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Everything posted by unreality

  1. congrats on VIP! :D

    btw, the new improved Mafia II has started!

  2. I automatically signed you up for Mafia II ;D

  3. unreality

    Mafia II

    Mafia II 12 people: 3 Mafiosos 1 Grim Reaper 8 Innocents --- * Mafia - win by killing all the Innocents and the Grim Reaper. Every night they choose one person to bump off via PMs (this is the only time PMing is allowed in the game!!!). Also, any night, but not two nights in a row, the Mafia can opt to "rough up" someone, in which two implications are given: ** do not continue your line of accusations, or we will kill you ** do not reveal that you were roughed up, or we will kill you Roughing up is an option for the Mafia, and can have outcomes that aren't always good for the Mafia- so only do this if you've thought about it and want to. Also, at the beginning of the game, the Mafia is informed of who the Bomb is * Grim Reaper - wins by killing the Vigilante (if this happens early enough, we will play for "second place"). The Grim Reaper kills every even-numbered night * Innocents - win by killing the Mafia and the Grim Reaper. During the day, a lynching vote occurs just like in Mafia 1, and the condemned person gets publicly executed and their role revealed EACH INNOCENT HAS A SPECIAL ROLE: * Doctor- save someone every night by PMing me. If this person is targeted for death by the Mafia and/or Grim Reaper, the person will be saved by the Doctor and live. The Doctor cannot save himself/herself, nor can the Doctor save the same person two times in a row * Vigilante- knows who the Defender is. The Vigilante kills for the Innocents every odd-numbered night, except for the 1st night * Defender- knows who the Vigilante is. While the Defender is alive, the Vigilante cannot die, and gets out of every death situation with badass awesomeness * Inspector- PMed, by me, one Mafia identity at the beginning of each day * Sage- can PM me anytime to get the list of the people the Doctor has been saving. Also, the Sage can choose to PM me every even-numbered day to see how many Mafiosos are alive * Spy- can spy on anyone ever even-numbered day. They PM me who they want to spy on, and I reply, revealing that person's role * Bomb- knows who the Inspector is. When (if) the Bomb dies, there is a half chance that they will take their killer down with them. If their killer is the Mafia, a random Mafioso will be killed- however the Mafia is informed at the beginning of the game who the Bomb is. If the Bomb's killer is the Grim Reaper, the Grim Reaper would blow up. If the Bomb is lynched, the Innocent who was most outspoken for the lynching (chosen by me) is blown up. If I can't decide, I pick randomly from the Innocents that voted for the Bomb * Illusionist- every even-numbered night (the same night that the Grim Reaper kills), the Illusionist can make illusionary copies of one person to protect them ONLY from the Grim Reaper (the Mafia ain't fooled). The Illusionist cannot protect themself, nor can they protect the same person twice in a row. When (if) the Grim Reaper dies, the Illusionist's role may be obselete- or it may morph into something else altogether. *** Brandonb is invincible for the first night and first day. IMLRG is invincible for the first night. *** I need 12 people to sign up, then I can assign people their roles ;D if we get more than 12, I can make new roles Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb 2) IMLRG 3)
  4. unreality


    it was the fact that Akaslickster joined after I PM'ed the roles to everyone ... that upset the game, because the only way to throw Akaslickster into un-Innocence was to make him a Mafioso, and then there were 4- too much anyhoo, I'm posting Mafia II right now
  5. unreality


    Since it's 4:4, the Mafia pretty much win The End Day The Mafia reveal themselves: Frost, Pieman, Itachi-san and Akaslickster. They have taken over Awesomeville... the Doctor, dnae, saved pieman the first night and Frost the second night, seemingly (hopefully) unaware that he was saving two Mafiosos in a row. The Martyr, Thuhchris, never got to use his power, and IMLRG, the Grim Reaper, was burned before he had a chance to strike. Before Grey Cells, the Inspector, could act on his knowledge, the Mafia had pwned Awesomeville "Not next time," the Innocents promised. "Next time, in Mafia II, everything is more balanced. And every Innocent has a special role! Join Mafia 2 right now!"
  6. unreality


    the ratio is 4:4 I screwed up by making 4 Mafiosos instead of 3 don't worry, I have everything carefully planned for Mafia II Mafia II will start soon as like the real first Mafia game, where I didn't screw up ;D anyway, I'll say if it's a tie, the Martyr's vote gets counted twice... so the Innocents have to be all together OR we could just say the Mafia wins based on my mistake, and we can start Mafia II ;D
  7. unreality


    anyone know who they're voting for?
  8. unreality


    The only people that can PM in the game are the Mafiosos, and they are only allowed to do that during the night you COULD PM behind me back, and I would never know however, this isn't beneficial to the PMer (at all), I don't know why you would. but, if by "communication of thoughts and ideas" you mean in the topic, then that's a good idea you should always have a reason for voting for someone once the Mafia have majority, they essentially have already won. They can openly come out as Mafiosos in the daytime and sway the lynching vote how they want. Next game, I have some new ideas and whatnot, but for this game, the Innocents cannot let the Mafia get majority that's why I suggest that the Inspector and the Martyr be more forthcoming this day
  9. unreality


    with the Grim Reaper down, there is either 3 OR 4 Mafiosos and thus 7 OR 6 Innocents- but two people have bit the dust thanks to the Mafia, and neither of them are GR, therefore we can safely say Brandonb and pw0nzd were Innocents which means the Mafia-Innocent-ratio is either 4:4 or 3:5... they're starting to get a majority. They may already have half the lynching vote. It may be a good time for the Martyr, since I made too many Mafiosos this game, I think... this could be an important vote for the Innocents, it may even determine the ultimate winner... and a Martyr can supply absolute knowledge of someone. just throwing that out there EDIT: another hint for everyone... look over the posts from the first lynching, see what people said and how that carries over now, etc
  10. unreality


    Post #44 - Rules Post #53 - Intro Post #59 - A Dark Alleyway Post #111 - An Angry Mob Post #142 - Green and Seventh alright, it's day, you know what that means I'm choosing & PMing the Inspector right now with the identity of a random Mafioso Host: Unreality 1) Kingofpain 2) Thuhchris 3) Frost 4) Itachi 5) Brandonb - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 6) grey cells 7) pieman 8) IMLRG - DEAD [Grim Reaper] 9) dnae 10) pw0nzd - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Akaslickster the code, for voting: Host: Unreality 1) Kingofpain 2) Thuhchris 3) Frost 4) Itachi [color=grey]5) Brandonb - DEAD[/color] [color=#002222][?] Killed by Mafia[/color] 6) grey cells 7) pieman [color=grey]8) IMLRG - DEAD[/color] [color=red][Grim Reaper][/color] 9) dnae [color=grey]10) pw0nzd - DEAD[/color] [color=#002222][?] Killed by Mafia[/color] 11) Akaslickster
  11. unreality


    Post #44 - Rules Post #53 - Intro Post #59 - A Dark Alleyway Post #111 - An Angry Mob Green and Seventh Night Pw0nzd hummed a tune to himself as he sat in his living room, watching a late night special on TV. Someone knocked at the door. At first, pw0nzd had the shivery feeling of death, as if the Grim Reaper himself was the knocker. Then pw0nzd remembered the previous day, and how the Grim Reaper had been burned. Feeling a bit better, he got up and went to the door, flicking on the porch light. Opening it a little, he looked out into the street. Empty. Weird. Pw0nzd went to close the door, but he saw an odd rustling on the bushes across the street, at the intersection of Green and 7th. Intrigued, he fixated his eyes on the rustling, so that he wouldn't lose it in the dark, and walked across the- BAM! As a mysterious black car rammed pw0nzd, his bloody body rolled down the street like meaty tumbleweed. Before he could cough out a lungful of blood and look toward the car in surprise, it was gone, picking up the bush-rustler and disappearing into the misty darkness. Pw0nzd tried to call for help, but the Doctor, who would've been able to save him, was at the other end of town (waiting in front of a quiet house). Pw0nzd, through a distorted vision, gasped out his final breath and died on the pavement.
  12. unreality


    night post, coming up
  13. unreality


    for some reason they're taking forever to get on/make a decision/something
  14. unreality


    I've gotten the Doctor's PM... waiting on the Mafia's decision ;D
  15. unreality

    did you specify what kind of animal I was? If I was a shark, I would eat the rowboater before the rowboat sinks and the rest of the sharks get to him/her
  16. unreality


    in Mafia, the simplest way isn't always the right way ;D *** if the Grim Reaper were still alive, I'd put "Killed by Mafia" or "Killed by Grim Reaper" next to a nighttime-killed-person's-question-mark, but even since only the Mafia is left as baddies, I'll still put it so people remember Host: Unreality 1) Kingofpain 2) Thuhchris 3) Frost 4) Itachi 5) Brandonb - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 6) grey cells 7) pieman 8) IMLRG - DEAD [Grim Reaper] 9) dnae 10) pw0nzd 11) Akaslickster
  17. unreality


    no, but there is no more Grim Reaper, so you are either Mafia or Innocent * If you are Mafia, you are trying to pretend that you are Innocent and trying to attract the Doctor's protection so that the Mafia could bump somebody off with better chance of it succeeding. In that case the Mafia would still think that you are being protecting, and not likely to kill you (but more of the fact that you would be one of them) * If you are Innocent, you are trying to get the Doctor to save you because you think that the Mafia are after you. In which case, my words still apply since I am the host, I am neutral I give away nobody's roles ;D
  18. unreality


    bringing stuff over to this page: Post #44 - Rules Post #53 - Intro Post #59 - A Dark Alleyway Post #111 - An Angry Mob Host: Unreality 1) Kingofpain 2) Thuhchris 3) Frost 4) Itachi 5) Brandonb - DEAD [?] 6) grey cells 7) pieman 8) IMLRG - DEAD [Grim Reaper] 9) dnae 10) pw0nzd 11) Akaslickster
  19. unreality


    KOP: if the Mafia think you are being protected, they aren't likely to go after you and waste a kill, are they? I guess it all depends on the Doctor (who hasn't PMed me with their choice yet)
  20. unreality


    btw I've just realized there are flaws with the Inspector role, which I am fixing right now: Starting on the beginning of the second day (like it was originally), the Inspector learns the identity of a random Mafioso at the beginning of EVERY DAY, not every-other-day like it was before. thank you, thank you *bows* lol That doesn't affect current gameplay because I won't even choose the Inspector until right before I PM him/her the Inspector, although learning Mafioso identities, cannot be obvious about it, because if the Mafia discovers who it is or has suspicions, they will most likely kill off the Inspector to stop him/her from learning more Mafia identities
  21. unreality


    lol, it's fine ;D basically he's asking the Doctor to protect him, because he thinks he's in danger
  22. unreality


    adjusting it to show nighttime-killed-players as unknown roles: Host: Unreality 1) Kingofpain 2) Thuhchris 3) Frost 4) Itachi 5) Brandonb - DEAD [?] 6) grey cells 7) pieman 8) IMLRG - DEAD [Grim Reaper] 9) dnae 10) pw0nzd 11) Akaslickster
  23. unreality


    I'm on just copying this over: Host: Unreality 1) Kingofpain 2) Thuhchris 3) Frost 4) Itachi 5) Brandonb - DEAD 6) grey cells 7) pieman 8) IMLRG - DEAD [Grim Reaper] 9) dnae 10) pw0nzd 11) Akaslickster anyone worriedly hiding in Awesomeville, trying not to get killed? lol Post #44 - Rules Post #53 - Intro Post #59 - A Dark Alleyway Post #111 - An Angry Mob
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