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Joe's Student

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Everything posted by Joe's Student

  1. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    Ok people, not sure what happened last night exactly, obviously certain roles decided not to act i.e pirates. I think this points to Kraken being dead (obviously!) as, unless they didn't send a PM b/c they couldn't get on BD, obviously(!) he would have attacked. We know also that One Eyed Jack, Doctor, Bartender are all still alive, plus Slick who is none of these, plus me (i am none of these either)... I suggest as there are only 6 of us left and only 1 baddie pirate amongst us, that we all come out with our roles to find that last pirate. I'll begin, and I'll give what proof I can to prove this is my role... But I'm not the Bartender anyway I'm the lookout
  2. I know i was wanting to post my vote on Pirate Mafia and my argument, and was like AAHHHH!! ... not healthy
  3. When BrainDen is down for an hour and you are completely stressed out
  4. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    Most current Roster: 1) Cherry Lane - DEAD - [Pirate Wench] - Planked 2) Wally West - DEAD - [swashbuckler] - Planked 3) FIF - DEAD [?] - Killed by Pirates 4) Crazypainter 5) Joe's Student voting for - Crazypainter 6) Ben_Law voting for - Crazypainter 7) Itachi 8) Kat - DEAD [?] - Killed by Kraken 9) GC 10) woon voting for Crazypainter 11) Mekal - DEAD [?] - Killed by Pirates 12) Slick voting for Crazypainter Edit: CP the votes are stacking up.. maybe a role would help?
  5. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    That's definitely not enough to change my vote.. I was right about CL, and your actions are totally similar... Day 1: CL (a pirate) votes for Slick Day 2: CP votes for Slick Night 3: Pirates attempt to kill Slick
  6. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    Fixing colours (sorry) Roster: 1) Cherry Lane - DEAD - [Pirate Wench] - Planked 2) Wally West - DEAD - [swashbuckler] - Planked 3) FIF - DEAD [?] - Killed by Pirates 4) Crazypainter 5) Joe's Student voting for - Crazypainter 6) Ben_Law 7) Itachi 8) Kat - DEAD [?] - Killed by Kraken 9) GC 10) woon 11) Mekal - DEAD [?] - Killed by Pirates 12) Slick
  7. I love the Arctic Monkeys :D

  8. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    Here we go... 1) Cherry Lane - DEAD - [Pirate Wench] - Planked 2) Wally West - DEAD - [swashbuckler] - Planked 3) FIF - DEAD [?] - Killed by Pirates 4) Crazypainter 5) Joe's Student voting for - Crazypainter 6) Ben_Law 7) Itachi 8) Kat - DEAD [?] - Killed by Kraken 9) GC 10) woon 11) Mekal - DEAD [?] - Killed by Pirates 12) Slick Btw, anyone have problems getting on BD earlier. Something to with IPS?
  9. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    I again am going to be first to cast a vote OK soooo... CP it is. Two reasons: - She changed her vote at last minute to Slick. I thik this points to her guilt not because she was trying to save her fellow pirate, but because it's a great aliby. Every pirate, if a fellow pirate is going to be planked, votes for that fellow pirate, simply because it stands out if they don't. But I think CP has done the reverse of that, so that she wouldn't be accused of being a pirate ("I mean no pirate would vote against the crowd when a fellow pirate is being planked")! It was done when it was certain CL was going to be planked, when CP knew she was a goner. What reason to vote for Slick? - A sudden realisation... What was that realisation? It was shady to say the least. - This Post Here - It comes across as if it's been said through gritted teeth lol. In all honesty, sounds very suspicious of someone who had just gone after Slick in the Daytime. Edit to add: there's no need for my link, it's the post right above mine
  10. 1) Mekal - S. Killer 2) Ben Law - S. Ketchum 3) Kat - V. Sam 4) Prof. Templeton - R. Doolan 5) Alyanna - C. Janet 6) Joe's Student - B.Cassidy 7) Sinistral
  11. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    Woohoo go innocent's good job guys! Shamefully I'm going to ask for a bit of protection tonight... i thik I'm now in danger... ah well. But we'll see now what the night brings ey?
  12. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    B/c i backed him up
  13. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    Well at the minute u seem to be odds on favourite to get Planked, so would it not be better off to reveal your role no?
  14. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    Someday there will be a game of Mafia where you aren't suspicious of me. Someday....
  15. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    Fixing Roster... 1) Cherry Lane 2) Wally West - DEAD - [swashbuckler] - Planked 3) FIF - DEAD [?] 4) Crazypainter 5) Joe's Student voting for - Cherry Lane 6) Ben_Law 7) Itachi - voting for Slick 8) Unreality - DEAD [?] – Killed by Kraken 9) GC 10) woon voting for - Cherry Lane 11) Mekal – DEAD [?] – Killed by Pirates 12) Slick O and Itachi: I'm not sure on you yet either it's a shame my role doesn't reveal much Edit: Back after Dinner
  16. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    Was also (a tiny bit) suspicious of unreality, but since he's dead i decided CL definitely was my best bet. Here's an exchange between Unreality and CL: Unreality's Post: This is talking about WW being lynched CL's Reply: This might not look like much, but the insistence that Slick is a baddie JUST b/c he voted first, without even questioning it it, i think is suspect. A prime oppourtunity for a Pirate to nail an innocent is at that stage, and that's a good way to do it. Why so sure on Slick people? She is also laying very low, has made the lowest number of posts other than those dead. Just want to add: that if I'm wrong i hope i don't lead a lynching, it's just as an innocent you have to say what you fell, and you never know, if proven wrong, it might throw some light on someone else by accident.
  17. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    We can almost say for sure that at least 3 innocent crew members have been killed: Meaning it's more likely either 5:3 or 4:4... 1) Cherry Lane 2) Wally West - DEAD - [swashbuckler] - Planked 3) FIF - DEAD [?] 4) Crazypainter 5) Joe's Student voting for - Cherry Lane 6) Ben_Law 7) Itachi 8) Unreality - DEAD [?] – Killed by Kraken 9) GC 10) woon 11) Mekal – DEAD [?] – Killed by Pirates 12) Slick Voting for Cherry Lane simply b/c the whole Slick voting saga yesterday made me suspicious of her. I voted for CP yesterday as her post stood out. But I've read through again and with another comment made after WW was thrown overboard, she strikes me as suspicious... Edit: It's all I've got to go on at the minute I'm afraid.
  18. It means Friend/Dude/Mate in Irish lol :D

  19. ABR... 15 people... obviously I'm gonna sign up! Recruiter: ??? 1) JS 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Em, as for the length of Day/Night i definitely think the 24hr cycle is a better. The 24/36 hour cycle in Y-San's M4F14 7 was a good idea in principle, it didnt work out too well IMO, but if more people are for the 48, it's up to you. But i think for a game like ABR, once a day is a reasonable request O AND I CAN'T WAIT!! I LOVE THIS GAME ITACHI Edit: sry i got a bit excited....
  20. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    Our Swashbuckler is dead.. Wally West was him.
  21. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    Why is that? If you're basing this on the fact he voted first, i think that's the exact reason he's not a pirate. If you think he was second guessing us, voting first to cast suspicion off himself, i don't believe that either, it's not his style i don't think.... Who knows? If there's more to your(pl) assumption, i'll shut up . We'll see what the night brings.... Edit: missing word
  22. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    Just b/c WW was innocent doesn't mean Slick is a Pirate. That's still unknown. But unlucky Wally West, it's always rubbish going out first.
  23. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    1) Cherry Lane - voting for Slick 2) Wally West 3) FIF - DEAD [?] 4) Crazypainter - voting for Wally West 5) Joe's Student - voting for Crazypainter 6) Ben_Law - voting for NONE (for the moment) 7) Itatchi - voting for Slick 8) Unreality - voting for Slick 9) GC - voting for Crazypainter 10) woon - voting for Wally West 11) Mekal - voting for Ben_Law 12) Slick - voting for Wally West Logging my vote with CP. I don't think Slick is bad b/c again i believe it would be a very bad move for him to vote first if he was. Haven't heard from Wally West so i dont know there :S and CP's vote for GC had no reason, she even said she was gonna take it back... if you were why put the vote out in the first place? If you were an innocent that would be bad play... Edit: remove quotes
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