Joe's Student
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Everything posted by Joe's Student
Haha be careful BL (or bagels as you are also known at the minute )
Im afraid i have to agree with Bb. When there was a 24hr limit people knew they had to get on but now because there's 36hrs involved there's no pressure to get on and post, meaning less posts. the only way to avoid inactives is to screen thoroughly at the start and to not be impatient to have the game begin, instead making sure that all the players in place will participate. This isn't me having a go at Y-San because i actually thought the 36hr day would be a good idea, but i don't think its working...
Just give your reasoning for who to vote for and none of us can complain (we may debate of course lol) but just vote for who you think should be airlocked and why (even if the why is because you agree with someone else's logic ) hope that helps Edit: added word
The reason why i'm inclined to believe GC is that he's gone unchallenged in his claim that he is the Space Agent. If he is not then i have been fooled but until someone else comes forward im inclined to believe him. therefore believing him to be telling the truth when he accuses onetruth. And what do you think about the sleep references in the night post? Am i clutching at straws there.. i wish i could tell lol. And because i believe GC to be Space Agent as i have said, and because i believe onetruth to be a QA (which was a suspicion i had from early on) i think we could rid the game of QA's at the present time. Then again airlocking Bb would not be a waste of time either as he's a confirmed baddie. I just have reservations about voting for taliesin at the minute (*considering tomorrow instead) as i believe there is a lack of good evidence there, which will hopefully be around tomorrow with the help of some people, and also because i think we have two more airlock-able candidates... I'll wait on what other people have to say and whether or not GC gets challenged (which if he does would change my thinking, but might also throw up who our last QA is btw... more on that in a while lol)
Bagels isn't even on the roster anymore.. and i can't remember who replaced him.. lol
I don't believe we should keep Bb alive at all by the way (hint hint Seven, Space Agent lol). I doubt he has a good idea who Zero is or who a Mafia is and therefore i believe it would be a stab in the dark from him as to who he kills, therefore making it, as there would be at most 5 baddies left (if onetruth is airlocked), more likely for him to kill an innocent. At the same time as he says he has to kill a baddie tonight, if he does that he could possibly be on the verge of winning the next night.. I accept that this could paint me possibly as a baddie for wanting Bb killed tonight, but it's not the case, it's from a fear of him winning and a fear that he would knock off an innocent which he would be more likely to do... Am i wrong in this estimation or the one about onetruth? Its late and i'm tired, so if im missing something i wouldn't be surprised lol
Host AIs: Y-S4N and L1S Roster: 1) Frozen - voting for Barack Obama. (not voting) 2) Mekal 3) ThunderChicken - DEAD [?] (killed by...Everyone???) 4) onetruth - cannot vote 5) twoaday 6) Kat 7) Crazypainter voting for onetruth 8) GC 9) Nayana 10) Slickster - DEAD [bioEngineer] (killed by M4F14) 11) Dusty - voting for onetruth 12) Dawh - voting for Taliesin 13) Sinistral - DEAD [?] (killed by Zero) 14) taliesin 15) woon 16) Ben Law 17) Phaze - DEAD [?] (killed by Mimic) 18) SoKrisky 19) Brandonb - voting for Dusty 20) Joe's Student - voting for onetruth
Ok... ALOT happened! Great post Y-San, can imagine why you were hinting it would be an interesting one . 1) Zero kills Sinistral.. no more on that. 2) QA #2 (for simplicity - Phaze being QA #1) attacks Bb. Fails. Different QA to who attacked Bb first night (video showing QA, then the "Mom..." quote. 3) Seven attacks onetruth. First of all he takes care of a 'creature' guarding onetruth. Mutant comes interrupts attack thinking #Seven is Zero. Mutant fell out of the apartment. Seven changes targets. 4) QA #3 meets the Mimic acting as QA. Attempts to kill TC. Fails. Seven attempts to kill TC which also fails (but not really). TC leaves to be killed by Mafia shortly afterwards. Ok so to start with the QA's: - Phaze QA number 1. - onetruth QA number 2, look at the night post. The QA that attacks Bb wants some sleep. onetruth when attacked by Seven is sound asleep.. -QA number 3 we know attacked TC. Other ideas but need more time to process them lol. As for Zero, Dawh said something i wanted to say earlier but was afraid (for some reason that i cant remember) that it would cause people to look at me as a baddie... i cant understand why i had that idea now lol. I wonder if there's anything said by taliesin that can be lie-detected, doubt it though. Wonder why Zero went after Sinistral... hope he wasn't super important, he's almost been forgotten in the midst of the TC madness lol. But i believe we can get rid of the QA's from the game (assuming TC is the Mutant, which i wish could confirm btw ) because as we know they would have got a secondary objective to lynch an innocent, so if we lynch onetruth presuming she's a QA, she obviously wouldn't be the QA's airlocking target and therefore the QA's would fail.. if y'all follow me lol so voting for onetruth.... btw anyone not voting for onetruth has a tiny air of suspicion over them..... (in my eyes anyway)
Sorry but i don't agree there i think Bb is definetly the Mimic.. i know he's deceiving at times but it was too risk-ay a role to come out with unless it was your actual role. He came out as a baddie, never been done before (i don't think ), whereas a safer option would have been to come out saying he was the Uber-Hacker or another role, trying to bluff his way through. By coming out as the Mimic he was lynched (except for intervention from Wraith) so i doubt he's lying on this occasion.
Sorry guys but i don't trust Bb as quickly as that, that he will be staying in jail tonight. He might just be saying that so that a kill isn't attempted on him and he might actually try and get out of jail to use his ability. I'm not sure what he's doing but put it like this, i wont be surprised if we see in the night post that he has escaped... ey Bb?
I overlooked it... sorry man. If/when Zero dies it will be important saving roles protect you. Sorry again (btw i don't know why but i do just believe you) Edit: be back after some food
Sounds suspicious.. Why are you calling on QA's to attack you and for saving roles not to save you? Could you be a QA looking to meet up with the others going to attack you? Could your earlier post 'revealing' your role have been another, different role that wasn't yours, and you edited it because you realised you would get found out or at least challenged? You're incriminating yourself here with your lack of clarity i feel, a bit like Phaze lol. O and btw have you any defence to Bb's claims that you are Mafia? Not saying that's true either though, Bb could be trying just to take attention off himself... Edit: add spaces
Have been asleep for a few hours and in that time Brandonb is big favourite to be lynched. I am going to keep my vote with clueless UNLESS someone gives evidence to change to Bb or someone else (i think vooting for Bb because of his avatar is a bit weak). O turns out i wont be back for around 14 hours so i wont be able to change my vote. One thing i will say is im certainly suspicious of Dawh now. but im not going to vote for him yet as he doesn't have a means of defending himself BUT if there is one less Mafia/QA/Mimic/Zero there tonight we can gauge something... Ciao for now! Hope Bb or whoever else that gets lynched is not an innocent! Edit: Missing word
LIS and YS posted an answer but if the day post is going to be 36 hours after night post then there's 18 hours to go..
A reason you already cited, i didn't want to be accused of being inactive. Also i haven't seen clueless on BD once since even pre-game so it's as good a reason as any at the moment. Only reason sorry.
Host AIs: Y-S4N and L1S Roster: 1) Frozen 2) Mekal 3) ThunderChicken 4) onetruth - voting for Brandonb 5) twoaday 6) Kat - voting for twoaday 7) Crazypainter - voting for kat 8) GC 9) Nayana 10) Slickster - DEAD [bioEnginner] (killed by M4F14) 11) Dusty 12) Dawh - voting for Mekal 13) Clueless 14) taliesin 15) woon 16) Ben Law 17) Phaze - DEAD [?] (killed by Mimic) 18) SoKrisky 19) Brandonb - voting for Dusty 20) Joe's Student - voting for Clueless Voting for clueless so as not to be accused of being actively inactive aswell Only reason being they have been inactive so far (i know others have been too but im moving the voting ball along) Edit: Changed Brandonb's vote for Dusty's colour away from red to orange.
Haha im just thinking, Phaze is dead, yet he's left a big mark on the game, we're all talking about him! And also if he was an important innocent role it would be a right bummer, you expect your important innocent roles to play safe and whatnot.. Edit: I wish Y-S would tell us what his pre-game tactics were
Ooops very sorry Yoruichi-san didn't realise. Tried to edit but it was too late. Sorry again.
I think Phaze was an innocent aswell. But look at this post in the sign-up thread: Phaze Quote is that a clue to his possible identity? Or just playing around? I don't know why but the whole Phaze thing is hanging over me haha
I think you're reading to much into Phaze's comments, it was clear he wasn't making sense and i wouldn't be too worried about it
I see well thanks for letting me know. Its a great site btw!
Yea the strategy of coming out right away saying 'Im a Mafia' is a new one i must say lol
Just wondering could anyone help me and let me know whether or not you can send an attachment in a PM or is it you can only post them in topics? Thanks
Awesome Night post Y-san very well done! So the deal is our Bio Engineer is dead () leaving things open for zero, he needs one kill now. Med Bot, Herbalist, protect who you think could be No.7 Also Phaze obviously wasn't either Mafia OR Robbie the Robot (unless i missed something lol) and because of his lying from beggining as to his role i lean towards him being a baddie.. he wasn't acting in an innocent manner. Then again the night post didn't paint him as anything but innocent so maybe he was just playing the game lol. in otherwords.. im confused it seems his 'playing the game' got him killed though. (Btw YS the bit to do with BrandonA was very clever.. made me laugh ) Morte ai baddies!!!