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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality


    about the complications of Special Roles- that's one of the awesome things about Mafia. Trust me, most people won't notice any complications happening btw, we need like 5 more people PM everyone you know and invite them. The more the merrier!
  2. well it works along these lines (roughly, there's no set template or anything) Unreality's post: Drone: bla bla *does stuff* bla bla (end of post) Itachi's post: Drone: bla bla *does stuff* bla bla (whatever Unreality had Drone doing) Zetsu: bla bla *does stuff* bla bla (end of post) Unreality's post: Zetsu: bla bla *does stuff* bla bla (whatever Itachi had Zetsu doing) Drone: bla bla *does stuff* bla bla *** that's basically how it works. Yeah it might go slower than if one person were in charge (which is okay if both people get together in PM and decide on a mutual story, then one person writes it), but it avoids pissing everybody off by having people control your characters. I'll give you a few examples why that can be bad: "He helped Neji up, but then caught a careful glance of the enticingly tousled Hinata as she slowly rose to her feet, blinking hard in an attempt to clear her head. Drone almost let Neji fall as he leapt past him and helped the beautiful girl up with a gallant hand." What if Drone already has a love interest? What if he's gay? etc (he's not, but I'm just saying "what if"). Or, what if he's too old for Hinata? (he's 25, aren't Neji and Hinata small children?) Or, what if he wants to avoid any sort of relationship because he knows he'll probably die soon. etc. I mean, I'm fine with Drone x Hinata, but some people wouldn't have been, etc *** As you said, I'm guilty of powerplaying, too, which is another reason why I wanted to stop it so anyway, back to the story no hard feelings, I hope. You sounded kind of peeved (if that's possible on teh intrawebz) yeah I know- you made the mistake of thinking me and Drone were the same person. We're not. Drone is not a philosophical thoughtful character (and he's not "experienced" either... just desperate and scared out of his mind) and doesn't appreciate it when someone sits down in the sand and ignores his warning. Don't take it as a personal tirade, man it's roleplaying see what I mean? I don't assume that, but Drone definitely does. He was expecting Zetsu to start running with em, that's why he's freaking out right now
  3. unreality


    the list: 1) Unreality 2) Kingofpain 3) Thuhchris 4) Frost 5) Itachi 6) Brandonb 7) grey cells 8) pieman it's actually this: Host: Unreality 1) Kingofpain 2) Thuhchris 3) Frost 4) Itachi 5) Brandonb 6) grey cells 7) pieman there are only 7 people so far ;D we need more
  4. unreality


    oh yeah... shplizizzit... I'll revise my rules If the Grim Reaper is the one to kill the last civilian OR the last Mafioso, the Grim Reaper wins. Also, anyone can PM me with a Grim Reaper Accusation- if they are correct, then the Grim Reaper dies instead of making a kill the next night (the Grim Reaper thinks he/she will make the kill, and doesn't know that he/she has been figured out)- but if the accuser is wrong, the Grim Reaper gets secretly informed of the accuser's identity before he PMs his next kill... so, in other words, the accuser finds out that night whether or not he/she was right in his accusation ** as for complications, that's the point ;D most of the Special Roles are filled by Innocents, who still pretend to be Innocents. In fact, I think in some Mafia games, every Innocent has a secret role, but in this one, it'll only be about half or so, depending on the number of people that play I might also add a set of Lovers, or Siblings, or whatnot, one Mafioso and one Innocent, where if one dies than the other dies too (they would both know that they are and who the other person is)
  5. one thing about RPs, you never godmod or powerplay, and I haven't seen any godmodding, which is great but i HAVE seen a lot of powerplaying, but nobody seemed to mind, so I let it go, until now... in RPing, standard etiquette is that you don't talk for, think for, act for, etc, other people's characters. Just telling you guys I noticed it mainly with itachi powerplaying Drone anyway: *** "One thing about me Drone... I never leap before I look, even if I've leaped the ravine a thousand times before. These heralds you spoke of, I'd very much like to meet them." Drone looked at Zetsu, confused. "Did you hear what I just told you?" he snapped, somewhat taken aback by Zetsu's peaceful sitting-on-the-sand. His rant contined, his voice steadily rising throughout: "I don't think you fully understand the situation, mate. The Heralds on their way here right now, and when they find you, they aren't going to be ones for talking. They'll kill me, then drag you down beneath The Origin- that's their little ancient-dome-with-pillars-and-towers-and-crap up there on the volcano... they'll make you touch the Crystal, and if you refuse, or if it doesn't work, which it won't, because there's a virus, they'll throw you and your little apprentices into a giant pit of lava!!!" Drone finished in a desperate yell- nothing more than a hoarse shout- then he collapsed on the sand, curling on himself, shaking with sobs of grief and regret. He would never see his brother ever again. Ever again!!! He remained in that position, no longer caring if the Heralds found them. He didn't expect Zetsu to understand... until now, the old man had been ignorant of what his world really was. He was probably trying to process the information, not thinking it was a big deal. It was. But Drone no longer cared. If Zetsu didn't want to move, to run... then neither would Drone. He would stand and fight, for however limited seconds he would survive against the mighty Heralds. He thought of them: humans like himself, but taller, fairer skinned, as if they did not live under the Epsilonian sun... a light shone on them from as if from some other, invisible source. 3-D tags, his mind flickered, revealing new information. So that the programmers can identify the Moderator Creatures from their 3-D viewpoint. Drone didn't know what that meant. But he did know that the Heralds were strong, unnaturally strong, (The physics emulator of the program regards them specially, his mind offered, but Drone took no notice) and he knew that they had technology that he had never seen before- hard gloves of some strange bronze-orange metal that gleamed in the sunlight and crackled with electricity... they commanded robot assassins, lithe and white and sinewy, like mechanical acrobats... he knew he didn't stand a chance. But if Zetsu wanted to meet the Heralds, he would meet them all right.
  6. unreality


    new role: The Ghost it sucks to be the first person to die, so that person will now become the Ghost. They are still dead, so they cannot speculate/post in the daytime and such (NOBODY can during the nighttime, they're sleeping in Awesomeville, the town where this will take place)... but the Ghost can pick one person and see into their soul, and that person's Special Role, if any, is revealed to the Ghost. What the Ghost decides to do with that information is his or her choice (since he or she is out of the game, they can freely PM people)
  7. unreality

    I rated you (5 stars) and left you a comment ;D
  8. unreality


    another, more in depth outline of the game: Nighttime- nobody posts anything, the Mafiosos PM me who they want to kill. The Mafiosos can also PM each other during this time! IT IS THE ONLY EXCEPTION TO THE RULE. At any other time, and any other roles, PMing ABOUT THE GAME IS NOT ALLOWED! NO OUTSIDE CONTACT! Once a Mafia majority and agreement is reached, and once the Doctor has PMed who they want to save, and once the Grim Reaper has PMed who they want to visit (every other night), or if they PM me quick enough before the Mafia decides, they can try a Mafia Wipeout. Once I have that in, I make a little story of what happened during the night. Then the daytime begins, and all living players decide on who to lynch, and what manner the execution should be. Once a majority has been reached, I create a little story. Then nighttime begins again.
  9. unreality


    Another special role: The Grim Reaper every other night (2nd, 4th, etc), the Grim Reaper picks one person to kill. The Grim Reaper is neither an Innocent nor a Civilian, and nobody knows who he or she is (except himself or herself). The Grim Reaper only wins if he/she is the last remaining player in the game. If the Grim Reaper suspects that the remaining members are all Mafiosos other than him/her, the Grim Reaper can do a Mafia Wipeout at ANY night, not just every-other-night, and kill all the Mafiosos, leaving the Grim Reaper as the winner- but if the Grim Reaper is wrong, he or she gets Grimly Reaped
  10. also, did you notice that Zetsu's story jumped 3 months in the middle of all of it? Meaning, his story BEFORE the 3-month jump has to be very first and the only thing until the division right before his 3 month jump. Cuz Drone wouldn't be standing on the dune staring at the citadel with uncertainty and without blinking, frozen in time for 3 months my idea: it's a computer program, so if we need to do that, we can say that he "glitched" and "froze" for 3 months of simulation time, without realizing that that had happened that way, there's no need to change around the story and no need to write about him glitching, since he didn't know it happened, to him, three months passed by in an instant
  11. unreality


    1) Unreality 2) Kingofpain 3) Thuhchris 4) Frost 5) Itachi 6) Brandonb 7) grey cells 8) pieman grey cells: I guess it depends on how often you're on... even if different time zones, as long as you're on often enough, that's okay I was thinking of making each period/daynightcycle/round/whatever about 24 hours or so to give everyone enough time to do their job
  12. unreality


    thanks for joining I'm hoping for 12 people before we start playing, btw
  13. You're awesome ;D just curious, does this site generate money for you? (or is it the other way around? lol)

  14. I realized I haven't left a commenton here for you :D you're the shizzit of this forum, mate ;D

  15. unreality

    that's cool... I'm not gonna DL it... but it's still cool
  16. unreality


    itachi PMed me to say he wanted to join, not sure why he didn't post here though: 1) Unreality 2) Kingofpain 3) Thuhchris 4) Frost 5) Itachi the more people, the better
  17. unreality


    I may or may not have some of the Special Roles- ie, I may not decide to have a Traitor, or a Doctor, etc
  18. unreality


    I made up Mass Battle and I made up The DEITY System, but I did NOT make up Mafia, so if turns out to be a sucky game, it's not my fault lol The Updated, Final Rules: Click Here *** There are two factions: Mafiosos and Innocents I (Unreality) am the Host- I am neither faction, but I oversee the game In the beginning, everyone signs up to play, then I randomly pick Mafia members- there's always more Innocents than Mafiosos. I PM all the Mafiosos, telling them who ALL the Mafiosos are, then on this topic I post the total number of mafiosos, so that the Innocents know (but the Innocents do not know who among them are Mafia members) The game takes place in cycles of night and day. At night, each Mafioso PMs me (and only me) who they want to kill, and how. I take whoever got the most votes and mix all the methods of killing for that person, and in the morning (after all Mafiosos have submitted their vote), I announce who dies, and how, and they are out of the game. In the day, everyone still alive in the game discusses who they want to "lynch" (the Innocents want to lynch suspected Mafia members). Once a majority consensus is reached, that person is written off the game as well. Remember, the Mafia members (secretly pretending to be Innocents) also vote who to lynch. * If the last person standing is an Innocent, the Innocents win. * If the Mafia members ever have a majority of numbers over the Innocents, the Mafia members win (you COULD keep playing after this, but there would be no point, Mafia would win no matter what) Special Roles: * The Doctor- I will secretly choose one Innocent to be the Doctor, who, every night, PMs me of one person they want to "save", which cannot be themselves. If this person is voted by the Mafia, the person lives. * The Traitor- I will secretly choose one Innocent to be the Traitor, who only wins if the Mafia wins. The Mafia do not know who this Traitor is- ie, the Traitor has inspirations to be a Mafioso, but isn't an official member. * The Don- one of the Mafia members will be the Don. At night, instead of voting for someone to be killed, the Don can opt to recruit one Innocent to be a Mafia member. The Don can only do this once. The Innocent is informed, but the other Innocents aren't. All of the Mafiosos know who the Don is * The Martyr- another secret Innocent role. They can opt to, ONLY ONCE, and at any time, PM me with a suspected Mafioso. I reveal (to everyone) the role of this exposed person, but the Martyr DIES (thus everyone learns who the Martyr was, too) RULES No outside contact! YOU CANNOT PM PEOPLE ABOUT THE GAME! This is the most important and ONLY rule in the entire game, and if anyone breaks it, they are never allowed to play Mafia ever ever ever again on this forum. SIGNING UP Just put your name here, in a list: 1) Unreality 2) etc we can have as many people, but we have to have at least 7 or 8 to play, hopefully 10+ Only play if you can play reguarly! You will need to be an active participant in the game, and if enough time goes on and you still haven't PMed/voted (depending on your position), your character will be murdered
  19. itachi: oops ;D sorry man. I must have forgotten about that one
  20. ((I'm putting Drone's whole story so far, the new part starts after the second trio of asterisks)) Epsilon-0 Ping... ping... The drops continued to fall from the roof of the sewer tunnel, splashing with little pings on the metallic, sloping floor. Drone held his breath and groaned inwardly as he brought his foot down, making a diminutive splash. He froze, the fear binding him to the spot like an unseen vice. Time ticked by in the form of heartbeats, pounding nervously against his ribs. He must've waited at least ten minutes before loosening his muscles and taking the next step in the murky darkness. Fear coursed through his veins, heightening his senses- almost too much. Every little shadow made his adrenaline soar like a golden eagle. Every time a rat scurried across the damp surface of the sewer tunnel, his heart would leap drastically. Every time he heard a distant splash, his mind experienced a flash of panic. Drone was running for his life. More like walking agonizingly slow. But he knew what would happen if he sped up. If he made noise. They would find him, they would capture him, they would hunt him down relentlessly until he was theirs. Drone couldn't let that happen- he had discovered the truth- the ultimate truth... and he had paid for it with his brother's life and quite possibly his own. Another step. Another. Another. Drone was so close to the escape ladder... but it was at least another ten steps. Eight steps now... five steps... three steps... one more step... he reach out to touch the ladder, his fingers trembling and tentative, as if he had never believed this moment would- Something tackled him from the shadows, dragging him into the dirty water. All the adrenaline was suddenly justified: Drone whipped around and hurled himself upward, taking his assailant with him- his momentum drove them both into the wall of the tunnel, smashing his attacker against the hard metal. Drone felt something crush sickeningly, but he only felt the smallest tinge of regret. His brother had made him promise, on his dying breath, to get out alive. To make sure their sacrifice wasn't for nothing. Computer terms flashed through Drone's head... words he hadn't understood until arriving here: viruses... code... hexadecimal... unable to complete Cycle 5... ERROR. His unseen opponent wasn't finished- whatever it was threw Drone off him and regained its composure. As Drone steadied himself and whipped around, he heard heavy breathing. Whoever it was, they were alive. A living being. Drone ignored his initial confusion- he had assumed the Heralds would've sent an assassin robot after him. Until Drone saw the person- then he understood even less. "What the hell are you doing here?" he shouted, as the assailant ominously circled around him, trying to get the best fighting position. "Answer me!" No response. "Why did they send you?" "They didn't send me," the attacker rasped, his dark eyes surveying Drone. "They would send a robot." "Then who did?" "I sent myself." The attacker lunged, metal glinting in their hand- a knife. Drone caught the arm and heaved on it, kneeling down, flipping the attacker over his shoulder, slamming him into the ground. The attacker instantly flipped onto his stomach, twisting Drone's arm 180 degrees. Drone screamed in pain, and the attacker launched himself forward, knife aimed for Drone's throat- he took full use of the millisecond he had, catching the attacker's arm and locking them in a death struggle... they grappled for control of the knife... the attacker was stronger, better trained... Drone gritted his teeth, growling in frustration. If the attacker gained the upper hand here, Drone would be dead. Like his brother. That memory fueled him, unleashing a seismic force buried deep within him. His anger, confusion, and wonder combined about the truth of his world was like a volcano, it had been building up and up and up until it was about to explode... the volcano erupted inside Drone now, and he roared in his newfound strength, hurling the attacker against the metal ladder. His enemy's head smashed against the rung and the man fell limply to the floor. The noise would have alerted the Heralds. It wouldn't be long before one of their deadly robots showed up- Drone scooped up the knife. He would need it. *** As Drone pushed his way into the sunlight and stepped out from the dark sewer pipe, his face brushed against dewy dune grass and his hands rested on warm sand. He stood up, closing the hatch behind him- sand naturally rushed in to cover it up. He was between two lofty sand dunes that flared up on either side, coming to a knifelike apex. The pipeline must've continued on and into the ocean. Drone shook his head wearily... the Heralds seemed to have no respect for the beautiful environment. A digital environment... pollution was never programmed in... More words he didn't know. Digital? Programmed? Words he had never even known existed until Epsilon-0. Drone hiked up the sand dune to the top and stared out at the twinkling sapphire ocean. It was noon- the sun was hanging directly above him, casting a golden glow across the stretch of sand from here to the shore. Drone took a deep breath, inhaling. It was just like his home island of Epsilon-1. A place he could never return. Not after what he had seen here- he turned around to face the middle of the island. The vast tropical island, roughly circular, rose up from beach into jungle and then into a massive volcano, green-sloped and dormant. At the top was a mighty dome, flanked by pillars and ringed with towers. The Herald fortress known as The Origin. Three days ago, Drone and his brother, Kelrod, had arrived at Epsilon-0, their raft floating lazily ashore. They had been the first to evolve intellectually, months ago, longing to explore their mysterious world. They began to build a boat... However, a man named Quarad had got the idea at the same time, and a deadly battle had been fought atop the boat as it launched into sea... Quarad had loaded explosives onboard, but Kelrod and Drone escaped on a piece of flotsam, a chunk of the hull that would serve as a raft. They had believed Quarad to be dead. Then they had floated onto Epsilon-0. A Herald appeared to them, saying they could end Cycle 5 as a success, whatever that meant. The Heralds took them to The Origin and took them down into the lava chambers inside the volcano- where there lied a gigantic volcanic crystal. All they had to do was touch the Crystal, and Cycle 5 would be a success. The AI program would be successful, and it would be a huge breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence, Drone had wondered. What do they mean, "artificial"? The Heralds had revealed that the Crystal was not the DEITY System- neither was the island of Epsilon-0. They had shown Drone and Kelrod the truth- that EVERYTHING in Epsilon was part of the DEITY System. It was the computer-generated environment around them and the code that ran it. Choosing whether or not to touch the Crystal "was part of the test", the Heralds said... though the programmers much wanted them to do it. Kelrod was first... he looked back at Drone. The night before, they had discussed what would happen if Cycle 5 "terminated"- what would happen to the people inside? Kelrod had decided not to touch it. And he had paid with his life. Drone gritted his teeth in loss and anger at the memory of his brother being dragged away, never to be seen again. A Herald had returned, informing Drone that his brother had been thrown into the lava, and the same would happen to him unless he touched the Crystal. Remembering his brother's final shouted words as they dragged him away, Drone had decided. His life was not worth the many that would be rendered inexistant if the program ended. He had refused to touch it. That was when the Heralds got nervous- their bluff hadn't work. So they had leapt on Drone and forced his hand onto the Crystal. What happened next was not "the success"- the Crystal had flashed, and a computer voice had asserted that there was a virus in the system. A programming error. It was unable to complete Cycle 5 until the virus was destroyed. That was when Drone had taken advantage of his captors' confusion, breaking free of their grasp and running through the underground tunnels underneath the volcano until he found the sewer pipe. Then Quarad had attacked him. Someone the man had also found his way to Epsilon-0. Drone had smashed his rival's head against the ladder, but he doubted Quarad was dead. And now, Drone had no idea what to do as he stared up at the citadel of the rulers of his artificial world. *** ((we'll pretend you didn't know his name, lol)) Drone's uncertainty was broken by the sound of hurried orders and splashing. He turned quickly, his mind churning through the possibilities. Heralds, coming ashore? No, they don't make that much noise. Some of Quarad's goons, perhaps? Just in case, Drone grabbed a long piece of hollow driftwood and inched down the dune to the newcomers. He reeled in shock when he saw their faces. One of them was covering his eyes with a long beige cloth, wrapped around his head multiple times like a bandage. Another was burdened with a bag of scrolls, and was flashing sign language to the other two. The oldest one, much older than the other two, was kneeling in the sand, eyes squeezed shut, face curled into an expression of pure agony... much like Drone and Kelrod when they had first arrived. Information is being downloaded, Drone thought absentmindedly. That small information was nothing, however, to the stuff he had learned underneath The Origin. One other effect of the information download: the Heralds knew they were there. Before his mind had even processed all of that, Drone had been overcome with emotion. Finally, some allies! No doubt other Epsilonians, traveling from other isles. It seemed to be a vast archipelago... Drone wondered how many islands there were. He brushed his thoughts away and asked the obvious question, his eyes red-rimmed from suppressed emotions, which were colliding in his heart like fireballs. "Who are you?" "My name is Zetsu. These are my apprentices Neji and Hinata. I am a village elder of Epsilon 13 and a former Shaman. We came here seeking the truth about DEITY. A truth that was initially revealed to me in a fore-telling dream. Now that dream has come true and I have met you, a foreigner from a land unknown to me and my people. So please, tell me. Where are we?" Drone introduced himself and then answered Zetsu: "Epsilon-0... the supposed home of the DEITY System, the force that runs everything. But that's a lie- it's all a lie. We are all part of the DEITY System- it's a computer program... but you don't know what that means, of course. I didn't either, until I washed up here with my brother. But now my brother is dead and the Heralds know you're here. We have to go!"
  21. unreality

    religious debate

    You know, I get a deep sadness in my Noodly Soul when I see people that do not believe in the FSM. Atheists, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists... anyone that does not recognize Him, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, is a fool who is missing out on the Pasta Joys of Life. Every day, kneel down and eat 7 bowls of pasta while reading from the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, available here. I guarantee that after 12 weeks of this, every single day, the Flying Spaghetti Monster will show His Awesomeness to you in all His Noodly Glory in your pasta bowl
  22. unreality

    religious debate

    The Flying Spaghetti Monster exists! Someone give me one piece of proof that the Flying Spaghetti Monster does not exist... seriously. I challenge everyone
  23. it's so crazy... from any other angle, the pictures look rediculous- but from that one angle... wow I've seen these before, but I'm still blown away ;D
  24. that sucks man... but at least you learned and can set examples unreality's lesson of the day: DON'T SMOKE! DON'T DO DRUGS! EVER!
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