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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    I was thinking... you can't see true "darkness", because darkness is the absence of light returning to your eyes... but we know it's there this quote is what makes me think it's actually "eyelid", lol. But maybe the OP means 'dark matter'...? without dark matter, the universe wouldn't be held together you can't sleep without darkness You're dark matter! lol jk- I think it's actually eyelid
  2. unreality

    my answers are the same as crankydba's ;D
  3. unreality

    good sites for various color codes: http://songweaver.com/html/colorchart.html http://aspnet.asp101.com/samples/color_chooser.aspx? http://www.uaf.edu/Library/impact/hexdec216.html http://www.build-a-website.net/hex-color-codes.shtml
  4. unreality

    Mafia II

    if we do get 15, the 9th Innocent role will be the Squeaker (I already posted about this), but I just thought of the 10th role: * Mayor- this role has no special powers or anything, but everyone knows that they're the Mayor- ie, it's publicly introduced. They're a confirmed Innocent. That's all. This can be good and bad... OR * Mayor- same as the other Mayor idea, except the Mayor's identity is only PMed to Innocents. I might have some other ideas too (something I saw on another Mafia game called the Librarian)... we'll see if we even get more than 12 first, though, lol currently our awesome players are: Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb 2) Scott 3) akaslickster 4) pw0nzd 5) GC 6) pieman 7) dnae 8) Frost 9) itachi 10) Kingofpain 11) Nayana
  5. I see what you mean... if you read someone's address and tell the driver where to go, you don't actually memorize the address until you forget about it and then have to actively remember it to put it into your permament memory however, I'm not sure what memory has to do with the OP The puzzle itself should be easy to remember, I don't think that's the problem- it's the solution, which he doesn't even know yet ;D
  6. unreality

    Mafia II

    yep, I've seen that done. I've played/watched Mafia games with around 30 people, which is a great game, and in that one there were 3 separate Mafia-like groups ;D but we don't have enough followers on brainden yet (lol, that should grow with time ) so for now... one Mafia ;D we still need another person, though
  7. No... grey cells is talking about when you come back to a problem and then you suddenly solve it I know what he means (happens to me a lot), and my post was referring to that yours is just if you can't ever solve it, lol
  8. hmmm... I just think that when you overthink something, you feel like you've gone over the basic stuff and you start looking at tiny, insignificant details, hunting down where you haven't looked yet, while the simple truth is that you just overlooked something at the basic level, so you won't be able to solve it until you stop thinking about it and then re-look at the puzzle with a fresh light
  9. unreality

    lol @ the second one (even though I'm a guy, it was funnier ;D)
  10. unreality

    Mafia II

    alright, thanks Nayana! Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb 2) Scott 3) akaslickster 4) pw0nzd 5) GC 6) pieman 7) dnae 8) Frost 9) itachi 10) Kingofpain 11) Nayana at least one more person.... I'm hoping Thuhchris will join, as well as others ;D
  11. unreality

    Mafia II

    brandonb addressed your Doctor idea well, but I don't really know what you guys mean by the Drug Dealer role... I don't know. anyhoo.... do you really think we could get 15? let alone 12? we need at least 12... and if we get 13, there will be another Innocent role, the Squeaker if we get 14, the Mafia will have 4, not 3 if we get 15, there will be another Innocent role (not sure what it will be yet) if we get more than 15, I'll see as we go
  12. (I need to post, lol) btw, Nayana asked to remove herself from the game, she has a lot of studies to do right now
  13. unreality

    Mafia II

    If we could get 15 people, the pattern would be: 4 Mafiosos 1 Grim Reaper 10 Innocents so I would need two more Innocent roles- one of them would be this, which I just made: * Squeaker: knows who the Defender is. If the Squeaker dies, he/she reveals the identity of the Defender... if the Squeaker is lynched, the character shouts it out to everyone during the lynching. If the Squeaker is killed by the Mafia or the Grim Reaper, in my night post I show him/her saying that, but not what they said (the killers get privately PMed the Defender's identity). If the Vigilante kills the Squeaker, the Squeaker is silenced, though an Innocent is dead. *** current list of players: Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb 2) Scott 3) akaslickster 4) pw0nzd 5) GC 6) pieman 7) dnae 8) Frost 9) itachi 10) Kingofpain
  14. unreality

    haha ;D reminds me of those "10 things to do in a department store" or whatever
  15. unreality

    Mafia II

    I still need at least two more people: Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb 2) Scott 3) akaslickster 4) pw0nzd 5) GC 6) pieman 7) dnae 8) Frost 9) itachi 10) Kingofpain
  16. unreality

    Mafia II

    Most Updated (So Far) Set of Rules: Mafia II 12 people: 3 Mafiosos 1 Grim Reaper 8 Innocents --- * Mafia - win by killing all the Innocents and the Grim Reaper. Every night they choose one person to bump off via PMs (this is the only time PMing is allowed in the game!!!). Also, any night, but not two nights in a row, the Mafia can opt to "rough up" someone, in which two implications are given: ** do not continue your line of accusations, or we will kill you ** do not reveal that you were roughed up, or we will kill you Roughing up is an option for the Mafia, and can have outcomes that aren't always good for the Mafia- so only do this if you've thought about it and want to. Also, at the beginning of the game, the Mafia is informed of who the Bomb is * Grim Reaper - wins by killing the Vigilante (if this happens early enough, we will play for "second place"). The Grim Reaper kills every even-numbered night * Innocents - win by killing the Mafia and the Grim Reaper. During the day, a lynching vote occurs just like in Mafia 1, and the condemned person gets publicly executed and their role revealed EACH INNOCENT HAS A SPECIAL ROLE: * Doctor- save someone every night by PMing me. If this person is targeted for death by the Mafia and/or Grim Reaper, the person will be saved by the Doctor and live. The Doctor cannot save himself/herself, nor can the Doctor save the same person two times in a row * Vigilante- knows who the Defender is. The Vigilante kills for the Innocents every odd-numbered night, except for the 1st night. Can choose not to kill * Defender- knows who the Vigilante is. While the Defender is alive, the Vigilante cannot die, and gets out of every death situation with badass awesomeness * Inspector- PMed, by me, one Mafia identity at the beginning of every odd-numbered day (1st, 3rd and 5th for the three Mafiosos) * Sage- can PM me anytime to get the list of the people the Doctor has been saving. Also, the Sage can choose to PM me every even-numbered day to see how many Mafiosos are alive * Spy- can spy on anyone ever even-numbered day. They PM me who they want to spy on, and I reply, revealing that person's role * Bomb- knows who the Inspector is. When (if) the Bomb dies, there is a half chance that they will take their killer down with them. If their killer is the Mafia, a random Mafioso will be killed- however the Mafia is informed at the beginning of the game who the Bomb is. If the Bomb's killer is the Grim Reaper, the Grim Reaper would blow up. If the Bomb is lynched, the Innocent who was most outspoken for the lynching (chosen by me) is blown up. If I can't decide, I pick randomly from the Innocents that voted for the Bomb * Illusionist- every even-numbered night (the same night that the Grim Reaper kills), the Illusionist can make illusionary copies of one person to protect them ONLY from the Grim Reaper (the Mafia ain't fooled). The Illusionist cannot protect themself, nor can they protect the same person twice in a row. When (if) the Grim Reaper dies, the Illusionist's role may be obselete- or it may morph into something else altogether.
  17. unreality

    Mafia II

    ;D Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb 2) Scott 3) akaslickster 4) pw0nzd 5) GC 6) pieman 7) dnae 8) Frost 9) itachi 10) Kingofpain uh, I can't even begin to explain all the problems that would pose, lol that's something I thought of- in Mafia 1, I had the Inspector starting on the 2nd day- but this seemed too late. But I realized I can make your idea work with that too, and I'm editing the Inspector's role: Every odd-numbered day, the Inspector learns the identity of a Mafioso So basically the first, third and fifth days to learn the Mafia. Good idea Itachi
  18. unreality


    Mafia II should start soon (we already have a lot of people, but join up if you haven't yet ) this time, EVERYONE gets a role, and it's harder for the Mafiosos
  19. unreality

    Mafia II

    Itachi, Thuhchris, and Kingofpain will probably rejoin, too and then I need at least one more person after that ;D
  20. unreality

    Mafia II

    yep also, the Vigilante can choose NOT to kill Strategy Tips: * Mafia: always kill for a good reason (except maybe the first night). If someone is outspoken against you, don't just kill them off, then everyone knows what's up- it MAY be better to rough them up, but if the roughed up person takes a risk and reveals it, it could be bad for the Mafia, that's why roughing up is a gamble. If you kill people that were outspoken against "Mafiosos" that are actually Innocents, people might try to lynch that Innocent instead of a real Mafioso. You have to use a lot of cunning if you want to win. In the daytime, try to turn the Innocents against each other. Also, if you think that the Defender is dead, trying killing off the Vigilante before the Grim Reaper can get to him, thus cutting off the GR's chance of victory * Grim Reaper: you are a killing machine, though remember you win by killing the Vigilante, so keep an eye out- if someone escapes from a lynching or killing, they are most likely the Vigilante, and it means their Defender is still alive- you have to get the Defender before you can get the Vigilante * Innocents: your only way to get back at the baddies is to lynch them by day. You have to be clever, and think- don't just let yourself be swayed by the mob. Here's individual strategy tips for each role: Innocents' Strategy Tips: * Doctor- don't waste your time saving someone that doesn't need to be saved. And don't reveal your role- you can be a big help against both the Mafia and the Grim Reaper. Try to look out for people who are overly outspoken... pay carefully attention to how others respond to this before deciding if they're actually in danger. Also, if someone clamors for your protection, it could actually be a Mafioso or the Grim Reaper- and if someone else claims they were "roughed up" and now the Mafia is after them, consider this before blindly saving them- what were they doing BEFORE they got roughed up, what would trigger their supposed roughing-up? * Vigilante- never reveal your Defender's identity- once it is revealed, both the Mafia and the GR will hasten to kill him. You, the Vigilante, are one of the keys to the Innocents' protection, and the Defender is your only protection, since your identity can become clear pretty early. Though you should try to keep it secret as long as possible. As for who to kill each night, think very very carefully. You can always choose NOT to kill. While the Mafia and the Grim Reaper both know that everyone else is their enemies, you know that the majority of your possible victims are actually Innocents. You're like a solo-lyncher... so if you are unsure, you can always choose not to kill * Defender- stay hidden. If you think you are in danger of death, come out and reveal your identity as the Defender, for the Vigilante can back you up, if the Vigilante's role is revealed. Then the saving roles can save you... * Inspector- don't be too obvious about that you "know" someone is the Mafia, for a couple reasons: (1) if you reveal that you're the Inspector, the Mafia will go after you to silence you before you get more names, and (2) people might think you are a Mafioso, trying to turn people against each other. So find another reason, other than "I'm the Inspector" to lynch someone that you know is a baddie * Sage- your role isn't a high-risk role, and you can take advantage of that by being a bit more open about what you know- but if you take too much advantage, a baddie might decide to kill you off, so tread carefully. While your role may not seem too important, finding out who the Doctor has been saving can be good, as well as finding out how many Mafiosos are alive. With the Grim Reaper killing on even-numbered nights, and roles aren't revealed at night, it's unsure whether he just killed an Innocent or a Mafioso- the role of the Sage can help untangle this... also, a confirmed Innocent can help the Innocents, but this means the Mafia would want you taken down * Spy- like the Inspector, you have to be secretive about what you know. If you're too open and sure, or reveal you're the Spy, you'll be taken down before you even knew what hit you * Bomb- take advantage of the fact that you know who the Inspector is. Listen to the subtle signs he/she gives off, and agree, strengthening the Inspector's arguments. Also, the Mafia already knows who you are, so you can be a bit more forthcoming- people will be afraid of killing you, and you are the sort of person the baddies want to leave until last. Take advantage of your unique position * Illusionist- like the Doctor, save people that you think need to be saved, except your sole focus is the Grim Reaper. Look out for who they are and who they might be after, but don't give away your identity, for the Grim Reaper will want to scythe you down (however the Mafia will actually want to leave you alive for a while, to help protect possibly them, too, against the GR). Remember, you only protect against the GR, not the Mafia too (like the Doctor), so choose wisely
  21. unreality

    Mafia II

    btw, it would take up to the 5th or 6th days/nights to kill EVERYONE, maybe even 7th and beyond if things happen certain ways... but EVERYONE doesn't need to die for a success, I'm expecting a winner around the 4th or 5th days/nights and hopefully everyone from Mafia 1 will join
  22. unreality

    Mafia II

    Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb 2) Scott 3) akaslickster 4) pw0nzd 5) GC 6) pieman 7) dnae 8) cmon people ;D I learned the other day that anywhere from 12 to ~27 is a great game but i NEED at least 12
  23. Mafia 2 is starting, you should join :D

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