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Posts posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Feeling left out, as everyone else around here seems to be running around with various polychromatic items attached to their foreheads, you and I decided to play a friendly variant of Indian Poker. Because I'm partial to pointy things that resemble weapons, I take all the spades (13 cards) from a standard 52 card deck, shuffle them, and deal us each one. We each then affix the card to our distinctly-bare-up-until-now foreheads without looking at our own cards. Then we take turns declaring "higher" (if we think our card is higher than the other's), "lower" (if we think our card is lower than the other's), or we say "pass" (if we don't know). Since you and I both hate to be wrong, neither will declare unless we have a logical reason to do so.

    What is the maximum number of iterations it will take before one us can declare?

  2. Friends, BrainDenizens, forum-men (and women)...

    I come to bring tidings of an epic multi-part game that will soon grace these pages, a game that has gained fame and infamy the cyber world across...a game where the stakes are high, and the rewards higher...a game of strategy, logic, and most importantly, lying...that's right, this is...


    This game is open to all past, current, and future BrainDenizens. Some of you may have already received invitations via PM. If you have not, do not fret, it most likely just means I am not that familiar with you, or you slipped my ever-crowded mind. But everyone is welcome, no, encouraged to join. The more, the more profitable merrier ;).

    Each round of the Liar Game will consist of a different game. The winners of each round will be allowed to keep their winnings into succeeding rounds, the losers will carry a debt, which they will be made to pay back by any means *cough*. To win the entire Liar Game Tournament, you must participate in the final round. However, if you have a positive balance, you may choose to skip any round, but for each round you skip, you will lose half your current winnings. If you are in debt, then for each round you continue on to, your debt is reduced by half.

    Now, some of you may be familiar with the Liar Game as described in the manga of the same name. This tournament will follow a game sequence based upon that, but all of the games will be modified to fit in a forum format, some to a great degree (i.e. Musical Chairs), so knowledge of the strategems used in that story may or may not help you.

    Each game will have it's own rules, which will be revealed in each round and not before. Newcomers are welcome at any round of the game, and will start out with a balance that is the average of all the current players.

    Sign up for the first round:

    Liar Game BD First Round roster:






    If you have further questions, feel free to ask, I will answer if the Liar Game offices permit ;).

  3. On the first day back to school from winter break, the students walk into Prof. Bonanova's class and see some problems scrawled on the blackboard, which looked exactly like this.













    B. RAN:DUE








    The professor greets the class with a sly smile. "If someone can correctly answer these questions, no homework for the rest of the week."

    Slowly some students raise their hands. Prof. Bonanova points to one of them, a football player with an astoundingly average GPA. "Aren't the answers all A?" the student responds. "...And isn't this math class?"

    "No, the answers are actually D, C, B, and B." The professor responds cheerfully. "And yes, this is math class."

    Blissfully ignoring the confused looks on his students' faces, Prof. Bonanova writes one more problem on the board:



    B. CHOP: BOX









    "Double or nothing," the professor says. "If you can get the correct answer, no homework for a month, if not, double the amount of homework for the next month."

    Can you help the students slack off?

  4. Two math students walk into their TA's office hours, but he's not there, and there is a message on the whiteboard:

    "Repent your sin."

    "Is this a prank? That's odd," one says.

    The other nods. "Yes, it is." Then he walks up to the board, picks up the eraser and a marker, and moves the period.

    The first student looks confused. "Why did you do that?"

    The second student smiles. "Cos now we're even."

  5. All great suggestions. So far I have found a good forum hook for awards, however, it does not include all the features you would want - see my comment http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/371926-download-hq-awards/?p=2359915

    Have you seen any better forum hook/app?

    I get the 'access denied' page for that link. :(

    Agree with Flame's suggestions, also, for puzzle makers, you could have achievements based on # of hits, like 100 hits, 1000 hits, and/or number of replies, etc.

  6. What kind of 'random' are the random answerers? Do they, like, flip the coin every time they answer or is there a pre-set random order of truth/lie that they have memorized? Also what happens when you ask someone a question they cannot answer?

    ...would be something like: Ask the entire audience "if I asked you N questions, then for the (N+1)th question asked you 'Is the money in the left door?', would you answer yes?"

    Truth tellers and liars will both give you the truth, random answerers will not be able to answer.
  7. Over time some things may change,

    Whilst all the others remain the same.

    A mountain standing as steady as can be,

    Only seems unmoving to you and me.

    Things not at first readily seen,

    You may upon closer inspection glean.

    The words will sometimes lie,

    But on numbers you can always count by.

    If this may tend toward the awkward at times,

    It's not due to difficulty trying to rhyme.

    As usual, don't go about this the usual way,

    B/c by not the usual rules can I play.

    Albeit this creation was indeed very tedious to make,

    May solving it by comparison only be a piece of cake,

    What am I?

  8. Alright, for the sake of the next the series ever coming out:

    Take the first letter of each line.

    Look like gibberish to you? Well...

    What happens when you differentiate an exponent? Do the same to each letter.

    Still look like gibberish to you?

    Read out loud.


  9. Okay some more ideas to increase activity:

    Special events, like holiday events, contests and the like. I have no programming skills but I'd be happy to help with the creative portion ^_^.

    More achievements...everyone loves achievements ;P! No, but 99% seriously, so many addictive games and whatnot have achievements b/c they themselves are somewhat addictive. Right now there is only the member title 'achievements', but I think there can be some more that can be added without challenging the core of what the place is about. Especially with the new ability to attribute solutions to a particular person, it shouldn't be too hard to add achievements associated with that: number of puzzles solved, etc. And adding achievements for puzzle makers too might be nice ;).

  10. Yeah, I feel like when I came back there was a lot less activity than in my prime. I miss some of the big players, not just for making puzzles, but for solving them and keeping threads active :(. I do like the addition of the solved marker, it should help keep old threads from overtaking the first page away from current unsolved puzzles. It's really disheartening to put a lot of time and effort into making a puzzle just to see it die away...:(

    As for suggestions, there's a thought I have had for some time: I'm not sure why the 'New Puzzles' forum was subdivided into word puzzles and math/logic puzzles in the first place, but I do feel like there are puzzles that do not fit neatly into either category, like the mystery puzzles or the figure out what you're suppose to do here puzzles. The latter, which I personally am partial to, I feel tend to die out when someone looking in the math forum realizes it's not a standard math puzzle or someone in the word forum realizes it's not a standard word puzzle. I think the categorizations sometimes lure ppl into a sense of complacency about how to go about solving the puzzle that they can be reluctant to break through. I'm not sure how to solve this, but I think perhaps a third categorization, like a 'Creative Thinking Puzzles' part might help, and might draw in ppl who like that kind of puzzle but don't realize that some of the puzzles in the Math/Logic and Word Riddles sections are actually that kind of puzzle in disguise.

    Anyways, 3:37 AM here, work in the morning. Just some thoughts.

  11. I'm baking biscuits. I have 15 cubic inches of dough. I need to roll it out and cut circles out of it. Let's say I'm obsessive and require the circles to be perfect 3 inch rounds, and I am uber-skilled and rolling and roll to a perfectly uniform thickness of 1/4 inch, and I have some strange compulsion and can only roll the dough into rectangular shapes.

    Being an engineer, on a day when I'm more lazy and less greedy, I choose to roll the dough out once, cut the rounds, and feed the scraps to the dog. What are dimensions so that I can cut the maximum biscuits? (Hey, I said less greedy... ;) )

    On a day when I'm more greedy and less lazy, I make a quadruple batch (60 cubic inches) and choose to roll the dough out, cut the rounds, consolidate the scraps and roll out again, cut more rounds, etc until I am left with less dough than I can roll into a piece I can cut a biscuit out of, and I feed that to the dog. What is the minimum number of times I have to roll out the dough?

  12. Sorry, spent the last three months training in a pocket dimension where time was 20 times slower...*whistling*

    Ok Y-san, its been two months since the last comment, please divulge the answer. I have spent many hours on brainden, yet i have never posted a comment/answer. So please, in celebration of this momentous occasion, tell your answer.

    Awww...this is the best present I got this year ^_^ . In celebration, a continuance of the story:

    Several hours later, as the police were taking the culprit into custody, Sergeant Principe approached the brooding detective. "We got the lab results back, they confirm your suspicions. There was poison found on the greens but only trace amounts, and also trace amounts found on the body, on the..."

    Ben Near, who stood near and had already heard B-kun's deduction, interjected, "Guess that means you were right about what was missing, what someone who fancies himself a chef, who tries to be like a real professional chef would have. And of course, a chef always tastes his food for seasoning. But why didn't the culprit just take the sirloin with him?"

    B-kun shrugged. "I cannot say for certain the mindset of the culprit, but, although the murder itself may have been planned ahead of time, his reaction to the dying message was spontaneous. It is likely in that moment he decided to use it to try to point to an outside source, in an attempt to prevent or at least delay the police from looking into the firm and finding out about whatever matter the culprit thought was worth killing for. 'A' is a very common initial, no doubt the police would have found someone in Victor's life with that letter to distract them."

    Ben nodded. "Makes sense." He stroked his rough chin thoughtfully. "You're good, you know that? What am I saying, of course you do...is it true what Violet said? That you were on your way to Harvard Law? What happened?"

    B-kun's steady eyes looked away. "I do not want to discuss it."

    Pursing his lips, Ben mused. "It's about a woman, isn't it? It's always about a woman..."

    Some very clever and interesting theories. Why is everyone picking on Violet though? She just lost her father :(. What you have against women associated with the color purple? ;P

    Very impressive reasoning on the Capt's part, the part about the island hiding the body especially. I had not actually considered that, but if definitely makes the timing easier lol.


    MM hit the nail on head when he said "If an object were poisoned, it would be something that a good cook would have only 1 of..."

    DMS also hit quite close in his first post ;).

  13. Sales of pencils have plummetted off a mesa in the shinigami world now that they have upgraded from the old Death Notes to Death E-mails, powered, like all great things, by Google, making 'feeding' for all shinigami as easy as pie.

    jukebox, hirsute, glower, candy cane, Zorro

  14. The Canadian gourmand craved something sweet to fill the black hole that was his stomach as he stared at the maple leaf on his flag...mmm...maple...

    colloquial, gummy bears, substrate, obfuscate

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