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Joe's Student

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Everything posted by Joe's Student

  1. Sorry about the 1 Ghost post rule but i just have to say that i haven't seen a vote more 1-sided in any Mafia-style game since this 1 Baddie or not... poor Laharl
  2. Joe's Student

    Is it also a possibility that 'aliens' (i don't like that word ) as such have existed but then have become extinct? All before life was even on earth? Taliesin: How come you believe in Ghosts?
  3. Aw i was looking forward to playing this for a long time! Why would anyone try and kill me like? Good luck though Heroes! I can't really give much help obviously... God I wish I'd called upon a partner <_< lol
  4. Thanks Prince, was a bit confused there myself
  5. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    I totally understand, i was thinking when the night came after that day, that you would be suspicious of me as it was a funny move i know... just i got a feeling and that was it . But i think i understand because previous times playing, even though I was a baddy i just got so into the game that i played as if i was innocent, trying to expose Mafia's and QA's and GR's, and you picked up on that, so now like in this game, i played as an innocent yet you can't help be suspicious of me . It's not previous roles that the suspicion is based on, it's the player's way of playing and how they've played in previous games, and what tactics they used.
  6. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    No i meant b/c you had died early and in the manner you did, but I'm glad you enjoyed it all the same!
  7. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    Yeah you're right, but i like the idea of it deciding the outcome between 2 players who have decided to kill each other, it makes sense like, seeing as the 1 with higher PP would be the stronger, (maybe) or the better sword fighter... c
  8. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    Soon hopefully, i think everyone who played would agree that this was great! Except for Wally West maybe ... But i was thinkin maybe if there's a situation where where there's a 50% chance of something working, i.e a bodyguard has a 50% chance of saving his target, then maybe if they have a higher number of Pirate Points than the attacker then maybe they could have a 60% chance of saving their target... if you get me? Just a thought, you asked for comments + suggestions Edit: this might put the newcomer to too much of a disadvantage on 2nd thoughts... maybe if the attacking person is a newcomer then it could be ignored.
  9. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    Thanks! When you voted for me Day 2, i was like 'O no not again!' But it wouldn't be Mafia without GC's scrutiny, i think i would miss it if you thought i was innocent
  10. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    I see i totally forgot about that
  11. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    Yeah it is bigtime! Adds a new dimension to it all, when did you come up with the idea? One question though... Where do the PP come from? Not the PP+ but the PP themselves?
  12. Joe's Student

    Count me in : 1) FIF 2) JS
  13. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    Brilliant Game Captain! Thanks alot! Innocents: Woohoo! Well done guys! Btw, Sinistral, i thought it was a brilliant idea to give the first 1 dead a chance to still participate. It sucks when you die early in a game so i thought that was a brilliant addition FIF: nice script man!
  14. Thanks found that interesting and was helpful
  15. Time doesn't act as an 'entity' as such. God i wish i wasn't only at AS level physics still.. *waits patiently for experienced physycist to come along and explain properly to me and whoever else is interested enough, the ins and outs of it* BTW, AS level is a set of exams i do for 17 year olds, and because the education departments at home are rubbish the physics that is taught is dumbed down and cut short <_< <_<
  16. That's what I mean about the concept being a hard one to intake, even if the proof is there. Because unlike the lower dimensions Time doesn't take a shape, and is therefore a difficult thing to understand...
  17. Exactly what I mean, it's pretty much impossible to get your head around.
  18. If you're talking about a 4D 'superbeing' towering over us 3D squawks... then yea I've thought about it too. Not believing there to be such a thing though, and even if there was, it wouldn't be anywhere near as simplistic as that. But I've always thought about the poor 2D stickman lol, if he was a conscious entity it would literally blow his mind the thought of us 3D entities same way we have difficulty getting are heads round the n dimensions out there, sure the math holds up, but getting it into our heads and accepting even a 4th dimension is extremely difficult.
  19. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    Don't worry! No need to be sorry! Thanks for hosting a great game and steering us safely through troublesome waters
  20. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    This could go on forever guys lol, how about half were rum half were urine? Good Good game everyone! I think i speak for everyone when i say I Love Mafia! There's nothing like a strategy coming together as a baddie, or outing a baddie through instinct and reasoning as an innocent *sighs contentedly*
  21. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    In true Pirate style
  22. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    1) Cherry Lane - DEAD - [Pirate Wench] - Planked 2) Wally West - DEAD - [swashbuckler] - Planked 3) FIF - DEAD - [?] - Killed by Pirates 4) Crazypainter - DEAD - [Pirate Lady(Lord)] - Planked 5) Joe's Student - voting for itachi 6) Ben_Law - voting for itachi 7) Itachi 8) Kat - DEAD [?] - Killed by Kraken 9) GC - voting for itachi 10) woon - voting for itachi 11) Mekal - DEAD [?] - Killed by Pirates 12) Slick - voting for itachi Itachi it is. (Btw i changed the colour, hope you(pl) don't mind, just i thought it clashed with the innocent blue) As lookout i spied on him 1st Night, 3rd Night and 4th Night. No action at all. Was hoping last night I would see him make his move as there was no other pirate left, yet he cleverly didn't attack Edit: Adding GC's vote
  23. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    No Slick isn't a baddie, don't worry. And if it comes to that then that's fine you can prove it like that, until then I believe you. That means: BL - X JS - Lookout GC - Bartender Itachi - Y Woon - Doctor Slick - Innocent Leaning towards believing BL for certain reasons. Be back in around 2 hours
  24. Joe's Student

    Pirate Mafia

    WHy should we believe you Ben Law? Any reasons? And Woon can we be totally certain you're the doc? Slick if you're out there.. when you get on BD try and give us a hand here, knowing your role (although i think i already do) would certify things. BTW rotten Pirate; was a clever move on your partInotttoaattackclasthnight..i if you did it for why i think you did!
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