Joe's Student
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Everything posted by Joe's Student
I'm in. 1) SomeGuy 2) Impervious 3) LIS 4) GC 5) Prof. T 6) dawh (maybe) 7) Kat 8) Bb 9) RMZ 10) ST 11) Limey 12) Riranor 13) JS 14) 15) 16) 17)
Guys sorry for being inactive today, I PM'd the Architect just there, my interntet is an absolute wimp! One hint of rain, snow, or an inconsequential drop in temperature, and its self-esteem drops and it decides it's wholly incompetent can't can't function <_< . It's back running again now, I can't guarantee how long for. I'll play as much as I can but it's up to LIS if he wants to replace me or not. O and on todays vote... would the word "nightmare" be an understatement? At least our main targets are outed. More free us should make sure that ST stays alive tonight...
I see you're online... first time in a while. Welcome back from your short sabbatical
Well played there Andromeda, hopefully it's a valid loophole... But that worked out pretty well , sorry for missing the crucial times but I was watching No Country for Old Men, great film... Anyway, ack on topic: It's good to know where we stand:). I knew there was something fishy about PT missing CP's hints. Altogether too unlikely.'More free us'will have to act cleverly tonight. Edit: And who else was pushing for CP today?
Which isn't great to be honest. The problem doesn't come from people outing themselves Day 1 to save themselves, more from people outing themselves at a certain period in the game to corner the baddies. Anyway that's another discussion for another day... ST, if you can, a hint please. Also IDNE, I have reservations about Jarze now... there's one way your info could be not totally correct. PT I think mentioned this before, and I've only realised it now. But then again the chances of this happening are extremely unlikely, but then again LIS alluded to something extraordinary having happened... Anyway that's enough of my vagueness. I can't make up my mind, so I'll just let things run their course. Edit: word added
Sorry I didn't have time to change my vote this morning with school but I'll do it now. With the JarZe thing dead in the water, for obvious reasons it's got to be ST... Host Program: Archie Tech 1 - Social Darwin (SD) - Voting for CrazyPainter 2 - JarZe (JZ) - Kidnapped for one day, one night 3 - IDoNotExist (IDNE) - voting for star_tiger 4 - Izzy 5 - Twin POP (TP) - Voting for CrazyPainter 6 - Rainthinker (RT) 7 - andromeda (Andro/CPB) - voting for CrazyPainter 8 - Hellgate London (HL) 9 - Crazy Painter (CP) - voting for Jarze 10 - Joe's Student (JS) - voting for star_tiger 11 - Riaranor (RR) 12 - Impervious (Impy) - voting for star_tiger 13 - Clozobzo (CB?) - voting for Jarze 14 - TwoaDay (tad) - Voting for CrazyPainter 15 - twin BRO (TB) - voting for Jarze 16 - Star Tiger (ST) - 17 - Some Guy (SG) - voting for star_tiger 18 - Prof Templeton (PT) - voting for Riranor I wish Apoc hadn't have done that.
<_< ... yep. There's a very clear post somone has made to indicate about Jarze. Please pick up on it. Also if we had have got JarZe, and he was bad, then it would have condemned at least two. I'm about 90% sure JarZe is bad, and if he's not then there's a prime candidate for Neo lurking around. My thoughts were because we didn't lose anybody last night, 1 innocent was in some ways... expendable. Especially with the way these votes have gone, alot could have been learned. Sidenote: I never really signed up to the whole "99 things not say in your defense" sorry.
Look people let's lynch Jarze. If he's innocent it clears things up a bit more and we can be more certain of a few being innocents, also of someone being a definite baddie. If he turns out to be bad, which is what I believe, then we know who to keep an eye on. Day 1 we want to learn as much as possible, agreed? Well there's alot more to be learned by lynching Jarze. Those of you who are voting for CP because of other people's advice, fancy switching round? We'll gain alot. And I'll be sure to post it after the lynch...
I'm going to go with star tiger here actually. This is only based on her post. 1) reaymond 2) Twin Pop - voting for star_tiger 3) Someguy 4) Lost in space - voting for reaymond 5) Zerep 6) star_tiger - voting for Zerep 7) Kathleen - voting for Crazypainter 8) Joe's Student - voting for star_tiger 9) crazypainter- voting for social darwin 10) IDoNotExist - voting for reaymond 11) Social Darwin - voting for star_tiger 12) Prince_Marth85 13) andromeda - voting for Lost in space 14) limeliam 15) Randro
God well this went wrong <_< . Sorry to ST (although you could still be bad), but this bandwagon is not what I intended. I remove my vote, I have nothing on ST. I wanted to gain a response but it's too late now since I'm going to bed. I'll vote again in the morning. Please remove your votes for ST. Edit: Please don't vote for ST on account of me.
Welp, calm down friend . I have no inclination either way about twoaday but I want to say that it's easy to get mixed up between the SD and the SG, especially when being read fast. I did it earlier. And I think that was what he meant. He could still be a baddie of course.
Just a heads up Jarze... CP is female. Also people, there's a pretty blatant hint out there. SD please explain why you trust Jarze so much? I can't see anything obvious and at the mo'. Edit to add: It would make things clearer. O and aswell don't jump on CP so quickly, it's her way of posting, but then again, probe no problem.
Well the guy who isn't actually there has made a pretty obvious claim. My vote is here at the minute but is definitely subject to change. 1 - Social Darwin (SD) - voting for Prof. T. 2 - JarZe (JZ) - Voting for CrazyPainter 3 - IDoNotExist (IDNE) - voting for Jarze 4 - Izzy 5 - Twin POP (TP) 6 - Rainthinker (RT) 7 - Andromeda (Andro/CPB) - voting for Prof. T. 8 - Hellgate London (HL) 9 - Crazy Painter (CP) - voting for IDNE 10 - Joe's Student (JS) - voting for Jarze 11 - Riaranor (RR) 12 - Impervious (Impy) - voting for star_tiger 13 - Clozobzo (CB?) 14 - TwoaDay (tad) 15 - twin BRO (TB) 16 - Star Tiger (ST) 17 - Some Guy (SG) 18 - Prof Templeton (PT)
Yep it's complimentary definitely. Not alot of action, but this game is interesting. Luckily I've 2 bits of info... ST care to explain your actions last night? Hosts: Impervious and Izzy 1) reaymond 2) Twin Pop 3) Someguy 4) Lost in space 5) Zerep 6) star_tiger 7) Kathleen 8) Joe’s Student - voting for star_tiger 9) crazypainter 10) IDoNotExist 11) Social Darwin 12) Prince_Marth85 13) Andromeda 14) limeliam 15) Randro
@d3k3: Ha good point! Maybe I'm just spoiled, we can't have Channel Four News all the time I guess... My only problem is that people eat up the crap that they report, at least you know for a fact whether or not Michelle Obama has had her hair dyed
I thought you played well for your first go, don't worry man! And GC: sorry . But once a Trojan, always a Trojan! And on that note you smarmy Greek , we will prevail in the end, remember that, Troy will rule once again!
But that's a problem going way back, people outing themselves to corner baddies. It sorta started in Sinistral's Pirate Ship Mafia, and since then no one's been able to come up with the perfect fair and efficient solution to it. But yeah it caused a problem with us too. What really killed us was reaymond blocking Kat, we didn't realise it at the time but it set us back I think, especially because it outted her as the thief. ANd I got really lucky with that hint I left, it was lucky no one scrutinised me any more than that after. Edit: Was good to play Mafia again like it was back in the days
No I mean Impervious pwned at night - he had a 100% success rate which is pretty unheard of for an innocent killing role. I was just wondering what peoples secret abilities were? Did everyone have one? We actually (stupidly) thought we were the only ones with our abilities secret, because of the way the role descriptions were . Bad call there...
I could manipulate my vote to count for either 0, 1 or 2 votes , and could block once in the game. Didn't use that though, I never got the chance. GC incarcerated me .
Well guys that was fun! SG congratulations! You convinced them there in the end, I wanted to post so much! lol reaymond you don't know how crucial you're block was. We were gonna use the stolem kill ability from Impervious to kill Jarze, which would have meant SG would have won sooner. Thanks everyone for playing. SD keep the speeches up . I enjoyed being Mafia again I haven't been for a while, was a shame we got hit by inactivity though, it meant me and Peace were in your heads from Day 1 . Anyway well played all! Thanks alot LIS for hosting, was great fun!
My turn.... 1 - Prince Marth - Inspector 2 - Peace*out/crazy painter - killed by Vigilante 3 - IDoNotExist - killed by mafia 4 - Social Darwin - voting for Kat 5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason) 6 - Grey Cells 7 - Joe's Student -voting for Kat 8 - JarZe - killed by Mafia 9 - Reaymond 10 - Some Guy - voting for Kat 11 - akaslickster-voting for Kat 12 - Lemonymelon - Death by Blood Eagle HEALER 13 - Impervious - voting for Kat 14 - Kat - voting for SomeGuy 15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason) 16 - Star Tiger - Dead killed By Vigilante
reaymond who was the only on to vote for you Day 1? Tonight guys remember that there has been people revealing their roles. That means that there could be a chance the actions might not work.
Again I hold my hands up for the lemony fiasco. O and apologies for the post and run tag, but I'll explain after the game (along with 1 or 2 other things) why I think what I do. But 2 things. First I don't think the Spy is alive, but if he is I welcome his checking me, would actually clear things up once and for all. The innocents would then know for definite where we all stand. Second, we hardly want to let the FP live through this night. With victory so close at hand. But again if I have to do this to prove my innocence then I will. reaymond can you block tonight? Doc you know who to protect. Guys if you don't believe me then let SG live through tonight and we'll see where we are tomorrow. He can claim a role then. Edit: Ignore this. SG I'm not arguing with you over this, I'll let others decide.
But he attempted to. Or I did, sorry.
Again sorry about the length of post but I've done lot of reading in the past half hour before I posted, I wanted to be sure, and here's the post I think nods us towards knowing SG is the Failed Prosecutor. Before SG's post was the first time we were discussing the potential threat of Ada and how he was on the verge of victory. Then as soon as this is going on Someguy does a post-n'-run. What he actually meant by what he said was: I don't want them to start looking for the FP, I gotta make sure we lynch Kat. Sorry about the crudeness of this post (and SG I'm sure your thoughts were thought much more... eloquently), but that's how I see it.