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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality


    no (a Ghost couldn't anyway) but I left a congratulatory comment on your profile and voted you 5 stars, lol and you are invincible next game for 1st night & day, so it won't happen again ;D
  2. it sucks you were the first to die in Mafia ;D better luck next time- apparently you were picked via random # generator, lol :P

    ~ unreality

  3. unreality


    Brandonb: sorry mate bad luck. If you play next game (and I hope you will ;D) you are invincible the first night and first day
  4. unreality


    Post #44 - Rules Post #53 - Intro Post #59 - A Dark Alleyway A Dark Alleyway Night Brandonb, enjoying a plesant, nighttime summer's walk through Awesomeville, turned onto a dark alleyway to take a shortcut home. ...Not a good idea. He barely heard the screeching of tires outside the alleyway as a dark car pulled up at the entrance. He barely heard someone climbing out of the car, fitting a silencer on a 9 mm. By the time he looked around in surprise, the gun went off twice, his body falling lifeless onto the dark pavement. Across town, a Doctor waited by a quiet house. *** alright, it's day ;D speculate on who you want to publicly execute
  5. unreality


    I've realized that there's a huge problem with the Ghost role ;D and it doesn't really alleviate from the suckiness of dying first so here is a new rule: * whoever dies FIRST is invincible in the next game (if they play the next game) for the first night and first day * whoever dies SECOND is invincible in the next game (if they play the next game) for the first night so no more Ghost, but that rule I just posted helps so that someone doesn't get sh*tty luck two games in a row
  6. unreality


    That's why >11 would be bad... it'll go by slower so if everyone can check the Mafia topic right away whenever they go the Brainden forum, and check your PMs and stuff, and post/speculate/PMvote during the day cycle, that would be awesome it'll go by at a faster rate
  7. unreality


    btw 11 people is a perfect number for this game
  8. I agree with all three of those
  9. unreality


    I've gotten the Doctor's PM, but still waiting on the Mafia consensus
  10. lol thanks ;D and you race sailboats! That's awesome I had a fleeting image of Desmond from LOST, lol
  11. Ilyta and Hector are going to Epsilon-0, right? Landing on the opposite shore of Drone and the AS, IIRC?
  12. unreality


    Alright, I made Akaslickster a possibly special role... however nobody (including even him at the moment) knows what the role is... he might be bad to kill... he might be good.... (just to spice up his possibly-confirmed-Innocence since he joined after it started) anyway Mafia is starting... for the rules, read Post #44 this is the FINAL roster of players: Host: Unreality 1) Kingofpain 2) Thuhchris 3) Frost 4) Itachi 5) Brandonb 6) grey cells 7) pieman 8) IMLRG 9) dnae 10) pw0nzd 11) Akaslickster alright ;D A piece of ripped newspaper rolls across a dark street... a half-moon hangs over Awesomeville, casting its soft light over the cluster of small houses and businesses. The town may look peaceful and sleepy, but dangers lurk behind every corner. A small Mafia (3 OR 4 people) has taken up in the town, killing Innocents by night. Thus, by day, the Innocents go crusading, trying to lynch the Mafiosos within them. And all during the confusion, the town's resident Grim Reaper waits, and watches, and kills. Tonight he is only sharpening his long, curving scythe... for he only kills on even-numbered nights. Across town, a Doctor is packing his medicine kit. Every night, the Doctor can save one person (not himself, and not the same person twice in a row) in case they are targeted for death. In another area of Awesomeville, the Inspector has no idea he will become the Inspector on the second day. And in another residential area in Awesomeville, the Martyr is busy readying himself for the troubling times ahead. Yes, Awesomeville is at a turning point... because the FIRST NIGHT is now starting! Mafiosos: you may PM each other about your first victim, as well as PM me Doctor: PM me who you want to save
  13. kingofpain: nice post, and welcome a spiritual atheist! That's a rare one ;D keep singing, despite what anyone says (especially Simon Cowell)
  14. unreality


    actually I think I need 4 PMs still lol hopefully we will start tomorrow- actually, we WILL start tomorrow, no matter what
  15. unreality


    anyway, I'm going to bed ;D I'll check back tomorrow, and hopefully the final 3 people that were PMed will have PMed me back
  16. this is my 1001th post hooray!
  17. unreality

    or just do this: {spoiler=blabla}spoiler here{/spoiler} if you replace the { } with [ ], you would get this:
  18. unreality

    religious debate

    Like I said (if you actually read my nice long posts ;D), I don't have it... but other people do but first you have to propose a system that you claim to come about by design, then we counter that. I thought that was the proposed setup?
  19. Yeah, me too I was VIP for a looong time then one day it got revoked for seemingly no reason (I didn't do anything wrong or get in any flame wars or anything lol) anyway- I'll do that, Martini
  20. unreality


    I know, that's what I was referring to in that post... it would be tricky, but I would find a way around it anyway, still waiting on 3 more people to PM me in reply, then I can start off the game
  21. unreality

    religious debate

    PART 2 cool and cool job that's quite a talent ya got there ;D joking around aside, I know what you mean yeah, life is pretty cool. But living beings are NOT "phenomenal examples of elegant design"... ADParker has the biggest list, but evolution is slow and human beings have lots of faults that would make a designer a crappy designer. Check out The Revival in my sig, and go to the top forum "muhahaha" and the topic called "relligion" (yes spelled with two "l"s lol)- ADParker has destroyed this argument multiple times in there and (IIRC) we took down your old evidence, so that's why we were checking to see if you had anything NEW to throw at us not if that evidence has already been interpreted and disproved (multiple times). But since you're bringing the same stuff up, we'll go at it again uh yeah, it's ridiculous yes BY YOUR OWN LOGIC, a Creator requires a Creator I didn't insult you, and I didn't see where anyone else did, but I could've easily missed it it's just a phrasing... he could've said "come about by evolution" or something. He was just demonstrating a point... like this: IDists: the bombardier beetle is designed Scraff: yes, by evolution ie, designed blindly. If that's an oxymoron in your eyes, then so be it he was just stating the fact that the Bombardier Beetle fits perfectly into evolution I get your annoyance, but since religion attacks evolution [as if disproving evolution will prove creationism correct (it won't)], it's a common rebuttal to show that today's living things came about by evolution. Nothing more END OF PART 2
  22. unreality

    religious debate

    PART 1 sorry I hope I didn't have anything to do with it (lol that was a joke, I haven't been on this topic for a while... I was waiting for your return ;D) May I ask what you were hesitating for? The fact that people would rebut/falsify your arguments? It's a debate or is it you were afraid everyone would be a d*ck? the point was YOU would supply your "universe-provided evidence of intelligent design" and then we (the atheists) would "give you plenty of evidence how complexity can come from disorder on its own". We can't rebut your arguments before you make them ;D yeah, that wasn't the best example, but reapply the same words to something like a large corporation, say McDonalds. Or something. Or if you really need a new, different example, I'm sure one of us can give it to you. uh, there is. Wait. You don't accept evolution as a scientific fact? How can you call yourself "logical" and not accept evolution? I mean, cmon... I always thought you at least realized that evolution was real "apparent" design? I say some hardcore design! Designed by natural processes- ie, the blind watchmaker. Like you've said, there's two ways to look at the same piece of evidence. Religious people who believe in silly "theories" without any proof obviously have ways of looking at the evidence too (you use complex patterns as "evidence that someone designed it") by the way, you still haven't answered how a Creator could have existed on its own, but not the universe why does it ought to be easy? If they're complex, chaotic systems, why should it be easy? Isn't that the whole point? I personally don't have any good examples for you right now... but between octopuppy, martini, flogger, etc, etc, I'm sure we can show you (it's just a model was easiest to explain what he meant, that's why octopuppy did that) yes, it does. Which none of the natural process exhibit, and neither does anything in R/L. Give us an example ;D and you didn't reply to him END OF PART 1
  23. welcome to Brainden :D (a little late, but better than never! ;D) it's good to see some people donate

  24. I went to edit my top post of Mafia to put in a link to the updated, final Rules (the link is this: http://brainden.com/forum/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=42964 ) and it didn't let me edit it... What is the time limit again for editing your top post? And what happened to being able to edit it indefinitely if you have enough posts? (do I not have enough posts to regain the VIP status?)
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