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Joe's Student

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Everything posted by Joe's Student

  1. 1)LIS voting for - Y-SAN 2)FIF 3)Kat 4)CP voting for - LIS 5)Mekal - LIS 6)Brandonb -DEAD (Killed by Ed Elric) 7)Y-San voting for - LIS 8)GC -DEAD (Killed by the GO) 9)CL - DEAD (Killed on orders from L) 10)Joe's Student - Y-SAN 11)Prince Marth - LIS 12)taliesin -DEAD (Lynched and found to be Yuna) Ok as I'm confused about LIS, and suspicious still of Y-San, I'm going to vote for her. Obviously I could just follow the crowd, but LIS strikes me as telling the truth.. maybe lol.
  2. Well if he's Naruto then He's a Hero who can kill for us Other Hero's... also it would be One Step Closer to a GO win. It would be a bit Late Then to find out...
  3. Do i believe you or not? If the real naruto is out there speak up. If you are dead... clever move LIS. Ahhh I'll think a while and decide if I believe you...
  4. Recruiter: Itachi 1)LIS voting for - Y-SAN 2)FIF 3)Kat 4)CP voting for - LIS 5)Mekal 6)Brandonb -DEAD (Killed by Ed Elric) 7)Y-San voting for - LIS 8)GC -DEAD (Killed by the GO) 9)CL - DEAD (Killed on orders from L) 10)Joe's Student 11)Prince Marth - LIS 12)taliesin -DEAD (Lynched and found to be Yuna) Fixing colours
  5. Ok sooo: I'm alive (that's always good news!) Believe LIS to have been acting suspicious aswell, but I still suspect Y-San bigtime... Just wondering could anyone clarify: If Spike finds out whether his target is Hero or Villain then is it mentioned in the night post i.e if Spike had found out Y-San's faction, would we know? Just want to be sure, I'm guessing it is mentioned and it's just that Spike didn't find out Y-San's faction, which leaves me the same place I was yesterday... not trusting Y-San.
  6. Recruiter: Itachi 1)LIS - voting for CrazyPainter-Unblindfold : Spike- Y-San 2)FIF - voting for - taliesin Blindfolded : Spike - NO ONE YET 3)Kat-voting for NO ONE YET-Unblindfolded-Spike-NO ONE YET 4)CP- voting for taliesin-Blindfold : Spike-Joe's student 5)Mekal 6)Brandonb - voting for taliesin-Blindfolded : Spike-LIS 7)Y-San - voting for taliesin-Blindfolded : Spike-LIS 8)GC - DEAD (killed by the Geass Order) 9)CL - DEAD (killed on L's Command) 10)Joe's Student - voting for taliesin-Bilndfolded : Spike-Y-San 11)Prince Marth - Voting for CrazyPainter-Unblindfolded : Spike-Y-San 12)taliesin That seems a majority... Edit: adding spike vote.
  7. Gonna go with more of the majority and vote for taliesin... i seen him on there recently, and he didn't vote or contribute. I still have Y-San top of my suspicion list though Recruiter: Itachi 1)LIS - voting for CrazyPainter-Unblindfold : Spike-FIF 2)FIF - voting for CrazyPainter-Blindfolded : Spike - NO ONE YET 3)Kat-voting for NO ONE YET-Unblindfolded-Spike-NO ONE YET 4)CP- voting for taliesin-Blindfold : Spike-Joe's student 5)Mekal 6)Brandonb - voting for taliesin-Blindfolded : Spike-LIS 7)Y-San 8)GC - DEAD (killed by the Geass Order) 9)CL - DEAD (killed on L's Command) 10)Joe's Student - voting for taliesin-blindfold : Spike- Y-San 11)Prince Marth - Voting for CrazyPainter-Unblindfolded : Spike- Y-San 12)taliesin Edit: I would like to spy on Y-San Edit 2: Just did Bb
  8. YS: I wish u had have said this earlier.. i would have been more inclined to believe you then. It's a plausible argument, but I'm not convinced I'm sorry. It's stiil reeks of baddie-ish odour
  9. YS: I have to disagree there, my argument wasn't based on the "he" thing, that part was more an afterthought. Here's my argument again: Y-San's Post that made me supicious.. The reason I'm persisting with this is because you've continually ignored my accusations, and made yourself seem more suspicious with everyone of your posts Edit: Typo
  10. Just wondering could people explain the reasons behind their vote maybe? CP: Why taliesin? Bb: Why Prince Marth to be Spike's target?
  11. 1)LIS - CrazyPainter ........ FIF, unblindfold 2)FIF 3)Kat 4)CP- voting for Prince, Blindfold Lynch, Joe's student is Spike's Target 5)Mekal 6)Brandonb 7)Y-San 8)GC - DEAD (killed by the Geass Order) 9)CL - DEAD (killed on L's Command) 10)Joe's Student - voting for Y-San, unblindfolded, I don't know who Spike's target should be. 11)Prince Marth 12)taliesin
  12. Haha i didn't mean to jump on her (apologies Y-San if that's what it felt like) it's just I'm pretty bored at the minute, and I'm checkin up on Mafia every 10 minutes or so.. I don't know anything other than I'm uber suspicious of her...
  13. But i see you've ignored my whole piece so as not to get dragged into a clash (I would have done the same thing myself in you're position). I believe you have then tried to cover up the "Leave info and Leave" tactic by coming on straight after i post with other info (which isn't anything new to anyone). Y-San your last post has made me doubly suspicious of you....
  14. Would like to add to the above post i mean to be talking about CrazyPainter as Y-San was, and not CL . Typos galore...
  15. Recruiter: Itachi voter - voting for - spike attack: 1)LIS - CrazyPainter ........ FIF, unblindfold 2)FIF 3)Kat 4)CP 5)Mekal 6)Brandonb 7)Y-San 8)GC - DEAD (killed by the Geass Order) 9)CL - DEAD (killed on L's Command) 10)Joe's Student - voting for Y-San, unblindfolded, I don't know who Spike's target should be. 11)Prince Marth 12)taliesin Voting for Y-San because her only post so far has made me suspicious. It's exactly like a tactic used by GC in Mafia IV to cast suspicion on Y-San (only thing missing is a spoiler ). She has picked up on something (maybe nothing, maybe something) that CL has survived all the games she's played in. The thing she says is that Alucard must be a seasoned player because he/she wanted to rid CL from the game, but Y-San herself is a seasoned player, having hosted a game aswell, and she's just the type of seasoned player who, as the Alucard, would go for CL. It sounds more like she's wanted to incriminate someone and has thought up this way of doing so... Also i want to add that she subtlely suggests this seasoned player is male. A mistake in quick typing maybe, but i don't think so, i think she was trying to frame a certain someone by use of the "he", and also so that subconciously people wouldn't think of her as the seasoned player. One more thing is that she has used the tactic of leaving a piece of evidence against someone and then left, leaving people to stew over it and it staying in her mind. A GO tactic if ever i saw one... The whole thing stunk of Baddie play, whether she's trying to cast suspicion away from herself as the Alucard, or just trying to frame an innocent... Y-San's Post (This is all in good faith YS , if I'm wrong i'll definitely apologise ) Edit: to fix voting
  16. Prince Marth: Any chance you have made any determinations that could shed some light on who we should vote to die at the hands of Itachi's sword? And what about Spike? Can we abstain from using him tonight or not? Simply because (if GC and CL were innocent) that leaves a 50% chance we'll order Spike to kill an innocent. If either GC or CL weren't innocent, or if both weren't, then that's even less chance for us to target a baddie. That's dangerous for us innocents. Of course if anyone has info, that you can share yet keep yourself safe from baddies, then please let us know.... I'm uber-confused Edit to add: Delighted to still be alive after a night of possible madness
  17. I know absolutely nothing about Anime or anything related, i never really got round to exploring it at all. But yea, i guess there could be 4, 5, 6 kills tonight or there could be none, its hard to work out what the POA should be . Everyone could defend, everyone could slaughter each other like the melee you mentioned in the intro, I'm scared to think what this game would be like with 20 players ... scary thought, too many possibilities. But yeah anyway can't wait until this gets going
  18. Haha not weird! totally cool! so many permutations! yea it's a bit complicated.. but so was Mafia at the beginning, and everyone's in the same bot so you're not at a disadvantage that way This is uber-cool Itachi... is it your own creation or do you this game from somewhere else? If it's yours its quite the piece of work .
  19. Guys this is just a thought to avoid PM monitoring and the disadvantage of that during Mafia. If you're going on BD to check on Mafia, whether or not you or an innocent or a baddie, someone who PM's as part of their role, or someone doesn't.. why not log in as invisible anyway? That means people won't hold something against you for using your PM thing or for being logged on as Anonymous.... simply because everyone will be anonymous. Edit to add: Anyone get what I'm talkin about? lol
  20. Was dead by that stage... sorry man! Actually more sorry CL!
  21. Dawh dug up GC (as the Grave Robber) and so assumed GC's abilities as the GC
  22. Haha what a messed up game! But really good well played mafia... us innocents didn't help one another to well though lol. Itachi's Anime Battle up next then? btw GC why did you kill me? Edit: saw GC's answer... Also gonna add that i thought BL was telling th truth so i arrested him.. i dunno why just had a hunch, i think it was because he acted exactly the same in a previous Mafia i had spectated on the whole way (can't remember if it was II or III ), but then i was killed and couldn't do the same lol
  23. That's a good point, i don't know exactly what i have to respond to.. To GC: i think you said you were voting for me because of how i played the previous game was similar to this game, but that's just how i play (and btw i don't even know the way that i play lol ) To Frost maybe?: Or whoever it was called me inactive... i think that's totally unfair. but hey! To Dawh: Your hunch... can i have more so i can defend myself? That's all I've got
  24. 1) Dawh - voting for Ben Law 2) itachi - voting for Ben Law 3) Nayana - voting for Dawh 4) Cherry Lane - voting for Dawh 5) GC - voting for Joe's Student 6) Joe's Student - Ben Law 7) Ben Law - voting for Dawh 8) Crazypainter -voting for Ben Law 9) rene83-voting for Ben Law 10) FIF - voting for Ben Law 11) Kat - DEAD [Mayor] (Killed by Mafia) 12) Frost - voting for Ben Law I'm back on again.. i hardly think i've been inactive, i've posted a bit, there wasn't anyone else on when i was on earlier. Was suspicious of BL as alot of people were, he hasn't defended himself too well. Vote is up. Edit: Remove quote tags
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