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Everything posted by unreality

  1. To clear the virus thing up- there are two viruses in the program, installed by separate rivals of the programmers: Hector- stops the Crystal from working Frog- if he touches the Crystal (I'm not sure if this is regardless of Hector being alive or whatever, we'll see...), it wipes the entire memory and destroys the entire program and all of the programmers' work is lost (including everyone "living" inside Cycle 5)
  2. unreality


    so everyone, read the RULES post above this post ;D Host: Unreality 1) Kingofpain 2) Thuhchris 3) Frost 4) Itachi 5) Brandonb 6) grey cells 7) pieman 8) IMLRG with this roster, there will probably be 3 Mafiosos though more people, the better seriously. Get everyone you know here (and people you DON'T know) to play. With only 8 people, the game could be over after only a few days
  3. unreality


    Some tweaking of the rules: There are three factions: Mafiosos and Innocents and the Grim Reaper * Mafiosos know who the other Mafiosos are- the rest are all Innocents, except one Innocent is actually the Grim Reaper * Innocents only know that they are an Innocent, they don't know about anyone else (at least at the start of the game) * The Grim Reaper only knows who himself or herself is, but is unsure about everyone else I (Unreality) am the Host- I am neither faction, but I oversee the game In the beginning, everyone signs up to play, then I randomly pick Mafia members- there's always more Innocents than Mafiosos. I PM all the Mafiosos, telling them who ALL the Mafiosos are, then on this topic I post the total number of mafiosos, so that the Innocents know (but the Innocents do not know who among them are Mafia members). I also pick the Grim Reaper from among the Innocents The game takes place in cycles of night and day. * At night, the Mafiosos are allowed to PM each other to decide on a victim... then they all PM me on their choice- if there are differences, I take the majority vote. Also, during the night, the Doctor PMs me on one person he/she wants to save (it cannot be the Doctor), and if that person is chosen by the Mafia, they do not die! Also, if it is an even-number night (2nd, 4th, etc), the Grim Reaper PMs me who he or she wants to exterminate that night (if this person was chosen by the Doctor, they survive) * In the day, everyone still alive in the game speculates and discusses who they want to "lynch" (the Innocents want to lynch suspected Mafia members or the Grim Reaper). Once a majority consensus is reached, that person is written off the game as well. Remember, the Mafia members (secretly pretending to be Innocents) also vote who to lynch, so they can try to disrupt the vote and make the Innocents lynch one of their own. * If the last person standing is an Innocent, the Innocents win. * If the last person standing is a Mafioso, the Mafia wins * The Grim Reaper wins if s/he kills off the last Innocent left OR the last Mafioso left, or if s/he kills the Inspector with proof that the person s/he is killing is the Inspector Special Roles: * The Doctor- I will secretly choose one Innocent to be the Doctor, who, every night, PMs me of one person they want to "save", which cannot be themselves. If this person is voted by the Mafia or chosen by the Grim Reaper that night, the person lives. * The Traitor- I have deleted the Traitor's role! THERE IS NO TRAITOR! * The Don- I have deleted the Don's role! THERE IS NO DON! * The Martyr- another secret Innocent role. They can opt to, ONLY ONCE, and at any time, PM me with a suspected Mafioso. I reveal (to everyone) the role of this exposed person, but the Martyr DIES (thus everyone learns who the Martyr was, too). If I were the Martyr, only use this when you REALLY need to for your team, because the cost is your life * The Inspector- a secret Innocent role that can, every other day (2nd day, 4th, etc) get PMed by me (until their first PM from me, they do not know they are the Inspector) the role of a Mafioso. However, the Inspector must be tricky and subtle, and not flash the information around, because if the Grim Reaper learns the identity of the Inspector, the Grim Reaper can win the game next night ;D * The Ghost- the first person to die becomes the Ghost. The Ghost, at any time, can PM me with the name of one person, and that person's Special Role, if any, is revealed to the Ghost (not Mafia/Innocent role, but special role). What the Ghost chooses to do with this information is his or her own choice GRIM REAPER ACCUSATIONS Anyone can PM me anytime with a Grim Reaper accusation. * If they were wrong: the Grim Reaper gets PMed immediately who made the accusation and who they accused (so oftentimes the person that made the wrong accusation pays with their life) * If they are right: nobody finds out until the Grim Reaper's next kill, when, instead of making a kill, the accuser tracks the Grim Reaper and kills the Grim Reaper first This is why the Grim Reaper tries to keep their identity secret RULES No outside contact! YOU CANNOT PM PEOPLE ABOUT THE GAME! This is the most important and ONLY rule in the entire game, and if anyone breaks it, they are never allowed to play Mafia ever ever ever again on this forum.
  4. unreality


    cool ;D I'll kick it off in about 12 hours, so anyone that wants to play, needs to join right now
  5. btw, Frog is the virus now, brandonb. Does that interfere with your plans? If it does, I already have an idea of how to incorporate both, so don't worry
  6. unreality

    religious debate

    and I'm sure we all agree... there's no need to attack atheists because a FEW atheists were clubbing baby rabbits. Yes, some people need a moral compass, but not all atheists need that
  7. unreality


    nvm what I just said- 12 is ideal but we can play with 8 that being said.... we only have 7 ;D Host: Unreality 1) Kingofpain 2) Thuhchris 3) Frost 4) Itachi 5) Brandonb 6) grey cells 7) pieman I guess we can play with 7 I'll give everyone ONE MORE DAY to join, then we play with however many people we have ;D
  8. unreality

    religious debate

    (whale spankers, lol) as Flogger said, a deity is not needed for morality. Most (if not all, actually) atheists I have met (in RL and online) are nice, good, successful people, and all of them (including me) care a lot about the environment, etc.
  9. unreality

    religious debate

    wow... you are a bitter person. Are you trying to say that all atheists have no morals, have no guilt, and no kindness?
  10. (btw awesome riddle... it sucks that I found it too late though )
  11. no X is two faces meeting, right? And 0 is the circle your arms' make. At least that's what I thought lol since when? I live in Michigan and we definitely say "pizza" ;D
  12. there are plenty of currents... for example, a current carried Drone and Kelrod's raft from their home on Epsilon-1 to the shore of Epsilon-0. Since it has to skirt the reef, it's about half as long as 23 to 17, so it's not that bad, trust me and I think everyone's misjudging the distances... I can't make a giant map that overloads the screen. The distance between an island may be an inch, that doesn't mean the characters perceive it as an inch lol it's called scale... jeez I can make a new map if you guys want, and make all the Islands really really far apart, but it would be the same exact thing, just blown up more ;D
  13. What's wrong with her just being on the north-northwestern coast area?
  14. unreality

    religious debate

    it's intelligent posts like that that make me wonder why this 60-page megatopic only has 3 stars vote it up, people! ;D
  15. unreality


    looks like we won't have enough people that's too bad... t'was a fun game
  16. revised, more accurate map:
  17. puzzlegirl: e17 can definitely see other islands, all of the islands can from one direction or another, except possibly Epsilon-0 ;D octo: whoops I didn't make the map with anyone's story in mind, I just made it based on my OP and that you could see Epsilon-0 from Mystic Mountain on Epsilon-13... I'll make the changes right now and re-upload it ;D
  18. btw, I'll host another game of Mass Battle here on Brainden but only if everyone that wants to play joins Mafia first ;D
  19. I'm making a map of Epsilon as we speak
  20. unreality

    religious debate

    As Martini basically said, looking at someone lustfuly and "standing in the bushes holding your junk in you hand pleasuring yourself while you watch the 13 year old neighbor girl shower" are very different things. You can't win a debate by overexaggerating, tawanna
  21. unreality


    not that this matters (lol), but looking more into it, it's not the people that decide how the person gets lynched, they just decide who (and the Host makes the story on how, etc) anyway... still waiting on players ;D
  22. "One thing about me Drone... I never leap before I look, even if I've leaped the ravine a thousand times before. These heralds you spoke of, I'd very much like to meet them." Drone looked at Zetsu, confused. "Did you hear what I just told you?" he snapped, somewhat taken aback by Zetsu's peaceful sitting-on-the-sand. His rant contined, his voice steadily rising throughout: "I don't think you fully understand the situation, mate. The Heralds on their way here right now, and when they find you, they aren't going to be ones for talking. They'll kill me, then drag you down beneath The Origin- that's their little ancient-dome-with-pillars-and-towers-and-crap up there on the volcano... they'll make you touch the Crystal, and if you refuse, or if it doesn't work, which it won't, because there's a virus, they'll throw you and your little apprentices into a giant pit of lava!!!" Drone finished in a desperate yell- nothing more than a hoarse shout- then he collapsed on the sand, curling on himself, shaking with sobs of grief and regret. He would never see his brother ever again. Ever again!!! He remained in that position, no longer caring if the Heralds found them. He didn't expect Zetsu to understand... until now, the old man had been ignorant of what his world really was. He was probably trying to process the information, not thinking it was a big deal. It was. But Drone no longer cared. If Zetsu didn't want to move, to run... then neither would Drone. He would stand and fight, for however limited seconds he would survive against the mighty Heralds. He thought of them: humans like himself, but taller, fairer skinned, as if they did not live under the Epsilonian sun... a light shone on them from as if from some other, invisible source. 3-D tags, his mind flickered, revealing new information. So that the programmers can identify the Moderator Creatures from their 3-D viewpoint. Drone didn't know what that meant. But he did know that the Heralds were strong, unnaturally strong, (The physics emulator of the program regards them specially, his mind offered, but Drone took no notice) and he knew that they had technology that he had never seen before- hard gloves of some strange bronze-orange metal that gleamed in the sunlight and crackled with electricity... they commanded robot assassins, lithe and white and sinewy, like mechanical acrobats... he knew he didn't stand a chance. But if Zetsu wanted to meet the Heralds, he would meet them all right. *** "You look you've been through a lot," Zetsu commented, still sitting peacably on the sand. Drone glared at him. "You think?" Zetsu had struck a nerve. Drone knew that they would die if they stayed, but he saw no way of talking this adamant old man out. Finally, he caved in, exhaling and sitting down by Zetsu. "What do you propose we do when they arrive, then?" Drone asked. "You look like a smart guy. These Heralds... they're... uber." (the word just came to him, one of those computer words that had been downloaded into his mind). "It's like they're hackers" (he didn't know what that meant, and neither did Zetsu) ", but they were put there for on purpose by the programmers to oversee the program and make sure Cycle 5 is a success" (again, he didn't understand some of the jargon) "... that's why they'll want you, and Neji, and Hinata," Drone finished. "They already tried me, they forced me to touch the Crystal and it didn't work- there was a virus. So they tried to exterminate me- probably thinking it's just me that's the problem. And maybe they're right- they know more than me. So that's why they'll kidnap you and your apprentices, and take you down to the Crystal. And if it works... if Cycle 5 ends as a success... we all die." There was a hefty pause. "So," Drone continued. "I ask you again... what do you propose we do?"
  23. okay... I see what you mean, and that could work... we'll try your way out then alright, from hereon out, for the whole RP, the countering-proces is acceptable. These will be some things people will NOT be allowed to powerplay: * the other character's death * the other character killing someone else (unless in a large battle where this would be common) * the other character doing something they would DEFINITELY not do, especially in the circumstances * showing a LOT of a particular emotion, this should be up to the writer of the character and an important one: * do not "think" for the character... keep it from your own character's POV, but you can make the other character talk/act/etc, but not think *** sound good, everyone?
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