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Posts posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. to help clear up confusion, perhaps it would hep us if i gave an example.

    player# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    political# 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128

    voters 116.5 1.5 3 6 12 24 48 148 (based off a quick calculation in my head)

    who would be eliminated? based on my understanding, it would be the first 4 people. Median is 18 so 1,6,7,8 would be eliminated.

  2. Here is my crude attempt to demonstrate pictorially...


    The circle represents the spectrum of 'voters', all those closest to R will vote for R(red), all those closest to B will vote for B(blue), all those closest to G will vote for G(green). In this case B has the fewest voters, i.e. smallest portion of the spectrum, so B would win the minority voter game.

  3. An addendum and a few clarifications:

    If there are no players with numbers of voters below the median, then the vote is scrapped the the period is done over.

    Only the last player or two players standing will be awarded (considered 'winners'), and the amount to be divided among them will be the sum of the debts incurred by eliminated players in the first and second voting periods.

    Only players below the median number of voters will move on, players with the median number of voters or above will be eliminated. Like the minority rule game reverses the goal of majority rule which is normal in real life, the minority voter game reverses the goal of the majority voter (i.e. candidates for elections trying to get as many voters as possible in real life).

    Please feel free to ask any questions. (I realize this is probably pretty confusing for anyone who has not taken as many game-theory-disguised-as-poli-sci classes as I have ;))

  4. Assuming neither the pail or the shovel is empty, it's more likely to be odd, since an even original number of grains n can give n/2 possible odd/odd splits and n/2-1 even/even splits.

    If one could be empty and not the other, it's a 50/50 split (well, excluding the case of a single grain of sand originally).

    If either could be empty, it's more likely to be even.

  5. You don't vote, you're a candidate, all players are. So if you're on 10 and there are other candidates on 13 and 7, you would get AVG(13,10)-AVG(10,7)=11.5-8.5=3 voters.

    Edit: There is no actual voting, rather, you're simulating a vote based on your positions on the 'political' spectrum.

  6. Being the extraordinary cheapskates *cough* multi-taskers we are, the Chinese have developed a bevy of games utilizing a wei chi set.

    One such game is Connect Five, in which (like it sounds) black and white take turns laying down pieces until one player has a line of five pieces (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) and wins.

    Assuming both players are actually trying to win, what is the maximum size (square) board on which the game could end in a tie?

  7. I'll guess at a couple of couplets

    The words will sometimes lie,

    But on numbers you can always count by.

    I'll guess I, the symbol for the Imaginary Numbers set

    (I think N, the Natural Numbers could also be a good guess)

    As usual, don't go about this the usual way,

    B/c by not the usual rules can I play.

    I'm going to pretend it's really B*c and guess 'v'

    Are either of these even on the right track?

    Clever interpretation, lol...I totally love the last one :D. But actually, there's only one device for the entire riddle, that's the same for each couplet, and like the other riddles in the series, it doesn't require any guessing ;).

  8. Round 2

    Minority Voter Game

    In this very special division, you shall be simulating candidates, vying for votes on an uniformly distributed cyclic (i.e wraps around) spectrum. But, in this game, the goal is to get the fewest voters.

    Voters will vote for the candidate that is the closest to them on the spectrum. The spectrum will be quantified by integer degrees, 0 to 359. The distance between 359 and 0 is 1.

    For each vote, each player will PM me an integer between 0 and 359 (inclusive), which is the position they wish to take. If multiple players choose the same position, they will divide the number of voters that position has equally (it is possible to have non-integer voters). After the vote is tallied, all candidates who have the median number of voters or greater will be eliminated, and the next vote will commence, until there are 2 or fewer candidates remaining.

    Each player who is eliminated in the first round will incur a debt of 100mil BD$. Each player who is eliminated in the second round will incur a debt of 50mil BD$. The winner or winners (last 2 or less standing) candidates will divide the winnings gained from these debts equally.

    As always, players are free to discuss with each other via the thread or in PM (CC me please ;)). At the end of the round, players who have a positive balance for the round may choose to give any amount in whole BD$ to any other player(s).

    The first vote will take place at 9pm US central time on Monday 2/18. This voting period will be elongated to allow time for players to consider and/or discuss. Subsequent voting periods will last 24 hours. Players must PM me their positions for the voting period before each deadline or else they will be eliminated.

    Round 2 starts now! Good luck.

  9. Pushing to the limit you'll cry foul,

    Receiving either nothing or -holy cow!
    But if up and down jive,
    With joy you'll derive,
    It's time to use L'Hopital. -Thalia

    Sliding smoothly down a dragon's spine,
    Straddling equally both sides of the line,
    Branches without a tree,
    To live in harmony,
    One must follow the path of the cosine. -MM and Thalia

    The suspect's complex of soul,
    Even if his story has a hole,
    Look for a clue,
    Follow the residue,
    And you'll come upon his pole. -Thalia

    If you delight in the writing of Zola,
    Or are mesmerized by the curves of Lola,
    Throw a ball,
    Let it fall,
    And appreciate the resulting parabola. -MM

    Life's wheels on wheels turn upon,
    Like a French roulette to gamble on,
    When you're a part,
    Stay true to your heart,
    Remember the shape of a limacon. -DD

  10. Liar Game BD

    1. Brainiac100 +101

    2. Molly Mae +71

    3. Framm +17

    3. Rob_Gandy +11

    4. Phil 0

    5. Panther -10

    7. Flamebirde -90

    8. DudleyDude -100

    The Liar Game offices have informed me that due to the caliber of contestants displayed here, instead of the normal minority rule game played in other divisions, we will be holding a special minority voter game.
    We will wait a few days so that others who have expressed interest may join, if they still wish ;).
  11. Liar Game BD

    1. Molly Mae +100

    2. Brainiac100 +90

    3. Framm +10

    3. Rob_Gandy +10

    5. Panther -10

    5. Phil -10

    7. Flamebirde -90

    8. DudleyDude -100

    Congrats to the winners!

    If any wish to gift money to other players, please PM me and I will update the totals.

    Sign-ups for round 2 now open! It will be some form of minority rule, although the exact rules will depend on how many players are participating.

    Liar Game BD Second Round roster:






  12. Well there are the more social games, like Apples to Apples and True Colors and the like...

    One of my favorite games is BANG!, a kinda mafia-esque card game with it's own set of cards.

    There are also a bunch of card games using standard decks of cards that are great, like Presidents and Bridge and whatnot. My favorite is this Chinese game called Finding Friends (which is also kinda mafia-esque...who woulda guessed, right? ;P), I can write up the rules for you if you're interested.

    Catch Phrase is pretty fun as well, and my friends have this game called Contact which is a word game that requires no hardware at all (can also write up the rules if you want).

    I'm glad you have Dominion...my friends loved that so much they made their own program...and we made our cards lol. There's also dominion.isotropic.org, which is a good site if anyone's interested. I <3 my Bishop strats :D...

  13. Wow, I'm really sorry you feel that way phaze, I'm sure whatever happened in your past experience that has given you this point of view was terrible and if you want to share it with me personally, feel free to PM me. I think I have made it pretty clear that while I will eagerly pick apart mathematically fallacies in puzzle threads ;P, I am pretty open-minded and tolerant of those with different opinions on spiritual matters and the like.

    But at the same time, I do not share your view. Perhaps you do not think my 'neo-nieztchian' philosophy implies personal investment, but I assure you, I've invested a great deal in it. I do not think anyone wants to hear my entire life's story in this one post, but I have sacrificed a great deal of opportunistic opportunities in my professional and social life to stick by what I believe in, and it's still not easy, nearly every day I feel like I'm confronted with such choices.

    My willingness to share comes not from being any less invested in my views as, say, someone of an organized religion, but it comes from my own confidence in my views. I did the same thing as Descartes did in A Treatise on Human Existence? (I think the title was something like that...) when I was in like 10th grade...I discarded all my preconceived notions of reality and existence and built up my belief system from scratch. Of course, I didn't make the same religious jumps that Descartes did, but I did come to the realization that without any 'assumptions', there was not very much to do, so I chose to base my system on assumptions based on what made me feel 'alive', what made life worth living.

    As for sharing deep personal issues, I have shared my deepest personal issue in this forum a few years back, in a thread that was like 'Life Stories' or sth (I don't remember the exact title of that either...lol), and I found only support and appreciation from the BrainDenizens back then. Granted, the crowd has changed somewhat, but I don't think the majority of 'new' crowd is the type that would be hurtful/dismissive.

    And to be fair, I did have some 'private' discussions with UR about beliefs, which he turned around and posted as the premise for discussion threads, lol :P. I was annoyed at first, but then I realized that I was confident enough in myself that I didn't really care.

    I'm not sure where it was specified in this thread that we were suppose to have lengthy logical debates, but I personally did not take it that way. I took it more as a place to share and to learn about others and build more of a sense of community, not less. *shrugs*

  14. Yeah...I totally disagree with you phaze :P. For one thing, just b/c everyone has a different, personal view, doesn't make the question irrelevant. Personally, I think it makes the question more interesting. I am a fan of reading/watching/writing things in the fantasy genre (and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this ;P), and I always find exploring at different belief/social systems a fascinating experience, even if I personally disagree with those beliefs.

    Secondly, I think many ppl find the 'impersonal', semi-anonymous nature of public forums more conducive to sharing things you might not share with ppl one to one in real life. When you share in real life, it often seems like you're 'risking' more: the person you're talking to might make a judgement about you that will irreversibly change your relationship with them, or, perhaps worse, they might just not be interested in what you have to say. It's really heart-wrenching to hold something dear and important and have someone you care about simply dismiss it :(. In a forum format, you can write up a long, well-though out post with all your ideas, and even if no one takes the time to read it, you'll never know. And, personally, I am one of those ppl who is better at organizing my ideas in writing than in conversation, and the act of writing helps me organize my ideas in itself, which often helps me feel more confident and content in my beliefs.

    Lastly, for now at least, I don't think everyone here, especially the younger members *cough*, may be 100% unchangeably set in stone on every detail of their belief systems yet, and I think reading the thoughts of others and sharing their own thoughts might help them develop and refine their beliefs, perhaps even 'look at the world in a new light' so to speak. Personally I had a major breakthrough in my belief system in like junior high, from reading some things on a Neon Genesis Evangelion forum. (Okay you can laugh, but srsly that show has some major philosophical exploration.)

  15. Can others join in after this first round? Like for the second round...

    Of course, the Liar Game offices alway welcome new capital players, signups for the second round will begin shortly after first round results are up ;).

  16. Just a reminder, about 26 hours until final guesses are due. You may either submit a guess for the specific thread or a guess at only the subforum. If you change your mind before the deadline, you may submit another guess, I will take the last one submitted prior to the deadline.

    Thank you.

    -Your friendly neighborhood LGO

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