Joe's Student
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Everything posted by Joe's Student
Spying abilities aren't necessarily in Night Posts, I know LIS would put it in when someone's targeted by a Spy, but other hosts often don't. Edit: Clarification.
Then help out by changing your vote to SD. It would tie things up.
Can we not lynch Kat as we haven't heard a defense from her. Whereas we have from SD, and it was insufficient to say the least. If Kat comes on and defends herself poorly then fair enough change, but I think I can be fairly sure of Kat's role. Now I'm definitely off. Edit: andro I disagree and the one role he seems to have claimed (possibly) doesn't hold up.
I've got school but I wanted to say that SD hasn't cleared himself, and SG is a confirmed goodie. ST won't be on to defend herself so it's unfair to vote for her. I'm sure enough to stick with SD.
dawh beat me to it <_< . Itachi, once again, you briought home the bacon (i.e created an awesome game). Time for bed, need to sleep, I'll PM you in the morning when I've looked at things properly. Oh and thanks to rookie for setting up the hidden forums, BD never lets you down . What a place!
Well now people will hopefully lay off me . Andromeda has sort of convinced me for the time being, SD however, you were on my suspect list from earlier, and unfortunately your attempts to defend yourself have so far failed to convince me of your innoncence. Therefore: 1. Randro (RD) 2. Twin Pop (TP) - voting for SomeGuy 3. Someguy (SG) - voting for Star_tiger 4. Lost in space (LIS) - SomeGuy 5. Zerep (ZP) - voting for SomeGuy 6. star_tiger (ST) - voting for Social Darwin 7. Kathleen (Kat) - voting for Social Darwin 8. Joe's Student (JS) - voting for Social Darwin 9. crazypainter (CP) 10. IDoNotExist (IDNE)- voting for Social Darwin 11. Social Darwin (SD) - voting for SomeGuy 12. Prince_Marth85 (PM)- voting for Social Darwin 13. andromeda (CPB) - voting for Social Darwin 14. RainThinker (RT)- voting for Social Darwin 15. JarZe (JZ) - voting for Star_tiger Edit: I'm off to bed now, if things come up in the night I'll change in the morning. Edit #2: ST I've just realised you get voted for 1st day in ALOT of games
Well I'll have to go soon enough, although I would have liked to have heard from ST I guess. I don't think lynching SG is a good idea though. Edit: This is my first ever double post. I'm going to keep it up for sentimental value.
Well I'll have to go soon enough, although I would have liked to have heard from ST I guess. I don't think lynching SG is a good idea though.
Most updated Roster: 1. Randro (RD) 2. Twin Pop (TP) 3. Someguy (SG) - voting for Star_Tiger 4. Lost in space (LIS) - SomeGuy 5. Zerep (ZP) - voting for SomeGuy 6. star_tiger (ST) 7. Kathleen (Kat) 8. Joe's Student (JS) - voting for andromeda 9. crazypainter (CP) 10. IDoNotExist (IDNE)- voting for Social Darwin 11. Social Darwin (SD) - voting for SomeGuy 12. Prince_Marth85 (PM)- voting for Social Darwin 13. andromeda (CPB) - voting for Star_Tiger 14. RainThinker (RT)- voting for Social Darwin 15. JarZe (JZ) - Voting for Star_Tiger
Defenders RID me. If I am Pyro, you have me and Hydra, and at least the Masterminds won't. If I'm not, then that'll be cleared up. Edit: changed or to and.
Well I'm going to vote for andromeda, because of this whole busuiness, she's put me on the spot, now it's her turn. She wanted me lynched. As I've said a few times, if you think someone was Pyro, it's madness to want them lynched. Unleass you had an idea that they're actually not Pyro. 1. Randro (RD) 2. Twin Pop (TP) 3. Someguy (SG) - voting for Kat 4. Lost in space (LIS) - SomeGuy 5. Zerep (ZP) - voting for SomeGuy 6. star_tiger (ST) 7. Kathleen (Kat) 8. Joe's Student (JS) - voting for andromeda 9. crazypainter (CP) 10. IDoNotExist (IDNE)- voting for Social Darwin 11. Social Darwin (SD) - voting for SomeGuy 12. Prince_Marth85 (PM)- voting for Social Darwin 13. andromeda (CPB) - voting for Star_Tiger 14. RainThinker (RT)- voting for Social Darwin 15. JarZe (JZ) - Voting for Star_Tiger
If the baddies figure out someone is Pyro, then the goodies most likely will too. And IDNE, I've never claimed to be an elemental, I'm more likely not to be one. Edit to CPB: Em, no it's not.
Because if I were Pyro, in this situation it would be bad to pressurize me. Although you've drawn enough attention to things already it would have suited innocents better if that hadn't happened.
Why not give Pyro (and Hydra) the chance to be recruited by the Defenders? A bit of ambition maybe? Now I want to clarify hear that I'm not claiming Pyro as such, but trying to get you to stop what you're doing because it's bad for the Defender's. If someone was Pyro, especially with Gust being recruited, then the Defenders would do well to recruit! Not lynch. The Elementals would naturally side with the Defenders, until a Mastermind intervention. And I think there's enough experienced players here to intervene on the Defenders' behalf. Again I'm going to ask Imp who gets preference for recruiting an Elemental? I'm guessing if two sides try to recruit in the one cycle, it's either void, or the choice is given? B/c if it's the first to PM then that's a tad unfair with everyone being on at different times. Edit: For emphasis, clarity, and sanity.
So I've just been sitting here reading without having much to say myself. Personally I would advise against the double vote for Kat, simply because of the manner in which it happened, as ST has just alluded to. To clear one thing up, I can't be Gust. The Masterminds RID'd him and attacked me. Why attack the one you RID? So that leaves it that I could be 1 of 6 innocents, the Mimic, or 1 of 3 other Elementals. So we have 6 vs. 4 there (If, for some reason you're looking at Elementals as bad ). I would look at that as 6 v 1. So with this in mind you still vote for me? I let it go at the start because I believed you were worried that I was an Elemental ready to be recruited by Masterminds. (Even then I'm the one most likely to be innocent, so that's still either a mistake or something else). And also on top of that, I could just as easily be recruited by the Defenders**. So upon looking at you trying to justify your vote for me "because there's a chance I could be bad", I can't help but think your a baddie. **I'm assuming who gets to recruit an Elemental if both teams try to recruit at the same time, doesn't depend on when the PM arrives during the cycle, as time difference would make it unfair? ----------------- Also looking at what other people are saying: Andro, you could be wrong you could be right. As I've said to SD already it's in the Defenders' best interests not to press me on this. I could be Pyro, maybe, but the fact you're shouting about it doesn't help the Defenders whether I am or not. If one side decides to gamble I'm sure the other side would too. And that way it would be up to the Elemental to decide. So if I were, Pyro, and I got the choice I would pick the Defenders b/c (as anyone who has played with me for a while should know, I like a good game). So please give Pyro that choice! ----------------- Te-Andro I believe you know more than you're letting on and I've got my eye on you Edit: to clarify that the emboldened piece above is to get Imp's attention
Think about *this logically... you don't want to vote for me. Or put pressure on me for that matter. Edit: *Left out this.
First off, thank you Hydro. You made quite an impression on me I must admit, fancy a coffee sometime? As ever very little to go on, yada yada, same ole' same ole'... I'll be doing some reading over roles for the next half hour and then I might throw in a vote. The Masterminds lived up to their name last night when they found Gust. Thank God it wasn't a BTSC Elemental. This Day 1 vote is more crucial than usual, we need some luck I guess. Edit: Wording
Anyone been speaking to Imp or Izzy?
I actually like Valentine's Day... sorry everyone . I agree about the commercial aspect of it being pathetic like the commercial aspect of most things, but I ignore that. I don't buy into the chocolates and flowers way of thinking either, people can be alot more creative than that if they want to.
I've been living with the Apocalypse for about 12 years, there's around three a year here at home. There not as bad as people make out, in fact nothing really happens... at all. Except my junk email triples.
Are we still waiting on PM's?
Well thanks LIS, that was great! So good infact that I've been watching the films all over again, it got me in the mood . Good result everyone... GC, shame on you .
The Architect - Lost in Cyber Space 1 - Social Darwin (SD) - Voting for Renan 2 - JarZe (JZ) DEAD killed by Neo (JZ) 3 - IDoNotExist (IDNE) - Voting for Renan 4 - Izzy(IZ) DEAD - Tank 5 - Twin Pop (TP) DEAD - killed by Neo6 - Izzy v2.0 DEAD killed by agents 7 - Andromeda (CPB) - voting for Renan 8 - BrandonB (BB) - voting for Renan 9 - Crazy Painter (CP) - DEAD - killed by Agents 10 - Joe's Student (JS) - voting for Renan 11 - Grey Cells (GC) - voting for Renan 12 - Impervious (IMP) - DEAD - killed by Neo/Merovingian 13 - Renan (REN) - vote for Renan 14 - TwoaDay (TAD) - voting for Renan 15 - Randro (RAN) returned to VR matrix for good 16 - Star Tiger (ST) DEAD - (mouse) killed by smith using jones secret 17 - Some Guy (SG) - voting for Renan 18 - Prof.Templeton (PT) deleted (Johnson) I guess it's unanimous.
Yeah option 2 was my proper thought. But even if Apoc's interrogation yields nothing again, we'll still know if GC is Smith or not becuase of Night Actions. If I hear Apoc has arrested GC then I'll change my vote.
Y'all missed IDNE changing his vote to GC a page back... The Architect - Lost in Cyber Space 1 - Social Darwin (SD) - Voting for Renan 2 - JarZe (JZ) DEAD killed by Neo (JZ) 3 - IDoNotExist (IDNE) - Voting for grey cells 4 - Izzy(IZ) DEAD - Tank 5 - Twin Pop (TP) DEAD - killed by Neo6 - Izzy v2.0 DEAD killed by agents 7 - Andromeda (CPB) - voting for grey cells 8 - BrandonB (BB) - voting for Renan 9 - Crazy Painter (CP) - DEAD - killed by Agents 10 - Joe's Student (JS) - voting for grey cells 11 - Grey Cells (GC) - voting for Renan 12 - Impervious (IMP) - DEAD - killed by Neo/Merovingian 13 - Renan (REN) - vote for Social Darwin 14 - TwoaDay (TAD) - voting for Renan 15 - Randro (RAN) returned to VR matrix for good 16 - Star Tiger (ST) DEAD - (mouse) killed by smith using jones secret 17 - Some Guy (SG) - voting for Renan 18 - Prof.Templeton (PT) deleted (Johnson) Well Renan is Thompson for definite then. Which means Smith has to be GC. Everyone else is vouched for except for SG. And I believe him over GC. We should lynch Smith during the day, I think it would be far safer. Then we can kill Renan tonight. Or me, as Bb apparently wants. And if GC turns out to be Switch, which he won't be, then it's not the end of the world. We won't have lost a Night Action and we can out-maneuvre the baddies with some coordination. OR, any chance GC could be arrested? If he truly is Switch then it won't make a difference tonight. If he's Smith, we'll know. In the meantime lynch Renan. What do you think Apoc... I think that's our safest plan.