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Posts posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. You have received a royal invite to the Queen of Hearts' tea party. She will be serving three types of scrumptious cake: vanity vanilla, crown chocolate, and royal red velvet. However, your confidential informant, the white rabbit, whispers to you that the Queen is very finicky and the only thing she adores more than cake is parting her subjects from their heads.

    First off, you most definitely may NOT refuse the invitation. If you do, there is no place in all of Wonderland where you may hide from her wrath (hell haft no fury and whatnot ;)).

    Secondly, her preference order for the cake flavors changes daily, and if do not partake of her cake in her preferred order...well, how would you prefer to be separated from your head?

    At the entrance you'll be greeted by the Maitre D's, Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee, one who always lies and one who always tells the truth, albeit for the life of you you won't be able to tell the difference. WR lets you in a little secret: if you slip ONE of them a 'lil sumth'n' he'll answer ONE question of the yes-no variety.

    Also, WR thinks that (for a fee, of course) he can get that irascible spy Cheshire to cop up which cake is neither the Queen's favorite or least favorite for the day. However, as WR has time management issues, he won't arrive with this tidbit of info until AFTER you've passed the D's.

    Seeing how attached you are to your lovely visage, what question would you ask?

  2. When I was five, my uncle offered me a 2 for 1 deal: two dimes for my one quarter...unfortunately for him, the Mathgirl gene expresses itself at a young age ;P.

    • Upvote 2
  3. After a long day of vampire slaying, Lincoln came home to Marie Antoinette's homemade cake.

    What is your practical analysis?

    That was just a test to see if you really believe there men and women can be friends

    That was a just a test to see if you really believe Marie Antoinette actually made the cake herself

    That was a just a test to see if you really believe the cake is real.

    THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!

  4. 1. Molly Mae +186

    2. Brainiac100 +116
    3. Framm +97
    4. Phil +70
    4. Auramyna 0

    6. Marksmanjay -30
    7. Panther -52

    8. Flamebirde -82
    9. DudleyDude -100
    10. Rob_Gandy -144

    Apologies for the delay, a virus has downed most of the local Liar Game office, despite how well-manned we are *cough*.

    Sign-ups for round 4 up now:

    Liar Game BD Round 4

    North Team:






    South Team:





    It will be a challenge that consists of two teams, the teams do not have to balanced, but be aware that the total amount a player may earn is equal to (the number of players on the opposing team)/(the number of players on your team)*100mil BD$.

    Round 4 will most likely not commence until next week, due to the aforementioned virus. Thank you.

  5. Round 3 has concluded.

    1. Phil 28

    2. Framm 23

    3. Flamebirde 19

    4. Brainy 16

    5. Panther 10

    6. Jay 4

    7. Rob_Gandy 0

    Phil is the winner! He will receive 100mil BD$.

    Updated game rankings will be posted tomorrow. Thank you.

  6. Clarification: The # by a player's name in the rankings is their accrued votes. These may be given to other players via PM to me as specified in the rules.

    The deadline for the final voting round has been extended to Sunday 3/03 at 8pm CST. Thank you.

  7. Voting round 6 of round 3 has concluded.

    1. Phil 24

    2. Panther 20

    3. Framm 19

    4. Brainy 16

    5. Flamebirde 9

    6. Jay 4

    7. Rob_Gandy 0

    Last voting round!

    Ends 9pm CST tomorrow 3/01. Thank you.

  8. Clarification: A player who fails to PM their vote cannot receive votes made for them by other players (i.e. via the voting):

    If a player fails to PM me their votes within the voting round, they lose their votes, as well as any votes for them made by other players that round.

    But may be given votes via:

    Also, players may give votes they have accrued to other players via PM to me. The voting rankings will be updated following each vote.
  9. Voting round 5 of round 3 has concluded.

    1. Phil 24

    2. Panther 20

    3. Framm 15

    4. Brainy 12

    5. Flamebirde 9

    6. Jay 4

    7. Rob_Gandy 0

    Last 2 voting rounds!

    Voting round 6 begins now, ends 9pm CST tomorrow 2/28. Thank you.

  10. Clarification: Only the player with the highest # of votes will gain winnings, if there is more than one player with the highest # they will divide the winnings. Only the player with the lowest # will incur a debt of 100mil BD$, if there is more than one with the lowest #, they will each incur a debt. The total winnings will be equal to the total debt.

  11. Voting round 4 of round 3 has concluded.

    1. Phil 16

    2. Framm 13

    3. Panther 12

    2. Brainy 10

    5. Flamebirde 9

    6. Jay 4

    7. Rob_Gandy 0

    Last 3 voting rounds!

    Voting round 5 begins now, ends 9pm CST tomorrow 2/27. Thank you.

  12. Voting round 3 of round 3 has concluded.

    1. Phil 12

    2. Framm 9

    3. Panther 8

    2. Brainy 6

    5. Flamebirde 5

    6. Jay 4

    7. Rob_Gandy 0

    Voting round 4 begins now, ends 9pm CST tomorrow 2/26. Thank you.

  13. No, I can not answer practically, as I do not think the scenario is accurate of the time you seem to be implying. Just as my 'Reenactment' was joking and anachronistic, and hence I would never ask you for a practical interpretation of it, I feel your story is anachronistic and feel trying to interpret it practically would be a pointless exercise.

  14. Voting round 2 of round 3 has concluded.

    1. Phil 6

    2. Framm 5

    2. Brainy 5

    4. Panther 4

    5. Jay 3

    6. Flamebirde 1

    7. Rob_Gandy 0

    Voting round 3 begins now, ends 9pm CST tomorrow 2/25. Thank you.

  15. No, on the contrary, I think there are innate attitudes that affect everything, but they were not innate to all human beings at the beginning of human existence. I believe there were different attitudes for different people, and the ones that survived did so due to their evolutionary (including from a social perspective) fitness.

    Actually my answer indicates that my innate sense of humor is a dominant trait :P.

  16. My answer to that would involve the things hidden in Zim's closet (not skeletons ;)) and not be suitable for all audiences :P

    I don't understand what you mean by top/bottom, but as for motives and actions, in evolutionary perspectives they are like the proverbial chicken and egg: they explain each other.

  17. I am not at liberty to confirm or deny statements made about what players did or did not do publicly. But all votes that were sent in before the deadline were accepted. If you have concerns, PM me, or check the rules for the round again, particularly the one I referred to in my reminder right before the voting round tally ;P.

  18. Voting round 1 of round 3 has concluded.

    1. Phil 3

    1. Framm 3

    1. Brainy 3

    4. Flamebirde 1

    5. Rob_Gandy 0

    5. Jay 0

    5. Panther 0

    Voting round 2 begins now, ends 9pm CST tomorrow 2/24. Thank you.

  19. Y-san, can you clarify the "number of encounters b/w zombies and humans is proportional to the product of their proportions", please?

    If X is the proportion of the population that is human and Y is the proportion of the population that are zombies, then the number of encounters b/w zombies and humans is proportional to X*Y. It's a common assumption in simple epidemic modeling.

    Assume the 13 encounters will hold and include zombie/zombie, zombie/human, and human/human encounters.

  20. Correcting the roster:

    Liar Game BD Round 3

    [spoiler=2. Framm $100mil]
    [spoiler=3. Brainy $100mil]

    Edit: spoiler issues, ignore the difference in color, please.
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