” Then he grinned devilishly. “How’s your sister, by the way?”

    “Alright, stop comparing arrow lengths and wrap it up,” a voice came over their comm. “Connor and M’gann could use your help with Toyman.”

    Signing off, Nightwing sighed. Maybe teaming those two up hadn’t been the best idea...

    “Done talking to your girlfriend?” A southern drawl teased him. “Didn’t your momma teach you it’s not polite to ignore a lady?”

    The former circus acrobat just managed to dodge the fairer Terror Twin’s jump kick. “Well, lady, I was taught not to hit girls, but for you, I’ll make an exception.”

    Tuppence smirked. “I’d like to see you try, boy.”

    “You tell ‘em, sis!” called out her not much better half. Then he turned to his opponent and sneered. “Why don’t you smile? You’re on teeeveee,” Tommy jeered as he gestured to a security camera at the end of the alley.

    Caldur frowned and opened his fists. Two bands of magical electricity wound around his arms like eels. “I will smile when I have apprehended you.”

    “Then I guess ya’ll keep on frowning, fish boy...”

    On the other side of the city, two others were frowning. “This is not what I was thinking of when I said we should have a ‘night out’,” Connor muttered as he raised his arms to shield against lasers that emitted from the mouths of a small army of baby dolls.

    “Me neither,” M’gann replied. She phased out her physical form, allowing the laser pulses to pass right through. She threw a meaningful glance at the dolls. “But they do say children always get in the way...”

    “I was really looking forward to seeing that new movie at the cineplex, you know, with the guy from outer space...” The half-kryptonian teen rammed his fist into one of the dolls, crushing its head and exposing sparking wires beneath.

    “I just really wanted to make dinner for you,” the pretty martian confessed as she lifted two of the dolls telekinetically and smashed them together, “I had a new recipe I was eager to try, ‘chicken speed-ini’ or something Italian...you always said how good I am with Italian dishes...”

    “Nooo...my babies!” squealed Toyman. The small man turned his head around just in time to see Superboy come up and grab him by the collar.

    “Thanks,” Connor whispered to Toyman right before punching his lights out.

    On the other side of the country, Impulse was handing a cryogenic container over to hospital officials.

    “Thank you so much for bringing this to us,” the surgeon gushed, “now we can perform the heart transplant in time to save that little girl’s life.”

    “Crashed I could help,” replied the speedster from the future. He waved to the men and women in scrubs and dashed off back the way he came.

    If I’m on mode, I can make it back in time to join in on the fun, Bart thought as he passed through Wyoming.

    Suddenly, he caught something in the corner of his eye, something strange. He halted and backed up a few miles.

    In the distance, he could see the ominous shape of a large building. I’m pretty sure that wasn’t there when I passed through here ten minutes ago...

    “Sir,” the oppressed technician meekly chimed, “there seems to be a problem with the cloaking mechanism.”

    “What?” roared Vandal Savage. His formidable stature loomed over the gaunt man, who winced and cowered further. “You incompetent fool!”

    “My dear,” the slim graceful lady next to him cooed. “Stop shouting at the poor man.” She gave the lackey an alluring smile. “You know, you catch more flies with honey...”

    A red bubble formed in front of them, in the middle of which what seemed to be a rift in the fabric of space itself appeared. Out of it stepped a thin boy with dark hair that stuck up on both sides. “You silly Earthlings,” he chided, stroking the overfed cat in his arms. “I told you it’d be easier if we put our HQ in a different dimension.”

    “Yes, but I have a country to rule, in this dimension,” Queen Bee responded, lazily twirling a strand of dark hair around her finger.

    Savage snarled and turned back to glare at the technician. “Just get the cloak back,” he commanded, “now!”

    A white and red streak flashed into the alley just as Nightwing was giving a final tug to the ropes wrapped around Tommy and Tuppence.

    “Sorry, Bart, you’re late to the party,” Dick remarked, then gestured towards the not-so-terrible-anymore twosome. “We already gave away all the favors.”

    But the look on his fleet-footed teammate’s face wiped the smug grin off his. A look of concern crossed Caldur’s face besides him. “What’s the matter?”

    “Guys,” the speedster stated slowly, as the red light from the security camera blinked above “I think we might have a problem...”

    Smiling with satisfaction, Lex Luthor sat back in his comfortable black leather chair as he watched the scene unfold on a high-resolution monitor to his right. On a monitor to his left, lines of the code that had hacked into the Light's cloaking system were still scrolling across the screen.

    The Neanderthal and the children would keep each other busy and out of his hair...well, metaphorically speaking. He shrugged and ran a hand over his smooth head.

    Everything was going according to plan.

    “The Light”

    Vandal Savage: A caveman who gained intelligence and immortality by sleeping next to a meteor. He cannot die, but may be removed from a game by a majority vote (in the lynch).

    Queen Bee: Dictator of Bialya who possesses powers of persuasion over men. Each Night, can choose a player to target and a player to redirect her target’s ability to. If the target player is a male character, the ability will be redirected, if the target is a female character, the ability will be blocked. May not target the same player two Nights in a row.

    Klarion the Witch Boy: A Lord of Chaos, he enjoys petting his cat, playing games, and messing with the time-space continuum. He may switch the player who wins the lynch vote with another if he can ID the roles of both players. (Must be PMed before Day ends, may submit one RID for each player who may win the vote if it is unclear who will lynched. It will not be announced when his ability is used). *Note: Since Vandal Savage is not technically lynched, but rather removed, this ability does not work on Savage.

    The Independent

    Lex Luthor: Devious and brilliant, he is a skilled manipulator. He may manipulate the actions of n players (where n is the Night/Day cycle) if he can identify their role. His manipulations are not affected by restrictions on the roles he is manipulating (i.e. not twice in a row, cannot act on self, etc). Cannot die on the first Night or Day (will appear to have been saved by Superboy/Impulse if his life is endangered on the first Night/Day). For each block used on him, only one of his manipulations will be blocked. If he wishes to use Klarion's ability on the nth Day, he must inform the host on the nth Night, and it will count in his n manipulations. If he manipulates an information role, he will gain the same information they gain. Players will not be informed if they were manipulated.

    The Don’t-call-them-sidekicks

    Aqualad/Kaldur’ahm: A student of Atlantean sorcery and science who served under Aquaman. Each Night he may use his powers to prevent a player from acting. May not target the same player two Nights in a row.

    Nightwing/Dick Grayson: Batman’s, um, “assistant” *cough*, he is a skilled detective. Each Night, he may choose one player to learn the role of.

    Red Arrow/Roy Harper: Green Arrow’s adopted son, a skilled archer with just a few temper issues. Any Night but not two in a row he may choose one player to target for the kill. When he dies, Lex Luthor and Artemis will be informed.

    Impulse/Bart Allen: A descendant of the Flash family line. Any Day, but not two in a row, he may choose to save the player who is to be lynched (this will stop the lynch, no one will die).

    Superboy/Conner Kent: The genetic offspring of Superman and Lex Luthor. Each Night, may choose one player to protect from death, may not target the same player two Nights in a row. Cannot save himself.

    Miss Martian/M’gann M’orzz: The Martian Manhunter’s niece, she has even greater telepathic abilities. Each Night she may choose a player to read the mind of and find out who they acted on. (If the player was inactive, blocked, or has a Day ability, she will see that they did not act on anyone.)

    Artemis: A disciple of Green Arrow’s with a dysfunctional (putting it lightly) family. Cannot be killed as long as Red Arrow is alive (if her life is endangered, she will appear to be saved by Superboy/Impulse). If Red Arrow dies, she will be informed and gain his ability.

    General Rules:

    The mafia (“The Light”) must choose one player to carry out the Night kill. They may choose not to use the Night kill.

    Any player may choose not to use any of their abilities on any Day/Night. Players will not be informed of the success/failure of their actions unless otherwise specified (i.e. information roles).

    Night Posts will show: kill attempts, successful saves, and blocks. Anything else is up to the creative license of the host (i.e. me ;))

    I hate ties, so if there is a tied vote, both players die and the last player who added/removed/changed their vote to make the tie dies.

    In my ‘mafia universe’, actions are initiated during the Night/Day, but do not go through until the Night->Day/Day->Night transition, so a player’s action will still go through even if they die.

    Blocks prevent players from acting. Redirects can only redirect the target, but cannot prevent a player from acting. The RID manipulate fully controls the action of its target player, i.e. it can make the manipulated player act on the target of its choosing, not act, or use a different action (if the role has a choice of actions).

    In the case of loops: manipulate>redirect>block.

    Role abilities are things that a player must actively choose to do (i.e. like active skills), whereas role attributes are part of the role description that are unchangeable (like passive skills). Role abilities can be blocked/redirected/manipulated, but role attributes cannot.

    You may say anything you want on the game thread, but no reproducing of things from outside the game thread in the game thread (i.e. copying and pasting a PM from me).

    I believe it is part of a host’s responsibility to keep the rules as clear as possible, so if there appears to be confusion about a rule, I will attempt to clarify.

    Please put any questions to the host in purple so that I may find them easily. Thank you.

    Watchtower: Y-san


    1. Aaryan
    2. Panther
    3. dee_tot
    4. Kikacat123
    5. Araver
    6. Vommack
    7. Kingofpain
    8. Flamebirde
    9. Minesweeper
    10. MikeD
    11. ShadowAngel7

    Roles will be PMed shortly. Night 1 starts once all roles are out, will end at 9PM CST tomorrow, 6/13. Thank you.

  3. I think it starts out linearly, then becomes a function of how close the game seems to be to actually starting, so, along the lines of:


    Where A is a proportionality factor determined by circumstances (how many ppl are checking the website, how busy they are, etc), B is the initial rate of sign-up (i.e. the 'regulars'), C is the rate factor, and N is the max number of ppl in the game.

    My other hobby: expressing everything as differential equations :ph34r:

    Oh, and...

    ...your-mom's-itchy from [redacted] last night...

    My other other hobby: turning ppl's spelling errors into your mom jokes :P

    Working on OP for game thread...having a little writer's block, but it'll definitely be up tomorrow :).

  4. Playing off a genre invented (as far as I know) by P-ji ;).

    Fishy distribution/“Woman’s weapon”

    Not lost/Has penchant for

    Bee task/Call from the floor

    Mugiwara’s cry/Yoga necessity

    H2O overdose/Swallow

    Overcame yield stress/Blue

    Decks the halls/Strong against undead

    Hawk’s get-togethers/What captchas ward against

    Diana’s claim/Pierre says it’s his

    Throw in the towel/Rule

  5. **************************************************************************************************************************

    Supplementary rules:

    The laws of physics/chemistry/etc. must be obeyed.

    Objects that are not known to be physically viable (i.e. hoverboards, jet packs, etc) are not allowed.

    Levels must be passed in a reasonable amount of time (in terms of the game).

    Please put the objects in green, and if using an object in conjunction with an object(s) from another player or players, please quote or copy and paste and cite the player(s).


    Orin furrowed his brows in deep focus. In his hand a small ball of green energy appeared, and then began to grow and elongate until it achieved the form of a spear. He drew his arm back and prepared to launch the missive.

    "Not so fast." The Green Witch raised a hand and a sudden burst of translucent green energy flooded towards the agents. As it approached, rolling like a wave, it turned opaque, with globules of different colors interspersed throughout. It gained momentum, coming upon the agents like a tsunami.

    The agents closed their eyes, but there was no impact, but instead a sing-song voice quietly chanted: "...went up the hill to fetch a pail of water..." The agents opened their eyes saw the world had been painted around them:

    (Not drawn to scale)


    Task: Make the Flower of Destiny bloom with water from the Well of Life.

    Notes: No harm must come to the Flower of Destiny. It will require at least 1 L of water to make the flower bloom. The icy slope is too slick to climb as is. The mountains are constructed of a hard rock that is impossible to tunnel through in a reasonable amount of time (i.e. before the Witch gets bored and kills everyone ;P).

  6. The first person with an even number wins.

    The last two moves will always be 2->1, 1->0, meaning that the player who changes 3->2 or 4->2 wins. Hence the first player to get 4 wins.

    If a player gets an odd number, their only choice is to subtract one, hence forming another even number. Hence a person with an even number can always guarantee themselves another even number on the next move by changing the current even number to an odd number.

    So Alice wins if she starts with an even number.

    • Upvote 1
  7. The six dark heads turned simultaneously and twelve glowing green eyes glowered at the diminutive form. “Where...did that come from?” the voices echoed.

    Orin frowned. What did they mean? His own gaze trained on the jocund helper. If he was not their creature, then...

    Something was attempting to surface in his memory. Something he had seen as a child...a television show...with children trying to solve puzzles...and a rainbow...

    After conferring with his capable team, Captain Wraith stepped forward confidently. “Time for this charade to cease. We know who you are...we know which you are...Witch.”

    “Green is the color of will and energy,” one agent recited, stepping up behind the captain.

    “These clones are created of energy, channeled by will,” said another.

    “The real Witch is the the one who controls the chaos...” a third agent chimed in. Then, all said turned in conjunction to one of the figures and spoke in chorus, “...you.”

    The Chromatic Witch smiled and waved his green gloved hand and the other five figures vanished. “Not bad...I can see this version has significant improvements...” he shrugged. “But still...just because you can find me doesn’t mean you can defeat me.”

    He swept up his arms to the sides, palms upward, and abruptly their surroundings vanished and all around them was a screen of green.

    The Witch clapped his hands together and their surroundings turned into a desert canyon. There was a rumbling, and rocks began to precipitate from the jagged cliffs.

    The agents scrambled, dodging the barrage of boulders. Their enemy laughed and clapped his hands again.

    The dust and debris disappeared, to be replaced by darkness, mud, and roaring rain. Suddenly there was lightning, closely followed by thunder, and then the rain turned to sleet that pelted the freezing agents.

    “You cannot win,” the Witch declared. “This is my gateway. Everything is as I will it to be.”

    “Not...everything,” spoke Orin slowly through shivering teeth as it came to him. Along A Rainbow, the show had been called, and there had been a helper, a guide to the children...Hucky the Hinter...

    The Chromatic Witch stopped and studied him. Orin clenched his hands into fists, fighting the cold.

    “The leprechaun...it...it came from me, from my imagination...from my will.” A fire ignited in Orin’s eyes. “If green is the power of will, then...then we use it too!”

    The Witch’s lips pursed pensively, then curved into a bemused smile. He clapped his hands once more and the surroundings turned back to green. “Let’s see about that...”



    Kyle Rayner, Green Lantern


    Agents, you must channel the energy of your will to form objects to complete the obstacles that are set before you.

    Each player may only maintain one object at a time. Objects that commonly come as a set count as one object only if it is utilized as a set (i.e. you cannot use part of a set of colored pencils to draw a diagram and another part to use as kindling).

    Objects must be less than 100m in all dimensions, in the state they are used in (i.e. a 300m coil of rope might be less than 100m in all dimensions, but if you use it when it’s fully stretched out, it counts as 300m).

    Objects formed must be easily describable with a word or two (i.e. no conjuring complex contraptions constructed to complete the particular task).

    You may not create intelligent beings (scientists, superheroes, aliens, etc). You may create animate objects, but you cannot direct, or ‘program’ them. (No animals trained to accomplish your particular task, no programmed robots, etc). However, creatures will be assumed to react to stimuli in the appropriate fashion (a dog will run after/to a steak).

    No motorized vehicles (including air, sea, etc). Your interactions with objects are limited to what any average person can do (no specialized training).

    There is no one right answer here, tasks will be deemed completed as long as they follow the rules and the spirit of the game (i.e. trying to exploit loopholes in the rules is not acceptable, but combining and using objects in creative and unexpected ways is great ^_^).

    Last but not least, this is a team effort, feel free to discuss and coordinate with your teammates. And have fun!


    Feels good to be back in the puzzle-pushing saddle ^_^

    (Note: If you've ever played Scribblenauts, it's a similar setup ;))

    The last puzzle was not completely solved, and there are some hints in the post to allow players to work on finishing it up while I finish constructing the Boss Battle scenarios. Also feel free to ask questions.

    Good luck!

    • Upvote 1
  8. Well like

    He had motive & access. Chris' name was scrawled all over the inside of her notebook, so she was obviously into him. But he worked downstairs from her apartment and would have been able to see her coming and going with a variety of people. That's when he went psycho. He also had access to her apartment via the back stairs and an easy excuse to be there (delivering food). He would want to disguise his name in her notebook to prevent suspicion from falling on him. Since he was dating her & probably often took her food orders, he'd know what drink she'd order.

    Adding to this

    The symbols are actually the laetters of Chris just a pairing of both the lower case and capital version of the letter (for example C and c).

    Furthermore, Chris really doesn't seem upset that his recent now ex girlfriend is dead.

    I think her cup was poisoned. The killer used ethonal as a solvent, but ethonal has a strong taste. In order to avoid adding too much directly to the drink and risking the taste or smell giving it away the killer added the solution to an empty cup and dumped out the solution leaving enough traces to still be effective. Being ever so careful the killer also wiped down the cups rim which got the solution on it from dumping it out as to avoid a queer taste if she drank from the cup directly. This explains the napkin as very little would be needed to clean the cup rim.

    Last but not least, I would hazard that the poison was dissolved in a bottle of rice cooking wine. So long as the bottle wasn't in a place the cook would use it this would serve as an ideal container. Any Asian resteraunt is likely to have numerous bottles of the stuff so the police wouldnt have reason to search them, it would explain the ethonal and last but not least it ties in with my theory of how and why the poison was administered as it was as rice cooking wines can have a very strong very distinct flavour.

    Correct on the first part. :thumbsup:

    The restaurant staff corroborated that the three of them had been there all night, and it would be noticeable if one person had been gone for more than a short bathroom break.

    Altering symbols drawn all over two weeks worth of notes would have taken a non-trivial amount of time, and if you wanted to mask a five letter name, why change all the same letters the same one, keeping it obvious whatever it was was five letters?

    It makes much more sense that the girl drew them herself as some kind of artsy doodling, which was later confirmed by police evidence ;)

    Very clever on the second part, you should write your own mysteries! ;D

    The police found no poison on anything but the napkin, and the above mentioned testimony indicates the killer didn't have a chance to get rid of it.

    Also, the napkin was not creased.

    But I think you're getting close :ph34r: .

  9. So...seeing as how there hasn't been a mafia game here for awhile and in honor of the upcoming Man of Steel movie, I thought I'd scrounge up something small and relatively simple and, of course, new-players are welcome ^_^.

    Young Justice

    “The Light”

    Vandal Savage: A caveman who gained intelligence and immortality by sleeping next to a meteor. He cannot die, but may be removed from a game by a majority vote (in the lynch).

    Queen Bee: Dictator of Bialya who possesses powers of persuasion over men. Each Night, can choose a player to target and a player to redirect her target’s ability to. If the target player is a male character, the ability will be redirected, if the target is a female character, the ability will be blocked. May not target the same player two Nights in a row.

    Klarion the Witch Boy: A Lord of Chaos, he enjoys petting his cat, playing games, and messing with the time-space continuum. He may switch the player who wins the lynch vote with another if he can ID the roles of both players. (Must be PMed before Day ends, may submit one RID for each player who may win the vote if it is unclear who will lynched. It will not be announced when his ability is used).

    The Independent

    Lex Luthor: Devious and brilliant, he is a skilled manipulator. He may manipulate the actions of n/2 (rounded up, where n is the Night) players if he can identify their role. Cannot die on the first Night or Day (will appear to have been saved by Superboy/Impulse if his life is endangered on the first Night/Day).

    The Don’t-call-them-sidekicks

    Aqualad/Kaldur’ahm: A student of Atlantean sorcery and science who served under Aquaman. Each Night he may use his powers to prevent a player from acting. May not target the same player two Nights in a row.

    Nightwing/Dick Grayson: Batman’s, um, “assistant” *cough*, he is a skilled detective. Each Night, he may choose one player to learn the role of.

    Red Arrow/Roy Harper: Green Arrow’s adopted son, a skilled archer with just a few temper issues. Any Night but not two in a row he may choose one player to target for the kill.

    Impulse/Bart Allen: A descendant of the Flash family line. Any Day, but not two in a row, he may choose to save the player who is to be lynched (this will stop the lynch, no one will die).

    Superboy/Conner Kent: The genetic offspring of Superman and Lex Luthor. Each Night, may choose one player to protect from death, may not target the same player two Nights in a row.

    Miss Martian/M’gann M’orzz: The Martian Manhunter’s niece, she has even greater telepathic abilities. Each Night she may choose a player to read the mind of and find out who they acted on. (If the player was inactive, blocked, or has a Day ability, she will see that they did not act on anyone.)

    Artemis: A disciple of Green Arrow’s with a dysfunctional (putting it lightly) family. Cannot be killed as long as Red Arrow is alive (if her life is endangered, she will appear to be saved by Superboy/Impulse). If Red Arrow dies, she will be informed and gain his ability.

    General Rules:

    The mafia (“The Light”) must choose one player to carry out the Night kill. They may choose not to use the Night kill.

    Any player may choose not to use any of their abilities on any Day/Night.

    I hate ties, so if there is a tied vote, both players die and the last player who added/removed/changed their vote to make the tie dies.

    In my ‘mafia universe’, actions are initiated during the Night/Day, but do not go through until the Night->Day/Day->Night transition, so a player’s action will still go through even if they die.

    Blocks prevent players from acting. Redirects can only redirect the target, but cannot prevent a player from acting. The RID manipulate fully controls the action of its target player, i.e. it can make the manipulated player act on the target of its choosing, not act, or use a different action (if the role has a choice of actions).

    In the case of loops: manipulate>redirect>block.

    You may say anything you want on the game thread, but no reproducing of things from outside the game thread in the game thread (i.e. copying and pasting a PM from me).

    I believe it is part of a host’s responsibility to keep the rules as clear as possible, so if there appears to be confusion about a rule, I will attempt to clarify.

    Please put any questions to the host in purple so that I may find them easily. Thank you.

    I reserve the right to make changes before the game starts ;).

    Watchtower: Y-san













    Okay, we should be able to get 11 players...right? :mellow:

  10. “Thank you for your help, B-kun.” Violet gently wrapped her arms around his shoulders and gave them a squeeze. “I’m really glad you were here.”

    B-kun shrugged. “Think nothing of it.”

    Violet’s magenta lips smiled, but there was a note of sadness in her soft blue eyes. She looked away for a moment before asking “It’s late...do you have a place to stay? I know with...everything you have going on, you’re trying to avoid public places, like motels. My father has an apartment not too far from here, you can stay there for the night...or longer, if you would like to stick around...”

    “Thank you, that would work well for the night,” B-kun responded, seeming to miss Violet’s hopeful gaze. “I plan to be out of the city early tomorrow morning.”

    After Violet handed over the keys, and they said their goodbyes, B-kun headed out the door with Ben Near in tow. As he passed her, Ben heard Violet sigh and mutter to herself “I can’t even stand a chance against that woman’s ghost.”

    As the under-spoken detective and his companion made their way towards the address Violet had given them, they were greeted by the blaring of sirens. B-kun pulled his hood over his head as they approached the police car barrier in front of the costly looking apartment complex.

    “What happened?” Ben inquired of a bystander, a woman somewhat past her middle years.

    “A murder!” the woman answered excitedly. “Well, the police haven’t officially called it yet, but I know it had to be...I mean, with her lifestyle and all...”

    “Who was the victim?” B-kun interrupted in a low voice, keeping his face hidden.

    “The girl who lived in the apartment above the Panda Express, Caroline something or other, I think her name was. Pretty thing, but, you know,” the woman glanced around, leaned in, and lowered her voice, “I live by the elevator, and let me tell you, I’d see her coming in at all hours of the night...with men...and women...”

    Catching sight of a young man with a gray, woolen, police-issued blanket wrapped around his shoulders, the terse detective left the woman to her ramblings.

    “Did you know the victim?” B-kun asked.

    With a dazed expression on his face, the young man nodded. “She was my sister...I...I still can’t believe this happened.”

    “Do you know what happened?”

    “I...I’m not sure...I was over in her apartment for dinner. She ordered some take-out from the Panda Express, we laid out the food, you know, like ‘family-style’, started digging in and then, she just...she keeled over, and...oh my god, I can’t believe she’s really dead.”

    “Do you know of anyone who’d want to hurt her?”

    “I don’t know...I mean, she wasn’t perfect, but...wait...she did mention that she was seeing someone that she was really into, but then...well she said the person went all stalker-y on her and she had to end it. Huh...I don’t even know if it was a guy or a girl...Carol was bi, you know...”

    Ben pursed his lips. “I’m sorry for your loss, kid.” He lowered his head in a gesture of sympathy before scuttling after B-kun, who was artfully making his way towards the front of the Panda Express.

    “Yeah, it was us three here tonight. I took the order, it was egg rolls, mu-shu pork, and general tsao’s chicken, with a diet Coke and a Dr. Pepper. I asked if they wanted silverware, and the girl said no, they had their own.” A straw-haired youth whose nametag read “Jacob” was saying as Ben caught up.

    “The police said it looked like poison, and they suspected us, but they searched thoroughly and couldn’t find a container for the poison, and all three of us have been here all night,” said the brown-haired young man with the nametag “Chris”.

    “They even body searched us, if you can believe it. I mean, seriously?” the red-haired girl with the nametag “Fiona” huffed indignantly. “Wait...who did you say you were, again?”

    But B-kun was already heading towards the back door of the shop, which had a sign that said “STAIRS” next to it.

    Ben made it to the landing of the first floor just in time to see the policeman in front of an apartment talking on his com. “...Potent poison...” a staticky voice was saying, “...lab only found trace amounts on one side of a clean flat napkin in the dumpster, with traces of ethanol, used as a solvent for the poison...want you to come down and question the restaurant employees again...”

    After the uniform’s shadow disappeared around the corner, B-kun slipped soundlessly into the apartment. Ben sighed, glanced around, and followed.

    Inside the studio apartment they found the chalk outline of the body next to a low table with two plates, two sets of silverware, two take-out drink containers, and several take-out cartons. Closer inspection of the plates showed that they had nearly identical half-eaten remains from all the cartons.

    B-kun gave a rudimentary inspection of the rest of the apartment, which contained all the normal paraphernalia of a college student with well-to-do parents. His gaze paused briefly on a group of framed photos next to the bed, one of which was of a pretty young brunette next to the young man they talked to downstairs, dressed in a graduation gown and cap. On it was signed: “Next it’s your turn sis, love Harold”.

    Nothing else seemed to catch the detective’s interest until he began to carefully flip through the pages of a notebook on a desk next to several textbooks (using a pen he had with him, so as not to disturb any fingerprints).

    Inside were notes scrawled in a passably neat hand (of some sort of math subject, it appeared to Ben), but the girl’s boredom was made clear by the doodles drawn around the edges of the pages.

    All around the pages dated within the last two weeks appeared five particular symbols, repeated many times, in differing sizes and orientations:


    “Well,” Ben mused, “the bro coulda done it, I s’pose, but he looked genuinely upset...”

    “No, I believe it was someone else,” B-kun declared after studying the symbols for a minutes.

    “One of the kids from Panda? How?”

    B-kun glanced towards the table. “If I’m right, the police will find the poison on that...”

    The next day, in part due to acting on an anonymous tip that was phoned in, the police were able to make an arrest in the murder of Caroline Somners.

    Who does B-kun suspect?

    How was the poison administered?

  11. Having documented the Life of Pie from inception to consumption with the aid of his trusty pencil-shaped stylus, the blogger, a star in the foodie cybersphere, began on his new project: constructing the Leaning Tower of Pizza.

    Angstrom, ping-pong, confederate, bless, alliteration

  12. Je suis retourne!

    1. Aaryan
    2. Panther
    3. Jay
    4. Y-san
    5. Flamebirde
    8. Brainy

    (And in case neone is interested, I do have a couple puzzles/games on the backburner which I will be getting back to in the next few weeks now that things have calmed down a bit for my alter ego ;P)

  13. On hiatus.

    [steps out of character] Sorry, but I've been swamped at work and have some kind of virus that keeps recurring...or never really went away, I'm not sure which :/. I definitely hope to continue this, so keep checking back occasionally if you're interested in continuing/joining. Thanks. [/aside]

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