Joe's Student
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Everything posted by Joe's Student
GC... for the minute. The Architect - Lost in Cyber Space 1 - Social Darwin (SD) - Voting for Renan 2 - JarZe (JZ) DEAD killed by Neo (JZ) 3 - IDoNotExist (IDNE) - Voting for TwoADay 4 - Izzy(IZ) DEAD - Tank 5 - Twin Pop (TP) DEAD - killed by Neo6 - Izzy v2.0 DEAD killed by agents 7 - Andromeda (CPB) - voting for grey cells 8 - BrandonB (BB) - voting for Renan 9 - Crazy Painter (CP) - DEAD - killed by Agents 10 - Joe's Student (JS) - voting for grey cells 11 - Grey Cells (GC) - voting for twoaday 12 - Impervious (IMP) - DEAD - killed by Neo/Merovingian 13 - Renan (REN) - twoaday 14 - TwoaDay (TAD) - voting for Renan 15 - Randro (RAN) returned to VR matrix for good 16 - Star Tiger (ST) DEAD - (mouse) killed by smith using jones secret 17 - Some Guy (SG) - voting for Renan 18 - Prof.Templeton (PT) deleted (Johnson)
I think I have your hint. ?kcen gnol yrev a htiw lamina na ekil dnuos uoy oD Edit: Added quote.
It's between GC, SG and SD. It can't be me, you, Bb, TwoaDay, IDNE, or Renan. SO who's the most likely to be him of those 3? Well SG was spied upon, SD was attacked and was only saved by Dozer, which only leaves GC. Then again from Mafia Old Style people who played in it would have known that LIS includes spying activities in Night Posts. So spying on SG could have been a clever move. Unlikely all the same. As for GC, that's more likely I think. Riranor was suspicious to begin with, and he came out with his role pretty easily, and the whole claiming Switch thing as I've already mentioned. So is he our Agent Smith? Edit: Grammer
Wow. I'm gonna use that defense when I really am a baddie . I was expecting an onslaught lol. Renan? Yeah he seems like an undesireable. GC? I still don't like how he acted. SomeGuy... ? I don't know. Am I missing someone? Are we sure that our Frenchman isn't dead and we actually have 1 Agent 1 Frenchman in the game? Renan being Smith, SomeGuy being the Merovingian? Edit: I want to apologise for the sharpness of my previous post. It was shock .
The Architect - Lost in Cyber Space 1 - Social Darwin (SD) - Voting for Renan 2 - JarZe (JZ) DEAD killed by Neo (JZ) 3 - IDoNotExist (IDNE) - Voting for TwoADay 4 - Izzy(IZ) DEAD - Tank 5 - Twin Pop (TP) DEAD - killed by Neo6 - Izzy v2.0 DEAD killed by agents 7 - Andromeda (AND) - voting for Renan 8 - BrandonB (BB) - voting for Renan 9 - Crazy Painter (CP) - DEAD - killed by Agents 10 - Joe's Student (JS) 11 - Grey Cells (GC) - voting for twoaday 12 - Impervious (IMP) - DEAD - killed by Neo/Merovingian 13 - Renan (REN) - twoaday 14 - TwoaDay (TAD) - voting for renan 15 - Randro (RAN) returned to VR matrix for good 16 - Star Tiger (ST) DEAD - (mouse) killed by smith using jones secret 17 - Some Guy (SG) - voting for Renan 18 - Prof.Templeton (PT) deleted (Johnson)
Have you actually gone mad? I have a tab up. Edit: Even if I had been reading and didn't change my vote within the allotted 10 minutes that's no crime. There's more than one suspect out there at the minute so where that vote should go wasn't so fixed. Edit2: Strikethrough. Again. I don't have to explain myself. Have you actually gone properly mad?
I think you actually did say it at one stage.
Did you not come out with your role when there were a few who had you on the chopping block?
GC I have my eye on you. You claimed Switch, who, becuase of the amount of roles we can be half-sure of being alive, could be dead. Who else claimed Switch? JarZe. It's the safest, perfect role for a bad guy to claim. The fact you were so forthcoming with your role revealing am I suspicious. I would say: GC TAD (and a toss-up between a few for the Frenchman who could easily be alive still.)
Oooohh GC you smarmy Greek! Edit: IDNE, That's a response...
Twoaday I see you're on... don't dissapoint the court and present a defense .
Interesting. I take it you picked up his hint, yeah? And yes I'd like TAD in the lynch/under pressure/have him sweating.
I get what you mean... but I don't think it's enough. I'm gonna read the rest of his posts now. Edit: To me, it seems as if he's claiming Ceraph or maybe Morphieus. That's the only two I see. If he's even claiming anything by it. Which he might not be.
GC seems to be in the clear at the minute Andro . And that Night could certainly have been worse. Renan seems to be a safe bet. My vote goes to twoaday. It's the same scenario as yesterday. We have one suspect and one certainty. Lynch the suspect (twoaday) in the day and have Neo kill the certainty (renan) at night. We're sure 2 agents are still alive yes? The Architect - Lost in Cyber Space 1 - Social Darwin (SD) - Voting for Renan 2 - JarZe (JZ) DEAD killed by Neo (JZ) 3 - IDoNotExist (IDNE) - Voting for Renan 4 - Izzy(IZ) DEAD - Tank 5 - Twin Pop (TP) DEAD - killed by Neo 6 - Izzy v2.0 DEAD killed by agents 7 - Andromeda (AND) - voting for Renan 8 - BrandonB (BB) 9 - Crazy Painter (CP) - DEAD - killed by Agents 10 - Joe's Student (JS) - twoaday 11 - Grey Cells (GC) - 12 - Impervious (IMP) - DEAD - killed by Neo/Merovingian 13 - Renan (REN) 14 - TwoaDay (TAD) 15 - Randro (RAN) returned to VR matrix for good 16 - Star Tiger (ST) DEAD - (mouse) killed by smith using jones secret 17 - Some Guy (SG) - voting for Renan 18 - Prof.Templeton (PT) deleted (Johnson)
confirmation list: 1)reaymond (reay) 2)Twin Pop (TP) 3)Someguy (SG) - confirmed 4)Lost in space (LIS) 5)Zerep 6)star_tiger (ST) - confirmed 7)Kathleen (Kat) 8)Joe's Student (JS) - confirmed 9)crazypainter (CP) 10)IDoNotExist (IDNE) - confirmed 11)Social Darwin (SD) 12)Prince_Marth85 (PM) - confirmed 13)Andromeda (CPB) - confirmed 14)Rain Thinker 15)JarZe Backups: 1)Randro 2)limeliam
Guys... y'all need to chill out. I think somewhere in the middle of all this it's been forgotten that it is a game after all . SG, I agree big letters aren't the nicest things to view and could be left out, but then again, I hope that's not why you're quitting. People are entitled to post whatever whichway they choose, it's LIS who monitors it. Please don't let it deter you. (BTW I'm not questioning you or arguing, I'm just trying to keep the game going, and hoping you'll play on ). The Battle for Mount Olympus was basically a Night Action game, and it was a great game. And SD, although I think Bb could have said what he did with a bit more... tact, that's just his way, after playing with him you realise it . I'm sure he didn't mean for it to seem as if he was insulting you. Again I don't want to appear to be disagreeing with either of you, I'm just trying to repair some damage and keep the game going. I think the fact that 600+ posts have been made is a testament to how good the game has been. ---------------- On the lynch itself: That's a good result. We have an irksome innocent dead fair enough, BUT he could have had a secret wincon, or an ability to be recruited by the Agents, as the RD's hint to. Also we know we knock off an agent tonight. Whereas if it had have been the other way around, we would be killing Randro tonight, and on Day 4 not know who he was. Which is bugging me about Izzy 2.0 ---------------- @IDNE: Trying to get TAD to come out with his role is essentially what spoils Mafia. I mean this is the kindest way possible , and I know your intentions were purely from a Free Human perspective, but if you ask the unconfirmed to out themselves it corners the Mafia, and in turn kills the game. Especially at Night. So TAD even if you are bad (and Andro this is hypothetical - it doesn't matter if people don't exactly believe you on things, that's what's good about Mafia ), don't hint at your role. Not yet anyway. It's night time, that sort of thing should be left for the Day.
Well that's excrement... <_< Apoc if you're still around, which I'm guessing you're not, now would be the perfect time to influence things.
Haha... I think it does though.
The Architect - Lost in Cyber Space 1 - Social Darwin (SD) - Voting for JarZe 2 - JarZe (JZ) - Voting for GC 3 - IDoNotExist (IDNE) - Voting for JarZe 4 - Izzy(IZ) DEAD - Tank 5 - Twin Pop (TP) DEAD - killed by Neo 6 - Izzy v2.0 DEAD killed by agents 7 - Andromeda (AND) - voting for JarZe 8 - BrandonB (BB) - voting for randro 9 - Crazy Painter (CP) - DEAD - killed by Agents 10 - Joe's Student (JS) - JarZe 11 - Grey Cells (GC) - voting for randro 12 - Impervious (IMP) - DEAD - killed by Neo/Merovingian 13 - Renan (REN) - voting for randro 14 - TwoaDay (TAD) - voting for randro 15 - Randro (RAN)- - voting for TwoaDay 16 - Star Tiger (ST) - voting for randro 17 - Some Guy (SG) - voting for JarZe 18 - Prof.Templeton (PT) deleted (Johnson)
@GC: Apologies for my slowness . I hadn't felt the electricity... @SG: I think I have your hint. Not sure if I believe you yet though . And I guess that leaves a vote for JarZe. At this rate the dinner will be burnt... <_<
Ha... I think I'm missing something somewhere. Sorry about all the confusion. Also on your previous point - you're right, seems as if JarZe is Sir Brown. It was just something that LIS slipped out after NIght 1 got me thinking... I'll want to know what he was tal Still waiting to hear from randro... Anyway off to make dinner, I'll be back in an hour.
IDNE I'm not Dozer. Also on GC's hint... I don't follow it. I'll read again. Any of the confirmed care to enlighten me? Edit: I'm thinking I must have picked you up wrong on Day 1 IDNE... your last post has puzzled me.
You misunderstood me. Did I place a vote with you? Did I say anywhere in my post that you were an Agent? I'm not trying to swing a vote to you. Although there's nothing in my eyes that clears you from being the Merovingian, I think it's more likely that you are indeed Cypher. And how you've responded to that accusation has only heightened my suspicion. It was food for thought for everyone, and I love how you reponded . On JarZe: Yeah that's hint I picked up too SD. So tbh I don't wanna lynch him tonight so much now. The one circumstance in which he could be innocent is that Dozer picked JarZe N1, Thompson diverted Dozer, which diverted Dozer onto Brown. If anyone can see a way this couldn't have happened then JarZe is our A.Brown. Also I really don't want to lynch either of these without hearing from them.
No problem, that'll help as well . Interesting how SG has kept his vote on me, even if it is just a 'filler'. Well the Agents know his ID, yet they haven't tried to kill him. It could mean a few things, but he could be Cypher...
Most of what I have to say has been said. One thing I'm wondering about is Cypher. Could there be a secret involved that he can align with the Agents if found (or something along those lines)? Anyway I'd be fairly confident in saying GC is bad. Just from playing with him so often. Bb you say you can clear him from being Agent (Edit: you sure about that?)? Then that leaves our Frenchman. Tbh I wasn't totally convinced that TP (is that right? These acronyms give me a headache ) was the Merovingian. Anyway GC it is. Speak up you filthy Achaen . The Architect - Lost in Cyber Space 1 - Social Darwin (SD) - voting for Joe's Student 2 - JarZe (JZ) - Voting for Randro 3 - IDoNotExist (IDNE) - Voting for Joe's Student 4 - Izzy(IZ) DEAD - Tank 5 - Twin Pop (TP) DEAD - killed by Neo 6 - Izzy v2.0 DEAD killed by agents 7 - Andromeda (AND) - voting for JarZe 8 - BrandonB (BB) - voting for randro 9 - Crazy Painter (CP) - DEAD - killed by Agents 10 - Joe's Student (JS) - GC 11 - Grey Cells (GC) - voting for randro 12 - Impervious (IMP) - DEAD - killed by Neo/Merovingian 13 - Renan (REN) - voting for randro 14 - TwoaDay (TAD) - voting for randro 15 - Randro (RAN)- - voting for TwoaDay 16 - Star Tiger (ST) - voting for ??? 17 - Some Guy (SG) - voting for Joe's Student 18 - Prof.Templeton (PT) deleted (Johnson) Sidenote: Just a note of caution... there's a very small chance JarZe is actually innocent. I don't want to go into details but I thought I should put it out there. Especially with him claiming is it change. Watch out for SomeGuy. O and ST, can you help us with last night at all? It would clear things up alot Edit: Missed SG's vote.