Joe's Student
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Everything posted by Joe's Student
I agree that Ben Law is acting suspicious, his claims to be innocent are unnecessary, especially at this stage, all it did was attract attention to himself... I'm thinking he could* be the GR, as even if he claims to be innocent and the Mafia decide to kill him, then he becomes Mafia. Also he would be immune first day and night; would that be a waste of my vote? *Stressing the 'could' part alot btw, this is only early days and I could be totally wrong in accusing BL (i mean it's a very weak argument on my part), but it's all the info we've got at the minute, and i would quickly take back all i've said if BL has a good defence... Edit to add: I'm not making much sense am i?
Why all this insistence that you're an innocent?
It's such a change to be playing Mafia and to not have the long storyllines and hint-search and whatnot But yea our mayor's dead ey? Bad luck Kat . Doesn't really alert us on who to lynch... ??? People have been mentioning the word VIP a bit... i'll wait another while
And if this war "had" to be done, is it fair that the US is now going to pull out troops? Edit: Adding punctuation
Also would anyone else agree that the 'Terror' threat has been inadvertently caused by imperialist intervention throughout the World, but especially the Middle East. The invasion on Afghanistan and Iraq has done nothing but fuel extremism, not in anyway eradicate it. Also the likes of the US along with Britain and other strong European Nations have been interfering in the Middle East for decades for their own economical gain. This is the real reason in my opinion that extremism is a threat at the minute. Alot of people are angry, extremely angry, at this interference; it has ruined lives, severely weakened economies, caused hardship, and has brought 'terrorists' to where they're at now. Was this intervention fair or just? I'm always sceptical upon hearing the word terorist. From my own experience it's a propaganda tool by goverments. For example would you call, the I.R.A. terrorists, or were they waging war for freedom. Would you call E.T.A. terrorists or are they waging war for freedom? You may disagree with me but I can call on some of my own experience for some of my opinions, and it's from this that i would lean towards them being freedom fighters and not terrorists.. Is that type of war legitimate, acceptable? If people are oppressed, is an uprising, a war, ok?
Any many Wars previous to those! Potential clashes with Iran and Syria! Neccessary? I don't think so. WWII neccessary? Probably, but could have been avoided! The threat of Nazism and Nazi ideals could have been stopped and squashed in 1933, 34', 35' etc. but wasn't due to Britain's and France's Appeasment Policy towards Hitler. So ok WWII was neccessary in 1939 but didn't have to happen! So is that a lesson that other wars that are/were waged aren't/weren't neccessary i.e Iraq, Afghanistan, the War on 'Terror'..?
I'm in then 1) Dawh 2) itachi 3) Nayana 4) Cherry Lane 5) GC 6)Joe's Student
Well played everyone i really enjoyed mafia as ever . And to Y-San, for the great storylines and hosting but also to be able to find excellent replacements for people so that the game kept running so smoothly
Am totally available, even though im in a different time zone, i'm mostly nocturnal so it works out Have played two mafia games is that experienced enough?
Was just wondering what people think of the War on Terror and the use of the word "Terror" in that sense? Is the "Terror" threat what it's made out to be or not? Is it neccessay or could be sorted out using peace? War on Iraq, Afghanistan - where they neccessary, just, peace-achieving? And what now for those states? Especially Iraq.. should troops be pulled out? Obvious answers to those maybe.. maybe not? What do people think? I'm a big politics-head and have alot of my own views, most of which don't usually follow the majority's views. For example: who would fellow Braindenzians blame for the afore-mentioned Terror threat? Religion? Terrorists? Big World Powers i.e the U.S, Britain etc.? I'll give my own views on these things after a while Edit: added sentence
I explained i lost my power to arrest...
Mekal and all the rest: I give up. But i honestly am the Wraith. Y-S feel free to cut the voting short...
Try asking this question in the Comments and Suggestions section, it would be more likely to be answered there..
Roster: 1) Frozen 2) Mekal - voting for Joe's Student 3) ThunderChicken - DEAD [?] (killed by...Everyone???) 4) onetruth - DEAD [QA] (air-locked) 5) Ocular-Enso - voting for Joe's Student 6) Kat-voting for- Joe's Student 7) Crazypainter voting for Joe's Student 8) GC - DEAD [?] (killed by M4F14) 9) Nayana- voting for Joe's Student 10) Slickster - DEAD [bioEnginner] (killed by M4F14) 11) Dusty - voting for Joe's Student 12) Dawh - DEAD [QA] (air-locked) 13) Sinistral - DEAD [?] (killed by Zero) 14) taliesin - voting for Joe's Student 15) woon 16) Ben Law 17) Phaze - DEAD [?] (killed by Mimic) 18) SoKrisky - voting for Joe's Student 19) Brandonb - DEAD??? [?] (killed by Seven) 20) Joe's Student = voting for Frozen He's a known mafia. Btw i was not confessing earlier on, i was merely questioning why GC hadn't said more about my role...
Also i wish GC had have said what role i had i.e MengalaBot or another... he has a discovering role so he should have been able to find out my actual character and not just my faction. Ahhhh <_< !
Em, im not voting for myself lol. N hey take it up with Y-San post game (i will!!!) I actually didn't foresee this kind of situation at the begginning... <_< But look 1 more thing i'll add is that those who are voting for could possibly be Mafia. Once i die and you guys realise i was telling the truth, bear in mind that first voters for me could be Mafia, as it's a good idea for them to get an innocent airlocked, especially since im taking the hit for one of them..
Em, ok this is where it gets icky.. I had a secret mission (believe it or not) where i had to arrest The Mimic, the Mutant, and the Mad Scientist (i think M was the theme :S) only it had to be in that order but not quite. If i arrested the Mad Scientist first i had to follow up with Mimic then the Mutant.. it had tat kind of order. It was a random mission but it was ok as otherwise i win with the innocents. But if either of the three died (which was the case with TC) i lose my power to arrest (as i can't complete my mission). So em, i sorta can't arrest Kat, or anyone for that matter.. I PM'd Y-San asking her could she confirm the Wraith had a secret mission (not expecting much) and she replied in the negative. Sooo this looks bad i know and i wouldn't blame you all for airlocking me b/c a) evidence is hard for me to disprove b) i can't even prove my role due to my mission and c) im a useless innocent now with only voting power (like Kat) Edit: this looks so stupid
Ok guys.. im back, upset and extremely puzzled . Well iv been outed as M4F14 by GC who is the Space Agent. Which is firstly why im puzzled. Im not Mafia, im the Wraith. Yet i know as well as any of you that GC is the SA (well i don’t actually but i would put a large amount of money on it that he is). Actually there isn’t much i can defend with here, which is why i am upset. It’s basically my word against GC’s and seeing as he has discovering roles as a potential power, i don’t stand much of a chance. Take GC as the Space Agent, he would have to be fairly convinced that i am Mafia before coming out with it without checking first, that’s the only reason i can see for him saying im mafia. Maybe he used his ability on someone else already and it turned out to be an undesired result for him, so he just bluffs that i am mafia (being fully convinced that i am). Now take GC not as he Space Agent. He's framing me as Mafia. That's all i can say about that lol. To be honest, i don't think i have acted as a Mafia throughout this entire game, i have been open and have discussed things always helping the innocents cause. I am the Wraith and i wouldn’t have done as much discussing during the game if i had have had an important innocent role, i felt i was a more expendable innocent and therefore was more vocal than others. There are a lot of more quiet people still alive which i thought was the clue to them being either Mafia or important innocent. So em, im just wondering is there anything i can do to prove to you im the Wraith? Anyway i can prove it? Not more i can say other than i'm not mafia, as Wraith i have no unknown evidence, and i would like to continue playing this game..
Its night time we just sit back and wait for PM's to get in. if your role means you do that too then you've PM's to get in
Thanks for that Kat.. nice of you But anyway, back to more important issues.. GC could you try going after Bb tonight, u have a 1 in 2 chance of being able to kill him no? Maybe PM your choice early to make sure? (then again maybe Seven targeting him instead would be a better idea :S) As for Zero's identity any ideas anyone? Any ideas about any Mafia? Agree with taliesin btw, Herbalist save Dusty if you can, MedBot use your intuition on who to save (GC, your idea on Seven maybe?) Edit: realised i sounded bossy lol not meant.. these are just my own thoughts
Ok again alot happens while im away lol. Sooo first of all we're pretty much accepting the onetruth is a QA theory. Secondly there has been the development between Dawh, Dusty and Taliesin... Although i was suspicious of taliesin earlier on i'm inclined to believe Dusty and be uber-suspicious of Dawh. Dusty (if he was Mafia) would have no reason to come out as the uber-hacker if he wasn't would cast far too much suspicion on himself. Unnecessarily. So i believe Dusty is telling the truth and that Dawh is the final QA trying to accomplish his secondary objective. We're guessing his objective is taliesin (obviously lol) which would confirm taliesin as an innocent. Also notice how Dawh tries to cast suspicion over TC being the Mutant with whats emboldened: If people believe the mutant isn't dead then there's no question of the secondary objective and people wouldn't be as suspicious as to why Dawh was pressing the vote on taliesin. Scenarios: 1. Airlock Dawh, onetruth dies b/c mission has failed (two baddies dead) 2. Airlock onetruth, Dawh dies b/c mission has failed (two baddies dead) 3. Airlock Brandonb, one baddie dead. I say option number 1 b/c: definite baddie being killed (onetruth) with high possibility of Dawh dying also. Whereas if we airlock Dawh, we can't be as sure he's a baddie and we could be killing just the one (with the remote chance of hiim being an innocent). This leaves Bb who i believe should be targeted by whoever has the ability (possibly) to kill tonight (i.e Seven, Space Agent). Which would mean a successful day/night in which 3 baddies were killed. Bit long i know.. sorry lol
I do feel bad for you onetruth... i would hate to be in your position.
Thanks was just wondering about it, i didn't think it was a clue or hint, and it wasn't a scenario i had seen in any previous Mafia game
Can i just ask a quesion as i'm not clear on this lol... Seven first of all was going to kill onetruth. But then got an 'order' to change to TC, whom he would have killed except for Mafia got their PM in first. Does this mean Seven PM'd chosing onetruth 1st, and then changed at last minute to TC? its just im wondering why it would be included in the Night Post the attack on onetruth? Strange aswell for the Mafia and Seven to go for the one person... wish i could be 100% on TC's role lol.
Totally agree with this.. although im not a big poster i am on alot and i read nearly everything here on BD so if the swearing can be cut down i think its a good thing, not for me as much as it doesn't bother me, but for younger people on (even though im stil young lol)