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Joe's Student

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Everything posted by Joe's Student

  1. It's seems like your dear cricket has been duped GC :(. That Stanford fellow committing Global Fraud... just with things looking so bright and shiny these days. At least India weren't affected (as far as I know...).

  2. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    Hate to spoil the Party but SG chnaged his vote here. Looks like ST is getting lynched after all...
  3. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    RT: Do you know if ST is the Levitator? All you're saying so far is that SD isn't the Levitator, right?
  4. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    Ignore the last part to my above post all, I misread SD. Apologies there. But I'm not convinced you're the Levitator sorry. Off for some sleep...
  5. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    So let me get this straight... IDNE you're saying: ST on Night 2, as the Mimic, picks SD to copy, then on the same night, in the same PM, pre-empts SD's role being what it is and having the abilities it does, and chooses to save herself with the Levitator's ability? And SD you're saying, she copies you and also has the ability to divert somebody's action? Correct me where I'm wrong with what I've said, I don't want any misunderstanding. But it doesn't matter because I think I still believe ST. That won't happen. And this is what has convinced me you are not the Levitator. I think that should be clear to everyone.
  6. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    Haha ok then, I'm not sure I believe you though. One thing you could answer is why you saved ST last night then?
  7. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    This is obvious I guess... Host: Impervious 1. Randro (RD) 2. Twin Pop (TP) 3. Someguy (SG) - voting for Social Darwin 4. Lost in space (LIS) - voting for Twin Pop 5. Zerep (ZP) - is voting for S_T 6. star_tiger (ST) - voting for Social Darwin 7. Kathleen (Kat) 8. Joe's Student (JS) - voting for Social Darwin 9. crazypainter (CP)- voting for Social Darwin 10. IDoNotExist (IDNE) - voting for Social Darwin 11. Social Darwin (SD) - voting for S_T 12. Prince_Marth85 (PM) 13. andromeda (CPB) - voting for Twin Pop 14. RainThinker (RT) 15. JarZe (JZ) - voting for Twin Pop I won't be on much longer. It's 12.30 here and I've to get up at 6.30, it's the usual story with me ST lol. Edit: SG's vote
  8. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    OK well look we're still in a disagreement about whether or not we should lynch St. You all know by this stage what I think. But we shouldn't lynch her today at least. We should lynch SD, he hasn't once hinted at a specific role, but instead a role ability, which you could say 3 or 4 roles have. SO we lynch SD and double up by blocking ST. If there's action from the Levitator we all know ST has conned us. Can anyone help by letting it be known whether or not they have a blocking ability. Tbh I wish we didn't even have to block ST. Edit: Lastly, there are two people who haven't posted since since ST claimed what she did. So that leaves 2 people to claim the role.
  9. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    If that's all then I'm still convinced we shouldn't lynch ST. Sorry .
  10. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    To what? Guys I think we'll regret lynching ST. Honestly. Plus if you pick up ST's hints right I think she claims the Levitator from the beginning, that's what I picked up.
  11. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    No I believed you, and a few others did as well. But the point is that it is a possibility, don't you see? And it's frustrating I know, but hey that's why Mafia's great. But confirmations on this could be in reach. Edit: And what about my second point under the dashed lines? I'm anticipating a great pleasure when our social scientis gets lynched.
  12. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    The response you would receive would be specific if a baddie role over rides yours. For example: The Spy chooses to spy on Player A. The Mafia choose to Frame Player A with another role. The host would tell the Spy specifically that PLayer A was the role framed upon them. IDNE: All I'm saying is that there is a possibility that your info is wrong. A small possibility yes, but then again the chances of Dozer blocking A. Brown in a previous were extremely small . So we should keep our minds open to possibilities... Actually, seeing as the Independant is the hardest role in the game to play/win with, it would be no surprise if the Mimic had an ability to frame someone with their role, just to level the playing field a bit. So I don't think we should lynch ST... just yet. We should wait and see. The way the Night Post is written is interesting. ----------------- Actually let's look at this logically again. The Mimic targets SD. The Levitator targets ST. Now why would the Levitator have targeted ST? I mean we were all fairly sure she was bad. She was lucky in one way not to be lynched. And why would ST target SD if she was the Mimic, that's bad play. So unless ST is the Levitator herself, why would the Levitator save her? We all had a fairly good idea she would be attacked. SO yeah, for the time being I'm inclined to believe ST properly. IDNE it seems more likely your info could have been tampered with. Edit: Few typos etc.
  13. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    Please calm down. If your vote was missed please just update the roster. Everyone has their vote misplaced from time to time, it's no big deal. IDNE: Any chance your ability could have been tampered with? At the minute I'm tempted to believe ST is actually who she is claiming. The baddies could easily have an ability makes someone appear bad. Or an ability that distorts another ability. And so SD, how comfortable are you feeling now?
  14. A two hour crash course in Roman and Greek mythology was the order of the day at school. Underworlds, three-headed dogs, it has it all! . So my level of interest in the game has risen another notch.
  15. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    TP: Sorry about the vote going missing, I'm sure it wasn't on purpose though, as votes are often lost with people casting their votes at similar times. Also, the Day lynch time was a bit confusing I admit, but hey it worked out well in the end! So not to worry , I'm sure tomorrow will be fine that way.
  16. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    In one way though, it sucks to have no one lynched first day, because you've nothing to go on. Usually the most informative time in the whole game is the Day 1 lynch. You learn an awful lot later in the game. But then again, the way this game is we really can't afford a goodie lynched. Edit: Anyway, my main point was that maybe we shouldn't be discussing things as much as this at night. Just make sure we don't accidentally out a goodie. Personally I trust IDNE, and apart from the other two confirmed peviously, I'm not really sure of anyone else. I'd like a closer look at LIS though.
  17. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    Great result all round there I think
  18. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    I think we are out of time . Apologies for coming late to the show in that respect. The time had snook up on me and I hadn't realised.
  19. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    1. Randro (RD) - voting for SomeGuy 2. Twin Pop (TP) - voting for SomeGuy 3. Someguy (SG) - voting for IDoNotExist 4. Lost in space (LIS) - voting for IDoNotExist 5. Zerep (ZP) - voting for Kat 6. star_tiger (ST) - voting for Kat 7. Kathleen (Kat) - voting for Social Darwin 8. Joe's Student (JS) - voting for Social Darwin 9. crazypainter (CP) voting for Kat 10. IDoNotExist (IDNE)- voting for IDoNotExist 11. Social Darwin (SD) - voting for Star Tiger 12. Prince_Marth85 (PM)- voting for Social Darwin 13. andromeda (CPB) - voting for IDoNotExist 14. RainThinker (RT)- voting for Social Darwin 15. JarZe (JZ) - voting for Star Tiger IDNE, change your vote back Edit: there's still 6 minutes. Edit2: Had to change it back. Out of time I think.
  20. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    What? Hydro saving me is of no consequence, except for the fact I'm still alive. Why would Hydro save Pyro? It draws attention to Pyro if he's attacked. If anything Hydro would save themselves. But I can't speak for Hydro, nor will I attempt to. And it tells us nothing about whether or not Hydro would choose a side.
  21. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    I have and your claiming a role ability that more than one person could have. So I'm still not convinced.
  22. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    Exactly my point. You calling attention to yourself doesn't prove anything. Did you miss Imp's mini-post? And secondly, if I was an unrecruited Elemental, I wouldn't care who got lynched. Why would I? An unrecruited recruitable Independant usually watches from the sidelines, doesn't choose his side until the game has developed. Addition: Elementals also win by staying alive, so an unrecruited one wouldn't try to get anyone lynched as such. Edit: Addition.
  23. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    I didn't mean you by my previous post. Also I'd like to stress that there's a difference between inactivity and laying low. At this minute I believe you to be innocent. But if I change my vote you're getting lynched, and I don't trust SD. Especially with "I can't be a baddie because I've been calling attention to myself".
  24. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    Just because you are calling attention to yourself doesn't mean you're innocent. ? I'd be just as vocal whether I'm bad or good. You're a vocal player so it would make you look bad if you weren't as involved when a baddie. You don't draw attention to yourself by being vocal etc., you draw attention to yourself by acting different than in previous games. So that argument is proves nothing in my eyes. Edit: italicised and emboldened
  25. Joe's Student

    Supernatural II

    It wasn't on your behalf . But it's fair that people should know all the ins and outs... Edit: Forget what I said. I'll leave it for now.
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