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Everything posted by unreality

  1. I look down upon my creation, shining with an unearthly light, numbers define its rationalization; they have to fit just right. I know there are others like me, surrounded by satellites, but please, let's not be hasty, I haven't met one in many nights.
  2. unreality

    Mafia II

    people who have replied to their PMs: pieman Frost akaslickster puzzlegirl itachi brandonb EDIT: added brandonb
  3. unreality

    Mafia II

    update: pieman Frost akaslickster puzzlegirl *** Remember the most important rule: No behind the scenes contact! You are not allowed to PM anyone about the game, about your role, about someone else's role, etc, NOR DOES THIS HELP YOU, since you can never be sure of the role of another person!!! DO NOT DO THIS! The only people that are allowed to PM each other about the game are the Mafiosos, and they can only do so at night! thanks, just wanted to clear that up
  4. unreality

    Mafia II

    lol Post #29 - Rules Post #17 - Strategy Tips Post #51 - Intro these people have confirmed their roles so far: pieman Frost akaslickster
  5. hehe ;D I live in Michigan, so we're kinda close
  6. unreality

    Mafia II

    I'm PMing everyone their roles right now ;D everyone needs to reply within about a day to confirm their roles
  7. unreality

    Mafia II

    In fact, I'm going to start it right now final roster of players: Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb 2) Scott 3) akaslickster 4) pw0nzd 5) GC 6) pieman 7) dnae 8) Frost 9) itachi 10) Kingofpain 11) Nayana 12) puzzlegirl Intro to Mafia II "Tell us the story of Awesomeville again, grandma!" the little grandkids shrieked excitedly. At the sign of her reluctant face, they pleaded even more. "Pleeeeease, grandma! All those villains and spies and mafiosos!" The grandma's eyes twinkled as she remembered her days as a boat hijacker in the canyon river behind the now-peaceful desert town of Tumbleweed, Zazarazalaf. "Alright, kids," she gave in, smiling. "But go to bed straight after the story." The kids huddled excitedly around the old lady, eager to hear the story again. "Awesomeville was a relatively normal, suburban town to the north of here, but still in the Zazarazalaf region," the grandma started. "North of the desert. In fact, the weather was always good in Awesomeville, leading to its growth. Not like Tumbleweed, where the same families have lived for generations. No, kids, Awesomeville had a diverse population, and was located on a major trade route to the capital city of Denbrain. Due to the money that flowed through Awesomeville, the Mafia soon set up a small cell of operations within the town. However, they were at first unaware that a mysterious Grim Reaper had already taken up residence in Awesomeville, and eager to test out his scythe. Once the Innocents of Awesomeville discovered they were being preyed on at night, they become an angry mob, lynching one person every day." The grandchildrens' eyes twinkled as they imagined Mafiosos and Grim Reapers burning at the stake and being hanged and shot and drowned and and... "Yes, their war against the baddies was short-lasted, though," the grandma said sadly, though she was not sad at all. She herself was a terrorist agent from the neighboring country of Quarky. "Due to a mistake by the Host God known only as Unreality due to his unreal nature in our real world, the Mafia was too strong, and although the Grim Reaper was burned at the stake quite early in the war, the Mafia took control of Awesomeville, killing the Innocents that stood in their way and setting it up as the center of the Mafia in our good country of Content Phoenix. Now, the sultan of Content Phoenix, a man named Phoenix, was not happy with the Mafia, and sent the Fiery Armies to root out Unawesomeville and make it Awesome again." "Yay!" the kids screamed in delight as the grandma told the tale of how the Mafiosos were slaughtered and their operation thrown out of the town. "Oh, that's not all," the grandma chuckled, with the hint of a cold smile. "Do you really think the Grim Reaper stays dead for long? No, he was back in Awesomeville, living like a peaceful citizen for a few years after the rebuilding. In fact, I think he was acting mayor for a couple months. Good guy, Reapy. But his bloodlust and connection to mysterious nighttime deaths could not be quelled for long. Soon he would be back to prey on Awesomeville." The kids stared in horror. "But that's not all," the grandma continued. "The Mafia, rankled at Sultan Phoenix's hasty cleanup of Awesomeville in the name of Unreality, started rebuilding their cell within Awesomeville, claiming to the Host God that the game would be fairer this time. Of course, Unreality knew this. He had optimized the rules of the game, making it better and awesomer than Mafia I." "It's a game, grandma?" the kids asked confusedly. "Never mind," the grandma said hastily, just as confused as her grandkids. Why had she said those strange words about a 'game'? This was no game! "Anyway," she continued. "My point is, the Mafia was back. And the Grim Reaper was back to old ways, too. Another hard time was coming for the sleepy town of Awesomeville, kids. But the Innocents were more prepared this time, thanks to the sultan. They were ready to fight back." And so begins Mafia II.
  8. unreality

    Mafia II

    okay, I'm going to officially start the game when I get back from a pizza-boat-dinner, which will probably be in a few hours at the most
  9. unreality

    your fastest is 0:27? daaaamn ;D though what constitutes a "scrambled" cube? How random does it have to be? I think that how "scrambled" it is determines how many rotations are needed to set it right, so that your speeds are based more on the original configuration that you get than how fast you do it (if you're a speed-cuber that is)
  10. unreality

    Mafia II

    yeah well that won't be allowed this time so if you're thinking of joining, JOIN RIGHT NOW!
  11. unreality

    Mafia II

    actually, we could start right now, if people want to what do you guys think?
  12. unreality

    Mafia II

    actually, one person I know will probably join Mafia 3, not 2 so everyone has until later tonight- about 8 hours from now, though it could be as early as 6 hours from now- to join Mafia II!
  13. w00t w00t! Go BrainDenizens ;D
  14. there's still room on Mafia 2 for anyone that wants to play ;D thanks for the ad pw0nzd and welcome, The Awesome... you'll find Brainden is just as awesome as you are
  15. L'Hospital's rule? I think you're think of L'Hopital's rule lol
  16. unreality

    Mafia II

    I think I know a couple others (maybe even at least 3) who want to sign up... so cmon guys, you have until later tonight OR later tomorrow night (I haven't decided which yet ;D) to sign up Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb 2) Scott 3) akaslickster 4) pw0nzd 5) GC 6) pieman 7) dnae 8) Frost 9) itachi 10) Kingofpain 11) Nayana 12) puzzlegirl
  17. I'm trying to think of another one...
  18. an explanation of the riddle for those who don't understand the answer: pentagons are connected with the golden ratio (isn't everything??? ), but the US Pentagon obviously isn't a perfect pentagon, or perfect in any sense of the word ;D lol angle of a pentagon: 108 degrees. 108 is sacred in tons of different Eastern religions, philosophies, traditions, martial arts, etc if you hold up the US Pentagon as hostages, the Eagle will strike back like a gale (ie, the US army will pwn you)
  19. wow, Itachi, you nailed it good job ;D btw, the Great Pyramids were not linked to the Golden Ratio, the Egyptians most likely didn't know about it at the time
  20. crazzy: nope alyanna: very close remember, the answer isn't just an abstract shape- look at the third couplet
  21. Frost and Crash Override: neither of you are right, but you're getting in the right direction I guess it's harder than I thought
  22. unreality

    Mafia II

    just one more person! lol I'm thinking approx 30 hours from now OR 44 hours from now I'll start the game, regardless (ie, 6 hours from now and then either 1 day from that or 2 days from that). So everyone that wants to play needs to join before that time ;D
  23. akaslickster: nope nice try, though
  24. a riddle I just made up Phi = the golden ratio = the golden mean = pronounced "fee" *** I am linked to the Golden Mean, but I'm not as smooth and pristine. My angles are sacred in Eastern philosophy, And you need to know the number Phi to make me. But don't try to hold me up, and fail, for the Eagle will strike back like a gale.
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