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Joe's Student

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Everything posted by Joe's Student

  1. Itachi could you clarify if you can use more than one item a night?
  2. Maybe it didn't but i would like Itachi to clarify because i have a feeling you can't use both items at once.. i think i MITE have asked him last game... i checked my PM's but i'd forgotten i had deleted them..
  3. Seems good .. problem is, do we trust Y-San??? but it seemsa sound plan We all know hoe clever-some she is... food for thought lol maybe itachi might do something to counter this? probably wouldn't though. Also the night we're attacking we can only use 1 item so we'd still be invulnerable to one of GO or Light. Edit: typo's and re-thought lol
  4. Just goin over possibilities.. give me a minute
  5. Sea God:Mekal 1)Crazypainter 2)Cherry Lane 3)Slick 4)Joe's Student 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) Well I'm in then
  6. Woohoo v2.0 is up nd running Edit to ask: what is the image to do with?
  7. Then why don't you join the cruise ship Mafia UR?
  8. IV spent all morning looking at his stuff thanx
  9. Sure I'll play but it's probably better (like everyone else has mentioned) if it's after ABR2.
  10. I like ur personal statement... i rated you 5* just for it :)

  11. I have to say that they're actually unbelievably hilarious haha i dont know him at all.. who is he?
  12. i ment frozens hidden clue in post 215 lol go look at the post if you'r interested
  13. Haha very clever a bit risky no?
  14. Just Posting to Advertise Royal Anime Battle 2.. sign up now!
  15. Can't say much now but just congrats to the girls! well played! sorry btw Bb lol thx very much itachi! sign me up for the next one!
  16. Yea good point... see i knew there was a reason i had stayed away from coming up with roles lol
  17. You forgot that Prince Marth isn''t a GO and unlikely to be Light.. Edit: they're all extremely interesting nights in Royal Anime Battle .. would just like to add that this is a super game! I've really enjoyed it so far! Hope there's R.A.B v2.0 in the works
  18. YS: why not have a 50/50 chance between being cured and just dying, dor infected people being shot with the EMP... i.e if you're infected with nanobots and get shot with the EMP, why not have a 50% chance of being cured and changing back to your previous role, with a 50% chance that you would just be killed. Btw, i really like the idea of the Genevron Corp people being able to change someone's vote..
  19. Dawh: I too noticed about Kat, but i wasn't going to mention until lynch time tomorrow, as there aren't any saving roles this game and you have to be careful when to use your defences. She's definitely GU in my book. So i suspect Kat, Y-San to be GO and I'm keeping the third close to my chest just for now.
  20. Joe's Student

    I don't think a thread is safe unreality from you sharin your love fo Prison Break with us
  21. Most recent roster (adding Kat's and FiF's votes) Host: Itachi 1)dawh voting for - Mekal 2)FIF voting for - Mekal 3)Kat - Mekal 4)CP voting for - dawh 5)Mekal - dawh 6)Brandonb -DEAD (Killed by Ed Elric) 7)Y-San voting for - dawh 8)GC -DEAD (Killed by the GO) 9)CL - DEAD (Killed on orders from L) 10)Joe's Student voting for - Mekal 11)Prince Marth - dawh 12)taliesin -DEAD (Lynched and found to be Yuna) It's a draw guys
  22. Of course you were Itachi, i hope you aren't implying that I didn't have faith in our Recruiter
  23. LIS Post 1 LIS Post 2 Ok guys this isn't much it's another reason why i believe LIS/dawh to be Naruto, and Mekal to be Alucard. I remembered i thought LIS was having a go at Mekal for being inactive, which i thought (at the time) was a bit OTT. But now if we take LIS/dawh to be Naruto we know he's befriended Mekal thus Naruto knows Mekal's identity. If Mekal is indeed Alucard then LIS being Naruto would have known this. Therefore when LIS was posting these posts above (and a few others) he had a reason to be after Mekal. Obviously he couldn't come out with it outright, or vote, as there was absolutely no evidence but i believe LIS was looking for another way to incriminate Mekal without having to be the one who initiated the voting for him. Look I know this is a bit of a stretch but now's the time to go after Alucard as it's an unblindfolded lynching. Also just looking back i haven't seen LIS be properly accused of any specific role. People have just been following the "he's suspicious" theory without any concrete evidence..... ***Dawh was using LIS's name there just to save typing time and also because most of what i was referring to happened while LIS was playing. Gee i hope I'm right about believing you guys lol. Edit to add: GUYS CHANGE YOUR VOTES ! YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE TO NOT SEEM LIKE A GeassUser IF YOU CHANGE YOUR VOTE TO MEKAL. THE EVIDENCE IS MUCH STRONGER AGAINST HIM! SORRY ABOUT THE CAPS Edit 2: 200th post
  24. I can't kill Mekal, Kenshin (if still alive) can't kill Mekal, Ichigo can't kill Mekal, and with his remaining defenses, Mekal can survive. We can't lynch a GU this lynch since we wasted it last time, so we need to get another Villain and Mekal is our man. If you kill me, it's pretty much game over. Host: Itachi 1)LIS voting for - Mekal 2)FIF 3)Kat 4)CP voting for - dawh 5)Mekal - dawh 6)Brandonb -DEAD (Killed by Ed Elric) 7)Y-San voting for - dawh 8)GC -DEAD (Killed by the GO) 9)CL - DEAD (Killed on orders from L) 10)Joe's Student voting for - Mekal 11)Prince Marth - dawh 12)taliesin -DEAD (Lynched and found to be Yuna) Ok guys i believe Dawh... if Mekal is Alucard we have to nail him now while we don't need to use up a blinfolded lynching. Also Itachi: I think people should be afforded the chance to see this develpoment i.e LIS/Dawh came out as being Naruto AFTER most people had voted therefore they missed out on that crucial piece of evdence/discussion...
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